The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 11, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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    Wednesday. July 11. 1900
GENFRALWARRENFLIMFLAMMED good condition of the entire outfit, seems
:i verv reasonable figure. Chief Ham
Largey "Don Him For a Thou," and Now immd has organized a hook and ladder
coiup'iiiy as ;i pari ni me lire uepnrimeui
and Immediate and constant drill will be
h Playt Bielc.
(icneral Warren has been over in Hutte,
testifying In the M.iutlc-Lnrgev mining
case. I his portion of his testlmonv, as
published in the Inter-Mountain, cmild be
identilied as his, even if his name and
the location of the suit were rot kIvi-ii.
This is not merely testlmonv, it is litera
ture, closely akin to .Montana soil or
the order of the day for sometime to come.
I lie new trncl is housed at the Cracker
street station in the tity hall building,
with Hose Company No. I.
Keep Away From Cap Nome.
Yesterd-iy's mall brought to Unite
scores of letters written to friends bv the
Montana hnvs who reached Cane Nome
"About ulx-n was that, as near as you (,n the Oregon. The letters were mailed j
can recollect?" ;tt Nome on 'lune 15, two days after the ,
"'I hat w as ju-t after Clover and Gtnver arrival ot the Oregon. 'I he Montana men
had redeemed the counlrv." are apparently dissatisfied with the conn-1
" I hat was ill 1H11I?" irv. i,,,l ii.irn llirlr friends to stav awav. !
"I think so. It was in iKuj. We sold , -ry believe they have been poorly paid
the Coinaihe mine tor .oo,ooo. Atr. for ,.jr trip, especially as they ran the
LarRey brought a suit against me. Me rs f contracting smallpox or pneumonia
and I and Mantle were partners in tile ,,n Hit irip. It is said that several Hutte
I'ay Streak down there, which was all hi . !lfe Mmv quarantined at Dutch Har-
my name, and he brought a suit against bor owning to the prevalence of smallpox
me for Ji 5,000 and ntlai lied 5,000, my b,,rj the vessels on which they took
Capital Hotel
fa Centrally Located
h Newly Refurnished
.WHS. (j. H. Tl-DPOWl , Proprietress
Electric Lights
Free Bus and Bajage
share of the mor.ey, and I had to Rive a
bond to release that. On the heels of
that I e.pect this will save you some
questions I did not feel very Reed my
self, and so I thought I would come back
with a lew suits, Hie same as lleinie
would, and I Rot to looking over the records
and I found out that there was one-fourth
passage, hi letters to Hutte friends, Kd.
I yncli, a well-known Hutte boy, who
left Seattle last May, advises everybody
to keep away from Nome. Vhlle he was
glad to participate in one of the biggest
mining stampedes in the history of the
country, lie neiieves mat mum suueriug
will exist at Nome during the next winter,
interest in the Comache mine in the name .( m;ny ,lf tne ,nn w10 maJe ,,e ,rp
of Oavid N. Upton. I went to him about K,d barely enough money to get there.
it mill tuM him" Work will be difficult to obtain, owing
"II nu will online yoursen generally , ti,c i, jfls 0f inlners.-Hutte Inter-
to the answer with relereuce to whit
Mantle said to you relative to the Specu
lator at that time," interrupted Mr. Cot
ter. "I don't remember anything about the
Speculator at that time. I was kicking
up all the row I could for l.argey."
"Now, in one word, what, if anything,
did Mantle say to you hi the nature or
Intimation ol a threat as to what he in
tended to do, il anything?"
"Well, you understand I taiinot recol
lect as to the Spettilalor, but it was gen
erally understood that we both had war
11. tint 011 and tomahawks out "
Colonel Payton, of Chicago, Here. '
Colonel C. II. Peyton, ot Chicago, j
arrived in Sumpter last week. With W. j
E. Kurd, ot Portland, he lelt Sunday lor
the Chelan group of claims, near l.awton,
which thev own and are developing.
