12 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, July 18, igoo it OUR VAST GOLD FIELDS. tl,lcl- A shaft ls ow bfl"R "' whi I is to have a depth of 1500 feet, and if the ! same values are found there that are now , being taken out at a depth of 400 feet, the - c -. ,, A , Red Hoy will he the largest free gold pro- Ill Eastern Uregon 1 here Are)dlicer the Northwest. The output of the mine lb about $25,050 per month with ' a pay roll of 75 men. The Cougar Is the next best developed mine in tills district and lias a cyanide 8000 Square Miles. "Some our signing himself "'.," hasi written a very exhaustive report on the gold lields ot cistern Oregon, whii.li was ! piltilislied in a reient issue nf the Moise Stalrsinan, tilling mole than two minimis, j The following are extraits from the ar-j llcle: i 'I he territory known as the eastern j Oregon gold lields comprises about Hooo suu.ire miles. It commences at Mallard's) Lauding, Ho miles northeast of Maker City, and extends to Canyon City, Ho miles southwest of Maker Citv, and aver ages over 50 miles in width. In tills vast domain there arr over Oooo mines and prospects that are being worked or on which the annual assessment work Is be ing done. While this territmy is referred to as ihe eastern Oregon gold (if Ids, it is .ilsn noted for Its agricultural products, fruit, hay, grain, cattle and sheep. Lumbering Is al so one of the chid Industries and the music nt thr ax and the saw are heard In every valley of the Mine mouniains. I lie most Important mining camps ot the entire territory are tound west ot the Hlkliorn range In the Mine, mountains. J lie main range ol these mountains runs nearly north and south and rise Iroiu an rlevatiou ot tloui 5000 to 10,000 leet. I'owder and Murnl rivers drain the east slope and the lolin Uiv liver, with its ntimetous tiibut.uies conveys, the waters ol the western slope to the gteat Colum bia, 200 mllrs away. This section Is divided into live large minim disttkts, Ihe Ci.ukei iieek dlslrkt include waters ot the I s all the mlnenn the head- turn .1 p tying 1 I'owdrr liver. Iheie are 1 been tile star o plant with a capacity of 250 tons per day. They have no free gold but have large ledges of ore that runs from ii to 540 per ton in good subject to the cyanide process. This property was a prospect two years ago but is now valued at $2,000, 000. The pay roll numbers 60 men. Near the Cougar Is the Magnolia mine and a ten-stamp mill, which is also a new properly, having been developed within the last two years. 'Ihe May Queen, which is also located 011 Clear creek, near Ihe Ned Hoy, Is another new property, the mill being just completed with 10 stamps. Hie I ittle Giant mine and a 2o-stamp mill Is located a few miles further up Clear creek and has not yet started up the mill. The Magnolia, the May Queen and the Little (Jlnnt are all good proper ties which will soon commence turning out large monthly dividends into the chan nel of trade. There are several good prospects in this district which the present season's work will doubtless bring to the trout the Vananda, the Success, the South Cougar, the Mastiff, the Quebec and the Buffalo. It is a safe estimate to sav that there are 500 mines and pros peits Mug developed ill this district. Crossing the main range of the Mine mountains to thr southward we enter up on the headwaters of the Murnt river, in what is commonly called the Houaiia district, named after its famous mine w hkli was recently s ild for f 750,000 to I'ittsburg oartirs. The Itoiiaua mine has been the only producer up to this date in this district. Several placer mines hae paid well, hut development of ipiart. J ledges lias been slow. I he liouana has , mine since K) and has f hope tor many miners 1 I; OIL. STOCKS 3 I FORTUNES MADE J IN A DAY 3 g- Invest in California Oil Stock, selling now at $1.00 : per share; 10 per cent down and 10 per cent monthly. One Hundred Shares of this stock will, in 2 the course of a few months, pay dividends of from 150 to joo monthly, this estimate is based on results obtained by dividend paying oil companies now operating adjacent properties. Z Our company is "in oil," one well down gives 1 o barrels per day and several more wells are g almost completed. The stock will shortly be z withdrawn from the market. Men who were poor a year ago are million- Z3 aires today. Only in oil propositions are such results possible. Call at our office or address us and we will S convince you by facts that the stock we offer will give results