The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 04, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July 4, 1900
and are Being Worked.
SUMPTER STILL LIVES. K(,ij- TI,Is I- "' "f ,,e nlJ mines of tl e
camp. At'imt the tirt mill was operated
here and produced $100,000 from the sur
face ores. 1 he old tunnel on the Raid
Because Our Mines are Great Mm"',;'m VV,S ,lI'T ,0 m feel l?"K' T
iiiosuy 011 uir le.iu. u 150 leei mini inr
mouth of the tunnel a sh.itt was sunk,
that .it a depth ot loo feet disclosed eight
feet of ore averages to per ton.
'I he North Pole has followed ore for at
At no lime in the history of Snmpter 1 least 700 leet. At a depth of 1020 feet
has the mining outlook been so htight as ihere is live feet of sixteen dollar
it is to.1 iy, and while there nriv be .1 lull ore, and the half is not told of this mine,
in the town, there are more men in the 1 There ate few spots on the glohe that
hills, mole actual and intelligent develop- has exposed the existence of a continuous
tneut work going on, more faith ami hope vein ol oie lor .it least 10,000 teet In
in the ultimate outiome olthe whole dis- length, hut this has been done in the
trkt than evei In fore. I hi- is as it should
be. Mines are made in the hills and not
in towns. As the mines increase and im
prove, tlie town grows. Develop the
mines and the town will t.iln cate ot it
.self the mines are still line.
It lakes ira-on.iMe tune, some monev,
Rmirue distrkt and the end is not yet.
A new tumwav will be built to the North
I'ole mill.
II. H. Mcl.aue h is hr;iin to prepare for
ten new stamps 011 the Oolcouda. In six
months time- the greatest hoist 011 the Ned
Movwillbein pl.ue. It will be capable
patience and good m inageiiient to 01 ike a of sinking 2000 feet belo.v the present
productive mine, even with fair merit to workings. I he Keystone will have n
beRlu with, liere 01 elsewhere. It took a new mill tills summer. I housauds ot
good live year to bring the Ned Hov, dollars , ire being expended on the (Jranite
Hoiiaiia and North I'ole up to th-lr pres. mad. Meiiuu UiiUer, agent
nit productive status. All stiuessiul t :i.(ser .V Chalmers, lias shown his
business demands the application ol the t.iitli hv his work and is going to develop
samepilnclples. Why deny it to a mine a mine in the Give, and will erect a
and then uimplaiu ol failure? Mines, phot there Utile outlook warrants it.
like woilds, are not made in a day. Don't I here is renewed .i.livitv .ill along the
expect It, for theie will be disappointment, line and Snmpter still lives.
It Is regretted there Is 1 mercenary
clement in this camp not imbued with a
mining spirit. I hey are eager to take the
proeids of the miner and prospeitor, but
refuse lo take. 1 solitary cliatiie will) him
Northwestern States Ail Right.
A press Irom Portland says:
President A. I.. .Uohler, ol the O. H. A
aviouut ol theli immense mineral devel
opments, maguiliceut guilt prospects ot
iijoo and our tiemendoiis reserv es of tim
ber, not to mention any lesser industrial
interests. l,mp prospers, mmp ired w ill)
the reieut lalhires in the spiing wheat
producing distrkls o the world, give the
Noithwestern states great prominence. maues 1. ,., rttnriicJ Irotn the east todiv. "In
possible for him to live and make money. lV.. Yl. ., .... .... ...... ..,., , n.e.
Aside Irom tills, there is a better il.iss R((i Washington and Idaho are be.oming j mining men l(msp,llimsy lav orable to investors, on
cuieuug mis ui-iii man a any mm' miiut
the hist disinvety was maili', I he most
hopeful sjgu,,iuiniig othels, is m.iuv
who have been here beloie liave retuiued
to hivi Nt, imbued with gleatir coiiluleiiie
tli.1.1 etei. Ail points of the
comiiass is lepieseuled line; outside i.ip
ital Is pii'domio int. I oiuliin,,
k ... V. !. I . 1 ... I ... il 4.. .1 '
,cw ' """" '"". .-ipoivnnr, n,e Nortliw est p.uiiu coast states will
Rulte, UiIi.iro, Seattle. Denver. San m be subjected lo the depressing unidi-l-rancisco,
.Milwaukee. 1 .rand Rapids and (s , ,MW M,,lrlurj r,lMerndiMri I
een New and Conne.tkul are :lm states, tor the reason that the latter
represented in these gold l.elds. Within ... wHl up to their maximum growth,
the state Pendleton Is l.irgelv to the front. wp ,,ujtl ,,,,, lerllorv has j,.Vcoped
I lie enterprise o that pUe has built a nnv 10 per rent nf ilMinlimim posslbll
whole town, to begin Willi. Ihere ate a , icSi xhettMr ,,. c,j r enterprising in
lew Reed men in Hakei who have the vr(,rs , an nttr.Mivc one. The outlook
mining interest ,t he.rl, but they i.innnt , ,()r ,,. nps f u. 0 , A N Ht nfVcr
iiccompitsii mtrailes. rut t'eiulleiou
whrie Maktr is, and theie would be a city
lull llu size ot Portland in live years.
We air glad lo see that Portland has
thmirghlv awakened to the vast npporti
as promising as at the present time."
Gtitmldt Being Worked Under Bend.
1 he (ireeuslde group, situated hi the
mties in the mines ot this section, and iranite distrkt, about a mile and a half
nothing hut 1 lev elation ot l.uts uuiklli.ive uoitlieast trom the famous Cougar mine
brought this about, highly per cent bids t.ilr to heiume a permanent producer.
of the mines and their immense prodiuts A reieut visit to the property dtsjosed the
In Colorado aie owned and condoled bv tail lliat ten men were at work tor Dr.
the people ol lliat state. Portland 1.111 ' D. W. ard, w ho holds it under a work
accomplish the same lesiilt here, bv well htg bond. I here Is a tunnel 200 feet in
directed effoits. Nothing inspires out- length, and a shall is being sunk to in
side capital mine III. in to see examples ol tersect the tunnel. Dr. Waid has shipped
f lilli in home indusliies bv these who ie-' ore to the smelter, which alter paving
side within the st ite. Whatever alll-l,;, ( mining, hailing and amelting
tude Kiev like, will leitalnly Influence 'charges, p.dd a protit ol 27.50 per ton.
lorelgn investois 1,11 or against beioniing his property sliipped ore as far back as
Inter-sled. iSoj, when it w is packed on muleback to
Uieitienls.,eol the Hunker lllll Is Umatilla, a distance of over 100 miles.
.nc of the ev euts ol the month l:erv lf c,.,r.kter ol the ore is gray copper
miue heie in course of development, running as high as 5200 in silver and over
that I1.1J a reasonable basis to begin w it 1 1 jl00 in gold, li is not a very large ledge
is improving with depth. Under the but seems to improve with depth. Jerry
able management of C. II. McCal.ium, ot Seabrook of this city, has owned an in
Colorado, the llald Mountain and .Mam- terest in the property for two or three
moth are rapidly developing Into mines, Vears and has done most of the develop
and will soon add twenty stamps and ment work that his been done on the
tike their pl.ue as producer-.. Over claims. He and his partners bonded the
oo leel of work has been done on this ,,r0perty in May lor sixtv davs and from
mine. At the 200 foot level, after cutting all accounts the bond will' be taken up.
through a porphyry dyke 180 feet thick, h,,Uer City Democrat,
the continuation of the old ores -
hute was encountered again, alter cross- Co or send to the City Creen house,
culling. Fine strata ol ore, varying from 1 Hiker City, for choice carnations; thirty-
cents per dozen. Roses fifty cents
nine lo four inches thick, were exposed, . five run from JH.:o to ,:co per ton In per c
Now is the Time to Build.
DON'T wait till mid-summer or late
in the fall. Commence now before
the rush, while you can get plenty of
material cheap and while meohanics are
not crowded with work. Every season
repeats itself: A big rush late in the
season and a lull "in the early spring
time when the violets bloom."
We have a fine stock of lumber and
we are equipped to get out detail work
for the finest kind of finish. A superior
quality of buildings are what we are
looking for this season, now that the
permanence of the town and. country is
J. B. STODDARD, Manager.
Bousum & Spalding
Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and
Malting Co., ne.xt door to MlNI-R office.
Handles the best of Liquors,
Wines and Cigars. Draught
beer a specialty by the
pitcher, bottle or glass.
Opposite Depot - SUMPTER, OR.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience In Raker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Raker City; Oregon.
rwin & Co.
Real Elstate
and Mines....
.i.- Opera House Block
"Just around the Comer"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars.