The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 30, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, May 30. 1900
CAPE NOME STAMPEDE krupt:y. Mortgages on city property
I were not w nrtli foreclosing. Wltliout any
' criinln.illy systematic effort, as Is now be
I lug Hinder, crowds came there from
I all over the world on their w.iy north.
The Most Gigantic Confidence , Seattle's hotels and saloons and eating
houses .ind stores did an enormous busi
ness and ruin was averted. 'I he business
men of that town are "smarter than chain
lightning." They recognize the fact that
"distant fields look green," saw their op
portunity, grasped it and have been man
ipulating tills huge loulidence game ever
since sltccessfiillv.
Game of the Age.
One of Hits most gig-intic conlidnice
games ever worked on an alw.ivs gullible
public in the history of t lie world Is now
being systematically, shrewdly and per
sistently manipulated by the steamship
companies, aided by the newsp ipers and
tradesmen of Hit coist cities tably Payment on the Mammoth Option on
those ot Seattle. I his rush to Cape Hale's Group Work on Olive Creek.
Nome Is as senseless a crae and ap- , McCullum, general manager and
proaihes in magnitude the bulb specu- treasurer of the company owning the
lation demoralized the liu of Mammoth property, upon his recent re-
hurope some vears ago. ,um ,rtll Nt.vs yr .d Hsmni maJe
llll MlMNhis seen a letter written ,,uothrr payment to the original owners
to a gentleman in this tamp by a friend in ,)f ,(. ,,ropi.rly ;U1j :M, pi,rcused the
S.-attle, who lias been to Nome and is evi- VM) slttl for ,,e llse of ,lis prop.
dently "In on the play," hi response to a Mty .u, ttw HM Mountiin. 'I he Mam-
request lor -in honest opinion regarding moth is down 200 feet, but when the new
that northern reputed Hdnr.ido. Ibis uini is In position It is the Intention to
litter advises the Sumpter citizen, under sink an additional 100 feet to the 3oo-foot
no circumstances, to think of going there. k.vHi ,t. ,,rperty is vlij , KIVC ;l ROwJ
I le writes at length regarding the move- ,)Jy of re .,, (s prcsel J(.pllf but the
ment,.-iud makes the astounding stale- nac,lej dt.p,, wl eNpt the cotill.
iiient that theie is now hi the fund to pro-, ,v f ,u. V(.M
mote this senseless stampede tlie large AV(rs mr :ll)d Acllf of oset,urg,
i;isli luud ol 5200,000. lie siys the ,.,ve secured an option on Hits 'I homas
movement lias readied that degree of in- IIU ,,es group on Olive creek. Their
tensity Hi it It can be accurately character-1 p(011 rms uj, j,ay f) qot -, )le. co.
ized as a contagious, .-.Imost universal UA )rke ttls $t00000) ?,5i00o , 1)e pid
madness, lie says that twenty dollar j ,.fl)re Jy I( 000 Messrs. Miller and
gold plaes conlncl'l be sold there for llltv A,Ur, rNpM ,0 ,i(e p ,,. p(1 ,,s MU))
cents on the dollar, unless 'Cape Nome "as hev ,,ormiK,y ,llsptCl the property.
was stamped 011 111c com. 1 i.- ,VlJe esoseA ,,s nronertv is 1
one iniglit reasonably doubt lb it so ft.d in width and gives assays ranging
large.i lunu uau nceu r.useci 111 piomoie from 52.50 to I2 per ton.
'- '"'"' priMMisiiion, 11111 ine pron- Mrssrjit ,,iril,,lrt ;llld TimiWt u ho liave
anilines are 1.1 ., ine uguies a,e urn ex- , , locations in a small draw
agerated. I he Seattle limes ol recent off OIK e creek, about half a mile above
issue sasuiiieiiau: tlie Van Anda properly, are working a
"Moinr hum 01 ine amoiuii 01 iiiouev uie ,,,., ...,., . ,.,..,. ,,rvvl,r f .. ., ,,
"""' v... 1 !.. ..... MIIII.I K'
the double purpose of swing the placer
KKI ;iik1 of rxposliiK the ledge, liven
slumM they tail In Uniting their ledge
ittr.iit.tli tlik. ,iMr itl.ntk . ,,.. I?
