The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 11, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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Wednesday, July n. 1900
I:. C. Steffen has been in Maker City
fur .1 lew Jays.
I'. A. Cnrrell returned several
since trniii a (rip to Portland.
TALK OF THE TOWN. Chicago, and John Ooss left vesterday
for Olive lake, w here they will camp lor a
Mr. M. K AllfV, nf M.iker Citv, ac-1
i cnmpanled hv Miss Vera leney, both ,
lays uiniietted with the Republican of that;
citv, were visitors in Snmpter Sunday.'
these surrounding. i
K. I:. Warner returned last evening '
Ur. Ureenlee, dentist, Is located over 'I hey made a call on Till-AllNER and cx
ie Sumnler Drill! enmnanv store. ! pressed themselves well pleased with
A little Kirl arrived In the home ol U.ive
St. ill, on the west slue, tile l:onrthol lulv.
Private board, J4.20 a week, No. 421 , ,rom S',lt,n' wller" lle wel" wilh tl,e '
Mill street, brkk building south of depot. ,0,,h ,idcr!' '" ;",enJ " encampment, 1
nui w. is tailed nome 011 important dus-
'liiess. Me savs several of the boys were
1 with Sam Stott Sunday afternoon when;
his leg was broken. 1 hcv were riding
Harley Woods is over in Harney county
visiting relatives, fishing and having a
Miss l-uima Starr, one of Maker's belles,
is spending the week with her sister, Mrs.
Wesley Warren lias bern In town for a
few days, He says his father will return
to Sumpter about the fifteenth.
M.S. McCallum, of the Maid Moun
tain, returned yesterday from Portland,
accompanied by Mrs. McCallum.
Dick Hughes, of the Prairie Citv min
ing dlstrivt, was in Sumpter Saturd.iv on
his way to visit his home at Pendleton.
Commissioner W. II. (ile.ison went
around town for pleasute. ,
Announcement Extraordinary. j
Megiuiiing August 1, I will throw open
to the bumpier public the large hall,
formerly known as "Healy's Hall,"
which lias been occupied as a rooming or '
lodging house, on the comer of Center
and Granite streets, and to which I hold
lease, as a summer garden and beer hall. 1
Hie plaie, which is J4X75 te?t, Is uowdl-'
vided into individual rooms, but every I
partition will be removed and the large
down to Maker Mondiy to attend a meet-1 hall be throw 11 into one, with comfortable
ing ol the board ol couutv commissioners. ' chairs, tables and siuh conveniences as
Miss Hulda Moeller, of Maker Citv, a . wl" ,mU il '' "'mtoit.-ible and respectable
sister of Miss Minnie Moeller, dellverv l'Ur.wl"e tamilies and parties can come
clerk In the Sumpter postollice, is visiting al,J eJ'V ,,,rir M"" ",w- AnJ "w 'comes the startling fe.ituieot it all any
beer that can be called for, whether
j blew ed In Sumpter, Portlmd. .Milwaukee
I or elsewhere, will be served lor live cents
I per glass. I his is an entire new departure
1 lor Similiter, linlli in Hit rstahlUhiiient of
I'm the first time in many mouths there I .,, lurlrr, iind hl ,he pri,e ot the popu
are several post bo.xes now f .r tent. ,,r ,,PVrr,)k,fi u ,lkh UN..vv.1vs command-
neretoiorr uiey nave Peen as scarce as
houses still are.
T. I. Melllnger is on the streets again
alter a severe illness, looking a little the
worse (or wear, but is now rapidly recov
' ed one hundred per Cent more per glass
I than acmrdiug to this new arrangement.
Miss Catherine Mreclitel, daughter ol j Lun.hes will be served, and If all else
O. Mreclitel, will leave this week for a warrants, music will be introduced. Later
visit to her old home at Walla Walla,) announcements will be made In THE
where she has a sister residing. j MlNt:l before the opening, to incur
A. I.. McEwen left Monday for .1 three ' August 1. Look out for it.
Through lh Yellowstone.
The new route v ia the Oregon
weeks trip to Kasto, M. C, on mining
business. He experts In return with ai
well known mining man, T. W. Jenkins, I
ot Loudon, Knglaiul.
Kd Ralston has started up .1 Ct aw ford
mill and concentrator In ore from the Last je Railroad and .Monida, Mont., enables
Clutue, in the Cable Cove district. I'lie ynu to make a delightful trip through the
mill has a capacity of twelve tons every I Yellowstone National Park, entering via
twenty-four hours. Monld.i ;iiul coming out via Cinnabar,
Houssuin Spalding, of the Cryst il making it unnecessary to cover any pop
Ice company, came out Monday with a tion ol the route twice. For beautiful
new canvas covered Ice wagon, tastefully 1 descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
painted green and white, giving It a cool , gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 1 lilrd
appeatauce as well as a very citylike air. 1 streel, Portland, Oregon.
1 lie engineering ortice of the Sumpter .
Townslte company lias been moved from j On vour wav- to or trom Mourne remem
its old location and work begun on the . i,er the Roadside resort of C. H. Marnard
brick office building which the company I cm iiueucli vour thirst and satislv your
has intended erecting tor some time past. ' liunget.
Mrs. J. (.;. Connell and children. Mert, !
Kay and Ruth, Tom l.avin, wile and Welnlurd':. beer on draught at Henry
sister, the litter recently arrived from , Finger's; to cents per glass.
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
tor their new homes. We are readv to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
furniture lor hundreds ot new hemes: we can do
as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all limes. There is always
plenty here tor every room in the house. All
our goods are priced 'on a cash basis and it will
pay you to give us a call.
Med Room Suits, 515.00
Med Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, tMnr' utt), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co. & ep
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
I j 1
W. II. CM)i:. I'rolJrnt T. G. HARRISON, Vlce-Pre. and Treat.
TIIOS. MCXWCN. Central Minicer
Sumpter Transportation Co
most conplete livery equipment
in Eastern Oregon, teams al
ways ready to go anywhere
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines,
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.
15-Horse Power Hoist For Sale
39bi-3 ffl iSii 111 W 111 IJJ
' fcsSCrJ-lrTpy
Driving gear, drum shaft, base and all other parts, are extra heavy.
Operated by gasoline. By using V tooth 8f extra strength is ob
tained and noise reduced. Now in Eastern Oregon, near railroad. In
good order. Used only few months. No reasonable of fer refused.