claimed for it. r js, you Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity E O. C. McLEOD & CO. J3 E Sumpter, Oregon about .!; mining companies operating in n In, labored hard and long for a pay this disliict and some ot Ihe mines atr !j,ui,. t ) t ; a t would equal the Monana. regular piodikers and dlyidend p ayeis. , -,s mine Is equipped with a 40-stamp The North I'ole mine lias. 1 lo-stamp mill mill and concentrators, has a pay roll of and cyanide plant with a pas loll ol w too men and is said to get better as work men. The Golconda lias a ioslamp mill, progresses. Willi a a toll ot 7s nu-ii. I he Columbia About jo miles west of the Honana nilur has. 1 ui-stamp mill with . 1 pay roll iJistrkt is the Susauville district. Ihe ol so men. I hese lluee uiinrs piodiue a ' M.tdget mine being tlieihlef prodiuer, it is latgr amount ol lire gold w hich is sa ed I Mimetlnies called the Madger district. The 011 the plates and the cou.eotrales are re Is partly flee gold Willi concentrates, shipped to tlie smelter. I brii output is ( lr n.uKer mine has a io-stamp mill and j (torn .-o,(KX) to mo,ixk) pel month each j u been a steady producer for several and the mines all get hellii as depth is j yeats. I brie are a large number ol par gained. I he Ibex is a new mine located tj,,v developed mines and prospects in ! 011 tlie s ime ledge a the above named ,is dlslrkt. mines and has a pay toll ol men. No south ot the Susauville district are Ihe niacliioriv lor the rediutlon ol tlie oies , ,. ),SP Unite, Prairie City and has el bren put on this mine, but it is Hie stiaw berry mountains. I liese mines well developed and is to have m.u liliu-rv ' ,,tr but ptospeits as yet but have such soon. Ihe Maid Mountain, lite Main- mie showings that they air regarded as moth, the Hunker Mill, the Mountain j beyond tlie prospective stages. Copper, Melle, tin- I lee Coiiuge, tlie Aunalulu, i ,,s xu. as K0d and silver, predominates,; the Maker t.ltv, the Amaoii. the h.iglr and the owners claim a great future lor, group on Cable Cove, the Ohio, the I:. I this section as a wealth producer. I:, and the Fvening Star ate all well' he entile country, commencing a fewi developed piopei lies and sev rial ol them miles west ot Maker City and e.NtendluK have hoisting plants and ate shipping oie. i ,,most to Murns, a distance ot 160 miles, ' West ol this disliict 011 the western js covered with timber. Yellow pine,1 slope ot the Mine mountains, on tiie head i.nnaiack, fir and spnue air the most vd waters ol the uoitli and middle torks ot .,ble kinds ol timber to be found. There the John I av liver, is (mated what is js also a large amount 01 black or bull' Know 11 as tne iranue uisuu 1. 1 111s uis- pi,,,. ,K, ,, on the ranges. ' , tii:t Includes a very large tetritoiy audi QMe of the peculiar teatures ol thelp some ol tlie Pest pioaiueis 01 nee goiu. eastern Oregon gold lields Is that upon The Red Mov mine, located on Clear ' lm. s.,mr ,Uaiter section ol laud the creek, Is the best developed and oldest o.uier may luid milling, tanning, Iruit pnMiuer. It is equipped with a jo-stamp ' growing, lunibeilng, stock raising. Ihe mill and ivanide plant. It Is opeiated bv altitude ranges trom from 2500 104500 water power, lighted bv rlectiuitv, heated i tec. ;,j the climate about the same as in by steam, and its reduction plant Ire.ils. ( (;0or.idt and other mountain states of tlie ore complete, having no concentrates I tnr ,ime altitude, to ship. It is considered the queen ot the eastern Oregon gold lields tor simplicity Don't neglect vour eyes. Classes and and durability as a reduction plant. The spectacles properly lilted to defective THE WONDER GEO. W. WEIGAND, PROPRiirroR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Moots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. THE WONDER, BOURNE, OREGON CASE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOMERJRNISHERS Parlor, Dining and Med Room Furniture in sets or separate pieces. Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let us explain why you can save money by buying at home. We can positively uo so. Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon i VWW.1 mine is well developed and has two drliued ledges averaging about Id well 'sight. F. C. Mrodie, Opera House Jew- lert rlry Store, Sumpter. A. I GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier & Bank of Sumpter 3 Tiintictt CtMril linking Imlmit Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes tor rent. SUMPTER, OREGON h.'V' iiTiJiTi r