Wednesday, July 18, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. COUNTY RECORDS. yxw The following is the recorJ of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, July 17: nxL rsTATB TPvnm. Warranty JrrJ July 10, W C I anc cl ux to .1 A Duckworth, cS m! net ulp it s r 4) .. 150.1 Watranty JJ July to, N A AJamx ot ux to II E Eacan. tntx joblko, Huntington y. Warranty J-J-.lay 17. titu I' WiIrIiI t n to A C Utile. Hkx 1 to , Incl In (u-llatlyN ajn, blkt 1 tu 6 jnj a (u tg Incl Smlir .i.lit to Sumjitcr. blkxt.j. 1, u 14 Htxt Sumptt-r nJn. alto tracts t? to 48 Incl anJ 51 anj i 1st aJn East Sumpter , also the xw; ul se'i, ws i V o x r t" , alxo Ioix 1 anj 4 sec s ip in r IT r, aUu sla nt1,' anj lotx 1 anj j xee 4 tp 10 s 1 t, e . . Warranty JeeJ -Julv tu, Joxxe llnhson tu Tvr ryV Itnrn.liHaMk!. S T O" il aJn tn Sumpter I'eeJ Junr 71, J A llowinan r ux tu Hoy A Howman.tm1; nr'4 sec 1 1. neM no1 ,' sec 14. lut M-c 1 1, lotx 1 i 4 sec 14 1 t ) r anj water ilghtx DeeJ Jan ti,() W'.MInk trustee o Jessie At Mllllx, lotx jfcblk 4, Huntington DtJ June 14. ) W .Mink truster to Jexsle At Mllllx, Ilk 41, lotx I J I 4 7 8l 10 II llblk 41 Huntington I'aienl-U S to lnul Limbeck. hJ patent tox1 nw'ne1, x',, nw, xe), sec it tp m r t Warranty JirJ June tu. Alary II (irlsunlJ to HattleOIon, partotloW 14 is iCi 41 4 41 blk I), Hxher's aJn H.ik.r City .Warranty Jei-Jj; Jul; it Alary Tux, to llt-nrv Harrison, iu.j It by 110 It at nw tor 41I1 anj Auburn, Uaker City ' Warranty JieJ - luly 10, Dollle IVrrv ft vlr to L K Parker, lot it blk 1 SunnyslJe aJn to Sumpter Warranty JeeJ -Junr 1, luult limbeck rt uv to Henry Panning, a'j nV. netf st',ni nri sec ai tp iu 1, r 14 Warranty Jer J July 1 a, Alary Klchjrjstin to Jennie I) IVrRuxon, lotx 7 8 10 blk II, Place's aJn to Haker Ctty. also 8o,xioo left tn 1.1IJ blkH DeeJ Jan ijiIi.O WAIInk trustee to Mrs C M lirlmes. lot r blk ,. Huntington, In ful fillment ol contract No uu DeJ Jan 1?, Sam to L Tlrilll, Iota 10 11 i blk ). Huntington Deed- Jan 11. Sam to L thrill, lot 0 blk 1, Huntington Warranty Jrr J April t, 00, Aaron IVix rt at sole heir ol Morris lo. JevrasrJ, to Alary Pox. i6.5 It by ajoft In sft sei-4 sec 17 P9r4or Warranty JeeJJuly tn, Alary Fox tn I illlr (i Dairy, 50x110 It ! cor-inirrsrcl'on t xt anJ Valley avr, Haker City Warranty JrrJ Srpt X, N. Ann tfcrarn to l.ll.i A AnJtrson, lot 4 blk X llonrn .ijn, llakrr City 'Warranty JrrJ July 14, II 13 AlcCulUxh rt u to E Vrrnon.n1 nwt-4 vc6tpt r ie ... Warranty JrrJ Al.iy 10, llrnry CIouieIi rt u 10O II Lowrll, blkt 14 is LlnlniMonaJn llik- rrClty 1 Warranty JrrJ-Junr jfi, J II Robbing rial to W W Loonry anj J W (jix, )IM C blk j ' Sumptir ! Warranty JrrJ -Junr 14, ( C Strrn rt ux to Uakrr City, i6u acrrx in rc tu tp 0 r 10 .-.. ' Warranty JrrJ-luly 7. J W Ui, W W Lunn. ry anJ vt to Ro'.liclillJ l!ro. m 't lot 6 blk a, Sumpivr logo ttlMVi MXTIII'S. Mining JrrJ July lo.Cithrrlnr Clilmlck to llrnry SpalJIni; rt al, 'a ( nwi4 nri-4 krCMlpg r 17 r., Mlnln; JrrJ-Srpt36,i;, John T Urmrnt to CupfrOKon, unJ-liall H C O anj lilt; , Clerk plJCfrilmv . v I Mining JrrJ-July 11, II J. lory to J Al Dike man, DrrpChinnel placer elm '. Mining JeeJ-Jan 1, II T HrnJrx to W I- 1 Mlllrr, iinJ-hallliolJ I'apgttilin ,.. I Mining Jrr J-Jan n, t, l; HyJr anj J Al Cole 10H TllrnJryx. (iilJIMn iti elm 1 Mining Jrr J Junr 18, Tom Keren to I- O I Lre, I'ltttburK, k'lni; ol the Wet. Columbui an J Waterloo elms Mining DrrJ-Junr n, Jele llrnn In J. I'. Donlrv, vm Jutn u'ojp ot mln( mlll,ma ihlnery, rtf I Mining