The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 18, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, July 18, iqoo
li the Honorable (.nunlv (.mill of ll.iker Oiuntv,
Slate nt OrvKnn.
We, the linJerslcneJ, sour petitioners, repei-ttullv
represent thai e are each an J all resljents an J
voters ot llourne precinct. in alj couniv .inJ state,
.inJ e aik that a licence It KranteJ In I:. .1. Hansen
.inj .1, I.. William, in elt anj dispose ol spirllous,
innus and malt Ihiuort In Hie tonn nl llourne. In
Itourne precinct. Maker lotinlv. In less quantities
than one ifjllon, lor the period ol sis month.
Cecil Je ( S floveausn. I-J Smith, W M I'rancls,
Wnbt Anjersnn, I) (irant. W WCreene, I' II Hails,
Jaik Mattock. John Cosijriive, W S Ross, H I take
I J McCartel. IreJ Anlenrlelh, (ieo (i Mall, Thos
.McGuire, On McCiulv, J.i t.rautorJ, John Ktim
mer. II I. Turner, I A Mlkfl, J I Mahonev. W Wime.
I J Riissel. A M.illber.UintAlnsunrHi,)'eter John
son. W II PaJJock, C ( Klnnlson, Orm Harris, D.i
U llvelanj, C If l.xnch. Joe Rankin, I rank Kernick,
lien Kinder, I'eter Hohhlance, A I) VanJenatke. T .S
Martin. John T Rush, R l Warnock. J I: McVlcker.
(i I HalrJ, IrankMurrav, (ius Harris, A l.nnten
hiser, A M Hamilton, (ieo K (irant. (i W Kerns. Dan
I'arry, Herl Wuk, O W Nenten. CI: Huntlneton. L
II Lav, I: A Wren. J C Hums, I (i White. J C Post,
AllreJ Dennett, J T I rampter, (ills Anderson. J II
Clark, W II Spence, (irant Ackerman, l:J Dolanev.
I) A Moore, John WaiJ, ,M A Steward, II J Watson,
PC II Spencer, HJwarJ lUJe. Wank J Halt. C l!
k'ear, eh Rav, Joseph Lang, J Claion, John Hull
man, Win llloss, (iro Penman, J C Ua.ton, T 0
(ianttey, J I) McDonald. I ee C Lirl, I: II Macpher
son, John (.Senile), l: A Scott, W L RovkwooJ, N
Atlenholen. liCSIms, J II James, l:d tlus'on, Tom
Catveit, Oils llluett. Patrick Harkh. A U Hrlnk
man, Clint Hat url, Thos McCormlck, V C lehnson,
Wm Verger. John (itlnln, II I. GidJ. I'. I) Nelson.
Notice is herehv ulven thai the salj I. ,1 Hansen
and J I. Williams will apply to the saU County Court
nt Maker county, Oregon, lor the Kraniing'ot silj
license on August 1st, iq, or a soon tliereatter as
their retulun can he heard. 1.. J. II NM s,
J. I. Willi s.
R. V. MeaJ. Pat I J McCnv. all nl McLnen. Oregon.
nnv ana an persons ci4innnK aaverseiy ine arose
described lands are requested to Me their claims In
tills ulliic on or before said ?th Jav of August,
toon. t. W. UstmiTTT, Register.
k''. "
Minimi Aim-ik: situs. No i?
Suwvn No. 4u
United States Land Oltice, j
I a (irande, Oregon, June ao, lurmi. t
Notice Is hereby Uen that C. I.. Preble, whose
posKifttfe aJJress It Sumpter, Maker County, Ore-
on, has maJe application for a patent for 1467 7
near feet on the liray liagle lode bearing gold,
being luoor less feet un each side ol saU loJe. and
extending south 55 deg. , mln westiiirleet trom
center nl discovery post, anj north nJeg. 11 mln..
east 110.7 feet from center of saU Jlscovery post,
situated In nonrganlteJ mining district, (irant Ol,
Oregon, and described la the official plat and field
notes on tile In this office; as follows, to-H:
Beginning at corner No. 1, Khence the t-i corner
to sections 10 and ij. Ip o , r jj r, W. M. bears n 46
Jeg. 7 mini c a feel.
Thence n 61 deg w mln. ( feet to corner No. 1.
Thence n ju deg. 51 mln. e, 11118,4 feel to corner
No. .
Thence n w deg. win. e, ji.6 feel to coiner
No. .
Thence 61 dee. it mln. e ,6 feel to corner No. ,.
