THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, July 18. 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official I'.-ipt-r of the Town of Sumpter. of operation ;it Tientsin and Taku. Upon the basis of these figures, which, It Is said, are those ftirnlshej by the com manders of the allied forces in China, this government will furnish between 10,000 and 12,000 soldiers. Recent orders also contemplate the sending of a siege bittery c. 11 CUM IMlt IVIMV VSHlMSIMV IIV maksii am. J. w. i.o.s.vii i.A'nowat l;ort Riley, Kan., for the Chinese One Ymi Mi Mviillit suitsi uiiTios mm AlttAVS is aIivam'.i. I service. Secretary Root said that he had not received any word from the military ntticcrs in China regarding the reported I disaster to the Ninth regiment. transmission Ihrmigh Ihe matter I MANY persons ask for infornntion on tm.trJ at iti- i-M.Wfr in Su.n ier. (rtKn.ii.r somr subject, as for instance "What con- is vena cuss sutrs a 'miiirr's iiiclr ot water?" and ' expect a categorical answer. This is a i)iiestiiin wlilih mav be answered in many POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. df(, tt ,VSf :nj ,,,,.,, drcWl pro. . diked tn luck up the answer in each case. Wllll.l: the world is not looking the ' l;or example, there .ire live different deli- Hoers are striking a lick or two lor their I nitlmis of a miner's Inch of water In use "altars and their lues"- or words to that ' in Oregon, and there have been some 50 effect. deiisinns ot courts in tills state on the . , ..... suhjeit. A m.ijoritv ol lliese decisions, IT IS reported tut Admiral Seymour , , (m ;t by ; ,,,ve bcc) , killed his wounded ... at their ur-, , (V()r n( (r ,,,, ,, c (W of gent request to keep the... run. tailing in , wMff , ,, ( h((p o(t. nf h e wMf the hands ..I the . irbarous Hnxrrs. ( (p (J (( , )r i(ies( ;s ,) I III: "old man" leaves .own belore the "" ,l,lll'' P,'",h ",c "iuh ,",,l',S1 '" b,e paper is issued, lets the hired black.. er '" l.MiuMy ' been adjud ,..ted, do the dl.ty work and gel the abuse, re- "" " '" " ' "'" "" ater would How turns In a few days and regrets .hats P. . t ir.Miish a in . thin pi He or plank thing or other was published. AuJ Hut! '""' "' ' ,,,icl "" Colorado and other is the sie ol the outlil. ' " ,-"" ,w" '"" "c 7" 1 a miner s Inch, and in all the states to- OH COUKM! Corbett declares that it . K"1'". '""'J-, luvr ''" "b,"."t " to blackmail K, musad decisions on the subject. It can, what they all s,v; that is considered the I ;"" 'V,1 f "w '' ,,;,, ',,,s; proper thing to v,v under the lltcilm. ,sible to answer deln.ltelv-ol hand-just stances. Of u.urse the old is ., "' "Kl. water goes to make a miner's 11n.11.- v rregniiMii. ----- J ohn Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer The Highest References J (ilven When ttojinrtJ I 1 IIAKI.R UTV. OMH. I Cable AdJress Templegray, Hiker. Ore i ------ pENNER it WORTHING ION Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. IK'puh Mineral Sumnors lor Oregon, Wash ington, U1I111 anj Monlana. Lnglneen lot Itif Sumpter Townslte Company, LlmlleJ Untfitficand and Pliant Smti. and Driuritlrif. let Printing H. I. HENUUYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. SUAM'Tkk, II irgiilns In Sumpter Dlslrli t 1.1.111ns. OHhGON White Cross devotee, a persecuted pa tri.nh. When vou travel the Hourue road re member Itamard has all the latest remedies lor dust in the throat. Weinhard';. beer on draught at Henry B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT I HI-HI: ate two Van Wviks in New York; one the mayor and Ue trust mag nate, the oilier a judge and delegate to thedemmratic nation .1 convention, both democrats. Ihe republican partisan pres l:lnger's: 10 cents per glass substitutes one for the othei to suit Its varying fancy. ; IN Till: trial at Georgetown, Kentucky, ! of Powers, Implicated in the Goebel imir-! der, IMnley Anderson, son of the pro-1 piletor of the hotel at whivh Powers and; his colleagues met, testilied that lie heard the accused sav: "We will kill enough 1 members oil he legislature to give us aj majority. Goebel will nevei be governor. If we can't get some one else to kill him, I will kill him mvself." 1'iess reports ot ! the trial say that the prisoner on hearing this damaging testimouv, (lushed vMblv. AM) now the stoiles of hardship and privations and blasted hopes .nut utter ' despair ot the thousands w ho rushed up to ' Cape Nome during Ihe spring are be ginning 1 1 lind their way dovwi Iron, the, bleak, Irorn north. I he .ouditiou nl al talis there Is even uioie hopeless than was anticipated, and sukiilrs .ur s,.IJ to be ot hourly occuneiue. Seattle papers and coast steamship companies that worked up this gigautk, iltu-l kontide.ue game1 will be damned it there is mkIi ,1 thing as retributive justke. I MOM- Itoseis ate loaded lor big game and ale Kigging the Minr, I he Chinese ' wereliistto make an explosive, limn' which the gunpowder ot this d.iy was evolved, and thev kuoy sumrthiug ol its use. Main good men will lose their lives III tills sit. ip, In. w hlih Ihe Chuiesr ale . not entirely to blame. All people resent interleienie will. Ilitir lellgi o and dis-' regard ot their traditions. Hut ibis is ,1 war, 00 one side being airnxed thei rivilied, thiisti.iuled world; on the other one heathen nations .tjid, ot couise, the one is all light ailll the other nil 1 wrong judged bv the Christian standard. I W, A. SAMMS, AUCHITI-CT, nvMH i.iiv, : owi ons ttrllnblr pi m,rifllnallonv jnJ rtlmatr lurnlhi-,l K. WIII.I.I I U, I'. O. llo oj. I'honr Alim an. Oilier: i South (,fnlr Strrrt Notary Public. Mining and Civil Engineer. II. S. Deputy Mlnrul Survur. .Vljpplng unj lllur Printing. Mini' (namlnatlonk anj reports mJf. SprcUl at tention itlvrn totJ.inlJe'priK'en. H. imciKiv 111 gtAin Mil ISA st'lUMl. SUMIM'HK OKhXiON I M'lTAI IKITII AH I HUH PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. 1). S. Dcput) Mineral Surveyor Inr Oregpn anj IJ1I10. bnamlnttlont anj reports on mining proper ties. Omce Hith Utile (ilant Mining Co. Mill Muirr. Su"Kt(. Obi-oon. g c. sTtrrtN. Justice of the Peace, Suinpler District (ieneral Conseyandng .ssiimam:i. E.I.. MANNING", KMl LSTATIi City KeorJer unJ Nourv Put-lie. LnlteClions Abstracts Agent Inr lricli I ire I'sllngulslier. Sumpter. : . CI HM a CO. ,MIMN(i INVISTMIMS PrtM'Uo lianlait Rprt4 on. Nimlir On tn Minln SUck tlcKint 14(1 I iiiim) Sr. POKTI.AM), OKI:. : a 1. I:. STAHH. S'roi r 4 sheuon, ss P. STOIT J. r. shiiios Attorneys at Law. SUMI'TI R. OHEOON I Ohm, mi. 1 iicii st. Sumpier. Oregon IJAkl It , IIMCI U SI1IIWSMS ST I SW 1'i.icilce in nil tlir l.outis ot the Mite V . l.inJOnur mj Vtlnlni; I Illusion peilallies kttims s anj t Dunpliet Ui.inilui.Jiiit; .. I A I.HASDI . )HU QHAS. E. ROBI.IN, ATTOKNI.V-AT-IAW Nntar) Public MiNim $. I Irst'or$uinpter SUMI'TI , OR , II. W. HAMILTON. Minim; mJI Cnnsulilng Lngineer .Mining Properties CvsmineJ anj Keporlei On. LT. hkockNm. d., I'MO.M Washington s nines tile report that it will leipiiie stv thouvind men I for the match to I'ekiu .md' more to keen the line of tiiiiimiinif.itlmi . it. .I.,,, I eases ot Women. Oittce open, and il necessary to delend the bases (,ranit sueet near Mm. Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. Special Attention (liven io Suri'eM anj lo Pis. .-Si-Ill IIUKk, KeslJcne, llos &. St'MPTtlc. OHIOON DRS. TAPE s PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. . ITAWI.F, . o. t.. w, tAi'i. it. a i Telephone Main s. SOHPTtR, OllCOS Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery eo Agents for "HERCULES" Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER .