The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 13, 1900, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, June ij, 1900.
The following Is the record of official
business transacted at the county seat of
Raker county for the week ending Tues
day, June 12:
Warranty Jred-June 5, Chm. Darker to rii.i
J. Beam, S. D,'. ot N.W'4. ot sec. jo. T 8 ,
r w e ... (xxi
Warranty JrrJ-June j, W, II. Jones et u to
(!fn E Allen, lot t blk 5, South Smnptc aJn, am
Warranty JVe.1 June x, Sam lc ft ux to
Patterson ft Lpplnger, Cemelen properly o(
About 15 acres In sec ji loos, r 40 e 1600
Quit claim UeeJ .Mav i, J W Cox el ux to J l;
Dickson as Trustee of A Pontile estate,
1 5 acres In sec 14 tp s, r 16 e it
Warranty JeeJ- .Mav i. W W I oonev et ux to
Somuel L Shannon, lot i. Hock 4. anj strip I
;8x4 feet on I mirth street, .McKwen 1
Quit claim Joe J June i.CW leNet ux to
Wm J Lnchner, lot o blk ar At do J's snj a J 11
llaker Cltv 1
Warranty JeeJ .May 17, Catherine litlft'.n to
William (Irlmn e 54 It lot j Hk A I'late's aJn '
llaker Cits 1
Warranty JeeJ -April 10, llischeet al to W j
l Man lev '., lot 11 llk South SumpteraJn im
Warranty JeeJ June 1, J I. II Vial loUT Hro- 1
naugh etal n'jlot a Hk 4 llaker Cltv &xxi ,
Warranty JeeJ June 11, tieo W I'osnot et ux I
to Nathan lr In 00 acies In sec to tp 8 s r w e 500
Warranty JeeJ -June t, I' Peltoo to Victor
.Vault lot (blk I. DelWsaJn llaker City 54
Warranty JeeJ Mix 10, C S McCorJ et al to
Maker Clti Opera Mouse Compan) 4 10 It lot
a all lot 1 Hk6 I Islur's aJn llaker City i
Warranty JeeJ June 1. S I. llaer et ux to I: II
AtcDanlel lot 1 '., lot 1 Hk 4 HmJ's aJn to I
llaker City .... iv j
Warrant) JeeJ Junc8,rjla(ielser to l:J liel
ser lots i) anj 10 Hk 1 DclemisaJn Hiker
City . . . . iSou
Warrant) JeeJ John Waterman et alio Dla l
Davis lots 1 a 1 Hk 18 I'ailtic nJn Maker Clly 1 v '
Warranty JeeJ Dec u, w, I'erry Lewis ct al to J
AJa C Church lot s Hk8 llr.11t.1ln & .McCaJn
llaker Cltv ... 111
Warrant! JeeJ June 8, N C Haskell el al to
Win l.'HIn lots 1178 Hk 8 Haskell aJn llaker
City . . wo
Warranty JeeJ .Mai 1 7, 1 II .McCor J et ux to
C S .McCorJ el al s 10 It lot 1 Hk I'lsher's I
nJn llaker Cltv
Warranty JeeJ June 1 1 .1 II Donal J el ux to
II II .Miles lots 1 to ?. Hk 1 j, Parker's nJn to
llaker Clly . I4
Warranty JeeJ June i, .M .1 .lanney to Dora I
II Pierce lot 11, Hk if AlunoJ ?nj nJn
llaker Clt.i 171
MIMMI Mvrtlks. .
Quit ilalm JeeJ -.March 5, S C Crlsmon lo l:C )
k'eili,one-u,uailer Int In Alice it elm 1
Quit ci-lri JeeJ .March 1, J I: I'aik to D I! I
(iunsol is Duluth iU elm . . 1
Quit clalni JeeJ June 1, Ralph I: Itleuett to ,
C I:, his wife, '.j Int In Pleasant Valley it '
c!m. ... inoo
Quit ilalm JeeJ Jan 31, W U Hartley et ux to
John Dusetl ' Int In Alabaster l dm 1
Quit claim JeeJ Jan ig. I) A AtcKemtn to Jno
Diuiuelt Int In Napaleon qt elm 1
Quit claim JeeJ .May . I. Potter el ux to Al
Al Trier 1-4 Interest In I' P II, North Star '
anj .Mnntann qt elms . . . . 150
Quit claim JeeJ .Mavu John l; Kill. lum loA ,
Klrkham Int HalJ Kagle pla elm. . . . 50 '
Quit claim JeeJ .March 15, J D Voss to L Pot- j
ter i-4 Int PrIJeot Oregon il elm ajo
Quit claim JeeJ Nov 8, Jas Hens to (ieo Day '
1. Int In Croun Point anJ llangnr o,t elms. .
Qull claim JeeJ .March a. no, A Johnson to
ieo Day 'I. Int In Croun Point qu ilm 1
Qull claim JeeJ Apr a), L II Start to I. ft S
Poller int In Celestial it elm yi (
Qull claim JeeJ Dee 0, iju, Jas Unss lo A '
Johnson It, Int In Croun Point anJ llangnr
qKClms. I
Quit claim JeeJ .Mch 17. W llallou to Clias S ,
Warren, Jr, I, Int Croun Point anj llangnr
qliclms .... 1
Quit claim JeeJ June a, (ieo Day lo Dla Jem
(! M Co ', Int In Crown Point an J llangnr
qt elms 1
Qull ilalm JeeJ June John llarllelt to A I'
(iarrlson, ! Int In HltleAnaconJa qti elm .. 1
MorlcaEi' Apr y, V. P Cranston et ux to A S
Love,s i4 exeeptn 4lt sec a6tp8 s r 4ot iaoo
Alortgage June it, Amy C Haines lo W ,M
(irlltin, lot u Hk 11 llaker Cltv . .
Aloniage- June 11, J II .Messlck et ux to WM
(irlfnn, lot 10 Hk 11 llaker Clly .... 500
.Mortgage June i.llenry Panning elux lo I. 1
Limbeck 1C0 acres In sec ai tp 10 s r )6e iti
Mortgage June ti, Naihan Irvln et ux to Win
Ulloit auu acres In s jo tp 8 s r 19 anj s 35 lp
8 s r 6 e ... . . 6w
Chattel .Mortgage -'lune 6, James ChallielJ to j
P llasclie 1 engine 1 holler anj connections
an J fixtures 8j ,
Alortgage June la, Dora II Pierce 10 At J Jan
neylntn Hk 15 AtuooJ's anJ aJn llaker
.Mortgage -June a. (ieoT Hronaugh el alto J
L II Vial n' a lot a Hk 4 Haker Clly Co '
Mortgage June a, Lliile Present! et vlr to J
II DnnalJ lots 6 anj 7 blk 7 Stewarts aJn
Haker Clly
Chattel Mortgage .May 6, Jacob anj l.euls
Hull to Chas Kergls moo hay crop on Has-
ehe ranch on Snake river
BUI of Sale June g, L'llen I'olsom to John l-ol-
som Int In cigar fruit nnJ news stole next to
. postolhce, Sumpter .
JuJgmeijt lieo Patrick In fnior D.11IJ A .Mc-
Kecnin .. . ..
JuJgment Apr 18, LeonarJ logan an.l IMuarJ
Darbi , favor J A llou man et al
Action June 7, W L Nichols is A A Houston
et secute ami Jue tor milk anj Jalri
JuJKinenl Nov 38, u8, Oregon Clti Hospital
is W.I L'xans ...
Action June 8 D I. Choalexs llanetle Con (i
.M Co. for ami Jue on 1-4 purchase puce of
llanretie anj llanrette No. a qt elms an J
sen lees anJ use of tools . .
Anion June 8, llaker City is. .Marv I: llwle
et sir, for possession ot n 11 It .i.lolnlng blk
II DeNoox aJn llaker Uti
Attachment June 11, P llasche is Ilk II0111
Mtig Co, for ami Jue on goojs sol J Jell . .
Attachment June w, l!aily & Co. is Dan .1
llurke, lorairl J te on checks ot Jen on anj
relusej to be palJ by the I Irst National Hank
ot Hiker Cltv ....
Action l I. Sabln isfieo At Telreau el ux, lo
foreclove mtg ot Jetts on sli of tlk 8 Atuoojs
aJn llaker Cltv
Is the recognized exponent
of the niininjiand industrial
interests of the EASTERN
In the
Austin Meat
nnJ Wi'I.1
Special Hates to .Mines anj
IliurJIng Houses
The Literary
lssue.1 Weekly
Pages Illustrated
"All tht Ptrlodlcili In One"
Tll' l.ltl.Wsur Dlillsr has taken the highest
rank as a weekly reilew of euirrnt thouglit at
home anj abroaJ, In the realms of literature, ait,
science, religion, politics, sociology, trai el, Jls
emery business, etc, Dlsscusslon anJ Inhuma
tion on all slJes ot Important questions are given.
The conlens eaji week cover a del J so JlverslheJ
as to make Til II LlllWxMY InJIspensable
to the busy man who Jeslres lo keep up wllh the
thought ot the time, bul who lacks the leisure tor
such a task.
E. P. Powill, D. 0., In tnllv. Chlcag Till'
llllkiuv DiiiisT Is an absolute necessity to
those uho uoulj keep in line wllh the progress
ol thought anJ achievement. I Jo not see liow
any thinking man can get along without It."
Edwin Mirktttm, Author ol " The Alan Willi
the Hoe"- " I III: 1.111 KAMI Dull T Is one of the
two or three most valuable journals thai come to
my table."
Ei'Stnitor John J. Infilli: "Till' I.iiimsuv
Dlul M enlarges the houuJarles of hilelllgenee."
Stmlor Willlim P. Frjn: "It will allorj Im
mense assistance to the scholars of the country."
Cov. John P. Altitf, of Illineis: "Tlir I III -Akl
Dli'il.vr Is one ot the very best publications
In America. To a sluJentof cmienl llteialuiell
Is Invaluable.
10 Conli por Copy. 13.00 pir Yur
Stnd for DotcrlplUt Circular.
FUNK I WACNAUS, Publisher.
Gtr11er.1l MritMS and Iron l:Minikrs
,'llld Ai.'ICllillibtS.
Baker City
Iron Works
It is not only without an
equal, but lias no rival in
quality and quantity of re
liable 'information published
every week. Its circulation
is already the largest of any
paper published in the dis
trict, both locally and in
other co 111 muni ties and
states, and is growing nip
idly. As an advertising
medium 'I'M: Minhu stands
at the head of the list, as its
columns demonstrate. Ad
vertising, like everything
else, is worth little or noth
ing if it costs little or noth
ing. Tut- Miner's rates are
Constructor of Mills,
Concentrators, Smelt
ers, Cvanide Plants, etc.
Wot r.r.inili'
I.INliS OI: Till:
Sumpter Transportation Co.
1 j. lop. 111. ii .. Sum lei. ,ir io:va m.
Ar 1 niior.i .i.v 1 i 00 a. m.
1 in o. 111.
1 40 p. in. I 1 1
t. 10 p m. Ar
(Jill. .1.1
1. 1.. a. in.
s'ro a. in.
Connecting at Austin wllh stages loi (.anion Clly
a 11 J Intuitu points.
I.4'i p. in. I I.v CIIIIiiiJ .At I ?'( a. m.
p. 111. I Ar .llonana. I.v I n.. a. in.
Connecting al llonant.i wllh sliges lot I'M,
Knhlnxontllfe, Wotlei, Vliglula, Don loan anj
Itelehei mines.
II .i p. 111. . I v
4' .i p. III. I Al
Suiiiitir. Ar I - a. 111.
(iianlle. I v I , 1.1 a. in.
I Iteiy nt (irnnlte lo Ninth link, IteJ llov, Han
etle .111.I aj.icent mini s.
M'.Mi'iiu-iiDriiNi: uoi'ir
w:o p. in, j I v
1 00 p. in. ' Ar
I to p. in I Ar
Suiiiplei. Ar I 0. n .1. in.
Iloiitne I v I S .1. in.
Columbia .111 , ( a. 111'
Including North Cole, I., .x I., Climax, Oliloan.l aJ
J.iient mines.
O. R & N.
I (lives the Choice nf TwuTraiiM.'imtlm.nit
:il UonteM
! GEO. H. MCLVNN, Proprietor ::::::
Special attention elven to
1 repairing and rebuilding all
kinds of machinery.
Baker CitV. Telephone Red 161
is equipped with the best
material known to the trade.
Us presses are modern, its
type is artistic, varied and
up to date, and only the
best workmen are employed
Supplies Location blanks, handsome
lithographed stock certifi
cates, corporation seals,
stock records and journals,
flice stationery, all of the
best workmanship, furnish
ed on short notice. Ex
clusive agent for the world's
1 via via
Spokane Ml 11 neap- Salt Lake, Uenver, 1
oils, St. I'aul, , Omaha. Kan- I
Chicago. I as City.
Lowest Kates to All l:atcrn Cilles.
Ocean steamers leave every 5 days lor
I or lull Inloimailiin call mi or aJJios
W. II. Illimilt IM'.
(Iix'l I'xss. AllIM,
A. A.ANNS, liroprletor.
Butcher and Packer
1'ivsli and Cured
SiiiiMgi' of all Kinds