The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 30, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, May 30, 1900
.Mininu Application No. aw.
.Mineral Sutjvrv No. 191.
Unite J States Lund Office,
La Grande, Oregon, April ao, igoo. (
Notice Is hcrebv given that A. W. Ellis, whose
postofticc address Is Sumpter, Baker county, Ore
gon, has made application (or a patent (or . 4 acres
n( placer mining ground and known as Ihe CiolJ
Wedge placer mine, containing Rold, situate In no
nrganlied mlnlnR district. Baker countv, Oregon,
and described In the official phtand tield notes on
tile In this office as follow, It'
BeRlnnlnR at corner No i, whence the '( cor to
sees x)M, ipu s, r v I. W, At., hears s deR 45
vnln east 1798.6 (t. thence n 1 deR ta mln w vjj.? (t to
corner No 1, thence n 1 deR i mln w 656 tt to corner
No 1, thence n 8o deR 8 mln e u ft to corner No 4.
thence s 7 dee )u mln e 4ua It to corner No s, thence
I deR umlnw 171.0 (t to corner No 6. thence s a deR
v 101.04 (t to corner No 7, thence s 7 deR w s6j.(t to
corner No 1, the place ol beginning, contalnlne 1.504
acres and lormlnR a portion n( the w 'j of section o
In township o s, ranee 17 e, Willamette Alerldlan,
The location ot this mine Is recorded In the county
recorder's office ol Baker county, on page b, vol
time (i, record of placer Incallons.
AJjolnme claimants are J. I). Young & Co. placer
mine on the east. Sumpter placer mine on the west,
and Sllnson tt Granger rlacer mine on the north.
All persons holdlne adverse claims thereto are re
.utiratn nrstnt the same before tills ottice within
sixty davs from the first dav of publication hereof, or
they will be barred by Irtue of the pro Islons o( the
statute. .. ... .. ...
I!. W. HxHlllTT. Register.
C. II. .Mf.COHOi'll, Attorney for claimant,
Date of first publlcallon, April as. iujo. Daft of .
List publication, June 7, tu.
1 I ,!.- I ..... ... I .H I Ou...
ilinm .1 oi.iics aua win..
Li tir.tnJe, OreRon, March at. two.
Notice Is hereby Riven that In compliance with the
pun Islons of the act of Congress ot June 1, 1878,
entitled "An net for the sale of limber lands In the
Stales of Calllornl.i. Oregon. Nevada, and WasV
l.igtnn Territory," asextinded to .ill the Public Land
Mates by act ol August 4, i8u,
(il OMiV A1CKI L,
of Prairie Gllv, Countv of Grant.State of Oregon, has
this dav tiled In lhls office lilsswnin statement No.
H7, forlhepurchiseol the w'j net-4.indn' se 1-4.
of Section No. In Township No. ta s. Range No.
14 i: W At, and will oiler rrooi to show that the land
soURht Is more valuable (or Its timber or stone
than (or ag- ' purposes, and to establish his
claim to s.i. J land More the Register and Receiver of
this office at I a Cirande, On Ron, on Wednesday, the
1 Itli day of June, tw.
He names as witnesses: Orncy Sleapheson,
George Bvrdi. Scott Hyde, II. II. Sleapheson, of
Prairie Cliv. OieRon.
Anv and all persons clalmlnR adversely the above
described lands .lie requested to tilt their claims In
this office on or before said 1 ilh diy of June, imu.
li. W. BAKTI.IiTT. Register.
Notice of
Appointment of Administrator.
Notice Is herebv Riven that Phil V. Nebergall has
been July appointed administrator ol the estate ol
Joseph II. PainoJe, Jeceased, bv the County Court
ot Baker Countv, Oregon, and all perxins having
claims against salJ estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same dulv verified, to the undersigned at the
office of Stott & Shellon, In Sumpter, Baker County,
Irceon, w lihln six months from the date hereof
Pllll V. Nl HI Mi xl I.
Administrator ol the L's'ate of Joseph If. PatnoJe,
Dated, Sumpter, Or-gon, Alay o. turn.
AtiNtNn Afl'llCAtlON No. an.
United States Land Office,
la Gran Jf. Oregon. April iu. ivm. (
Notice Is hereby Riven, that A. J. Sllnson and J. A.
Grainger, whose postoffice address Is Sumpter, Ba
ker countv, Oregon, have made application for .1
patent for ai.Ui acres ol placer mlnlnR ground, bear
ing Rold, situate In no orRanlied mining district,
J laker countv, OreRon, and described In the official
plat and held notes on tile In this onice us (ol
lows.vl: ...
