The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 23, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, IVay 23. igocx
PALACIAL TRAIN. ' Rlorlnus handiwork, and the time Is little
j short of ureased lightning. The whole
1 wondrous journey of 2314 miles from the
I golden slopes of the Pacific to the wind-
"CUiraan - Pnrr la nA" sweP ihore (,f tlle ' lak,;s is '',c
w. ...., w . u. ........ wf.--.v..r
Ne Plus Ultra.
compllshed In 72 hours and 15 minutes a
t reduction of 11 hours and 1; minutes from
the fastest lime ever made heretofore
1 and of this the actual running time is but
I a trifle over6y hours, showing an average
The Oregon Railroad and N.tviK.itlon , s,perd ncrts the htrniisphere oT 33 miles
c p:uiy ;itid Ms connections combine to ..,,nir. The train leaving Portland at
form and operate "The Chicago-Portland ,,:,5 A.nndav morning, reaches Denver at
Special," a magnllicent annllillator f , 8:40 Wednesday morning, and Chicago at
time and space, and lliey hive spared 110 o.j0 Thursdav morning. And the llyer
lialus or expense to enhance the comfort , e;,vj,ig Portland at 6:00 Monday evening,
if the transliemlspheric journey, while via Spokane, arrives in St. Paul, over the
they diminish Its duration to the least pos- (;ri.. Northern railway, at 2:30 Thursdav
sllile minimum of time. Nothing that afternoon, and In Chicago at 7:30 Friday
taste could suggest, ingiuulty devise, skill nmnltKm The Atlantic l-.xpress, via
fonstr.ict.or lavish money pay lor, has Huntington and Omaha and Kansas Cltv,
nrrii .en uuunue 10 render a uigui across ,t..IV(.s f0rtl.ticl at y p. in. and whirls into
2)14 miles of mountain and plain a pleas- ciilcaco In nhmt the same time as the
shortest schedule ever attained before.
One tenth of the tour around the globe
iu three short, delightful davsl No grand
er trip is possible on earth, in so short a
time, surrounded by so many clrcuinstan
statues of comfort merging Into luxury,
and at so little cost I
Looking tor Lost Bonanzas.
l;or forts vearsadventurnus spirits have
lire to the most delicate and l.istldious
'I he whole train is iiuiforii In color and
stvle. livery car is hnislied externally in
dark olive green and gold, and on every
iiiii1 Is emblaoued in golden characters
"Chicago-Portland Special." Net lo the
mighty tw-tnu locomotive come the mail, 1
express and baggage cars. 'I hen follow,
in the order named, the cumposit or bullet, me ruiiui.iu and lourisi sleepers, s.iuiliced time, means and soinelimes life,
dining car, two reclining chair cars ami a searching for Inbiilnus "lost gold mines;"
day coach or smoker. All have been de-1 ;Mid notwithstanding that after all this
signed and built expressly lor this model sacrilice not one of these mythical dlscov
train, and all are models of their kind. ( erirs lias been relocated, men still pursue
The bullet car Is a 1 (ear case of miiltum- that will of the wisp. It is more fascin-lu-parvo
or e-pluilbus-unum on wheels, , .uiug than perpetual motion, and quite as
containing a llbtarv, elegantly furnished Hlve. Hit- stories are nothing more
reading loom, writing desks, card tables, n,.,,, j lw y,.,ms s,m K ;J,0 j,y r.
1 ifi and h.r, lurber shop and bath roam, niancers and dreamers told around liick
Willi trained attendants always at com- cring lamplires, and discussed in bar
maud. 'I he Pullman sleeping car Is a er-lrooins from Yuba to the Yukon. Men
liable palaa- ol die.uns, 011 whiJi cunning with leasiirs, means and inclination to
artiluers hi brass and glass, and piedous pursue these phantoms Into the depths of
woods and tapestries, have exhausted the wilderness would better occupy their
their Ingenious skill. It Is equipped w Ith tliin and expend their resources in search
every model n appliance ol salety and lux- ( lug lor mines that never were discovered,
uiious ease licit can be condensed In a Since miners began to discuss lhe"IUue
miulatuie palace, 75 feel long, by .'o wide, ' liucket" diggings, and the "Lost Cabin"
-nid is high, placers, and "Walker's cement ledge,"
The ordinary or tourist sleeper Is extia- hundreds ol paying propertied have been
ordinary, considering the prkes charged discovered thai never were lost. The
lor Its accommodations. It is in evetv ' truth U that these elusive treasure spots
respect equal lo the best Pullman car of a j ate like the miner's daughter Clementine,
lew years ago, and a joouiile sleep hi one they "are lost and gone lorever." Search
ol its snowvllnenedand daintily comfort-, for them Is as hopeless as search lor Jules
able beds costs no mote than a night's Verne's mythical "green ray." or the
lodging In any avetage provincial tavern. , (abled louutalii of oulh. Spokesman
The dining cat is a living banquet hall, Review.
