The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, May 30, 1900
Twenty Stamps to Be Put In
This Fall.
'I hree I'orll.'inil turn own the Pree Coin
age cl.'ilm, one ol the most promising min
ing properties in the Crncker Creek dis
trict. 'I key ;i re: lidwnrd C.'iiinoii, pros
Unit "f the Northwestern Llectrlc liti
ginecring company and president of the
Sumpter Light ;ind Power company; V.
A. Schilling, city passenger agent of the
O. I. - N. Co.. and Wlillnrv I.. Hoise,
.1 lawyer, formerly cli.'iirm.'iii of the repub
lican state central committee. The Pree
Coinage adjoins the Mountain Hello,
owned liv tlie St.'ind.ird Oil company, on
the north and the irlehraled Gnkonda on
the southwest. It Is said that the Stand
ard Oil company has made a substantial
olfer for the propertv and that the iol
tonda company stands ready to take It
any time it is put on the market. It
would make a valuable addition to the re-
' the claim pans out as expected, a 20-stamp
I mill will be built next fall, or in the
spring of it) 1. Cortland Mining Review.
Powder River Irrigation Project.
On last evening Captain C. H. Thoinp
, Mn and l:rey S. Lack, shareholders In the
Powder River Laud and Irrigation com
pany, and prominent promoters of an en-
I lerprise that will prove of Incalcuable ,
' benefit to this community In adding I
1 wealth and population, took their depart- j
ure for Portland to confer with the capi- j
j tallstsln that city who are to become In-'
tcrested in the project. Captain Thomp-!
son and Mr. Lack take with them, maps1
and full detail of the proposed canal and
reservoir and are piepared to give all In-
formation necessary. It is understood '
that Portland capitalists have assured the
promoters of tills, irrigation enternr se thai !
' " ,...- !
when a survey and maps were made they ,
were ready to become Interested and,
would furnish the monev necessary to i
carry the project to a successful termina
tion. This visit to Portland Is for the I
purpose ol interesting capital and there is I
little doubt that success will result. It is j
expected that on the return ol Captain '
I hompsoii and Mr. Lack to this city they
will be accompanied by a party of capital
ists to look tiver the canal and reservoir
..nlir.-.t.. ill ..llliMr III.. Cl I. ...I fill ...
... . ,. : , , " survey and the lands to be Irrigated
t.oloml., properties. Messrs .anno,,,, lMJ l)amu
coining ami noise nave lejecieu an oi
lers looking to the sale of the Pree Coin
age or stocking it. Satisfied that lliey
have a good properly, they are developing
it, with the ot getting out ol it
all that Is in it for themselves.
The Pree Coinage people are develop
ing their property on lines approved bv
Expensive Gold Saving Experiments.
It is often asserted witli reference to
mining that more money has been put In
the ground than has ever been taken out.
I his statement is absolutely trut. A
great deal of monev has been spent in
Now is the Time to Build.
DON'T wait till mid-summer oi- late
in the fall. Commence now before
the rush, while you can get plenty of
material cheap and while mechanics are
not crowded with work. Every season
repeats itself: A big rush late in the
season and a lull "in the early spring
time when the violets bloom."
We have a fine stock of lumber and
we are equipped to get out detail work
for the finest kind of finish. A superior
quality of buildings are what we are
looking for this season, now that the
permanence of the town and country is
assured, j j j . .
J. B. STODDARD, Manager.
experience. I heir tunnel and ctn.,sciit, i"'isii enierprises nv men who did not;
together with some sloping, hive demon- ""deistaud the mining business, but such ,
straled tint they have a good piospect. i''iey can hardlv Iv said to have been
They are now sinking to lind out w Is ' ',ut '" ,,le "'''' 's '!- "' Unit the '
In the gioiind. Not a dollar's worth ol" experiments which h.ise led up to our j
in.khinety will go up until the shall de- l"eent development in the science ot sav ,
termlnes the iii.-ulilm-iy best suited '" K"IJ v',l,":!, U:,ve v nV l' il 's
totliroies. It not sin- r.entrral results which ate leckoued in
cldil to spend monev lor machinery in economics. H the tesulls as a whole have
eastern Oregon until development has I'een sausiaunrv, men me machinery as
proved the kind ol machinery that is .1 whole wlilcli produced it must not be con-1
needed. I lie (Jokonda owners learned J'"ed. Its delects should be pointed j
this to theii nisi. I hey spout thousands . tlu knowledge coming tlirough ev
ol dollars lot a broiiilde-chlotine plant, I'eMence should bo ulilied and grander
only to lind alter the machinery began rt'M,1,s mereby accompllslied. Many, the 010 susceptible to wealthy men In the west .ire in evidence
itirnt by tin- priKt-ss piiulii-it out in )s feet. ,,ult m"re "'"ev. yes, very much morei
I he Pree Coinage people will spend be- i"mev, been taken troui the mines I
tween and Y,ooo In sinking .1 than has boon spent In their development.