Beginning at corner No 1. whence the ; cor to
sees so-xi. tp o s, r 17 ILW.M., bears n 1 deR m mln
w 056.4 II, thence s 1 deg 7 mln e aji (t to cor No 1,
thence n is Jeg tomln w 1 1 1 0. A It to cor No t, thence
1)4 dei to mln w J84.1 It to cor No 4. thence n 11 dig
inmlne a8t.S(ttocor No x. thencen 71 deg ig.4
ft 10 cor No 6, thence s m derf ( mln w 7l. It to cor
No 7, thence s 7 deg winlnc isqlttocornoS, thence
s 80 deg 8 mln w 17 1" It cor No u, thence n 1 deg
mmlnw 1 111.6 tt to cor No 10, thence n t-) Jeg 4 mln
. cjyj.7 M to cor No 1, the rlace o( beRlnnlng, contain
ing 4.6o acres and (ormlng a portion ol the e ' ' w
!j of section n In township ijsof range 17 e Will
amette AUrldlan. ....
The location ol this mine Is recorded In the re
corder's ottice of Baker countv, Oregon, on page yj,
x olume G, record of placer locations.
Adjoining claimants are J. T. Paiklnson home
stead, J. I). Young Hi Oi. placer mine. Gold Wedge
placer mine, Sumpter placer mine and Sumpter Deep
tiravel placer mine.
All rersons holding adverse claims thereto are re
quired to rresent the same before this office within
sixty davs (nun the tirsl dav ol publlcallon hereof, or
thev will be barred by virtue of the provisions ol the
statute. I- w. IIAHIII'TT.
ClIAS. Li. Roiilin. Attorney lor claimant.
Date of first publlcallon, Apill j, iv- "ate ol
last publication, June 7, "m,
Department ot the Interior. )
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon,
April ao, nji. 7
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final
rroof In support of his claim, and that said proof will
he made before county clerk of Baker County, at
Baker City, Oregnn.on June 6, ibuu, vli: II. !..() ol
ol AtcEwen. Oregon, for the w'.Jne 1-4 and w 'of
e t-4, sec 8. tp 10 s, r 18 I- W. M.
He names the following witnesses to rrove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land,
vli: Jasper Worley. Henry Stoddard, John Boiarth,
t'eater Hogensen, all of McL'wen, Oregon,
eaier 1. fc w HARTLfcTT. ReRlster.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at La Grande, Oregon
May to. 11100.
Notice Is hereby given that the following named
settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make final
proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will
be made before countv clerk nf Baker countv, at
Baker City, OreRon, on July 5, 1000, vli: II. li, 0047 of
1 of Sumpter. Oregon, for the sw X of nwr ' , and w '
I nf sw l, and se '4 of sw i of sec a), tp in s, r t? 13.
W. At. She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation nf said
land, vli: Thomas Atcliwen, James W. Duckworth,
Van Ransaller Alead ol Sumpler, Oregon, and
, Samuel Thompson, o( Atctwen, Oregon.
! Li W. BXHUI.TT. HeRlster.
Department of the Interior, )
I Land Office at
' Iji Cirande, OreRon, .May in, 1000. )
I Notice Is hereby given that the following named
settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final
. proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will
I I . . . .......... f.... a... rl.l. ... 111, ... .mmtil .1
IV mjar I'mMC v.mimj unn i'i i.invi iim.mijt, in
Baker City, Oregon, on July 7. iow. vlx: II. I:. 7088,
of Baker Cltv, Oregon, for Jj sw !( sex g, tp to s,
r 18 i:. W. At.
He names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation nf said land.
viz.: Samuel Shannon, Lrwln Gatewond, John Ate- 1
llenrv, Chatles lalllanch.all ot AUIiwen. Oregon.
li. W. IIAMLI.TT, ReRlster. I
Department ot the Inli'tlnr,
, Land Office, at La Grande, OreRon, 5
Apill at ivisi. )
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named
settler has tiled notice of Ills Intention to in ike
I prool In support of his c'alm, and that said proof
will be made before county clerk ol Baker Countv at
Baker Clty.Oregon.on June 7. H.L.(88of
1 of Sumpter, Oregon, for the sw !( se '. sec , e '
, ne ' anj nw ' ne '4, sec an, tp 10 s, r 17.
I Sle names the following witnesses to prow his con
. tlnuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land,
vli: Geori'e V. Jetl, ot Sumpler, Oregen: Peter J.
Cinaran, William I)., Samuel U Shannon,
ol All Kw en, Oregon.
i:. W. 1UD1I I.1T, Register.
United States Land Office, j
1 La Grande, Oregon, .May 1. hum.! i
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the
I provisions ot the act ol Congress ot June I, 187B, '
' entitled "An act tor the sale t timber lands In the
, stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
I ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
I states by act of August 4, i8uj,
jam: tiiiiis.
ot Atcliwen, County of Baker, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office her sworn statement No.
Wk, for the purchase ol the ne !.' se !.' ot sec No. , In ,
tp 10 s, range No. (8li W At, and will otter proof to,
show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural Purposes, and to es-
taMlsh her claim to said land I'elore the Register and
Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 18II1 day ol July, !.
She names as witnesses: Alexander S. latl, Sam
uel Thompson, George A. Scott, Mary A. Scotl, all
of Atcliwen.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are lequested to tile their claims In
this office on or belore said 18th dav of July,
iouo. li W. Bahtlitt. Register.
UnlteJ States l-ind Office, I
Li (irande, Oregon, .May io, ivu. ,
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl ol ConRress ot June 1. 1878,
1 milled "An acl lor the sale o( timber lands In the
states of Calltnini.1, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton leiiilory, ns extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, iA',
nmiN OAllvvooti,
of AlclVen, County ol Baker, State nf Oregon,
lias this day hied In this office his sworn stati ment
No. (170, for the purchase nl the s i no ', sec w. ' j
ne1 1 of sec No. 11, In township No. to south, range
No. )7 1) W At, and will niter prool to show that Ihe
land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to slid land belore the Register and Receiver
ol this office at I J Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
7H1 day ol August, nft.
He mines as witnesses; Ansel Cook, Waller Conk,
R. V. Alead. David AUCny.all of Alcl.wen. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely Hie atiive
described lands are requested to tile their claims In
this office on or belore said 7th day of August,
lonu. li. W, HxUHUT, Register,
United States I and Office, f
Ij Grande, Oregon, Atay n,iuno. 1
Notice Is hereby given thai I rank S. Ilalllle, whose
postnttice address Is Sumpler, Oregon, has made ap
plication to select under the Acl of June 4, 18.(7(10 1
Stats., 6), Ihe following Jescrlhed tract: Beginning
1 at a post on the west side of I rull creek, Irom which
Ihe sw corner u( sec, 10, tp 8 s, r 7 V- W. At., bears
due south 7W- feel, thence s 41 deg e mi.' leet,
ihences 8 deg it mine 7x.8 feet, Ihence s 5 deg
IX mln e ia feet to a point on a quarter section line '
wtien surveveJ. tnence louowmg s.iu quarter sec
tion line due south to feel to a quarter section post
' as located when surveyed, ihence due west una quar
I tcr section line when surveyed 4&J0 feet, Ihence due
I north 1980 feet, Ihence due east Goo feel Io section
line, tnence due norm vt-i reel in a poini 01 oegin
nlng, comprising rso acres more or less, and as will
more fully appear by Ihe plat on tile at ihis office and
said lands being unsurveved. All In Baker county,
stale ol Oregon.
Within Ihe nexl thirty davs from date hereof pro
tests or contests against Ihe selection on the ground
that the land described, or any part thereof. Is more
valuable tor Its minerals than for agricultural pur-
Gises, will be received and noted for report tu Ihe
ommlssioner ot the General Land Office.
li. W. Bawti LTT, Register,
first publication Atay 16, iuu.
United States Land Office,
I j Grande. Oregon, .May 15, ions (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of ConRress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act (or the sale o( timber lands In the
Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by actnf August 4, i8d,
of AlcL'wen, countv of Baker, State of Oregon, has
this dav Med In this office his sworn statement No.
67s lor the purchase of the n ' sw J of sec ao, tp
oSouth. Range No. 8 I'.. W. At, and will oiler prool
to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Us
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this oliue at 1.x Grande, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 1st day of August, moo.
He names as witnesses: John Calhoun, John Mo
Henry, Joseph Deas, James Voile , all of Sumpler,
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to lite their claims In
this office on or before said 1st dav of August tmn
li. W. llAHIII IT, Register.
For Cash Only!
OUR prices will not anticipate the
probable losses of the credit sys
tem, as was heretofore necessary, but
these losses will be given to our cus
tomers in REDUCED PRICES. Come
and see us and bring CASH.
''V.''V -'VT
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On draught or
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0 oooooooooooool Liquors and Cigars. vJUl I IJIVI J .
United States Land office, I
La (irande, Oiegon, Alay is. 1000. I
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June I, 1878.
entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the
stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Tetrltltor)," as extended to all the public land
states by act of August 4, 1844,
jwu'.n 11. AlixWs,
of Allcel, Countv nf Union, State of Oregon, has
this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No.
67 1. lor the purchase ol the setf ne'., e' Ne'f sec
1 an j ne, ne't or section no. in rownsnip rio.
1 10 south, range No. 17 li W At, and will offer proot
I to show that the'd sought Is more valuable lor Its
. timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and
! M establish his claim to said land before the Regis
ter and Keceher ot tins nil ice at la luande, Ore
gon, on Thursday, the rtth dav of July, ig.
He names ax witnesses' A. S. Iall, Peter, Hogen
sen, llonn Stoddard, George Stoddard, alt of Sump
ler, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their il.ilmsln
1 this office on or belore said jnih day of July, no'.
j li. W. IUhi I l.n, Register.
bond and ".iiaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
125-129 Main St.
San Francisco, Calif.