equipped with every moJern hupioveinenl ., ,, , . ,, ., . . '
and convenience to be louiid in a Macklnh Brought $6,000,000 .0 Rowland ,
class inetiopolltau testauiaut, and serving of ( '"nnr Mackintosh, w ho Is large
.111 epicurean menu a la catle as cheaplv w hileteMed in Sumptcr, the Rossland '
as though so or 7S miles ol glorious seen- Minn says: Men are best judged I15 '
erv were not Known In wllli every meal, "'' " accomplish and, looking at the
.is an esthetic aid lo appetite and diges- Hon. C. II. Mnckinlish from the stand
tiou. I he chili cars ate handsomely tin- I"'11" ' wl,!'1 lu' h;,s J'"1' fl,r, it
ishedand liitnlslieJ, and olfer many ad- seems lo us that he is entitled to the sup-
.ullages Itee lo those who, from any l""1 "' "V voter here. What he has
cause, decline to avail themselves of the done for this citv incidentally has bene
sleepers. hey ate carpeled, brilllaiitlv titled the enthe tiding and, therefore, the
lighted, abundantly supplied with clean Mipport ol the electors all over the Ross-
towels, and other toilet accessories, and Mnd riding sliouiu re Ills without Ills asl-
Mch car Is lu charge ol a trained and mil-' hK I"1 " ' w:,s ' who, at a time when
formed potter. One or two Mrst class d.iv the mining affaits ol the camp were Ian-
coaches in Ihe tear ol the chair cats com- wishing, went to London and succeeded
plete tills paragon ol cioss-continent " I'tliiging about the lormatlon of a cor-
trains, poralion there, and under his personal
Ihe heaviest and most powerfully built direction organization expended
cars, like the sleepers and bulfet cats are something over ol British
always placed lu Iront.and those of a money In this camp in the purchase and
lighter construction In the tear, as a pre- development of mines. Through the in-
caution in case of accidents-where seri- strunientalitv of this compmy, which
ous accidents have never vet occurred, "wed its otigin to tlie enterprise and abll-
Second class passengers are carried at sec- "V ul inventor Mackintosh in crossing
oud class rates, but there is not a second ,l,e ' ;,,,J Inducing British capital to
class car in the train. Prom engine to flrm it, a number of mining properties,
hindmost day coach, .very thing is nrst which might not le lying idle have been
.-I it i it l.lml -iiul li M11.I u nnviif. hrought to a stage which will lu a short
class ot Its kind, and Us kind Is uncut- m. 1.(.t. )t.m ;( irilJu(er , ,
passed. It is a solidly vestibuled train ot
Notice to the Public.
Now is the Time to Build.
DON'T wait till mid-summer or late
in the fall. Commence now before
the rush, while you can get plenty of
material cheap and while mechanics are
not crowded with work. Every season
repeats itself: A big rush late in the
season and a lull "in the early spring
time when the violets bloom."
We have a fine stock of lumber and
we are equipped to get out detail work
for the finest kind of finish. A superior
quality of buildings are what we are
looking for this season, now that the
permanence of the town and country is
assured. . . -
J. B. STODDARD, Manager.
D. M. FERRY & CO., Props.
Only the best of everything, including first-class
music, day and night.
Family rooms up stairs. Sumptkr, Ore.
AI.I-'. ALI.l-N
Handles the bast of Liquors,
Wines and Cigars. Draught
beer a specialty by the
pitcher, bottle or glass.
Opposite Depot SUMPTER, OR.
w. s.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience In Haker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Haker City; Oregon.
rwin & Co.
Real Estate
and Mines....
. Opera House Block
tlvlnt palaces, where every man is a sov
vreUu, and every woman is a queen, vvlin
holds either a lirst or second class tkkel.
'Ihe ttip Irom Portland to Chicago i a
jjM-mile lone, panorama ol all that Is
Mibllmest and most eiichautliiK In Natutt '
All consumers of city water must make
application to the othv ot the Sumpter
Water company before the mains are
tapped or any residence or business house
supplied with water
"fusl mm ltd the Comer"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars