The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, June 13, 1900, Image 1

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vol I.
NO. 40
Property Now Being Developed Under
Bend This Intelligent Mining Man
Says the Hills are Full of Good, Ex
perienced Prospectors Who Will Dem
onstrate This is a Great Mining
Captain Wood, than whom there are
few men better qualified to give an intelli
gent opinion on a mining country, came
in today from the Quebec mine, in the
Alamo district, where he is directing work
on that property. The Captain repeats
the Information that the country is liter
ally alive with men who are prospecting
for, or developing claims, and he also
says there Is a different class of these
people from what there ever was before;
meaning that a more Intelligent and prac
tical lot of men, from a mining standpoint,
are in the country, which Is the most re
assuring and beneficial facts that can be
The Captain ventures the assertion that
enough money and time has been wasted
here by the "gopher" miners to open up
a dozen more good dividend payers than
now exist, and that with the coming of
such men as are now filling up the coun
try tile Sumpter district will yet be the
bonanza land of them all.
There is no doubt that much of the ef
fort to enlighten the outside world of this
district's richness lias been expended in
the wrong direction, though much of It Is
bound to, and has, reached classes who
do not require two dollars to be placed in
their right hand before they will let loose
ol one dollar with the other.
To those who have come and are now
coming here and meeting with the success
they deserve, too much credit and encour
agement cannot be given and within a
comparatively short time the results of
their work will spread to the extent of
bringing here more capital, energy and an
appreciative class of mining men, that is
as necessary as powder, picks and drills
in the operation of a mine.
The past week has seen several quiet
and unassuming men here who have giv
en their honest opinions of (lie country,
that would Inspire confidence In Its fu-flirt-.
Some of them have given the
reasons for their presence here and while
these reasons are not intended for publi
cation, the assurance Is promised that
they mean much for the welfare of the
Captain Wood brought in a number of
samples from the Quebec, which lie Is
working under bond, to be assayed, From
him no information regarding the proper
ty could be obtained, but Iroin other
sources it has been learned that it Is one
of the most promising in eastern Oregon.
The Fisherman's Paradise.
To those who enjoy good fishing, tills
locality and the present season of the vear
offer opportunities that will meet the
ideas of any ardent sportsman. Two of
these returning from Deer creek, which is
reached four miles east of town, brought
in over 300 of the speckled beauties Mon
day. Several smaller catches have been
' made on this stream within the past week.
Olive lake, near Granite, is another good
fishing ground, but the place of great fa
vor and where the fisherman never fails to
get a large basketful Is In the neighbor
hood of Austin, on the middle fork of John
Day river. B. Weatherford, the Sumpter
expressman, returned from there today
bringing enough trout to feed a small
army and says he cooked enough of them
to last him a lifetime. Harley Woods
and A. W. Kills left for this vicinity to
day and will probably do great execution
among the finny tribe, both being expert
Will Attend Encampment O. N. G at
The Sumpter Rough Riders will attend
the encampment of O. N. G. at Salem
this year, and are drilling regularly In
order to make a record at that time.
The armory is nearly finished and will
be occupied at an early day. Captain
Muir has Issued a series of general orders,
of which these are of special interest.
The first sergeant will detail a warrant
ed non-commissioned officer for duty each
evening of the week at Troop quarters
from 7:30 to 9:00 p. m., who will instruct
all enlisted men that assemble in the
school of the trooper.
First Lieutenant-elect M. K. Thornton
and Second Lieutenant-elect J. I'. Shelton
are herewith directed to conduct a school
for non-commissioned officers, twice dur
ing each week until encampment, time
and place to be arranged by the In
structors. The following enlisted men will prepare
for examination on Thursday, June 21,
1000, and will be ranked in accordance
with the result of their examinatien: W.
I W. Looney, A. W. Bills, H.Wood, T. C.
Gray, G. Crane, II.Durgan, G. Rlnear
son, P. Nebergall, C. II. Chance, A.
Keltie, A. A. Hammond, J. Uranium, W.
Robinson, i. C. Ilelmick and G. V.
K. R. Casper Will Slav Htre all Summer.
K. R. Casper, representing the San
Francisco Mining and Engineering Re
view, who spent several weeks here
(earlier in the season, preparing an article
I on the district for his paper, lias returned
to Sumpter and announces that he will re
I main in the eastern Oregon gold fields all
'summer. He will continue his work of
1 writing of the mines, furnishing matter
for other publications, but contributing
' regularly for the Review. That paper,
containing the illustrated article on Sump
I ter district, is now in press and will be
I mailed in a few days. As slated before
1 in these columns, Mr. Casper is not only
! a writer of ability, but Is a miner of large
I experience. He is most favorably Im
I pressed with the mining conditions and :
1 possibilities of this region, which he freely j
I expresses and Is demonstrated by the fad '
' that he has decided to put in so much '
! time here. His work will undoubtedly be j
of great benefit to this entire section. I
Hospital's First Patient. !
The Sumpter General hospital's first '
t patient Is Fred Kane, who was severely I
, kicked by a horse at the Monteunia mine
! Tuesday and was brought here for treat-
! ment. His injuries consist of a bad cut
in the abdnman and a portion of the hip
bone being knocked off. The hospital is ;
not yet entirely completed, but will be in
a very few days and there are applications '
enough for admittance to keep the nurses
and Doctors Tape and Pearce busy, j
l-ven at this season, when there Is less ,
sickness than at any other time, the t
1 hospital is a god-send to the afflicted and
should have been here long ago.
On your wav to or from Bourne remem
ber the Roadside resort of C. H. Barnard
I can quench your thirst and satisfy your
Preparations for a Great Cele
bration are Being Made.