Colonel Peyton has been interested in
tills district tor several years and makes
semi-annual visits here. He has tin-1
limited taitli in the district and especially
In the Chelan. He is an old Colorado
mining camp newspaper man, who
"caught on" is Chicago, and ol course,
can't keep away Irom a hole in the
'About ho.v Ioiir alter this attachment
that riled you and Mantle was it that you around.
donned your paint, to use your language?"
"Oh, hi about two hours." Elk WiU FurflUh a ""
'(, after the failure of Hurst and Seymour Hell is pushing a proposition
the payment ol his purchase prUe to you to lurnisli a suit of rooms lor the enter-
and the others, or to you, do you know tainment ol visiting Elks. His idea is
whether or not I at gey took open posses- that thev, "being the best people on
sum up there or took barge?" earth." deserve something a trifle better
"Well. I ihlnk Laruev took nnssessioii than .ucommndatlons now to be found
really under the Hutst lease, long belore here, and the local Elks propose to furnish j
the bond became due."
Anaconda Coppr Milling Company.
In remodeling and increasing the ton
centialing plant ol this onnpauy at An
m inula, Montana, the minpany Is using
twenty-loin Huntington mills, 5 led dia
meter, ot the latest heavy pattern; twenty
four sets ot ktushtiig rolls, 40 in. diameter
by 10 in. Iake, with lorged sirel shells,
eight Make vrushers, .M In. bv I.' In. and
sixteen Hlake tttisheis, is hi. bv S in.
I lie aho e m.u bluer v w elglis about I ,(iso,
000 pounds and all ot It, togethei with
vli.ittini!. nnllevs. etc.. the weight ot
Wllilll Is not
amount, was
Chalmeis ot Chicago, and as 1.111 he ex
pevted, against the stiunget miiipetlllon
such apartments, both lor themselves and
outside brothers who roam this way. All
members ot the order residing here ate ie
'quested to "see" Mr. Hell.
Through th Ydlowiton.
1 lie new route via the Oregon Short
I iue Nailroad and Monida, .Mont., enables
yon to make a deliglitltil trip through the
Yellowstone National Park, entering via
Monida and coming out via Cinnabar,
making it unnecessary to cover any por
tion ol the unite twice. For beautiful
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Short Line licket Oltiie, 142 I bird
liulrded In the above street, t'oriiaiu, Oregon.
otdeied Irom I taser A
Additional Fir Fighting Apparatus.
I he tity ot Sumpter has materially aid
ed the lite department bv the puuhase ol
Rich Nw Strike in the Concord.
A large hodynl rich ore lias been broken
into in theCoucord tunnel this week and
Manager W. W. Nubbins believes lie lias
at last teached tile tannins Hlaiue ledge.
If this proves correct, and all indications
.i. i,.,..l ...a i..ia-r im.-li. ..ith, point In that direction, the owners of the
class known as a village truck, which Cniuord will soon begin the construction
was used In Portland tor several ears ,,f a large stamp-mill on their property
and from whkh ilv the apparatus was and another rich producer a III be added to
bought. With the truck ate five ladders, the disttict.-l.awton Standard,
four ot whkh ate of the extension older ., , p ort.,j, conducted bv (Jus
and of sullicieiit length to be useJ 011 the Wlll. ....... . .... M1 ..., ,. ...n.. k.
highest building now erected in Sumpter,
also poles, hooks, chains, ropes, leather
bikkels, aes, torches, etc.,w all lit
which were delivered oji board the cats at,
Portland tor J-'oo; which, considering the
representation ot its name,
convince vou of this.
A visit will
A nice cool pitcher of Weinhard's! beer
J5 vents, at Henry Finger's, Center street.
Headquarters for Commercial and Minim; Men.
Passengers Waybilled To all Points on Stages.
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
"The Olympus"
H. FINGER, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines.
Liquors and Cigars.
Duriim the next jo davs every
new subscriber to Thk MlNl-R who
pays 52.00 for one year's subscrip
tion in advance will be iiven one
assay for gold of any rock he mav
bring in. Fki-k of Chakgk
' r
Sumpter Miner
Sumpter, Ore.
Sumpter, Or.