1 6 THF Fl'MPTER MINFR. Wprfnpsdav. Jimp ?-r. tono TALK OF THE TOWN. ' i,ri,Mc CI,V. '' he chances .ire th.it thai ' c.i 111 p -a III discard coal nil lamps at no dls ' lant day. i Seymour IUII went to Haher City Mnn- Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Marsh are in I'ort-. j;iv uhh lid Cannon, who proceeded to land this week. I'orlland on important business. I hr Mr. and Mrs. I. II. bobbins spent a lormer returned yestrrd.iy. lie says A. ).iy at Lawtnu lasl weeh. C. Little will arrive today. These Kentle- Jesse Ht.bsnn's family arrived in town "-en are wurldiiK up a IIr deal of iulerest tills week from western Oregon. ' l,,J """, '" ""iI'lT. Mrs. Sadie I:. White returned Tuesday ' " Neil ,,f NVII'S Meri.-iiitlle com Jrom a liusinrss trip to iranite. ' .'-'"v, ""J August I. ann, son-in-law ot Mr. .... , i ... . Neil, relumed Saturday from a several IJIt i firniKL. Wlllisi, 1-. I'.i urn in rt the Similiter Drug inmp.iny store. Ciem-ral VVaiirii left yesterd.iv on a hurried business tup to Hutle, .Mont ui.i. AMss Kichatds went to Raker City Monday, t-KpeitiiiK hi ieiii.nu there se ei.il days. Mis. Inloi Austin returned several dav.s sIikc front a visit with relatives at I'r.iitie City jdavsouliuK In and around Prairie City. j I hey were pleased with tile prospects ol I'raiiie beiomlnu a good town, anil Mr. I.aug may go into business there. ( ieuer.il Warren is thus quoted in the It.ikrr City I enukral ol teday: "I have all along claimed that the eastern Oregon gold lields are ahead ol any other minion sect loo on earth and I know lllik fti Kit lltM .' .. Mull' 1 ill imiiiif tit 1 I I I .1 I" 'l i 1 1 v I M I Mill ,wn i in A party is being org inied hen- to go to ',utte.ind vou will hear something dnip South Allien, e.peitiug to leave in .ihuut when lelutii." two months. j Ms ( K vvherler entertained a party Major W. I". .Wanning visitsd the trifiuls at her home liiday evening, AIjiiio, Law Ion and (iranite districts this ,,,,,r t her departure for San Francisco, week, icIuniiiiK last evening. ' l)r which plan- she left Monday, expect- M. I:. Maine is now representing the inn In be absent some weeks. Mr. Oregonlan here as intre.spondent and has Wheeler accompanied her as far as La-N-cn doing some nood woil. ol late. , ( jraud, returning vestrrdav. I here were HeKini.liiRSuud.lv, the Capital hotel present at the gathering l-'rld.iv evening nilliuauKiiratewh.it will surely beapopu- Mr. and Mrs. Muiihr. Mr. and Mrs. I.il movement, that ot serving huuheon . I'Mianls, Mr. and AWs. I:. .1. Dwyer, at noon and dinnei In the evening. . M's- Hfo.k, Miss Richards, Miss Worsfl R.K. lirwin. the pioneer ir.il estate '. ' I ee and Spencer. broker of this camp, u-luined Sunday, after an ahsruu- ol a mouth or moie at ilood I'lver and Poillaud, where he has been working "I1 deal. "I he I'oitland", condikted by (Jus , is tolly a A visit will Woodward on .Will street, is tolly a l!OR AtiMsn Mtiii'M'iis No iit Mikvi No. ,... repieseutatioii ot its name. i Mil, ili.'f Villi III Ibis. Ike Wair, the well known mining man, ' '. has sttin.li it again; this time at tile head , i! Hnclt niileli. ThetedKi-is thlit tert NOIICI: l: AI'I'I.ICA I ION wide, about half ot which is good ore gi '"' ' ':,N ' Iiik an average assay ot ii, Mis. l-lrtrlier, wileol the Reiitleinan hi ' t h irge id the Reologti.il survev now beiiiK made ol Jhe I line mountains, is in Siunp- , t'mu-j snii-s LuijOiim.. (I .... . . . I.i I ii.in.l.'. Or.u"M, lime nu i I ter ami will remain hen-diiMUK the pin- .-.. l II,. iviiili in IliK li inllv Null, i' U Inn In liittii Hull. I. 1-iHlt. whinfl Mess in uie wiiik in nils vmiiii). p.i,.ni....,jjiis i. swiii-h-i. Ilii.,i i m. ()u- (' 1 I leei- in ill it-i'ot the "outside" K""- ''" ""'' IT"''1''" '"'. I"1 "' lJt .1. I uet, incnait oi iih iiiiisuh hm,i( ,,,, ,, , .,j,,. uJl. i,..nii Ku. . cirviilallou ot Hit Spokesman-Uevlew , has o-in i,. it-,-i n nnhsUi- ..i uj i..,i.-. nj il. II litiL si.iill. tc J.i. t mill.. uitl n ii li-i't tritni hreil ill tamp fill srveral d.IVs past, les- ,,.ni,t "I .IK..inn .i.t nnilli u.l.'i;. it mln . . . : . It .. l. II.. . .. ...l llikl Ic'l lllllll ri'lllcr lit V.1IJ .III... Veil Iw.kt. llil.ili.l III iii. imi: inlii'.! litlllliu JUltlil, (iunt (.it.. llii'Kini, I ii. I .Ii'miII'.'I III Hie nllitl.il I'lil.inJ lii I J linu mi hit lii this nliii; .it tulliiiiH. tu nil I IIi'CIiiiiIiil; it nntii't Su i. -Atit n tlu t-i .utnr lii Mtilun. i.i.inj m. I'i s, t tvr.W l. Iv.iin n 40 i J.-i:. mln i n lis't. ' llii'iiii1 n t.i Jt-ir- mln. n iu trt I In oiiiii't Nil. i, ' I I...... .. ta . . !... .till .. iiUll . I-... ... ...... . day. In the .if lei noon l)i. IHih.Ii. was S- i tl." IIM'I lit (lllllll i terdav he iiiipoinieil )e .Nelle v .iiev local a nen Is lor that papular papei. I.estei, the intiiul sou n Mi.aud .Mis. Strallou, died vi i y suddenly l-'ridav ajtei noun. 'I lir child had not been well all called, but beloie he leached the house it was dead. I Iniiii n ii .Iri. ji iiiin. .Mi. a I Ihiui mil .lit:. ii mln i u Ifft hi mtii.'r Nn. ; I I lien i. . ii J.i j i mln. v hi. i I.. I tu .inner I M. Hakei.ol the law linn of Haker V , N,-Jl'l,;n,, , j,B ,,. M ,,,.,, N. ,,. l ikel, l.a ( 'traude, is here isitiuK Ills i..iii.'i ivisiiiiiiiiK.iiiiniiniiiB iK.i .., i .'.. , iii I I III IlKMII.ill "I till, lllllll. I. tllll!.!l.l III till IllllCf lit I -son, I . I.. H.iliet, lotmerlv ol the ump- n. i,,nniii ( i.iki.i in.ini tjniniv. (ih'i-iiii, mi i.ii:i l.r iuivI .ill. .. I.lt I'll- iii.iIhxI.iii il V-T, Mllllllll I ut Mlllllll I Ili.ltlnlU .ll.illlill; 1 1 lllll ter post otlue stall, the piolession.il .,..,,..,,.,...,,.,.,,,.,.., s. s. , .,.i i,M,m. Sic- i ird ol the l.a Cii.iiHle litiuis lobe tound ""!!" ''!"' '"". '1"-1'' s:'. ' Wj.'. l-!l,' OJJ ' " I .lliiu ll.ihviill III I I nlki itf .1 lul.,.. ill niii.iiiiai.il rlsewlicie in Ihest- column r rstcd in electik IIkIiI plants, aimed In '''- ""'-. ii.en i.u.s..t n.r town yesterday, in company with Ion , , , i.w.iiim Wnjunt .... . , I lit Umii lure j.. i... t.r.ivei. I hey ate on Iheir way to i ut i s,t ,. .. GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTKK, OREGON. SHOES FOR EVERYONE AT.... NEILL MERCANTILE CO. SUMPTER, ORE. tw V. II. LAM:. PrIJrnt T. fi. IIARHISON, Vlcc-Pre. anl Tren. TIIOS. .Mcr.Vi:S. r,fnfrtl.ManaKtr Sumpter Transportation Co MOST CONI'LliTG I.IVIIRV EQUIPMHNT IN EASTI-RN OKKGON. Tl-AMS AL WAYS HI-ADY TO GO ANYWIinKli Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavy Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. j ii r I I ' l r Ol .. ' i-m wm f Bl.v s ll a M l -iiikikvi -tkaftivv " m-umr- ,. , ,. . i. i i iiioij in i'U'mih iii. ..iiiu iviiiii HiiMiMiii ttiinin , , ii ii n i I iifui"i i iimi A'i ir I. I . Moley, ot lortl Hid, I.UKelV Inter- nm .In. Hum ill. iiii Jn ut riiHii .itii.n lii ti'iit, ui I J llvlUv I VIIUl I Ivlul I vl WUIv Htft' "Old .me IiIiiks experience, and some Kinds of e.vpeiience brtnus old .me. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture tor their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied sitlsfactory luriiiture tor hundreds of new homes; we can do as well tor hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There Is always plenty here tor every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to ulve us a call. Rrd linom Suits -. ft 5.00 Hed Uoom Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (vitni. n,-,), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. i-.ucron&bi,,Bcr Phone Hed jfu. HAKER CITY, OREGON H A A IR7 ill fi ;'""',,"7 1 1 A. UM rStfl III I ffP?ft'lJ m , 1 4ftali?iLKSi ML . tOfflS jh-acJrvy--fji?syf- ,1 V tekTMliaKlllllllHUia TU 11 MB fifj4HJJaBlmf V 0l--wS I ' JF: HI jyjt 1 S Driving gear, drum thait, bate and all other parti, are extra heavy. Operated by gatolme. By using V toot gear, extra strength is ob tained and noise reduced. Now in Eastern Oregon, near railroad. In good order. Used only few months. No reasonable offer refused. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO., Portland, Oregon.