Thence s deg. si mln, w 41M feet to corner
No. 6.
Thence s sj deg. U mln. w 1040. feel to cor No. 1,
he place of beginning, containing 18.44 acres.
The location of this mln is recorded In the ottice ol
he County Clerk of (irant County. Oregon, on page
joj, volume J of Mining Locations. Anlolnlng claim
ants are Congo lode. 1. S. S. 141; and fraction, Nic
otine, Atlas, tiray Eagle No. War L'agte, Odd
I'ellow, Hobson and Concord hiJes, all unsurveyeJ.
All persons holding adverse claims thereto are re
quired to present the same before thlsofhce within
sixty days trom the first day at publication hereof, or
they will be barred by virtue ! the provisions of the
slatute. ,. ,
V. W. llAktlUIT, Register.
rirsl Issue June J), looo.
Last Issue Sept. J. ivou.
I United States Land Ottice.
I La (iranJe, Oregon, June 4. tn.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, tiljlt, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Stales by act of Angus' 4, 1SW1,
Mt)tl! HICII vHtlsON
l llnleiiaxi an in to ii llLar swlaitd mt nrairiin Knit
this Jav hied in this office his sworn statement No. '
610. (or the purchase of the e sett, ' se' ( sec. 6 j
nw4' ne'( of section No. 7, In township No. H s,
range No. 18 K. W. M., and will ofler proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or
I stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
nis claim to sau ianj peiore ine Kegister ana Re
ceiver of this ottice at la (iranJe, Oregon, on Wed
neda , the Jav of August !.
He names as witnesses: llenrv Stewart. C l:.
Rlchatdson, I rank Ketchum and Dave (ieorge, all ol
Haines, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above-
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
tills olhce on or before said irnd Jav of August, tijoo.
I:. W. II mUTT. Register. I
tor puiiLiCAiioN. .
. United Slates land Olhce. ,
1 I La (iranJe. Oregon, June s, n". '
Nnilce Is hereby given that In compliance with the '
provisions ot the act of Congress of June 1. 1878,
entltleJ "An act lor the sale nt timber lands in the
states of Calllnrnla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Terrltorv," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by acl ol August 4, 1847. '
of Maker Cltv, county of Maker, State nl Oregon, has I
tills dav filed in this oftice his sworn statement No.
680, lor the purchase of the se'i of section No.
17 In Township No. it south, range No.
14 V.. W. M., and will olfer proof to show '
1l1.1t the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than tin agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver nt this oftice at La (irande, Oregon, on Tliurs- '
dav, the 16th dav ol August, louu.
He names as wlmetses: Charles M. foster, (). L.
Munn, S. II. Wart and Lyman I- Ausborn, all ol
Hiker Cltv, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above- '
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this ottice on or belore said 16th dav of August, imu.
li. W. HsHTltTT, Register.
United States Land Oftice, I
Iji (irande. Oregon, May 1;, 1000. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June I. 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the
Stales of Catllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended In all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1847,
of McCwen. couniv nl Maker. State ol Oregon, has
this day tiled In this ottice his sworn statement No.
671, for the purchase of the n ,'i sw ( ol sec tu. tp
10 South, Range No. 18 li. W. M, and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more valuable tor Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this olhce al Iji (irande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 1st dav of August, 1000.
He names as witnesses: John Calhoun, John Mc
Henry. Joseph Deas, James Worley, all of Sumpter,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this oltice on or belore said 1st day of August louo.
li. W. IIAWIIBTT, Register.
UnlteJ States Land Olfice, I
la (irande, Oiegon, May ij, iooo. I
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions nt the act nt Congress of June), 1878,
entltleJ "An act lor the sale ol limber lands n the
states ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and washing
ton Terrltltory," as extended to all the public land
stales by ailot August 4, iek,
Jsvtts II. AIM us,
of Aticel, County ol Union, State nl Oregon, has
this day tiled In this ntllce his sworn statement No.
671. for the purchase ol the se'f ne'j, e!j set, sec 6
and ne) ne' ol section no. it in inwnsiup Pin.
10 south, ranee No. 17 li W M. and will oiler rrool
j in show that the land sought Is more valuable lor its
limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and ,
to establish Ills claim to said land belore the Regis
ter and Receiver nt this olfice al I a (iranJe, Ore-'
gon, on ThursJay, the 6th dav nl July, iooi. 1
, He names as witnesses: A. S. Iall, Peler, llngen-
sen, lleniy Stoddard, (ieorge SloJdard, all of Sump- I
. ter.Oregiin. I
I Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
I described lands are re uested to tile their ilalmsln
Ihls ultUe on or beloie sal J jOlli day ot July, io
I:. W. HskULTT, Register. I
United States I and Oftice, (
l.a (iranJe, Oregon, May 1, ic.oo.1
Notice is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the acl of Congress ol June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act tor the sale of timber lands In (he
stales ol Olllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act'ot August 4, 181J,
jam: tihhs
ol McCwen, County of Maker, State ol Oregon, has
this day tiled In this oltice her sworn statement No.
kj, tor the purchase ol the ne '( se '. ol sec No. 5, In
tp 10 s, range No. 8 1: W M, and will otter proot to
snow that the land sought is more valuable lor Its lim
ber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her claim to said land belore the Register and
Receiver ol this ottice at l-i (iranJe, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 18H1 dav of July, iwm. .
She names as witnesses: AlexanJer S. Iran, Sam
uel Thompson, (ieorge A. Scott. Mar A. Scott, all
'"OT";.! persons claiming adversely the above I TIMHKH LAND CT JUNIi , ,8,8. -NOTICU
described lanJs are requested to tile Ihelr claims In IOR Pl'HLICATION. ,
litis ollice on or belore sau 10111 Jav 01 juiy,
.uoo. U W. lUMLl'TT. Register.
UnlteJ Stales LanJ Ofnce, f
La (iran Je, Oregun, May 10, iouo.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl ot Congress ot June 1. 1878,
entitled "An act lor Ihesale of Umbel lands In the
stales ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory." as extended to all the public land
states by act ol Augusta. i8t.
ot McCwen, County of Maker, State of Oregon,
has this day hied In this office his sworn statement
No. 670, lor the purchase olthe s M ne if sec J. s 'j
ne'iof sec No. 11, In township No. 10 south, range
Not it J: W M. and will ofler proof to show thai Hie
land sought Is more valuable for Its Umber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim 10 saPd land belore the Register and Recelv er
ot Ihls ottice at La (irande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
7th day ot August, iooo.
He names as.wltnesses: AnsclCook, Wallei C05k,
I I'nhed Slates Und Oftice,
I Iji (irande, Oregon, June 7, )'.
Notice Is hereby given thai in compliance with the
provisions ot the acl ot Congress ol June 1, 1878,
entltleJ "An act for the sale of limber lanJsinlhe
States of Calllnrnla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ion Territory," as extended to alt the Public LanJ
Stales by act of August 4, 180.
JAM'IH worn i.v,
ol McCwen, County ot Maker, Stale of Oregon, has
Ihls dav tiled In ihls oltice his sworn statement No.
1 tit. for the purchase ol the lot t, SW M Nl.!. Wi?
Sliij ot Section No. 6 in Township No. 11 s. Range
, No. 18, L. W. M., and will olfer procf to show that
I the land sought Is more valuable for Its limber or
1 stone than lor agricultural purposes, and 10 estab-
I llsh his claim to said land belore the Register and
Receiver of Ihls office at La (irande, Oregon on
1 Saturday, the 1st day of September, ivro.
I He names as witnesses: (irant Siarbuck, William
I Lockhart, William, uraham, Peter llogtson all ol
Mel: wen Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-
1 described lands are requested to tile their claims In
,tlils ottice on or belore said 1st day ol September
, ,V"' U. W. MINI LUU, Register.
ly an J Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whlsikey as Reed ai
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and Rtiaran
teed the Remiine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
.'' .
Pelton Water Motor
Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability ami economy of
water, in lact all that constitute:, a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR,
as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service and
made of sires varyiiiR from the fraction ol luptoioolLP. Recent
scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev
eral other motors claimed to he the best on the market showed 4s per
cent higher efficiency in favor of favor of the PEL TON, while the rela
tive cost per II. P. to buy was only one-third to one-hall that of others.
Water companies deslriiiR to make the best of their water supply should
discriminate in favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York
or San l-'raucisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars tree.
One of these motors can be seen any time operatiiiR Till: MlNliK presses.
14) Liberty Street,
New York.
!2$-i2Q Main St.
San l-rancisco, Calif.
More Room Mork Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, RivliiR us the entire use
of the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresh line of j jH j
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Shots, Etc.
A better opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven .1
drawing crrd since the CASH
SYSTEM was Inaugurated
KafimaXy. W. R. HAWLEY.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON.