The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 11, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday. .Julv 1 1. 1000
In the Honorable (.ountv (.nut I nt Hiker Count),
t.tlt? lit Oregon
We, the linJcrslsned, tour petitioners, respectfullt
repreenl we are eiich and all residents and leRil
niters of Hournerreunci. in siu couniv .mj wait,
and we ask that a license be Ktiinled In !' J. Hansen ,
and J. I., William tit sell and dispose of srlritous,
vinous an J malt liquors In the town nt llourne. In '
llourne preclnil, Haker counts . In leis quantities
than one gallon, tor the perloj ol sis months.
Cecil de V. S Hnseasnn, fid Smith. W M. I rands.
Mobt Anderson. D Grant. W W Greene. I' II Pavls.
lack Mattock, John Ongrove, WN Knss. PI' (.takes
I J McCnnel. I'red Antentleth. deo (i ll.ill, Thus
McGutre, Urn AM.iult ,,las t.r.inlurd, John Kum
iner, II I Turner, I A Mlkrl, J I M.thonet. W Knwe,
M I Russfl, A Stillbert.UliilAlnswnrlh.l'eti'r John
son. W H Paddo U. ( (i Klnnlson, Orin llarili, Da
vid L'vcland, U I) l.tnch, Joe Hmkln. I rank k'ernlck,
Hen k'lnser, Peter Kohblance, A I) V.inJe.ilke, T S
Martin. John T Mush, K I) W.trnnck. J I". McVlcker,
(i P HalrJ, I rank Murrat. (iu Harris, Alonten
lilser, A M Hamilton, Gen K (irant. (i W Keins, Dan
Parry, Hert Kiisk.O W Nrwlen, CI: Huntington, I.
II lav.l.AWren, M.Hurns.Jti While. I I Post,
Alfred llennell. 1 T I rainpler, Gus Andetson. .1 II
Clatk, W H Spence (irant Acketman, l.d Delanev, 1
I) A Monte, John Watd.M A Steward. II J Watson,
l-CH Spetuer. Cdward llvde. I'tank J Halt, C h
k'ear, Zen Mat , Joseph Lane, J Claion. John Huff
man, Wm Hlnss, (leo Penman. J (. Uatton, T I)
(ianslev, J D McDonald. I ee C I'arl. I: II Macpher
.on.JohnCScullev.l:A Stoit. W C Rovknood, ,S ,
Altent.nlen.liCSlms, J II James. I:J llus'on. Tom
Calvett. Chas Hiuett. Patrick llatklns. A O Htlnk
in in, Clint Hat urt. Tims MtCotnlik, V C lehnson,
Wm Yerser, John (irtttln, II I CaJdy, I; O Nelson.
Notice Is lierebv clven that the said I.' J Hansen '
and J I. Williams ill applv to the said Lounlt Coutt
nt Haker county, Oregon, for the gramme l sild '
llienseun August tst. moo. or as soon Ihtreatter a ,
tl elr petition can be heard. I:. J. H sNMl.
J. I,. WllllsVis.
Mimmi Arpur.utos No 117
SURVtiV NO. 40ii
United States I and Office, j
La Grande, Oregon, June o, i'. t
Notice Is hereby given that C. L Preble, whose
1istofl1ce address Is Sumpter, Hiker County, Ore
gon, has made application tor a patrnt for 1467 7
linear led on the (iray Kagle lade beating gold,
being loonr less lect on each side of said lode, and
extending south ,i deg, 5 mln., west nir feet from
.enter ol discovery rost, and north Jeg. n mln..
1,0.7 leet trom center nt said discovery post,
situated In no organized mining district, (irant Co..
Oregon, and described In the ollulal plat and held
notes on Me in thin nttict-: as follow, to-wll:
Beginning at corner No. 1. whence the 1-4 coiner
.t sections to and 15. tp g s. r 1 e. W. M. bears n 46
Jer. mln. 40" 'eel.
Thence n 61 deg to mln. w to feet to corner No. ?.
Thence n y deg. , mln. e. 1188.4 teet to turner
No. .
Thence n to deg. 14 mln. e. 751.6 leet to corner
No. 4. .,
Thence soi deg, w mln. e jni leet to corner No. 5.
Thence ideg. t mln. vv i. teet to corner
So. 6.
Thence 55 Jeg. 14 mln. w 104a. I feel to cor No. 1 ,
he rlare of beginning, containing 18.44 aires.
The location of this mine Is retorded In the othce ol
he County Cletk of (irant County, Oregon, on page
v7, volume J ol Mining Locations. Anjolnlng claim
antsare Congo lode, v . S. S. t4: and Traction, Nic
otine, Atlas, (irav IJgle No. . War Uigle, Odd
Mlow, llobson and Concord lodes, all unsurveted.
All persons holding adterse claims thereto are re
quired M present the same before thlsoitice within
uty days from the first day of publication hereol. nr
they will be barred by virtue ol the provisions of the
J,U"' I:. W. II sWHl'TT, Kegister.
Ilrst Issue June jr. tv
Last Istue St pi. S. !
described lands are reiuested to tile their claims In
this oNice on or before said 18th dav of July,
iim). i: W. lUuTLLTT, Register.
I'nlteJ States land t liht e. j
ta (irande, Oregon, Mat 10, ii.
Notice Is hereby git en that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress ol June I. 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale of timbei lands In the
states ol C.illlornl.1, Otecon. Net.tda. and Washing
ton Tertltory,' as estended to all the public land
states by act of August 4. iBqj,
I'HWIN OtllitVllOli,
nt Mctwen. County of Haker. btaie ol Oregon,
has this day hied In this olnce his sworn statement
No. 070, tor the purchase olthe s ne t sec i, s a
ne '4 of sec No. u. In towntlilp No. 10 south, range
No. tr fi W S, and will otter prool to show that the
land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills
claim to said land betote the Register and Receiver
of this nftice at Li (irande, Oregon, on , the
7th day of August, isi.
He nimes as witnesses- Anel l.ook, Walter Cook,
U. V. Mead. Pat Id MvCot..ill of AicKwen. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adtetselv the above
described lands ate requested to tile their claims in
this ottice on or belore said ith dav ol August,
loisi. I:. W. llMIUITr, Register.
j t'nlted States Und Ottice,
I LiCranJe, Oregon, June 4, lot's
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1,1878, en
titled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
Ion Tertltory," as extended to all the Public Land
St lies bt act of Augus 4, i8),
btttilU WICII
of Haln, countf of Haker, Slate of Oregon, has
this day filed In this ottice his sworn statement No.
6ro.for the purchase of the ! te't', sw'( se1 1 sec. 6
nw ne't of section No. 7, In township No. 8 s,
range No. 18 E. W. M., and will offer proof to show
thai the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or
stone than for purposes, and to establish
tils claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver ol this office at La (irande, Oregon, on Wed
nesday, the a Jay nt August iuox
He names as witnesses: Henry Stewart, C I.
Richardson, l-rank Ketchum and Dave (ienrge, all of
Haines, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adtersely the above
described lands are requested In file their claims In
this ottice nn or belore said and day of August, turn.
I- W. IIAHTIIITT, Register.
j United Slates Land Ottice,
I LtCirande, Oregon, June 7, to.. '
Notice Is herebt given that In complltnce with the '
provisions ol the act ol Congress of lone 1, i8?8,
entitled "An act tor the sileol timber Isn.lslnthe
I Stales of Call'ornia, Oiegon, Netada.and Washing
ton Tertltorv," as extended to all the Public land
States by act of August 4, iNo,
, of McKwrn, County ol Haker, Slate of Oregon, has
this dav tiled In this othce his sworn statement No
, 6, lor the purchase ol the lot 1. SW 4 NK'4. V,
SK' ol Section Nit. b In Township No. 11 s. Range
No. (8, I!. W M., and will otfer prort to show that
I the ItnJ sought Is mure valuable for Us timber or
stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to estab
listi his claim to said land betote the Register and
Recelter of this ottice at L-t (irande, Oiegon nn
, Saturday, the ist dat ol September, imss
He mmes as witnesses' (unit Stnburk, William
, I ockhart, William, draham, Peler lloglson all of
1 McL'wen Oregon.
1 Anv and all persons claiming adt erxelv the above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
I this oftici'on or bvfote said ist day ol September )
, iwn. I
II. W. llVklli;!!. Reglstet. ,
Notice of l
Appointment of Administrator.'
Notice Is lierebv git en that Phil V, Nebergall has :
been duly appointed administrator ol the estate ul
liKa.nh II. linn.lM .tm.t . hi ilia fmittli. f',
I ol linker County, Oregon, and all persons having
claims againsi sau estate are nerery nottiiej to pre
sent the same duly vetlhed. to the undersigned al the
ottice nt Stntt It Shetton, In Sumpter, Haker County,
Oregon, within sis months trom the date hereof.
Phil V. NriinKlui. ,
Administrator of the Tsute ol Joseph II. Patnnde,
deceased. I
Dated, Sumpter, Oregon, Atay o, toi.
1 United Stales Land On.ce.
' I la (irande, Oregon, June j, lono.
1 Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1878,
, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In Ihe
stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing-
. Inn Tetrltort ," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by act of August 4, i&js,
of Haker Cltt , county of Haker, Stale of Oregon, has
this day lileJ In this office his swnrn statement Nn.
1 680, Inr the purchase ol the sU ol section No.
I 1; In Township No. it south, range Nn.
14 I:. W, At., and will offer proof to show
that Ihe land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or
I stone than Inr agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this othce at La (irande, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the iCth day ol August, iouo.
. He names as witnesses: Charles At. Itister. O. I..
' Munn, S. II. Wart and Lyman L Ausburn, all nf
1 Haker City, Cregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the ahntf
described lands are requested to tile their claims ia
this ottice on or belore said 16th day of August, mm.
1 13. W. lUkllliTT, Register.
The Literary
Issued Weekly
11 Pages Illustrated
"All tht PtrMlcili In On"
Til" llTIMlltt Dlttl T has taken the highest
rank as a weeklt retiew ot current thought at
home and abtoad. In the realms ol literature, art,
silence, religion, politics, siu lologv, itat el, dls
cotetv business, etc Plxsciixslnn and Intormi
tlon on all sides ot Impoitant questions are giten.
The contens etch week cot era held siidltrrvltled
as to make Till I III M tut Dull M Indispensable
to the busy man who desires to keiP up with the
thought ol the time, but who l.nks the leisure Mr
such a task,
t. P. Pootll, 0. 0 , In Unllf, (.hlogo "Tut'
I III M tut Dtiilsl Is nn absolute neiessltt to
those who woiil t keep In line with the ptogtess
ot thought and .ichlt'tement. I do not see howr
ail) thinking man can gel along without It."
Edwin Miikhim, Author ol " The Attn With
the Hoe" "lilt I.IIIMM.V 1)1(11 sr Is one ol the
two or three most valuable Journal, that come to
my table."
Ci'Sinitot John J. Infills: "I lit titiwtwi
DliilM enlargis the boiindatlrs ol Indulgence."
Stnitor Wllllim P. Fit: "It will atlord im
mense assistance to the stholats ot the counti."
Co. John P. Alttld, ot Illinois " I tit' Lltl -AM
1)1(11 st Is oneot the vetv best publications
In America. To .1 student ol ctirtent literature It
Is Invaluable.
10 Cinti per Copy. i 00 pir Yon
Sind for Ooierlptlti Cltcoloi,
TUNK t WaONUlS. Publishers.
( United States Land Olflce,
La (irande. Oregon, Atay i,ip.
Notice Is hereby given that John T. English, whose
post othce address Is Sumpter, Oregon, has made
application In select under Ihe act ot June 4, i&n.
1 10 Stat., 16I Ihe following described tract, lo-wit:
t.Wolnw!,'ntSec. i Tp. 8 s. R 17 I- W. At.: the
nH of n! ot swt( nf Sec. it Tp. 8 s. R. 17 1- W. At..
containing i acres In Haker counlt , Oregit (com
mencing at a point no rods due north of the ne cor
ner ot Sec. 1 In Tp 9 s. R. li. W. At. thence east
160 rods, thence norili no tods, tlvence west it rods,
thence south to rods to place of beginning, contain
ing io acres of land In Haker County, Oregon.)
Within the next thirty davs from dale hereof pro
tests or contests againsi the selection on the ground
that Ihe lind described, nr anv portion thereof. Is
more valuable for Its mineral than lor agricultural
purposes, will be received and noted for report In the
Commissioner of the (ieneral Land Ottice.
E. W. II VHI1LTT, Register.
United Stales Land Othce.
La (irande, Oregon, May it, ioiu.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 187I,
entitled "An act Inr Ihe sale ol Umber lands In the
States nf California, Oiegon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended In all Ihe Public Land
Slates by act nf August 4, i8ut.
VVAITliK W. OAktisr.R,
nf .McL'wen, county of Haker, State of Oregon, has
I this dav tiled In this ottice Ills sworn statement No.
1 07. tor Ihe purchase ot the n Jj 1),' ol sec su, tp
I loNiuth. Range No. iB H. W. At, and will olfer prool
to show thai ihe land sought Is more valuable tor Its
timber nr stnne than lor agricultural purposes, and to
I ..kll.l. ! .. sal I l.n I lulnu ... Uunl..
rsifl.'iisii ills siniii, .1, a,i . iTtuir ii.i- niiiiiin
and Receiver ol this othce at La (irande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, Ihe ist day ol August, n.
He names as witnesses: John Calhoun, John Ate
Henry, Joseph Deas, James Worley, all of Sumpter,
Any anj all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this omce on or before said ist day of August iouo.
E. W. IIAMULTT. Register.
United States land Office, j
La (irande, Oregon, May , iuoo.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act of Congress ot June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act tor Ihe sale of timber lands In the
states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act of Aiujust 4. i8o,
jam-. TIBBS.
ol McEwen, County of Baker, Slate of Oregon, has
this day tiled In this office her sworn statement Nn.
66a, for the purchase nt the ne ( se '.' of sec No. j, In
ip 10 s, range No. E W M, and will nfler proof to
snow that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and te es
tablish her claim to Mid land belore the Register and
Receiver of this nftice at La (irande. Oregon, on
Wednesday, the iltli day-of July, igoo.
She nataes as witnesses: Alexander S. Intt, Sam
el Thompson, George A. Soelt. Mary A. Seen, all
of McEwen.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
United Stales Land Office,
La (irande, Oiegon, May ij, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1818,
entitled "An act for Ihe sale ol limber lands In Ihe
slates ot California, Oregon, Nevada, and washing
ton Terrltllory," as extended to all the public land
stales by attof August 4. ittys,
of Allcel, County of Union, State of Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his swom statement No.
671, lor the purchase ot Ihe se! nela, ejj se sec 6
and neU netf of section No. it In township No.
10 south, range No. it E W M, and will offer proof
10 show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its
Umber nr stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at La Grande. Ore
gon, nn Thursday, the olh day ol July, iuoo.
He name as witnesses: A. S. Itatt, Peter, Hogen
sen, Henry Stoddard, George Stoddard, all of Sump
ter, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
litis office on or before said soth day nf Julv, iuou.
E. W. Uahilett, Register.
Agents for MattlnR
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-yenr-old
whiskey as Reed as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
Pelton Water Motor
Is so superior to all nthers as regards strenth. durability and economy of
water, In fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR,
as to admit nf no comparison, adapted to every variety of M-rviCe and
made of sizes varying Irom the fraction of i up to 100 II. I. Recent
scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with, sev
eral other motors claimed to be the best on the market showed 45 per
cent higher efficiency in favor of favor of the PELTON, while the rela
tive cost per II. P. to buy was only one-third to one-halt that of others.
Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should
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or San Francisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars free.
One of these motors can be seen any time operating Till: MINI3K presses.
143 Liberty Street,
New Yolk.
125-1211 Main St.
San Eraucisco, Calif.
Mork Room Mom- Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, giving us the entire use
of the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresh line of j j
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Shoos, Etc.
A better opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven a
drawing crrd since the CASH
SYSTEM was inaugurated J