JrrJ-Junr js. J I' lonlr anJ C W tiratum to 13 D IrClalrc. Don .luan group mlM, machlnrry rtc I" Mining JorJ-Jul i. i (i Thoiiian iu C II Cromwell rt al, I'ar.nle, Victoria anj riorritce qttclmt v Mining JerJ June 36, M fiuthrle, to Al'.l Cuthrlr, lluckr)r qt dm , Agrrrmrnt July 1 1. Henry Cabrll et al to D L Klllm anJ E P Warner, to convey the Cal forrila anJ Oregon 0,11 clm"fn one year on payment o( i"' Aitkin ot Incorj'ouuvn Jutyj.UranJ I'riir 8 9500 ConxnIIJatrJ Oold Alining Co, TrrJ Draxr, I O Al KoxenJal, Htot Joyce anj C E I'oitrr I Incorporatorx, i,; xrentx pro share Quit cl.ilp JrrJ-DrC 1,00, CC Hall to Jrrry Colin, l.uckx Hall anj St Charles t)tt clmx Warranty JeJ--Julv lb, I) A Klngerv. to II S SherarJ, Venn mill xlte Warrants JrrJ Jat N, Nrlxon Placer Alining Co tn llakr r City. Daniel Kext & Co'x placer elms anj Auburn cam! anj water 1 Alining JeeJ -June 7, P I: llergman to E I1 IWgmtn, Queen ol lorext, I orext King anj ILinner o,ti clmx Alining JerJ- lulvio, UA Klngety to II S "xlirrarJ, I lorence iiti dm Alining JrrJ Julv 16, I Al ShaeJIer to Win IMlli.un, ,.lnl In .Munarji, In li'penJrnve , . anJ Union ql ilmx Oi' 3AfiV. Mntuaje -JitivO, Lee Slenarlel ux anj John Stewart to l W French. e! nt e! xec 7 anJ j' xec Xtp tox r 40 e .... 1 Atortgage - July 11, C 13 Springer to ,S II Want I xwi-4 xwi-4 xecn.inj x' anJ ni'i4 wfi xeC I! tp 11 x 1 pje . ... , Moitg.ige- Julx 11, Jamex O AlouJv to A C Atorow, lutx 7 tu u incl blk t llui.tlngton. . Chattel-July it, U Al War J to I) W War J. all 1 stock anJ tixluie In canJ) anJ cigar store ' on (iranlte xtreet, Sumpttr . . ' Chattel -Julv 1, Nit Hall to John Chipmin, 011 blacksmith shop, tools etc at C01 1st xt.inJ ' Valley .nt. Itaker City .Mortgage- July 14. E Vernon et x Ir to II I: AUCulloch, nei-4 nwi-4 sec t tp 8 s r to e .Mortgage -July ti, II C .Morris et ux to S II Want, net-4 xee 17 tp it s 1 igr .Morlgigr June 8. John llarjlev et ux to James .Mltc'idl, small Irict aJJoinlng blk iu Sumpter .... Release -July it, J A Ingram to A T anj A At Wright, inig on lot ,, blk 7, So. Summer aJn Chattel Julv i. W l Moore anj p S Hear J to , llultalo I'ltts Co., pump, tank, wagon anj other chaltrls . Atortgage- luly if,M Cllvamrtux loSOxborn lots 1 .mj 4, Mk n, AUCrary'x aJn Hiker Cltv .... VIISCllUMOU.x . JuJgmrnt Junr v, C J Sohns lavor J LanJIs I Attachmrnt -Junr 4. 1' llasche vs 13 E S.iv- agetof gooJs xolJ I Avtion -l llaschr vx (10IJ Clitl Mining Co, lor I gooJx so!J 1 Action -I llaschr vx (iolJrn ThrraJ Mining i Co, lor goo Is sol J JuJgmrnt July 14, J II Poltom In lavor l.'s 1 burg (iunsl Cigar Co JiiJgtnrnl Julyo. J A anj A II Canting favor I John Campbell ' JuJgmrnt Jul)' 0. .Minnie llastion favor Mary i Corby I JuJgmrnt -July g, James A Johnson lavor C IAJonns Alrchanlcs Urn Shoekly & AtcAlurron against N E an J AJa Heath anj S J anj S E I inch on lots 1 blk t Stewart's aJn Uakrr City . ! liijgmrnl- July 7. II T Kan favor ol II I uchs anJ J, I. liarr JuJginrnt- July 7. A I Worlcy. lavr same 1 JuJgr.irtitTJuly it, Sl-anJ A J Dran favor ot AC Huntington. . .. JjJgmrnt July n.OolJrn Star Mining & Aim ing Co.. lavor I' llasche , . ., JuJument -Julv 11. same , ... JuJgmrnt- July 11, LI11IJ lilant (iolJ Alng Co.: lavorAI'Coxx axo 150 iyj i&u i?o 51 u 44' Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and MoniJ.i, Mont., rnahles vou to make a delightful trip throtiKh the Yellowstone National I'ark, enteritiK via Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. l:or heautilul descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Une