The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, June 13. 1900
This Will be the Most Prolific
Gold Camp on Earth
.1. II. Brown, who prospected and
mined and set type in Colorado for
twenty years, has heen with Till: MlNPK
for several months past. The fine
weather of the last few weeks has lured
him ttoin the case to the hills. The pro
specting lialilt in stronger than the
gainMing mania and more lasting than
the opium appetite. Differing from hoth,
instead of heclnudlng the mind, It hrilit
ens and sharpens and strengthens It.
Monday morning a week ago he started
out iloat to Inspect this district. He
wa in no hurry, stopped at miners
cabins in preference to hotels, talked with
pioltors as a brother, went into every
hole in the ground that lie chanced to ,
p.lss. rvillimi'U roiK everywhere Me Went
carved on a rock cliff near Vale, regarding
which much has been printed In eastern
Oregon papers of late. He was a member
of Hirst Oregon Volunteers. He says:
"Each summer for the three years we
were in the service we went out to meet
the emigrants and escort them back to
Oregon. The winter of 1862-63 we spent
at Fort Dalles, and the whiter of 183-64
we passed at Fort Walla Walla. It was
either in the spring of 1861 as we were
going out, or in the fall of that year as we
were returning, that Lieut. Pepoon carved
his name on the face of the ciiff, reference
to which was made by the Vale Gazette.
The name of A. A. Gray, 1864, is also
mentioned. Gray was a corporal In our
company and carved Ills name at the same
time that my brother did."
Good Prospects In Sheep Gulch
The Sheep Gulch mines, owned by
Messrs. Haclieney, Mayley, Kobblns and
Foster of John Uay, are fast coining to
the front. The owners recently located
four more claims near the Great Southern,
and at present arc actively engaged in
assessment work. Samples were sent to
Haker City to be assayed and on return
were found to go 5.j. 60 in gold on the
and missed 110 oppoitunlty to .iC(iiire sirf;icr. The Great Southern, which is
reliable information regarding mines. His owned by the John I Jay Mining and
took Milling company, already shows 5? in
rout)- was from hire to ( Srauite: he
in thnoiiiitry around Alamo, Lawlon, the ' KU mid 7 in K"ld and copper. A crew
I .it I If 1 mine, Susauvllle, Quebec
moiiut'iiu, lloiiaua and back to Sump
let, leluriiiiig a day or two since.
He says the hill are literally alive with
piospei lots, experienced In the business,
men who have looked lor (lie elusive yel
low stuif In every promising district 011
tin- t'liitiueut, and it there Is anything
good not set will be found
this S.MS011. He met a number of Tacoma smeller. The consignment was
men whom he had known in Colorado, from the Ashwood mines, and consisted
worked and eaten and slept with in the I f 'l,"t fco pounds nl as line a gold ore
mountains around l.eadvllle and Crioole ! i's ever a inliiing man gaed upon. Six-
. ... .....
of men are working 011 tills claim. They
have opened up the ledge for a distance of
10 feet, and as depth is attained Up
values increase. The owners aregralllied
over the prospects. Canyon City News.
Ore and Shcrp Shipped From Slnnilco
The htst shipment of ore from Shan
Ikn lelt heie Friday morning for the
Cieek and last year at llullalo Hump.
I rotii such acipiaiutniices as these he
gathered his inhumation. He says
(he dlstilct is a puel to them. No
whetr else havethev found so many, such
teen cars of sheep left the Shanlkn stock
yards Friday, lourteen carloads Saturday,
a I id nineteen Monday. The first ship
ment was consigned to James Wright of
Spokane, the last two tiaius going to the
i-Mensiv e, alluring and, at the same time, Mallory Commission company, Chicago,
stun peipie.sing leiige. 1 here Is no
question but surface va'ues are
disiouragiugly low. And yet, these men,
in dismissing tills one single unfavor
able tondiliou, Invariably mention the
oil icpcatcd declaration that there has
nevei vet been a failute here where they
have "gone down". The proof of tills
asseitiou is the dozen or lilteeu paying
mines in the district. Surlace values on
all ol these were unsatisfactory. From
this tact these men of experience draw
eiuoiitagement and continue to look for
ledges, sink shafts and drive
and are part of the herds of J. I:. Sherar
ir Co., of this county. We understand
the next consignment will leave here
June 8th and loth, a total of seventy
cars. Slianiko Leader.
M'nlng Items Prom Gelscr
A correspondent at Geiser writing to
the Haker City Democrat says the mines
of the Empire Mining company are look
ing hue and the company is planning for
the erection of a mill. The White Elephant
owners aregoing to build very soon. The
tunnels -ill 01111.111.1 nunc nas plenty 01 goou ore lor
laborious tasks when unaided by "s 4o-m.. mm. a ijii nnn ms
piumi up in nie piacers 01 uisun, mc-
I Mudre - Co., at Wiuterville, near here
All of the mines .ire In nneratlou and
their owners are Fortune's favorites. ' tiw n,,pr ll:'' ' ,w mVM,'rs of '"
One prospect of especial promise Is ,1(. , claims expect to clean up ..5,ooo. 1 hey
Ouebn : now being explored by Captain ' :,re woikiiiR ' full crew on the Mack Bird
Wood, under bond. In this property the !' l,,,!'" "K ve.opmcm as mm ns pos
highest values have been loiind anywhere ' ,'""ullrcl" uu.r nuns in
in Ins tramp, cousldeiing the sle ol ,le I camp we will begin to have a day.
ledge. On seveial claims fabulously 1IJ1 Aibtti Ctiu. B.,vs Into the Braros
ore has been found, Put In small
stringers, livirvwlieie men are holding
Claims bv relocation, not even recording
them, neglecting to do even the assess
ment work.
Auv number of prospects have been
opened this season, more than dining the
last ten years, and If the never-lail-when-yoii-go-down
theory holds good In one
lialf the number, tills will In two years
be the most proline gold mining region
on the globe. Hut it requires nerve and
faith, tireless industry or ample money to
Vk down". And this Is the opinion of a, 0IK.f ;il,j beR development work on a
4111111.1(1, wIiums opinion is worth what large scale. Haker City Democrat.
I It is understood that Albert Geiser
yesterday purchased a half Interest in the
1 Hraos mine, from Edward and Ralph
, Hlewett, the owners. About a thousand
tons of ore have been brought to the
j sampling works hi this city and the re-
I turns so tar are salJ (o exceed all ex-
, pectations. From this It is believed that
as soon as the work Is completed, the
Hraos will prove Itself to be one of the
greatest mines in eastern Oregon. It Is
I also said that Mr. Geiser will put a stamp
mill and other machinery on the property
it Is woith. He doesn't place a cast Iron
valuation on it, himself.
Thou VaU Cliff Rock Carvings
1. H. Pepoon writes to the East Ore-
Notice to the Public.
All consumers of city water must make
application to the office of the Suinpter
Water .company before the mains are
J I , .. . ," n . . . . IHI'WVM Wl till) JVIUtlli.C VI 1-U911lw99 I1VU9CT
ftoupn Irom 1 able Rock, 'Nebraska, an hi-1 applied with water.
icjc.stlng Idler cj.arduiu the names SU.MPIUK W'ATliK COMPANY.
Now is the Time to Build.
DON'T wait till mid-summer or late
in the fall. Commence now before
the rush, while vou can get plenty of
material cheap and while mechanics are
not crowded with work. Every season
repeats itself: A big rush late in the
season and a lull "in the early spring
time when the violets bloom."
We have a fine stock of lumber and
we are equipped to get out detail work
for the finest kind of finish. A superior
quality of buildings are what we are
looking for this season, now that the
permanence of the town and country is
assured. - - j j j
J. B. STODDARD, Manager.
Bousum & Spalding
Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and
Malting Co., next door to MlNliK office.
Handles the best of Liquors,
Wines and Cigars. Draught j
beer a specialty by the 1
pitcher, bottle or glass.
Opposite Depot SUMPTER, OR.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience in Haker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Haker City; Oregon.
rwin & Co.
Real Estate
and Mines....
..-, Opera House Block
"Just around the Comer"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars.