The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 30, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 6
Wednesday, May ?o. 1900
TALK OF THE TOWN. ' ne:ir future prosperity of Prairie as a town.
The colony of voting Englishmen here
Mr. Greenlee, dentist, Is located over ' " trill-ciii f going t South Africa to en
tile Sumpter Urtig company store. I K.'ge in mliiiiiK, since the prospects are
Marshal Austin has blossomed nut in a !ll:,t XMr l,n,me R'v'imU will soon
metropolitan I K new m.lfonii. , ,K,Ve, ",or,: ,mi,l,ry for ils Mlbjl'C,S ,n
, ' operate in.
Al Jones returned from a trip to the
coast, where he went several weeks since ' N,w l,1;'1 ,lle r""J 'ire ' noJ cmti-
for his health. i "0M ';,rRC lli"""'itles ot concentrate are
J being hauled Into town lor shipment to j
various smelters. On an average of two (
t car loads a day go out on the Sumpter
valley road.
Mrs. Carlson and daughter, Miss Edna,
C. I:. Raht has moved Ilis assay nllicc
to the comer of Center and North streets,
with Starr O'l Jell.
Mrs. (ieneral Warren, Mr. and Mis.
J. M. Murphey visited friends in Maker
Citv early in the week.
Mr. and Mrs. I'. U. Ilealev returned
yesterday Iroin a trip to the coast, where
they remained three weeks.
I he I'ortlaud Teleginin of Monday
.announces that Mrs. N. C. Rkhatds is
visiting lliends tliere this week.
N. 'I . Cnllelt has gone on the
again, lie writes 'I III: MlNI:l
rendlelou that he is headed this wav
of Pendleton, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
.1. II. Nubbins. Mrs. Carlson is a sister j
of Mr. Itohhius. I hey will spend the I
summer at the Cougar mine, where Mr. i
Carlson will be engaged.
A car load of heavy timbers for the Ned
Hoy gains frame arrived here this week1
1 from the coast. They are of lir and a
road , number of the sticks are eighteen inches
from square and sktv feet long. The Ned '
Hoy is preparing for deep sinking.
Miss Edna VanlJuyn returned hoim J Armbruster -Cade will open the new
last week from I leppuer, where she has j Johannesburg wine and liquor house on
been attending school lor some mouths , Center street, next door to the stage
l'.'st. nllice, Saturday morning, ''he new firm
A. V. kills is the proud lather of a son has a large stock of the best brands of old
and heir, whkh was born on the morning whiskies and wines and will conduct a
11I the twenty-third. Mother and child ' first class house,
are both doing well. The smelter management has leased
C. II. Maruard has completed and on from the Sumpter Townsite company for
Friday will open his new road house, ! three years an acre and a half of ground
three and one-half miles Irani Sumpter, , adjoining Warren Heights, on which there
mil the Hourue road. j is a deposit of lime rock. Men are at
I:. I:. Cleaver returned last evening wl)tU '" ,,,,; llarry and soon the rock will
from Prairie City, lie says several new I ,e li:,,lleJ ,lle smelter,
buildings have been contracted for tliere1
and that the era ol activity has been i PmbyUrian Church Entertainment,
lairly inaugurated. I Tfl resbytcran (mch c,0r wi Rjve
W. M. Howder, e. -congressman from I ;, pP;,shig entertainment Prid.iy evening,
'leas, and W. I'. Hutchar, ol Maker J. -,t ihe churcli, in the way ot an operetta
City, will do a turn of .spellbinding in I froni Little Nrd Hiding Hood. The pro
Ellis opera house Saturday evening, in , ceeds are for the benefit of the church;
Ihe interest ol democracy. j Amission twenty-live cents. The lollow-
I lie banks are closed lor the day, the i lug is the
post oilier during certain hours and sev
eral stores will be this altemoou, and that
is about all the -vidence to be louud in
Sumpter that this is iJccor.illou day.
I he b.ikrrv business recently leased
and conducted by McCtillom ' Arm
strong, has been reclaimed by -the owner,
ieorge M Welgel, who, with J. I..
Sprigle, will hen-alter operate the placr.
Major W. T. Manning leturued Irom '
Prahle City one day last week and has i I.....M M.n . .
Jiren recuperating lor a few davs before Si.iu, I.. v.m Duwn
starting out to take the census ot Cleary
pirclikt, to whkh he has been assigned.
Ihe Sumpter brass baud, which
ilesetves iiiikIi credit tor the progress and
iiiiprovement it is making, gave an open
air concert on ( iranite stieet Sunday even
ing, whkh will be lepeated next Sundav.
Will J. Htodie returned last week from
a ptnspeillug dip aroi'iul the mineral belt
ol I'rairie Citv. He thinks very favor-
Jihlv of that section, and espeiially ot tin , imm
I list sfrni
Vlnlln snlii
Vmnl Jiti'l .
Ilmnr trnf ... .
Slt. Mi. Wlirrler
Violin vlu
. . 1)1 J Mi.Hi-.-r HuMurJ
SUM I. j
I .itlrs
.... . Manila ,
.Illlli' llt.v lllur 1
,Mis., Mns UiiKiUk.
m:im 11.
. . M. U. H..inJ Atnllicr
.I'llJ.-nl Ilic 11-11
Vlnlln tiilo
siasr in.
Wolt. H. H. II. anJI.iilfs
..Wnllitriil tin- (ilil I
II Ti.i.ilorr
set Ml IV.
(iian.lmnilH'l's Ilium- . .Wnll, K. K. II. .in.l l.nlrc
U U. II. (irtll Onus
I. W. II. ' mntliri I thrl AWCjiiIvy
Wnll . . . .Ui.vlli- McCuiln i
I Air Qiurn ()ipli.i Cns'illii i
l.nlr. .M.111 (.nintu-IJ. Itrlt-n O Uuuik, llf-l I
I no Id, IILuiclir SilimlJt, Mtlilr f.iuntu-l.1,
llliiu'hr lli'inn, l.lhi'l K'.inJ, Annie ln.mi j
Amu t Ivht-t. I .i lliHithl
VlnllnM I J Ill.wW'Uin
)ni.i Ti-n
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
lor their new homes. We are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
lurnlture lor hundreds of new homes; we can dii
as w ell for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty here for every room in the- house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will
pay you to give us a call.
Med Room Suits, $15.00
Med Room Suits, better ones, k'astern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (am.if n,-,), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co.
Patterson & Epplnger
Phone Red jfii.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
During the next jo days every
new subscriber to The Miner who
pays S2.00 for one year's subscrip
tion in advance will be given one
assav for gold of any rock he mav
1 1 n m
bring in. Free of Charge
Sumpter Miner
Sumpter, Ore.
K ,