The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 23, 1900, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, May 2$, 1900.
The following is the record of official
business transacted at the county seat of
Baker county for the week ending Tues
day, May 22:
Warrant) JeJ-Fb i j, M Webber et ux (o W
At CranJall, lot i, blk 5, Sumpter Height
aJn. . .... .$ jto
Quit claim JJ -M.iy io, W D French el ux 10
F W Eprlnger, Inl In Nelson's aJn, JeicrlbeJ
aiw Jiol nw'4 sec 8, tpcj s, r 40 e
Warranty JeeJ-May 17, JnoL Nauie to T l
ArvlJson, 1O0 acres In sees 36, 9;, 4 anj 13,
tp 11 s, r )8e . .. an
Warrant JeeJ-Aprlt 15. F Delameter et ux to
Martin Nelson, small Had In se i of se U of
sec ao, Ip g s. r 40 e , 61s
Mate JeeJ-Decai. State of Oregon to Archie
j Aiurra,n 'i ntn'i olsec )6,lp its a 1; e im
Quit claim JeeJ-May 1?. Tlrsl National Hank,
Ilaker City, to l Uashe, tots 4, 5. w ! j. blk
4, Huntington, 'j Interest . . 1
Quit claim JrrJ Miv 18, I" S Lack el ux to l
F More), tax JeeJ Int In blk 1, Stewart's anJ,
linker Lily . 1
Warranty JeeJ-Arrll a8. 1 Dettoo to James E
Carter, tot 1, blk C, DeKoo's a Jn, Baker Clt) a?;
Warranty JeeJ l 16. Julius Ach to John I)
KenneJ) , ' Int In lot 1, b'k , I Isher's aJn,
Ilaker City. . , m
Warranty JeeJ -Jan a, Nellie Lanes et vlr to
W II Sliurltlff. lots 6, 7, blk I, Places aJn,
Ilaker Cil) . . . .51x1
Quit claim Jtii-M-iy iu,(iul)inint to I rink
HarKell, ' Int In LUoraJo anj six other
ilti elms. , . . 7j
Quit claim JeeJ April a, I rank I) Vincent to
llanli I Cochrane, Michigan anj ! Int In
Uncle Dan u,t elms, )ou
Quit claim JeeJ Sepl ao, 'gj, M A Ihlste) &
i: Al I'.ijIontoO I. Miller et at, 1 Int In Cor
Jill No i,iti elm ,, 1, , o
Quit clilm JeeJ .Ma) 16, Trank I) Vincent to
Daniel Cochrane, IJn l elm . 1
Quit claim JeeJ May 10, Daniel Cochrane et
uxtoN N llllott, j Int In Ua, Uncle Dan,
Michigan anJ Carrie it elms.. , mi
Quitclaim JeeJ-Aprlt 5, John Monihan in R
E tllewltt, M Int In Pleasant Valle qt elm
Quit claim JeeJ April 6, Peter o to R E
Illenltt, i Int In I'leasant Valle iiti elm
Quitclaim JeeJ-Nov k, Frank ("nrrlvin to
Clits II MaJJen, li Int In the Mount tin Kin
Quitclaim JeeJ-Ma u, J (1 Hubert; to A 1!
MaJen, ' t Int In Mir Jane qt elm
Articles of Incorporation Demolition Creek
Mining Co, A J Vincent, J II Meolck anj A
C Shlnn, Incorporators, eapltil stink $.iy,
I uuo shares at $10 each. Hiker Clt ,
Mortgage Mt 17, 1'merenila SherreJ et lr
to Mar KlcharJson, lots 6, 7, blk a. Mo
I Crar) ' aJn, Haker CM)
Aignment-Oct o, 'gr, W W Wheaton to E
j A x'anSlcklln, assigns mtg from J HeeJ el
ux.on 160 acres In sec ai, tp ta s, r 43 e
Asslgnment-Sep ta, 'v8, E A VanSlcklln to
Jos Smith, assigns mtg from J KeeJ et ux
on ino aires In sec ai, tp ta s, t a e. 143
Mortgage- , Mai 14, T L" Bennett et ux to I I.
