THE SUMPTER MINER VOL I. SUMPTER, OREGON, JULY 18, 1900. NO. 4S JOB LOT OF MINING NEWS. GATHERED WHILE SWINGING AROUND THE BELT. Rich Ore Strike in the' Golden Eagle Phoe nix Leased for 25 Per Cent of the Out put Hills Full of Prospectors and Min ersSheep Doing; Damage. M. K. K.'ilnr returned this tnrenonn from ii leisurely swing around the belt, as far out as the Greenhorn countrv. He Is mi old newspaper man and therefore al ways keeps his eyes and ears open. He reports that G. W. McCulloch is opening up an extension of the Diadem mine, on the head of Blue gulch. The ledges have all the characteristics of the Diadem. Joseph Chapelear has a promising cop per prospect on top of the Greenhorns at the head of Blue gulch. The Marshall boys, of Portland, have struck a ledge of free milling ore that runs very high. An arnstra will be erect ed to work the ore. Some rich ore has been struck in the Golden Eagle mine in Greenhorn gulch. The ore was encounted In a drift being run on the lowest level and carries free gold, leaf form, and galena. This is the best ore ever encountered in the mine and the owners are consequently jubilant. A lease on the Phoenix mine has been given to C. N. Chethem and Wm. San ders for two years, the owners to receive .25 per cent of the output. Sinking has been commenced on one ledge and later work will be started on the other. I.. G. Wheeler, operating the the St. 1 BIG DEAL PENDING. al days since from the Chelan group of mines, near l.awton, which they own. 1 They have had the property surveyed by 1 H. K. Wheeler, preparatory to patenting I it. Work has been In progress on Ue CaoitalkK Here tn Mike I arcre mine for nearly a year past and the out- P"3""5 nerc - Make Large look is very encouraging. Colonel Pey 1 Investments. ion leu yesterday tor ills home in uticn go and Mr. Hurd returned to the mine. Another Monkey for the Summit House. 'Young America" arrived in Sumpter yesterday, care of H. Finger, and today left on the afternoon stage for the "Sum mit" house, which is to be his future home". He is a first class imported monkey for "Joe." There are two of them already out there but they are little ones, and Joe wanted a big healthy fellow to keep the others under control. MACHINERY ARRIVING. Many Mint Preparing to Put in Mills This Season. A carload nl sawmill machinery now at the depot, smoke stacks, circular saws, etc., from the Russel & Co's machinery house at Portland, consigned to the North Pole mine, would indicate that the latter would have its own plant for sawing turn ber and mining tlmbers'hereafter. It Is known also that several other com panies whose properties have reached that stage where they are warranted in putting in plants, will have from 10 to 20 stamps working before the winter is well on. Mr. McCallum, of the Raid Mountain and Mammoth mines, will install a large mill for the former property this season, and it is understood a smaller plant for the. latter, which has not yet reached that stage of development that has the Hald Mountain. Competition is already strong, as is shown by the presence of representatives of various machinery houses from the eastern and coast cities. Elsewhere in these columns is mentioned the fact of Robert E. Strahorn, at present making Monday, July 16. Fred C. Dobler, tlm present head bookkeeper for the C. M. of O. company, has been elected superin tendent and will take charge the lOth. The lirst task will be pumping the water from the shaft, of which tlieie is some so feet standing. The uew will consist of some ten men to begin with, and more will be added as soon as they 1.111 work to advantage. This is a line property and under Mr. Dobler's management we con- Ills headquarters In Spokane, who has ' lidcutlv epect it tn become one of the undoubtedly invested more New England best mines in all eastern Oregon. Car money in the three northwestern states of 1 sou Tocsin. Anthony group at Alamo, has crosscut ! contracts having been let for additional his ledge 1 16 feet and has failed tn find the wall. The ore Is not high grade but all carries values. The Diadem is having air pipes put in its shaft, the air having become, bad in the drift being run from the shaft. He further says that the hills are alive with prospectors developing their proper ties, and it is safe to sav more develop ment work Is being donr this summer than was done in the district prior to 1000. Clear creek is lined with tents and new cabins, the owners developing properties. The greatest curse to the miners and prospectors is that sheep are allowed to graze in the hills, destroying the grass and voung trees, driving out the game, tilling up the ditches and pointing the springs and ditches. Enthusiastic Over the Honeycomb. Ered McCoy, the Alamo merchant, formerly of Waitsburg, Wash., Is enthus iastic over the showing in his property on St. Anthony hill, known as the Honey comb. He is opening up his property with a ioo-foot crosscut tunnel and has three men at work. 'I he last assay he obtained gave f 12. 40 in gold. These val ues, considering the fact that tlie ore was practically taken from the surface, augurs well for the property with further devel opment. How wide the ledge is is not yet known, as 12 feet of ore has been pen etrated without disclosing the hanging wall. Correspondence in Spokesman Review. CkUaLoosaLikcaHsM. Colonel C. H. Peyton, of Chicago, and W. E. Hurd, of Portland, returned sever- stamps to increase the plant at the Col umbia mine. Anyone that cannot calcu late what all this means to bumpier in the near future must be either blind or un willing to see, to say the least. Bend on Blue Mountain Boy. Although Colonel P. V. Drake, who re cently took a bond on the Blue Mountain Boy group on Ten Cent creek, owned by J. M. and I. E. Rose, P. J. McGuigan and P. A. Brady, all of Spokane, has per mitted the bond to lapse, the owners have by no means lost faith In Its merits. For surface cropping there is not a property In the Granite district that can make a bet ter showing, while assays on the ore at a depth of but a few feet have run as high as $ 50 gold. The group consists of four claims and the bond given Colonel Drake called for J 5000. Should they not be able to make a turn in the near future, the owners propose to organize a stock com pany and let the property develop itself through the sale of treasury stock. Special to the Spokesman-Review. Rough Riders in a Railroad Wreck. Uncertain rumors of a wreck on the O. R. & N. road near Pendleton, in which the east-bound train, carrying the mem bers of Troop R, Sumpter Rough Riders, returning from the encampment at Salem, cannot be verified at this writing, though telephone messages from Raker City says, such had occurred and that' the train due there early in the forenoon would not ar rive until midnight. Ask for the Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter. Oregon, Washington and Idaho, than any other one man, largely in the way ol bonds and warrants, arrived hi Sumpter Monday. He comes here with a view of making extensive and Important invest ments in and around Sumpter. Accompanying him are e.vGuvernor Black, ol Utah, now a resident of Spok ane and a frequent visitor to Sumpter, and attorney Dansen, also ot Spokane. The latter is Mr. Stahom's counsel, who comes here to pass on titles and convey ances in case the deal is cousumiiated. Governor Black and Mr. Strahorn were schoolmates In Illinois and their paths have frequently crossed In this wide, wild West. The party Is visiting the several ad jacent mining districts this week, the object of which Is to determine the actual resources of the country, that some acurate and reliable idea can be gained as to the permanence of the present pros perity. The gentlemen declare them selves most favorably impressed with Sumpter, and say it is the best, most sub stantially built and orderly mining camp they have ever seen, and they have visited many of them. It now seems very probable that this deal will go through and if it does, it will mean much good to this camp and dis trict. Two "Oregon-Colorado" Properties. Mention was recently made of the Oregon-Colorado stock listed on the Oregon nulling mock exchange at i'orlland, as being that of property located at Quartz. burg, and which Is owned and operated by Sam H. Hayes, of Prairie City. Re cent advices show that the stock referred to is that of a company located hi the Bo hemia district, in soi'thern Oregon, which chances to have the same name as the eastern Oregon mines, and it is to be hoped the Bohemia property will compare favorably with its namesake over this way, on which Is a live-stamp mill now being operated on oie from that and other properties in the vicinity. Jack Power's Group Has 5503 Rock. C. E. Beeson, representing Portland people's Interest In the Intrinsic, or better known as the Jack Powers group, in the Greenhorn section, where he Is superin tending the development of said property, is here 011 business for a day or two at the Capitol hotel. Samples of ore exhi bited from there are very fine, carrying principally silver, some gold and a little copper. Assay values from picked samples show as high as $500, and over. Mr. Beeson will remain through the sum mer at least. Work Begun on Robert Emmctt. The Robert Emmctt, considered by many to be the best mine in the 'Cornu copia district, has changed hands, being now owned by the Elk Creek Mining company. The stock of the company is owned chiefly by Union people, though local money is also interested. Davis Hros. have the controlling interest. The company proposes to push operations as rapidly as possible and will begin work PORTLAND PEOPLE PLEASED. 1 Inspected This and Adjoining Districts and Collected Specimens. Zoelh llotiser, Frank Richet and J. F. BatcheMer arris ed here yesterday Irom Praltie City 011 their way home to Port land, after an inspection trip to the Stand ard group, In which each is interested. Mr. Batchelder has visited the mine once before, but not since much develp meut work had been done, bv which the very rich ore now being mined was un earthed. Consequently his enthusiasm is at hlghwatcr mark for this property, and, hi fact, the entire district. Mr. Rlchel Is one of Portland's wealthv wholesale merchants, and this Is his lirst trip to this section. He will re turn home with even more favorable im pressions than wvte formed by what he had merely heard before, and thus it ever is with those who personally go through any portion of the various distiicls sur rounding Sumpter. Mr. Batchelder is also chairman of the committee in charge of the Pottlaud per manent ore exhibit, and carries home with him samples of ore that will force the skeptical as well as the "knockers," toad mlt that the values ate here. 'I he Stand ard people are not sloping, but simply taking out the ore' mined in their develop ment work, sever.M tons of which Is now here at the smelter, aud'ihore will follow at once. General W.wtn in oil a Bonanta. Montana papers have much to say of late concerning a marvelnusly rich gold strike that has been made' in that state, In which General Warfen is largely In terested. One account stales that the rock is running on an average of a dollar to the pound and that there is now f$oo, 000 worth of this kind hi sight. Private letters Irom the General to his associates around the 'Inwiisitecompaiiy'.sottice here confirm these reports to a large extent. This is what is detaining him in Montana. He will probably not return home until the early part of August; his intention heretofore having been In arrive here, about the 15II1, last Sunday. New Steam Laundry. The Elite steam laundry commenced business here last Monday in its new building 011 South Mill stieet, where it has Installed a lot of lirst class, modern laundry machinery and is prepared to turn out as good svork as in any city. S. W. Sherrard, its manager, Is an experienced man and should make the new institution 1 success. See advertisement else hern in Till: MINI-K. The California Will Be Developed. W H. Jackson, former superintendent at the Golcouda mine, has accepted man agement of the Calif ornb property-in the Cable Cove district, and development work was commenced last week, to be continued indefinitely. This Is one of the oldest claims in that district, but has not been developed heretofore. kL