The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 18, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, July 18. 1900
Grizzly Gold Mining Co.
CAPITAL $500,000
in 1,000,000 shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares.
President, .INO. I. IM-NHAUi,
(,( Sen. Mgr. Hunker Hill ( iolJ .Wining Co., Similiter, Oregon. i
(President Cltiens Bank, Baker City.)
Treasurer, EUGE.K SPERRY
Secretary, R. C. PENTLAND
The Grizzly group consists of the "Colorado" and the "Colorado Extension" quartz mineral claims,
situated in the Sumpter District of Baker county, Oregon, six miles northwest of the town of Sumpter, form
ing pari of the rich mineral zone wherein are located producing mines of fabulous wealth, such as the
"tNorth Pole." "Columbia," "Golconda," "Bonanza" etc., etc. Development work on the Grizzly group
has disclosed a gold bearing ledge ol remarkably high value, development work has progressed and there is
every reason to expect the property will become one of the greatest mines in Oregon.
Read Our Proposition Carefully
A limited amount of Treasury Stock is offered for sale at SIX CENTS Pt-'r share, payable
cash down or in twelve monthlv payments, the funds realized being used tor opening up the property and
making a producing mine of it. The purpose of the company is to have a steady inflow of cash to' meet
monthly pav roll and expenses incidental to active development work. This can be realized by selling stock
on monthly installments just as well as if selling lor all cash.
I lie fnllimlni: nlli-r I mJe Investor Inr the purchase til Tre.iurv Sleck: 9,000 SHARES AT Se PCR HANC.
Investor tr trciire cnnlrnl nl a Urgrr Hnckut stock than II pa Inc. nil cah therehv AlforJInc the
IV tlut lonn helnre llir latt mnnihlv p.i mrnl shjll be ntJr, aitlvc Jevelormenl will nuke the itock
oMti,on ihr ommi market, limes ihe v.ilii.'.il ulilih H Unu being 'iiti l i-J: with .1 tnmi; par value will be atlalneJ. S.ihtcrlptlont (or tlock may he tent to the l-IWM
Hask in SliMi'lIM, Sum,trr,(iru"i,iir lo ihi' Vtirtait nl tin- l.nnpjiii. Inr ru'vi'lut anjlur liter lntorm.ulon, aJJre
Remarkable Opportunity tBSEm
illMMnllv ol KMlnln rnonnmi fnhis mi unit il e.ish nutln , ll Mni fnrulJftiM .1 rrrtalntv I
Cmiflta tsMn ! ClTf OttlftOM
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
PhittSrkk Armed With an Injunction
Arthur Phllhrick, the Baker City min
ing 111:111, Irll this cilv yesterday fur
Weisrr, armed with .in Injunction issued
by Judge Stewart, which will he served
by Washington county's sheriff mi thr
filing by thr parties securing the process
of thr necessary ho ml. I'he injunction
was obtained on hell. ill o( Charles II.
Chance mid is directed to V. W.
Campbell, who is enjoined from iuterfer
nit; with thr Last Chance iiiIiiIiik
laitn on thr head of, Matin's creek
pending adjudication of the case. Ac
nrdlng to Chance's altid.ivit he located
the claim mid posted the notice on'Julv 2,
the ground never before having been lo
i.ited. He went away to tecord the Uk.c
linn and, leltirniiiK to do the assessment
work, lom.d Campbell in possession, de
termined to friit 1I11. Mr. Phllbrick, who,
it seems, has somr Interest in the proper'
ty, .v.ts sent to Boie to secure legal ad
vise, and the tlieissii.iiueot an injuiiitioii
follow rd. Hnisr Statesman.
Will Work the Old California.
Yesterdiv II. C.iMe, Johanna W.
Cabell and Bessie Cabell eecuted a bond
and lease on the old California mine, at
the head ol Cable Cove, to .Me-sis. Kll
len and Watnei. ol Spokane. I he lessees
have contracted to run a 700-lDDl ctosstiit
tunnel, which will nit the main ledge 100
tret in depth, the work to be commenced
not later than August 1, 1000. Mr. Wil
liam Jackson, tormrrlv superintendent of
the (lolconda mine, is to be in charge of
operations at the California I'he Cali
fornia is tli; oldest location In the Cable
Cove district, and has been unite exten
sively developed in yeats past. The
Cable Bros, and Cabell Bros, have own
rd the propettv from its first discovery
;iud several years ago realized good re
nuns trom ore shipments made to Sail
l:rancid. Of late the property has been
idle but Its inetifs have all along been
! recognized. I'hr proposed plan of de
velopmeiit will certainly make of the
California a gieat producer. Maker City
Scenic Line of the World.
l:or an enjoyable trip east, take the
Denver - Hio (iraude railroad, Scenic
, Line of thr world. Three daily trains be-
tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo
'and all eastern points, and all points on
the Pacltic coast. Most magnificent scen
ery on this continent. The leading fea
ture In connection with the trip I- that the
through trains pass through the -scenic
attractions ot the Rockv mouutains in
, Colorado bv daylight, thus attording pas
sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable
tide, free from dust and the annoyances
experienced via other lines. Superb din
lug iar serxkr on all through trains.
Service a la i.irte, pay lor w hat you order.
I lirough standard and tourist sleepers.
Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets
anywhere between Ogdrn and Denver.
Call on your nearest ticket agent for
lUkels, rate- and alt informal ion, or ad
diess, H. C. NICIIOI.,
(ieneral Agent, I'ottlaud, Ore.
Stuulko "Knockers" at Large.
Some parties wliiu.une to Sliauikn in
the spiing, when hands weie stake, and
got jobs, and after w inking or attempt
ing to put in time and finally were tired
alter competent men could be found to re
place them, have lett tor pastures new
and are cinulatlug reports that the bottom
has dropped out ot Shaniko, and that it is
on the wane. We have gone to the
. trouble to look into the matter, and find
that such reports could only be circulated
by cheerful liars. Shaniko Leader.
Don't neglect your eyes. Classes and
spectacles properly titled to defective
sight. Is. C. Brodie, Opera House Jew
city Store, Sumpter.
Drug Co.
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only
to merchants. Make
the best prices on min
ers' and assayers' sup
plies. Freight no higher
than from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wash.
t Bottling Works
Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors.
jt jt jt jt j
Manufacturers of all kinds of car
bonated drinks and ciders. Or
ders tilled and shipped on short
jt ji jt jt j
Capital Stock f 20,000
01 1 ICCBS.
J. It. Rnrbini Pretlitnt
J. W. Scrlher Vlce-I'reslient
James NelanJt Cathler
J. W. Scrlfer R. H. Miller
J. W. Mui
Clark SnyJe J. II. Rohhln
Transacts a General Ranking and Ex
change Business.
No Interest Pali an Pepotltt.
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, Wood's Building.