llcket Oilice, Hi Third streel, Portland, Oregon. I Tlie half way house of C II. Birnard ' on the lUuirne roid is a well conducted, respectable place where ladies or gentle men can stop for ice cold refreshment-i and lunches. Handsome lot ol Dickens' vest chain for men .it !". C. Hrodle's jewelry store, Opera House block. The ! Sumpter Miner ,- j.) M .u in Is the recognized exponent of the mining and industrial interests of the EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. In the $a j 65 54 144 i oj lt 44 I SB 104 bib 1616 tin 48,) 44K I T.D.Bellinger & Co. .of sumpter. oreuon 1 j Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 IncluJing Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported 1881 Brandy, 'I hree Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Wines and Cigars. New and Plegaut Plxtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service iu Oregon. I .'.'.The;. Magnolia... ' " T. D. llinr I C., Pra! (Pormerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) 1 "ivt'Ql'laI Sumpter District D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Rout Between the Northwest and all Points Hast. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes Past of Pueblo and Denver. All passengers granted a day stop over in the Mormon Capitol or auywheie be tween Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions to Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, chicago and tiik east. Por tickets and any information regard ing routes, etc., or for descriptive adver tising matter, call on agents of Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies'. S. K. HOOPI-K, R. C. NICIIOI., G. P. & T. A. General Agent Denver, Col. Portland, Ore. It is not only without an equal, hut has no rival in quality and quantity of re liable information published every week. IK circulation is already the largest of any paper pu'Nished in the dis trict, both locally and in other communities and states, and is growing rap idly. As an advertising medium Tin-: Mini.. stands at the head of the list, as its columns demonstrate. Ad vertising, like everything else, is worth little or noth ing if it costs little or noth ing. Thk Minbk's rates are reasonable. The Job POSSIBLY j YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND ' SUPERB SERVICE NOW OMPI-Hlil) UY TBI: Department is equipped with the best material known to the trade. Us presses are modern, its type is artistic, varied and up to date, and only the best workmen are employed 'Mining & Supp hes lave Dally F 1st Trains vr"v We Have Dally Fist Trains to the EAST If vou cannot take the morning train, travel by the evening train. Both are fully equipped. OUR SPECIALTIES FASTTIME THROUGH SERVICE Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Car and Buffett Library Cars. First-Class Free Reclining Chair Cart.. 1 Hours In time saved tn Omaha, Chica-, go, Kansas Cltv, New York, Boston and 1 other eastern I'oluts. I ickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is tn your interest to use THE OVI-RLANI) ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be 1 secured from H. C. BOWERS, , Agent O. R. V N. Co. I Baker City, Ore. Or, J. H. LATHROP, Gen'l Agt. 1 No. 135 Third St., I'crtland.Orc. Location blanks, handsome lithographed stock certifi cates, corporation seals, stock records and "journals, lllice stationery, all of the best workmanship, furnish ed on short notice. Ex clusive agent foY the world's standard Hall- Marvin Safe Mi ' IX ( J vn 1 ufU (, I 1 S'j - (