sli.ilt and blocking out oto. I hey o- -l Importer
pod when tliev got clow 11 500 loot to know
VI hitlitf it mil 1 1 iv li'tvit mlii. 'I liMti
kmw now that they have a p.ospoct. but 1 . ' ,e ,l,m V. . ' ,?? .,,J ""Jfr
it Is depth that makes the mine. "I his is ,1,e '"'""J'' My M Union by Attor
thr 1..MH....1 11. , 1 u i,..i.. ...1,. 1 1,.. ii... . ' NNllacc McCamant, of Portland. It
M, Ml,, I1.-II M..I.,llr.,r,m..,.lHv III. l""gllt JS'J.OOO, of wllidl Mill) $10,000 !
extremely cosily, h,lt It is safest in ,h, was paid down. It was not really a sale,
is uir .uniiiiui .is I'.liu 101 .ill option III
purchase. The mine had been bonded
for I w o payments, one of fiooo
and another of 54000 had been made. The
price of Ss, 000 was paid lor the option to
pav the remainder for the mine.
Included in the sale are tools and a smel
ter not vet set up. I'. .1. Price was the
Bousum & Spalding
Pree delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and
Malting Co., next door lo MlNI:R office.
Iron Dyke Sold for $85,000.
Handles the best of Liquors,
Wines and Cigars. Draught
beer a specialty by the
pitcher, bottle or glass.
Opposite Depot SUMPTER, OR.
long run
Mr. Can 1 bought the lire Coinage
trom Vail-, loliiisou and Hurt Uust on
eptembei ., iKw. Previously he had
put In two weeks scouting the entile
Cracker Cieek distrkt ami a considerable
section ot the iteeiihoin mountains lor a
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience in Maker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon.
tirO 1 I 11 mntiwi I. I iiiiiihIIih miiiI i-nuv
cutting to the amount o S fool Ime jeceiyer and C. I . Warner the purchaser.
Ivrn .loor. I l.r tlH.nrl Is .&, f-.t .1,. " ' l,0l,f J ""J" '' 11110 tills
vt loping a depth of .-(VS feet. In the drill
ing thete liae boon developed tw 3 largo
chutes, one of which is 1 11 feet wide and
the other !; tret wide. In the smaller
, valuable mine w ill bo more rapidly devel
i oped. La Jrande Journal.
Bucket Full of Gold.
A mlnnr'v illminr nirlt till. I
chute ...llliug o,e running as high as . wW fWsp a
MiA a ton hasten found. I he average ,,,, ;M SlJ jn J(,h n ,
go d values are UuSt per ton. was a pretty sight and proof conclusive
More work is being done on he Pree;,,,.,, (ir ,,,, ,,;(S M,me WlllJfrfll
Coinage iImii on niiy new-property in tlie jf w f .,s arU nf Tjf
imens came from the mine of Messrs.
rAin &
and Mines...,
...... Opera House
cracuer CreeK tilMilct. I lie owners are
putting In a gains frame and hoisthouse
and machinery, stiliicient for sinking to
looo loot, Is on the ground ready for in
stallation. The shall is down neatly 7s
leet, and pay ore was struck at the bot
tom ot the shall
I Johnson and Cannon and, with the ev
I cepiiou 01 iwo smaii pars 01 million snip-
ped below a day or two previous, repre
sented a thirty days clean up of their
nl'irr jl'iltti 1111 Mnli. i, .ma ii.rtlt
Hetween (150 and 700.,,, Th rilll, lc '. ,, ,
tons ol ore Is on the dump. UuU-.i .,.! ...,., r ,. ..r- .".,...
. ..., .. 1 . i,is ( -mi, nit ii'vnvu
I he Pree Coinage ownets have or-
fur. Grant County News.
doted a saw mill of io,cco feet capacity per 1
dj to cut lumber for a stamp mill. II Superior job printing at this ortice.
"Just around the Corner"
Fine Wincsf Liquors and Cigars