1 6 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, May 2). 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. 'I. I). Melliuger is in Maker Cltv today. Mr. Lawrence and others, adjoining Cap tain Shcrbundy's bin mine. 'I here is a probability that a brick hotel will be built on theiorner ot Center and Roy Miller returned yesterday (mm a (K;udte streets, where the buildings were brief business trip to Portland. rt.,t,ly lmm.d , ,, UobWl(s Kiys Dr. Greenlee, dentist, is Incited over t,.,t negotiations are pending, but that the Sumpter Drug company store. they have not readied that stage where I.. V. Swlggett has been appointed as- any details can be given, slstaut cashier of the Mank o( Sumpter. ; H;,t.r Republican: Some time in the W. II. Westfall his bought the C Jot- past John Storey, representing the paper, conda saloon from D. S. Perry,.takhig Mines and Metals, ol Portland, came to posesslon Monday. Maker gatherhigsiibscriptions. .Vir.btorcy I he Catholics will hold divine services Is it present sick in the Oregon nietrop at Ellis' lodge room tomorrow, I hursday, "lis and his paper has ceased publication. AV'ty jj, at v o'clock. ' ' M(l!t' w'10 subscribed can make satlsfac- W.V.M.i. .,-will arrive In Sumpter tory strttleinent by addre.ssiug Mines and fr.n Prairie City Prldav, and begin tak- Me,als ' m,l;"Kl' the census June i. '' -"' Ui-ino.rai: Kalpli I:. Mleweit, manager ot the Mrons mine, i.'ime in Iron) the mine yesteiday. Mr. Mleweit says he will have Ko tons of ore h.iiili'il Into tills 1 it v In lie triMliul :it tin- Warren (.able, superintendent of the u,n. sl1,i1K vmKs , ,le irM ,,,. White Elephant, one ol the Monaua lllcll, ttl ,e bought in today. I he test est group, was in town Saturday. s M aJ. ((r )e prJfte ()f dl.u.rlllin. I he tirst number of the Prairie City inn the quality and values ol the ore in Miner was issued Saturday. It is a "chip die Mioos. oil the old block" and is, ol course, a pt-.icli. Public Notice. W. W. I ooney Is in town today, tak-, A" tlll't-,ls "' Sumpter are hereby noti lug a rest Horn his campaign labors, "ed to have the taps made and connected lie talks encouragingly ol the ..liana-slur with their premises by June i, as alter Ills Miiiess. tliat date Hie privilege ot mole than one 1 ...ii'l .a M-itu-iki . i,.. 1. ,,m ! '""Miiiier to take water Irom the same tap I GROCERIES lllg Manager Mailie, of the Columbia, curie 111 Irom Maker City yesterday afternoon, on his way home to the mine. arranging to give at an early date a novel and pleasing entertainment, for the beuelit ol the church. C. II. Johns and I'. I.. .Moure, ol Maker, passed thiough Sumpter a day ot , two since on iheir way to Canyon Cltv, to attend a term ol couit. I Mrs. C. P. NohritMin, wife ol the mill I III not be permitted. SUMP 1 1 K VAII:H CO. May 1, njoo. Notice to the Public. I All lOiiMimers of illy water nuM make applkalion to the olticV ol the Sumpter Water company hetore the mains are ! tapped or any residence or business house superintendent ol the I iokouda, was n I stipplletl with water. town Mondiv, a guest of Dr. and Mrs.; SU.WPII.K WAII.U Co.MPANY. Miikk, at Iheii I iiaulte stieet home. II. II. rtlt and II. I:. Stewart returned. ,,ub,ic No,i"' today Irom a two weeks trip through the I All parties holding claims against the mountains, spending several days in the Suinpler Water company, proper, are re Prairie City and Siisauv Me districts. ueted to present lliem to tile company's ollice loi examination and audit I. T. Parkinson lull Saturday for Lo gan, Utah, to visit a brother, whom he has not seen lor a number ol yeats. lie epr.ts to be gone a couple ol wteks. the work ol rebuilding (lie burned Potter hloik hasalready been commenced, (.ail Adlcr has not et decided whether or not he will continue business there. I he lite losses h ive been satisfactorily adiusted. All lost more- than they weir uisuiril loi, so the companies had nothing house- block. else to do hut dig up the lull lace ot the policies. ( '.vcloue 1 )a Is Is hllle'd to speak in pills (Jpera house l-'ridiv evening. A luge crowd will undoubtedly be present, as the speakei Is a national politics. It is repoiled tint Mr. I ein.m, lepre- keep vour money In Sumpter and drink sent Hue ol Maukri Woilit, ol Driiwi, Columbia beer-a "home product, has bought outright a mine Incited on Divie Mutte, t ii.iut countv, owned b Superior job printing at litis ollice. Ml.WIMhN A I hit Ci). May 1, noo. PtJKNIMII I) Roo.WS-Over Post Of lue, neat and comtorlably luruished looms, single and en suite, with use of piano, lout dollars per week and up. Mrs. I. Johnson. Sumpter Miuveiili spoons. I;. C. Mro die, watchmaker and jeweler, Opera t io or send to the City (iieen house, Maker City, for choke pausey and daisey plants. tjii.ut and placer location blanks of piomllieut llgllie III uie iiiom appioccu iuiiii 101 s.ue ai nil: MINI.K ollice. JMHTKICK "Old age biings eperieiue, and some kinds ol evpeileiice brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture lor their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory luruitiiretor hundreds ot new homes; we can do as well tor hundieds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There is always plenty here lor every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and It will pay you to give us a call. Med Room Suits, f 15.00 Med Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (mm unu 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. 1., Phone Red 361. MAKER CITY, OREGON Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS MLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. 0"- m 4S NEILL MERCANTILE CO. g fa CLOSING OUT our Furnishing HERE TO STAY and will fa still continue to be the jjjSj AE are not CLC fa VV Goeds: we are fa LEADERS fa fa in our line. Why not leave your money with the fa people who are going to stay with you and IM- W PROVE THE CITY? fa fl NEILL MERCANTILE CO. - IV 17 r .r.....X-At FREE ASSAY During the next jo days every new subscriber to Tup: Miner who pays Sjl.qq for one year's subscrip tion in advance will be given one assay for gold of any rock he may bring in. Frke oe Charge The Sumpter Miner Sumpter, Ore. sAI t A