IIHl'llll JIIVV r' I lllll'llt UIVJ tilt tl'llll"
nj,cr. iivi'Mocc 1111 uiiitii mii-irtntni jn ,M( .,,. piCer ct.,IMUp u ;lm,y
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Fills Prescriptions
Popular Prices
Keeps a Full Line of
Assayers' Supplies,
Sumpter, Ore. phone iV
boats ate making out ol the Nome rush
in, iv he formed hv knowing tint the
On gon, which "ie a few days ago, car
ded freight on which the tarill was
510,000 and 5? 1,000 in passenger f.ues.
She calculates on bilnging back joo pass
engers lor which she will receive 5 .10,000,
.'tiicl the louiid trip will be nude in thirty
I hat in ikes 175,000 Income for one
vessel lor thirty dis;a ship, too, that
a few veais since would not have sold lor
miicli moie than lull tint sum. When
such profits can be realized, there Is, of
toutsc, no dillMiln hi raising large sums
ul nionev lor the purpose ol deceiv ing and
exciting the public.
I he letter above lelerred lo goes 011 to that alieadv the plan is untitled to
spring .'mother rich Mud on the credulous
tools who .no not caught by the Nome
ball, as soon as Hi a grail is woiked to
the limit. Men aie now in Alaska, pro
ided with laige cpianlllles ol gold dust,
who will come down 011 one ol the lite
boats In the tall, disembark at Seattle
with the alluring stult; relite l.iiry tales
of the labtiloiis wealth ot this lar.iwav,
previously unheard of district and prove
their stoiv bv exhibiting tlie diM. All
winter, when tlie cold blooded lalsiiv ot
these statements can not be proven,
Sound papers will publish plausible 11c
repay them lor their from
Sumpter lo Spokesman-Rev lew.
Acreage of the State and Counties.
A press dispatch trom Salem says that
Secietarv ol Slate Dunbar has appor
tioned the money of the live per cent I uid
sales luud recently received from tlie
United States treasury among the various
counties. I lie apportionment Is based
upon the acreage of the counties. 'Hie
entire amount is only fj40t.cZ), ot which
Maker county gels 5106.72. Hit appor
tionment lurnislus some interesting tacts
regarding tlie acreage of the state and
various counties. I lie area of the state is
oo,u57,7(k .ures. I here are thirty-three
counties in the state; Multiiom ill being
the smallest, with 281,020 acres; Harney
the laigest, with 6,780,160, At.ilhevv
h is 6,277,440 .-ures. Itoth crook, and
I .ike counties each contain more tli.m
live million .ures. li.iker county has
1,477,120 .ures.
Ten Tons of Ore for the Smeller,
oetli Houser was hi town Friday Irom
his mines in the (Juartzhurg district, the
counts of others who have made lortuues Stand. ird group. Me was 011 his way to
there and nest spring there will doubtless Portl md, where he will remain until after
be a repetition of the Nome business. the election, when he will return with a
Ol course there is some gold at Nome, party of Portl ind capitalists, who will .xc-
as there was in the Klondike; but like company him to lint district on n tour of
that p!.ue, too, the diggings are limited inspection and investigation. Mr. Houser
and tlie rich claims are few. I his stain- says he has forty or fifty tons of ore on
pedc will result as the other one did not the dump, the cuiality of which improves
one mm in a thousand who goes north as the workings go down. While here he
will make his expenses. 'I hit was the went out to the smelter and looked over
history ot the Klondike movement. that plant. He is now having ten tons of
When the lirst reports came out from ore sacked which will at once be shipped
Dawson mid the fortunate few lauded in here for reduction, as a trill run.. If It
Seattle, tint town was a business corpse; proves profitable, the output of tlie mine
dozens of merchants were on the verge of will be steadily increased.
Parlor, Dining and Red Room Furniture in sets or separate pieces.
Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let
us explain why you can save money by buying at home.
We can positively do sii.
Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon
A. P. UOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter
Tramtcti Gitunl linkini Bjilnm
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
We are fully equipped to make reports on mines, and can handle prospects or
developed mines. Main oflice, Sumpter, Oregon. Hranch Oltices,
Spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon.
Cor. Center and North Streets, Sumpter, Oregon.
Telephone No. 131.
First and Always
Newly Furnished
Only White Labor
All Outside Rooms.
Only Hilf Block
j THE j
Golden Eagle Hotel
North of Depot. Mill Street,
Sumpter, Oregon