Wednesday, July 18, 1900 IO THE SUMPTER MINER. RECORDER'S REPORT. W.CLII'TS RecelveJ (mm Liquor licenses llnei " " License-. . .. . " " I'esl home " " Clly I'ounJ 5tlJ 5" IB. 00 . B n , roj 74B IO I'OI 4 J5841) 1 $ fat 00 fill l Hi i HI V Hi 41 Total receipt' Cash on hanJ April . IHSIIDkSKMI.NTS April g. I. T llrock, city phttlclan " Olticen salaries " Nurses at pest house . . " Supplies at pesl house " W K lftey, commission .-is Iri'is . " J l: Shellnn, vertices 114 city -tlnrnev " II K Wheeler, senlces .i city in (Inetr . .. ' I) .M(irrl rrmolri(j stump " I'ACorrrll, oo.l tor illv Surnptrr Lumber (.n, luinntr " A (i limn, lirr supplies . . . " (.has I. MoMIn, l,pe wiitlni: . . . " t'. (.alio', pursing tour horses ICO 11 il ! t V III Ml VI III . I ll v IT" VI 4l '? )l Ml lo ti 1 I 1 n 1 " Miy Silailr olollicets .. . I.T lltoclt, city phttlclan Nuttet at pest house , Supplies tor it house " I Wottlilnct'in, .itiltllni: ill en Kinder . ... " I I lrac,.isslstini: ili ititiltiMT . I It Ihninet, . .. 1. Irmit-r, s.rvlres .is ills en , cln'ir i " I nos & Dltou, le.ii.liiit: prisoners " Wlcllale', (omttilsshitls ( " .Mel en ft Slo 111, I1.111II111; " I A l-MnlorJ, Im c'lj'slntiiseiiliiiis on Mill Mfi. 'I " I. muse A Willi mis, billing Inlit- sections on C .infill. stiiet " .Mollis Siilllv.ui, ki.i.IIih: Inlets...-- tliuisoii (imiiIIi- sheet ' I. A l.i.iwlor.l, letum Inp slumps " I' A l.iimll. no. J tin tils I urlle Wilson, sietioi.ii'hs " II K WI111 In, Miiti'lnt! .it ills rtt Kim ft " Suniptu W.iii'i (.0 , p.itiniiu In till on 1 1 tneln Ji.tnts . . " Vimiptri Water t 11 , nut I'll i lire IiImihs tor 1 inoiiihs Miineo, II linnet, ul ennlin.i " I A lennlnit, .ittltilngcltt ritiilnier " WAllisse. 4 " Supplies tin ilh.rli. ' In'in Icings, ioik 011 .lost H.ilkt " ( I rl,. " W t ll.11.lft , i.nmnltt on .it Iteis . " I KCiik'xmIJ. supplies " li.hut A t.ii ' Sum ler .Miner, piintln,;.. . . " I 1 1111. Ill or " .Mollis Stilllt.111, Kia.tlnu .'t'J Kiat ! I'llni Inl.iti. lion otil.i.iik.i sin-. 1 .111J In limit ol 1 111 lull Sains ot ultuels O 11 ' IS 111 IN 11 VI j Hi I"! I I ' I 111 ' v I till ' 11 I" ' 11 I i 1. 1 14 .14- 1 i. 11 14 I IV I til 4l t.h ! In! ll JUI HIS. IIII'IIU $48H 7 I liilslnUIni; u.iii.inu .Vpill 1, iK ot 1 li 04 j hi owiu us mis 1 iuii mm in nun 1. MOM lis, I MUM, It'NI ,, ,.,. I.i I If Willi tnts oiilst in Hiil; Aplll 1, lu... I1184 ! " .liami .luiliii; ii.iiti'i ,8j8 i (.nil on I1.111J Apill 1, n-.i Moil 41 Urirlpts tin .ii.iiiri 4?i8 m Inlrirst on Hatiants April 1, 4.1 41 loss .inj ialii l'ioiiL;til tuiu.u.1 lliini 11I.I Is-mk Nil 1 0 I'll ln.t.l, j 1 ii ! 8u 04 ilwii (4 llrsprcltlilll slllinittf.l, I.I. AVSIMI. Il.-,iil.lrl. UK OIIDIII'sllll'OUl I (IK .WON I II (II H'M, im. i.U tl" l ot Siimpt.i to ImI hi.' VVairants oulstanjini lish nil tianJ Inirirsl vU nut to Jilt I oss .inj K.iln, olj liios 1 44l. l 41IS II II T 0 () $4411 V 544(l 4b HICIIITS mil MOM II I torn suit ai,'jlnsl vt liousr Mlirnt $ t 1.1 I mm tmrs ... i i I lorn lkUiir lU.nsvs . . . A.., .m I rum llcrnsvs on I run pounj 4 i rrcrl Is lor month $8! V1 U.'t-vcitullt, suhmllli-J, I: I. Mvvvivd, Ur.'urJrr. I'INU1H Ol TOWN )l; MlMPII.M I'MII'I.KIV l'i)l Inlon l.u(rri stnl (t jMpr lisil. fi.tii (.III lull, Sinn A Mirlmn's otlitr una tn h.isr hnusrs tssi . Onr (hrml.'al rnulnr linusr ... , r.i . (.Iirmlcat i-ninr 7w isi llosr 4Ms anJ ivt.rtot tins. . MiI anj laJJil truck im hi Sjtr anJ otticr lurntturt .. m wi 1 1 Prt hJrants hum InJebtedness oooo Net vnlue ol city properly over all . Ijtuo 00 Lawton'i New Hotel Advices from Pendleton convey the pleasiiiK IntelliKence that the new Law ton hotel will be under course of construe tinu within ten days or two weeks at the longest. Mr. T. P. Howard, the Pendle ton architect who has been entrusted with drafting the designs and specific.-! tliius, reports that he has about finished his tasl and will be ready to submit them for approval to the board of directors of tlie hotel company by the latter part of tills weel. 'I he new building is to be of modern de sign and finish, and will be furnished throughout Iroiii cellar to garret with the best furniture, tapestry, etc., obtainable. I As yet tile management of the hotel has 1 not been decided upon, but It is under stood tile otlicers of the Investment com ' pany are negotiating with a thoroughly i practical man foi the position, Law ton Standard. I Driving Tunnel Towards Comstoclc Ledge. 'I lie Couistnck group ol claims situated . a mile above l.awton, on Clear creek, is one ot tht promising properties ol this sec lion. .Manager AU ieary, who has charge ol the (,omstoiU, began driving his tun nel in towatd the ledge with a double shitt ot men this week, and hopes before autumn lo have developed a property, there that can be in truth called a mine. I he principal veins ol the Red Ituv mine ale viiil In inn through the claims n 1 lit OinistnJt .iiul sulfate nuMopphigs show good values, I he ( .iiinMui l giotip Is owned by Spokane nude.tstet 11 t.ipltallsts. - Law ton standard. The Literary Digest tssiirj Wri'titv I'.n'cs liliilri.leJ "All Hit Prnodlcili In Ont" III' IIIIHMn lliiilst Ins tikrn the Inhrst 1.111U .is .1 tt.kl ii'sl.'H ot currriit tliotiL;lii .it Iiihiii .111 1 .il 10.1J, in llu iimIiiis ol litir,siuii, ,ut, sili'iiir, nllKlnn, piilltltt.siuliilii):, irarl, Jls .mills jiuslncss, el.. Dlssoisslnn .inj Intorni.-t tlon nit all's ot Import int iiii'stlnns.iii clvi'ii. 'I In 1 ont. ns im. h virrU i.i.r .1 tirlj soJiiirsituiJ as to in.iki- I III ItlllMkV Dim If to tin Imisv iii.iii ulio In krrp up ullli Ihc tlioiilttoi th, tiiiii, put mIhi I uks Ihf Iflkiirc tor smh .1 tisk. OPINIONS rROM AUTHORITIES I. P PoniII, D. D., In I'nlit, ( hii.iv-n "tin1 I III W Ml) DllilM Is ill ll'soliilf hrtiissltt in tlinsi utio uoul.1 ki,ip In lint with iiul progress lit ItKiUKtit .in I .ullicvi'lliull. I Jn lull ser turn .nil thliiklni' nun kvI alnni vtlihout il, Cdwln Mlikhtm, Aiiilini ol " I hi- M.m With llli-lloi-" I I MIMVWV Is olleol the tHIIItl lllll'li Itlllsl alll.llilli IIIUOI.lls IIIIIHMll in) t.thli ti'Sinitor John J lnill. 1 111 I II I mm l. II s rill llltcs III lulu.l ilii'S ol lnltlll:rlUf " Stnalor Wlllltm P. Fry' "It lll ,-iioij Im- mrnsr .isslst.inn to ihi silioljis ot tin iininti). Cot John P altfeld, ot Illin.iU "I til' llllf u Dliilsi is ihr Mivtrst pnHlrailnus In Ami'ilca. I11.1 stuJrnt nl cimriil llirr.iluir it Is Ini.iluiMi' 10 Cinli pit Con 13 00 pit Tttr Sind lor Oticrlpllit Circglti. FUNK I WaCNUlS, Pgblltliiii, NEW TOOK. S. C. BEEBE MILLWRIGHT Constructor of Mills. Concentrators, Smelt ers, Cyanide Plants, etc. West (iranlte Street SUMPTliK ORbtJON OUR GREAT FIRE SALE OF DAMAGED GOODS j Again ready for business in the Jones & Yerger Block on Mill Street near the Depot v H nM 1 iv '. BMM Jhbp GlL T Represented by MEN NO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON Till: BI.ST AIM'OINTI-I) & S Pharmacy IN KASTBKN OKKGON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night.) A minplete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. -je -je The Sumpter Drug Co. L. C. HDWARDS, MANAGtiR. SUMPTER, OREGON. Fritz b Dwyer TsF" GRAMTE STREET. AS been of such marked bene fit to ourselves in getting our unsalable goods into money and, we hope, to our custom ers in their securing good bargains at less than half their value. j .j j j Alt our JjmigrJ coojs njjj anJ rnJs have hrtn rrlriatrJ to Ihll Jr fiartment anj jrt now nearly all soM, ravine our stock In III. Jonrt V Vrrer Mo;k Clean, First-Class and Up-to- Date in Every Particular Alter WrJnesJ.iy nl ink week oit vilr ol J.imaevJ stock will close until S.ititrJ.iv ,itternorin,uhen those who h.ise not taken ol this op portunity can Jn so .it that time. We are receiving new goods every day and hope to see all our old customers and many new ones at our new stand next to the Townsite Company's office, where we serve you to the best of our ability Fraser and Chalmers Chicago Mil UNO MACHINKKY Rolls, Stamps, Qrushers. Perforated Metals. Jigs, l:rue Vanners, Ktc. MINING MACHINERY-Roilers, Including Sederholm Roller, Air Compressors, Reldler Pumps, Fur- uaites. Ktc. Write to our Chicago ortice for Catalogue. We buy and sell a kinds of City Property. We handle Mining Properties, on commission or for cash. e have made a great many sales of City Property and mining claims the past few weeks. Iiross valuf ol ell) proprit) $y ii