The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    Wednesday, July 18. 1900
The Dr. Sanden Electric Belt
W & '
i I '
' My .
1 fry '
Every one knows something about my great appliance,
the Dr. Sanden Electric Belt with attachment for men. It has
won friends in all parts of the world. I invented it as a
specific treatment for those weaknesses of men which result
from youthful indiscretions or later excesses. It is the proper
application of the galvanic current. It gives just the right
quantity for good and quick results. It is the
Weak Man's Hope
We all know that Electricity is strength or nerve force,
and where the system lacks this"! contract to supply it. From
the Sanden Belt you get a long continued flow of the galvanic
current. That is what is necessary. You wear it all night for
from two to three months, and "take ordinary care of your
general health. That is all you require. It sends a pleasant,
soothing current through kidneys, Liver, Stomach, Bladder
and Prostrate Gland. It cures without danger of relapse. You
Use No Drugs
The current may be made mild or strong by turning a
little thump-screw regulator which modifies the' intensity to
suit the desire of wearer.
Free Book & Free Consultation
Drop in today, if possible, and have a look at the Belt, test current ane consult me free of charge, or write for
free book, "Three Classes of Men." which explains all, sent in plain, sealed envelope. I answer letters personally.
DR. A. T
Dept. J 9 & di
Russell Building, Portland, Ore
Till Reclaim a Large Arc of Hit "Oregon
A large :irr;i of l.uul In southern Ore
Ron, liiiovvn lit stockmen ;is "the drsrrt,"
is about to he put undtr irrigation system
hy the lies Chutes ,V Lake Irri
gation romp.iuy, which had a party ol
surveyors In the field lor several months.
Yestetil.iy C. N. Sottt, ol I'ortlaml, and
Waller Moore, of Moro, olficers of the
company, arrange! to take a trip over the
ground, atcnmpanieJ hy Dell Stuart, their
nttorney. J he party will leave InJ.iy for
Shanilto, the terminus of the Columbia
Southerh, ami will take, private
lonveyaiues Irom theie.
'Ihese gentlemen sav the main canal of
the system Is to he ioa miles long ami 40
del wide at the surface ot the ground and
30 at the bottom. It wilU.triva Mtram
11I water 10 feet deep I he Is to tap
the iJes Chutes titer near its head, on
the eastern slope ol the Cascades, where a
tirvrt-talltng supplv of watet is assured.
'I he land to be bloilghl under tin- tilt) if
mie of the dlUh would malic a good sled
ount. It is a level, and region and Its
soil, of light alluvial composition,
i.ipableot pioihuing anything grown in
the tcmpet.itr one when nine the water
s applied. I he duality has heietotoie
been ulllled .is w Intel pasture bv the
rattle, and sheep men ol C100K tountv,
who misnamed It the "desert," because
110 living spiuigsoi tunning stieams were
louiid within lis boundaries. 'I he snow
fall during Hie winter season enables live
stock to get along without water, as they
can the snow while ctopplng the
glasses grow 011 the sandy surlace.
In the spring the melting snow stalls the
glass, ;md the soil absorbs moisture '
enough to grow a modeiatc itop each
vr.11. Veiv little, it any, rain falls on the
"ilrseit" in the spring or fall.
'I hr ittlgi'ion lOinpany has obtained
title to 380,000 acres of laud under various
modesof purchase, mainly by scrip, though
theie are still large quantities open for lo
votioti under the desert land act, and Im
provements about to be made will doubt
less attract a large number ot hnmeseek-
' ers w ho desire to raise fruit and produce
with the aid of irrigation.
Work on the main canal will be begun
' right away. The Japs now finishing the
road bed ol the Columbia Southern will
be utilized for this purpose, and their
number will be increase 500 within .1 few
I The otliclals of the company say that
the proposed railroad front The Dalles up
! the Des Chutes to l.akevlew via Prine
vllle, will pass right through the heart of
. the reclaimed area, and this will enable
the people of that legion to market their
prodtiits in Cortland at a nominal ex
pense. (In the east side of Crook county, the
hasteru Oegon litigation companv, witli
he.idqu.itters at Ptineville, is prep.ulng lo
tap the John Day liter and laud its
waters over a level stretch of counttv
equally capable ol reclamation. I hese
vast areas, now comparatively valueless,
will be wotth ?$o to ioo an acre under a
proper system ol litigation, while towns
and villages will sptiug up vvheteuow the
sheephetder's lonely tent is the only evi
dent of the present r of humanity, and
even that is absent in the summer time.
I he men cnnnei.ted with this vast litiga
ting scheme are equally positive the
railroad Irom The Dalles up the Des
Chutes w ill be put through 111 short order,
and within two years the fruits of these
enterprises will be making themselves
appaieut In Portland. Oregoniau.
Baby McKee Show Up Favorably.
Col. J. T. Grayson, manager of the
Baby .McKee propettv, in Cable Cove
district, came down Saturday and reports
I work progressing rapidly under Superin-,
I trndeut A. Henry. I he Colonel also e.v
I hibitrd some beautiful samples of high '
( grade ore from the workings, carrying 1
gtld, silver and lead. He says the Baby ,
McKee will make one of the big mines of
the district, and that with transportation
facilities the Cable Cove country will be I
the most attractive one to mining men of j
any he has visited. They are hi with a J
tunnel 500 feet and have now started a I
crosscut, which .it 28 feet shows every in
dication of being near the vein.
0. R. & N. CO.
East and Southeast
M fL
oJl li ,i
Two Daily Solid Vestibuled Trains
Baker City to Chicago
Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers.
Dining Car and Hiiffett Library Cars.
I:irst-Class Free Inclining Chair Cars.
Maker Citv to DKNVliK, KANSAS
CI I'Y, OMAHA and CHICAGO without
thance. Onlv one change to M-VV
YORK, BOSTON and other Hasteru
For rates, tickets
call on or address
and full Information
O. R. & N. Co.
Baker Citv. Ore.
Or, J. H. I.ATHROP, Gen'l Agt.
No. 135 Third St., Portland, Ore.
10-41 p in
J45 a in
I mm Maker City
Sail Lake, Denver, ft.
worth, Omaha, Kan
sas Lily, Si. Louis
Chicago anj Bail.
Salt Lake, Denver. 1 1
Worth. Omaha. Kan-
ut Citv. Si. Louts,
v-nicago anj Last.
Wall, Walla. Lewlston.
Srokane, Minneapolis
.-11. rau', iiuiuiii, Mil
waukee. Chicago anj
All Sailing JHes stiMecl
In chanEr.
I or Sin I ranrkrn
Salt eer 5 Jays.
i.. Minjiv S MM HS
6 pm
Snurjiy to Astoria anj Wav
i pm lanJincs,
a m
l'.. Sunjjy
? .1 m
Tues. Tluir.
jnJ Sat
wiiampiti: rivi:r
Oregon Cllv. Newt-ire.'
ruiem. mjrpenjence
anj Way-LanJIngs.
Oregon City, Davtnn,
ana vva-i.anjlngs.
O.I m 'U'll I . UlTrr ........
TW ih. 1 ""-"" 1 1- muK
. ... ... . ..HI.
anJSil. 1'ortlm.t In ...villi.
anj Walanjings
4J a m
5: p 1
4 p m
I. SunJay
4- o p m
l.. SunJay
i:op m
.Won. WeJ.
anj Trl.
Ms a m
Rlparia lo Lelston
4. top m
Mon. WeJ.
anj III.
I tuition
H. C. BOWKRS, Agent,
Baker City, Oregon