The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, May 23, 1900.
Lctson Balhct Writes Sensibly
on the Subject.
THE MINER has received a letter from
l.elson Halllei, dated at San h'rniicisco,
wliicli demonstrated tliat lie has plenty ol
sense, whatever else may be said of him.
In the first place, he repudiates all con
nection with the .MiniiiR News, of l)es
Alnines, Iowa and redlcnles its nonsensi
cal statements regarding his fabulous
wealth and its transparently exaerated
accounts ot his operations in connection
with the White Swan mine and the pro
posed smell'-r at Baker City. Regarding
the latter, tin- letter .says that lie expects
to erect one of ico tons capacity; not
10,000 tons capacity, as stated in the
Mining News.
The letter Roes Into detail regarding the
nttnirsol the Willie Swan, the purport of
wliicli is that his company has bought up
the indebtedness against the propertv; the
o'd coinpanv has some time in which to
pav and redeem the property. Some man
named W. W. Woodard. ot Uts Moines,
is mailing an eflort to raise till-, inonev.
The literature he Is sending out in an
effort to sell stock is self condemnatory.
In the meantime the Kalliet people lemaln
Inactive. All this being true, l.etsoi1
Halllet, doubtless Kiows that the best
thing lie can do, Is to hive his fool friend,
tile Mining News, "ring off." The
following e.Ntr.utis from the letter:
"I enclose von some circular letters
which were sent out by a man who was
the secretary of the old White Swan .Min
ing & .Willing company and I understood
thev are making some extensive advance
ment along this hue, I have notliiii)'. to
'do with tills as it is an Iowa concern, and
my companv, wliicli is simply idle and
readv to begin at any time, ! a Cali
fornia company, and my company Is not
selling stock. We simply hold the debts
of the old company, trom whkh we infer
that they will make an attempt to re
deem. "I also enclose vou a clipping sent niton
April t, bv the same party who signs the
tlf literature that I have enclosed, in
which he said that the old companv was
f.150,000 in debt, and that Mr. W. W.
Woodard, president and treasurer ot this
company I suppose the Western De
velopment companv, managed to raise
525,000 to pav ctf $150,000 Indebtedness.
There are more peculiar statements made
in this letter which I enclose.
" The statements whkh you reproduced
from the Mining News in regard to the
smelters, were entirely unautlioried and
inasmuch as we have not offered one
dollars worth of stock tor sale, I think
you have unlnteiitionaly done me a little
injustice and the Mining News was too
enthusiastic. To be candid with you, I
do expect to build a smelter In linker
City, but I do not expect to put In any
10,000 tons capacity In the beginning; I
think 100 tons capacity would be a pay
ing investment for a starter, but I would
seriously avoid any such gigantic capac
ity as you quoted from the Mining News,
with the present development in Baker
"I, myself, am interested In somo claims
In the Sumpter district and I would be the
last man to rip Sumpter up the back in
the manner the .Wining News did.
"It is true that the claims which I have
beyond Sumpter are undeveloped anj idle,
but nevertheless I think they are worthy
of doing the assessment work upon.
"Now, my dear sir, you know that dis
tant fields look green, and when I left
Ues Moines, I left without any money
whatever, and I happened to be somewhat
successful In mining operations in Colo
rado and Utah and in this state, conse
quently when I have occasion to make a l
visit to Iowa, I get considerable free ad-1
vertising from the daily papers, and of i
course, a mining paper in a town so re-.
mote from the mining regions and filled
with mining stock companies, would nat
urally make the most ot what little I had i
done, in order to escite others and get
them to invest in stocks that they .ire sell
ing. 'I here is no doubt whatever, but
vvliat the reports circulated there have
beau greatly exaggerated, simply to stir
up excitement: still, like all mine owners,
I have great expectations and hopes tor '
my properties.
"When 1 was In the east, it would be a
common occurrence to pick up a daily
paper and read an ankle like tills: '.Mr.
John Smith, well known In Springfield,
who went west some two years ago, is
now tlie owner of the Little .Maria mine in
Arizona, lie has recently struck rich ore
and the mine Is said to be wortli two or
three million dollars.' Thus would the
eastern papers print it, but if you go to
the far western states and look up .Mr.
John Smith, the probabilities are that you
will Mnd him with overalls on working hi
tlie botton of a fortv-foot shaft in vvliUli
he will then concede that tlie ore might
assay well, but it lacks a whole lot of be
ing a million dollar mine, so that when I
had tlie good lortuue to become interested
in a mine that lias been paving a small
prolit, the eastern papers stirred up con
siderable sensation over It. I am made
out as a millionaire with all Muds ol state
ments and the advertisers ol all other
companies take advantage of It."
Rich Strike on the John Day.
A rich strike has just been made in the
Homestake and Nonpareil claims by the
owners, Wilson, Robinson, Johnson and
Heiison. The new discovery Is situated
on the north lork of the J.ilin Day river,
six miles v est of l.awton, on a due line
north ot the Ked Hoy and Concord mines,
and Is supposed to be an extension of that
belt. Returns from the surface oie give
values of TH per ton. The ledjjes ate
large and well delined. The ledge on the
Homestake is seventeen feet wide, while
that of the Nonpareil Is from eight to
twelve feet wide. Much excitement pre
vails and people are outlining preparatory
to going into tlie district. Special from
Law ton to the Maker City Democrat.
Superior job printing at this ollice.
1 I
T.D. Bellinger
& Co.
Dispensers of only the
Including Old Overholt, Can
adian Club, Ushers and James
Watson Scotch, Imported 18S1
Brandy, Three Star Hennessey,
and all the Leading Brands ot
Whu s and Cigars. New and
Hlegant l-'ixtures. Comfort
able quarters for peiitlcmen.
No better service in Oregon.
..The Magnolia...
T. D. Bellipftr I Co., Props,
(formerly Hotel Van Duyn Hid.)
C. J. Johns' Big Store
New Spring Goods
will begin to arrive daily next week,
and we can promise the handsomest
line ol DRESS GOODS ever shown
in Sumpter.
Men's and Boys' Spring rMs
are here now, and others are arriving from time to
time. SPECIAL a heautilul line ol Ladies' Mus
line Underwear. Must be seen to he appreciated.
The HARDWARE DEPARTMENT has been fully
stocked up again with evervthing in shell and
heavy hardware, builders' tools, iron and
steel and miners' wares: also largest
stock of paints, oils, sash, doors
and window glass in East
ern Oregon. New
goods are arriving
O. J. JOHNS, Sumpter
Finest Fitted
Bar Room
in East Oregon
Only the
Best Goods
Board of Trade
I. W. COX cv CO., I'HOI'S.
(11 mil.'. niii.'i piii. r Slii't iv SiiiupU't, ()ri'i.n'i
Reserved for
: s-
t (j. u
I I !