Moore, lots 1 to 4. blk 8, Wiloi ale aJn, Ilaker
Clti an
Chattel, May 4, John Nklmls to J II (itlswnlJ,
6 horses, 1 wagon, a sets harness ai
Chattel May t8, U L Munn to P Untie, a
horses, 1 wagon. . .... 4;
Morlgige Ma 10, 1'va M tlchotn et lr to
Utliensbank, Ilaker Clt), lots 1 anJ a, blk
K, DeRoo's aJn, Ilaker Clt) 50.1
Mortgage April ar, AJa C Church 1 1 Ir to N
A Hughes, tot s, blk 8, llrattaln k McC's aJn,
Ilaker Cltv iv
Asslgnmmt Ma ly, M A Hughe to I. At
Whlttaker, lot . I Ik 8, llrattaln & Mc(.
aJn, Ilaker Clt) iv
Mortgage -Ma la, II W Shurtlllf it ux In
I rank I. AtLore, lots 6 & 7, Ilk I, I'Iiiy'
aJn, Haker Clt) . Uj
Action .May 4, Mimle E (iail s Minnie
llrntiln, tor Jmtages b Jeft piwisving
actes In sec at, tp ta s. r 4te,leiseJ to pint
lor 5 r from Melt 1. V. bii
Jujgment All) 17, Northwest Rv Co f nor of
Chi At ReeJ 4.ois
JuJginen -.Ma iu. Northwest limnxllr (.11 fa
vor of T R A Ptlie, receiver, m;
Water Consumers
Is the recognized exponent
of the mining and industrial
interests of the EASTERN
In the
It is not only without an
equal, but has no rival in
quality and quantity of re
liable information published
every week. Its circulation
is already the largest of any
paper published in the dis
trict, both locally and in
other communities and
states, and is growing, rap
idly. As an advertising
medium Tun Minim stands
at the head of the list, as its
columns demonstrate. Ad
vertising, like everything
else, is woith little or noth
ing if it costs little or noth
ing. Thi: Minkk's rates are
Stytico is hereby given to all ronsn mers of water from DCDcirtniCllt
Sampler Water Company's Plant: , r
That on and after June 10, 1900, any person or persons1
having a tap on any of the water mains of the above men-,
tioned company, allowing any other person or persons to
use water from' said tap, without a special permit from the
Water Company, will be held responsible for an amount
equal to the regular water rate of such other person or per
sons, according to whatever the water is used for, and on
the non-payment of the same by such regular consumer
within twenty-four hours after demand by such Water Com
pany, said consumer's water will be forthwith turned off, as
provided for in the franchise held by said Water Company
from the Town of Sumpter, and a charge of one dollar extra j
(as a penalty) in addition to the amount first demanded by j
said Water Company, will be made to turn the water on
All persons desiring to connect with the water mains '
will kindly call at the office of the Sumpter Water Company 1
on Mill Street, and get a permit in time to have such connec-'
tion finished, on or before June 10, 1900, as this notice will'
be strictly enforced except in cases where special permits J
are given.
is equipped with the best
material known to the trade.
lis presses are modern, its
type is artistic, varied and
lip to date, and only the
best workmen are employed
Location blanks, handsome
lithographed stock certifi
cates, corporation seals,
stock records and journals,
ffice stationery, all of the
best workmanship, lurnish
ed on short notice. Ex
clusive agent for the world's
Sumpter Water Company I u a 1 1
Sumpter, May 22, 1900
By W. L. Vinson, President
NJ R Tlio Wntor Pnmnrinv will rlinrop nnlu tlirpp
dollars for making any tap up till the night of June 10, but' 5jf P
& Co.
Dispensers of only the
Including OIJ Overholt, Can
ndi.iu Club, Usher ami James
Watson Scotch, Imported iWtt
Hrnndv, Three Star Hennessey,
and all the Leading Brands of
Wint. and Cigar. New and
Elegant Phtures. Comfort
able quarters for gentlemen.
No better service in Oregon.
...The Magnolia..,
T, D, illlnir I Co , Prepi.
(formerly Motel Van Duyn Hid.)
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, Wood's htilldlng.
Drug Co,
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only
to merchants. Make
the best prices on min
ers' and assayers' sup
plies. Freight no higher
than from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wash.