10 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday. June 27, 1900 ADVERTISING OREGON. Great Work Being Done by Colonel Donan. nearly as big as Deadwood In the palmy .I....C r.1 lU. PU..I, Utile ui.y.T 111 . Iiiuin inns. ( " The Oregon climate is a dream of paradise 'come true.' All last winter, while the whiskey was freezing in your glasses from Dakota to Maine and Nova Scotia, the grass in Portland was green I as May or 'leafy June,' lawn mowers were running, and (lowers were blooming I everywhere. And all this summrer, while you eastern wobegones will be picking baked apples from your trees, digging I roasted turnips and potatoes out of your gardens, and catching boiled cattish out of your lakes and streams, Oregoulans and Washlngtonians will wear flannels and sleep under blankets." I The next heard of the Colonel is at I Milwaukee, where the International Mln- I lug congress is In session. Ills arrival In 1 town was chronicled with a half column The O. R. A N. Is doing some great ad vertising for the gold fields of eastern Oregon. The residents of this section should follow up this work of General Passenger Agent Hulbert by personal ef forts and the distribution of printed mat ter, going more into detail regarding thr conditions existing herr, and the re sults will be astonishingly gratilviug. Till: MlNhR has already iiieulioiied the fart that Mr. Ilnllirrt is li.-ivlni' srvrr.-il hundred thousand folders and pamphlets, . "lice " 'c Journal, of which the follow- from Colonel Italian's matchless p,.,,, ' ing is the opening paragraph: coiilmed larL.rlv in m .icM-rimi. f H.lJ "Col. Pat I onan, of Portland, Ore., emmet's marveiousiy run mineral re sources, distributed all over World. Our ileslln.-iliim of matter, hi particular, is going to result in ! ,'""r vlvid lc,Mre wri,i"K ,,e m) llal much iinod. inriiF iiwiilieis ot these nub. '" 1,le C0,1,,,rV. mi. Ills raptures over eacli lliatlous are being sent to Seattle, to be ! P;"li':" "l" ! comilry which he placed in the hands of those going to and I ha l,onmeJ n,way re;,d ",e ' returning from Nome. Olhers will be cltii lit ine-iit. He can place a gray goose forwarded to that far northern Mecca of I 'I""1 "" ll,e ,l,n of a llber,y l)ole anJ P,nt the gold seeker. 'I here is no qilrMon with It mnre brillhnt colors on the sky hut viliii ilv,,v,,iv ..I n,,k.. ArU1. u I Ilia" are lound in the rainbow or than can who is here to attend the mining congress, the civilied uiosi iciii.iikuimc inch ever this iirlnirj I coimetieu wnii ine press 111 me country. w ill be disappointed there and will be look ing for more favorable fields tor their elforls. These writings of Colonel Oouau will furnish the information desired and 1 be evolved by the genius of the paint brush. Mis rhetoric is always dnz.ling, his descriptions entrancing, his' Invective meteoric, and even his most cointnon-place will doubtless induce many to come here i """Position a song. His pen lias Invest In search ot w hat lliev lulled lo find in the I rJ manv '"' rJiKiry subject with the land ol lake stampedes. glamour of romance, and his language, Hut tills is not all the work which MrJ "own so easily ami gracefully as to con- lltilbeit and Colonel Uouau are doing in the interest ol this muntiv. I lie lattet gentleman lias gone east nu another talk ing expedition, similar to that of last tall, when a ch.ir.iiteiistlc Interview will) him was published in snmrlliiiig like live hundred papers. Returns frum this nip have nlrc-adv begun to arrive. Ills lust I stand was made in I'.'irgo, North Dakota, j when- In- Inimerly lived. I he reporter nl the l-'nriiui got hold ol him and wanted tile usual epiessiiin ol opinion on l-'aign'.s growth and Dakota s gteatness. he paper staled editorially that though till vev the lullest appreciation of the legend i about the effect ol kissing the celebrated ' blarney stone." Profits In Large Bodies ol Low Grade Ores. In no Held of enterprise has greater progress been made during recent years than in the methods o( saving the values of low grade ores, and in no field could ellott have been more profitably expended. In tin- scieiur of concentration, a perfect ' revolution has been accomplished. Ores 1 which but a verv lew vears auo were ! utterly worthless, because ot their re was the puipose ol the inleiview, the j Colonel managed to uoih in a leniaik m two on Oiegon. I hat remark or two, mi ' fidroitlv luliodii.ed, amounted to auilumn and a hall, line Is a sample paragraph or twe: I "While It is an agilculliir.il, horti cultural and pasloial stale, Oregon bids tail to take a (rout seat aiming the great j tr.ulory Jiaradet, aie now handled at a handsome prolit. I he enormous bodies ol low grade relractorv ores in the west will during tin- nel ten vears give up many times the amount ot gold that is produced Irom Iter high grade mines. The ideal mining proposition is one in which larger continuous low giade ore bodies turnish steady nndlcerl.iiu employment to laboi and lapital. continuously yielding mining legions o Ameiu.-i and the world, j ., ,;lllsf;uuy business prot.t.-Mining He lls gold mines last ye.u yielded 55,000,000 i ill nuggets, dust and bullion, and the most vvoudeilul display ol gold me at the Omaha exposition, as well as at the last meeting ol International Mining congress, which is to assemble in Milwaukee next week lame Mom Ike (inker's (iie.it Notlliein uilne, near Canyon City, Ore gon, where the ipiatu runs over J.'oo.ooo to the ton, and where an ignorant Dutch farmer, in a tew Jays, picked out a fortune w ith the point ol an old pocketkulte. The goldlields of eastern Oregon have an area of nearly I s.ooo sipiare miles; over 1,000 mines have been opened up; K.ooo loca tions have been made, and many bonanza fortunes have already been lealired. Albert Jelser, a young boy driving an ex press wagon in Haker City, not long ago took hold ot a prospect known as The Honana. Under all sorts ol difficulties and discouragements, he worked at it until he was able recently to sell a con trolling interset In it tor f 750,000 cash, . A Portland lady last winter got a three-days bond 011 some claim, near the new city of Granite and belore the time expired sold out for 7$,ooo, and a thousand similar cases might be mentioned. 'Sumpter, in Haker county, had 150 people a year ago. Today it is a city potter. The Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter, is today as good as any made. 1 (Ju.irt. and placer location blanks of the most approved form for sale at TlllJ MlNliR office. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (..CO. ,....) Capital Stock f 20,000 outlaws. J. II. HoM-Int I'retlJent J. W. Scrlt-ec Vke-I'retl'enl Jamtv Newlanji Caihler DIHLCTUH.. J.W. Salter H. II. Miller J. W. Mea J CUlkSnJt J. H. KutMns r- Transacts a General Banking and Ex chance Business, No Inleretl I'aU on Pepo.IU. OUR GREAT FIRE SALE OF DAMAGED GOODS -. Again ready for business in the Jones & Yerger Block on Mil Street near the Depot j H AS been of such marked bene fit to ourselves in getting our unsalable goods into money and, we hope, to our custom ers in their securing good bargains at less than half their value. j j . w All our Jjmiitf J gimJa tiJJ .mJ enj -have been relegateJ to ttil it rartmeni an J are no nearly all miIJ, leaving our Mock in iht Jone. A: Yerger Hock Clean, First-Class and Up-to- Date in Every Particular Alter We JnesJay of tlili week oer vile ol damjfteJ slock will iluae until Saturday afternoon, when tliove uho have not taken aJv.intace nl thi op iwtunlty can Jo o .11 Hut time. We are receiving new goods every day and hope to see all our old customers and many new ones at our new stand next to the Townsite Company's office, where we serve vou to the best of our ability mil . p WMSMl I," n O 8 " I ih'v ' Vs cat' h;J,vlt .1-. :i' Mei' . J..,''.c.. ! '"" V'f c .-I MiL tM. :YLT 'saxsfs Fraser & Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACIIINKRY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers, Perforated Metals, Jigs, l:rue Vanners, Ktc. MINING MACHINliRY-Boilers, including Sederliolm Holler, Air Compressors, Heldler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chicago office for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY. OREGON THE BEST APPOINTED.. & S Pharm IN EASTERN OREGON. acy No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night.) A complete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. dt The Sumpter Drug Co. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. SUMPTER, OREGON. Fritz nd Dwyer 5Js7 GRANITE STREET. We buy and sell all kinds of City Property. We handle Mining Properties, on commission or tor cash. We have made a great many sales of City Property and mining claims the past few weeks.