A quarter of a mile track is being grad
ed on the west side of the river and there
will be some good horse races here on the
Fourth. Base ball grounds have also
been laid out there, where all of the athlet
ic sports will be held. Work on a grand
stand will be commenced in a few days.
The finance committee has been suc
cessful In raising what money is needed
and fi, 000 in purses will be given away
that day. The program has not yet been
definitely arranged, but some Interesting
features are assured. Among these are
horse races, firemen's tournament, base
ball game, rock drilling contest and the
regulation diversions of the day.
The most interesting feature of the day
will doubtless be the rock drill contest,
which will be made especially attractive
to the miners. In addition to the purse
to be awarded, which will be the largest
offered, the ladles of Sumpter will pre
sent the winning team with gold and
diamond medals. This from the ladles
will be a trophy I hat the miners will surely
make a great effort to win. The gentle
men in charge ol the celebration today
secured Mrs. Brock's consent to act as
chairman of the ladies committee. The
other members of the committee have not
been seen at this writing. There will be
two first prie medals given, one to each
member ol the team, but no second prie
will be awarded.
J No selection of a speaker and others to
' take part in the literary exercises has yet
1 been made.
1 Special eflorls are being put forth to se
cure a large attendance from out of town.
The transportation committee is
! lug with railroads and stage lines for
cheap excursion rates, and report that sat
isfactory arrangements will doubtless he
I consummated at an early date. The com
mittee on publicity and promotion has
sent out full sheet hangers announcing in
a general way that the day will be cele
1 brated here, and these will be followed by
! other printed matter giving the various
'attractions in detail, information regard
; lug transportation, the amounts of the
1 several purses, etc.
I Work Resumed on the Bunker Hill.
F.ugene Sperry received a letter a day
or two since from J. J. Penhale, dated at
. Sherbrooke, Canada, stating that his dc
j parlure had been delayed a few days, that
' he would leave there on the sixth Instant,
' and would be in Sumpter one day this
j week, expecting to remain a day in Spok
I ane. It is learned that the suit instituted
I against a Spokane bank by Captain
Thompson to force it to pay to him fjo,
000 of the purchase price on the Bunker
Hill, would be dismissed yestciday or to
day, the matter having been satisfactorily
arranged out ol court. Work has already
been resumed on the Bunker Hill, on in
structions wired from Sherbrooke by Gen
eral Manager Penhale, and will be con
tinued on a large scale.
Baker City Man Wins a Prize.
Mr. James A. Carter, a miner at the
Baisley-F.luhoru mine, Is one of the lx
fortunate winners of the "Trip to Paris"
prizes offered to subscribers to the Weekly
Bxamlner. Instead of going to Paris,
however, Mr. Carter takes the cash. He
is in receipt of a check for tf7. Of this
amount $307 Is the amount it would cost
to get a round-trip ticket from Baker City
to Paris, and the other S joo is the esti
mated amount of expense, allowing three
weeks at the fair at the rate of f 100 per
w-ek. Mr. Carter's good luck could not
have come more timely. He Is erecting a
cottage in this city for his mother and
sister, who are dependent upon him for
support, and it has taken every dollar lie
could raise to carry out his plans. His
windfall of S(7 comes like a ray of sun
shine In dark gloom. When seen yester
day Mr. Carter was talking of his good
luck and was In high glee. Ills intention
is to add conveniences to his home for the
comfort of his mother and sister not be
fore contemplated, and will use every dol
lar of his prize money to good advantage.
Baker City Democrat.
General Warren's Trip to Rotsland.
General Warren was expected home
this forenoon, from Rosslaud, but did not
arrive. He will probably be in on the
afternoon train, as he arrived in Baker
City yesterday and stopped over there on
business. His trip to Rossland was for
the purpose of consulting with Governor
Mackintosh on a matter of Importance
connected with his interests in the Sump
ter Townslfe company. 'The result of
that conference is not known here, but It
is hoped that it will prove of vast benefit
to the camp.
Temporary Base Ball Organization.
A meeting of several base Kill players
was held Tuesday evening when, it was
decided to form a club. Charles l.lehen
stein was made temporary manager, and
Walter Cronlu temoorary captain. A
meeting was called for Thuisday evening
at the ball grounds. It was decided lo
challenge the Baker City team lor a game
on the Fourth ol July. It was stated by
a member of the Fourth of July celebra
I lion committer that a purse of S50 will he
I offered for a ball game to be played at
1 Sumpter 011 the day of the celebration.
I Ore and Coke for Smeller.
'The first two car load of copper smelt
ing ore was delivered to the smelter today,
being shipped ')w Raker City. There
was also four car loads of coke. The
smelter people look cheerful and say lliev
have plenty of ore in sight and to be de
livered at once. They desiie, however, to
wait a few days longer until, a sufficient
quantity is delivered to iusiiie a steady
run, as the blowing in of a smelter is an
expensive process that ro plant is war
ranted In doing very nlten.
Keeton and Turner go up For Life.
The trial of William Turner and Dave
Keeton for the murder of Thomas l-agle-ton,
of Granite, in .March last, took place
at Canyon City last week and was bit
terly contested from beginning to end. It
resulted In a verdict ol murder In the
second degree. Judge Clillnrd sentenced
the prisoners to imprisonment tor Hie In
the slate penitentiary.
Tlie half way house of C. II. Barnard
on the Bourne road is a well conducted,
respectable place where ladles or gentle
men can slop lor ice cold relreslimeuts
and lunches.
Quart, and placer location blanks of
the most approved form for sale at Till:
MlNlik office.
Sumpter souvenir spoons. I-'. C. Bro
die, watchmaker and jeweler, Opera
house block.
Go or send to the City Green house,
Baker City, for choice pansey and daisey
Keep your money in Sumpter and drink
Columbia beer a home product.