THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, May 16, 19C0 DESTRUCTIVE FIRES. OVER J25.000 WORTH OF PROPER TY BURNED. Origin of On a Mystery The Other Looks Like the Work of a Fire Bur Brac, Succeuful Fight Made By the Fire De partment Inexhaustible Supply of Water Insurance In Detail. Shortly before 12 o'clock Prldiy night tire was discovered In the Hi-llevlcw lodg hit' house, over the llobson Mercantile iomp.iny's strc. It was well under way when the alarm was sounded. 'I he lire department responded promptly, but this building and the on? on either side, I. V. Co cv Cn's. s.iloon on the west, corner Center and (Jranite, and the Potter building on Hie east, occupied by Addler's booh and stationery store in the ground lloor and ollices ,'ibnve, were entirely des troyed. I he I irst Hank of Suinpter building, across (..enter street, was b.idly damaged by heat, several plate glass windows hdug cracked, the metal enrnke melted and destroyed and the paint blist ered and discolored. 'I he slocks in all three burned build ings ate almost an entire loss. J. II. Murphev's Insurance agency carried very muih the I unci portion ol the risks, li.iv fl),5oool the 517,200, the. 'iKKrt'K'ile, be sides 5 l.ixm on the bink building. I he rate hi this hlojt is ' j cents, and of course, nothing was insured to its full value. I he entire loss will amount to more than .15,000. I he llnbsou Mercantile company carried 5io,oco insurance, 5),ooo witli a l.a Cirande agency, taken out by V. C. C.ilder when he owned the slock, and not vet expired t 5 jooo wltli the Alias, Sjooo in the (iermau Ametkau, 5iooo In tin Royal and 5soo in lire Sun, all represented by Mr. Murphey. I hey s.iwd about 52,noo wortli ol div goods and hi the is about $1000 worth of canned goods that It s ihmight K not seriously damaged. On the furniture and tiMures ol the lodging liouse, while the lire originated, ownrd by .Mrs. I:. MJuuess, there was 51000 In ths Sun. This build Iiik is owned bv .1. II. Kobblns, president ol the I irst Hank ol Suinpter, and J. V. Sctlber, piesldeut of a bank at l.a ( ir.uule. It was insured lor 52;oo, witli Muiphev; $$oo in the ( iermau American, 51000 in the National, y'soo in the Royal and 5ioo in the Sun. I he comer building ami stock were owned bv .1. YV. Cox & Co. I:.uh was insured loi 51, oco, the building tor $500 In the Scottish Union, represented by A. Moln, 5soo in the bun and the lurui tureand lixluies tor 5i,ooo In the Sun Mtirphv .iK.iln. Some of this Mull was saved from tlie ll.imes, but all Is damaged. I he Potter building was not iusuied. Call Adler carried 5i,ooo in the Ruval and 5200 In auothei company, the latter lepiesented bv Manning Bros. I IK stock was worth several thousand dollais, and Is now valued at about thlrtv cents. Hammond ,V Chance, lawyers, had their ollues up stairs and lost considerable. As stated above, I he Hist Hank of Suinpter building is considerably damaged bv heat. It it l fully coveted by insur ance. I lie turulture and household goods in tlie Potter residence, only a few leet fiom the burned buildings, and In the Austin block, next to the residence, were all remov ed and, ol course, to a certain e.xteut. At this writing (..Monday torenooii) none ot the losses have been adjusted, and no accurate estimates can be j-Iven. 'I he origin of the lire Is not known. Several days previous one started in the same place, but was extinguished. Thei landlady was not In town at the time. It Is said that mud) of the coal oil sold here I for some time past is not of tlie best. ' Too much can not be said of the work done bv the fire department, under the In- telllgent direction of Chief Thornton. A braver, more persistent tight was never made nor rarely a more successful one. I he fact that the Potter residence was saved, which is only six or eight feet from the burned building, speaks for itself. It is a comparatively old frame building, the lumber in which is as dry as tinder. The boys stood at this strategic point and poured In three streams of water continu ously lor nearly an hour. Apparently nearly every body in town was on (iraulte street at the time, and in tense excitement prevailed. When the ' lire was at its hercest, it was rumored among tlie crowd that the water In the reservoir was about exhausted, and then it was feared that much of the town would be destroyed, for a stiff bteee was blow ing Irom the west and live coals were lly-1 ing In heavy showers. Hut the How of water never decreased nor the pressure slackened lor a moment. Some one went up to the reservoir and turned on the full head from theaco,ueJucland the tire light ers had all the ammuul'.iou they could use. When tlie waste pipe was closed the water rose three feet In tlie reservoir with four streams playing wide open. Many and repeated were the thanks whkli W. I.. Vinson received lor his enterprise in con-1 structing such an excellent water system. Perhaps an hour and a half elapsed from the time the alarm was turned In until the lire was under control, and the town was again In gloomy darkness. 'I he streets for blocks around were strewn1 with dry goods, groceries, books, station-1 civ, wines, Ihpiors and cigars, fancy' articles, furniture, wearing apparel and what not. One pile of rescued treasures, dumped in a safe place at the corner of Mill and ( Iranite, especially attracted the attention of curious bachelors. It was evidently from the hudolr of some aesthe tic lady. I he articles belonged to her wardrobe, weie of dainty shades, adorned with lace and rutlles and pleats and such frivolities, but of shapes and patterns and designs that were mysterious to the tin-1 initiated and no single man .lack In the camp could figure out what their specific uses in this world could possibly be, though theie was a spirited guessing con test 011 the subject in the earlv hours of the morning among a lot ot the boys who hadn't gone home, and on account ot the excitement saw everything double. As is alwavs tlte case, there are a number of amusing incidents related In connection witli the general excitement caused bv the tire. One which is furnish ing tlie women folks no end ot amuse ment, the scxret details of which I III: MlNPU can't get hold ol, pertains to the rescuing ol a live pet belonging to some l.ulv, bv hei lavorlte. One l.idv, living In 1 house a hundred yards aw.iv, is said to have packed all ol her effects alter the lire was extinguished, fearing tlie tire bug. Another, when tue alarm was sounded, carelullv dressed herself Irom top to bottom, powdered her lace, loiiud her chewing gum. packed her new summer suit and liat and sent them f mr blocks away: all clone witli judicial calm ness, and then became e.xcited and tore up everything in tlie house, which was not in the slightest danger. Th's One Looks Suspicious ' Saturd iy morning about nine o'clock the voting man wlio opens (Jagen iv Sloans Keutucby Liquor house discover ed that building to be on tire. I'he tire company was again called out and soon subdued the llames. I'liis looks as If it were ot incendiary origin. I lie lire started lully thirty feet awav Irom any stove or lamp, and w here no one would have gone under ordinary circumstances. It was alio very near where gasoline was stored, showing that the Intention was to nuke a quick job. Oil saturated rags partly burned are said to have been discoved lit the locality afterwards. Suspicion points in no particular direction, but there is scarcely a doubt but that tills tire was the work of a bug.' In this block the In surance rate is practively prohibitive and but a siua I amount Is carried. "There was some loss, principally from water,' which Is covered by the small policy. Fraser & Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY Rolls. Stamps, Crushers, Perforated Metals, Jigs, I'rue Vanners, Gtc. MINING MACHINERY-Rollers, Including Sederholm Boiler, Air Compressors, Reldler Pumps, Fur naces, lite. Write to our Chicago oliice for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON R?-?- 1 2J,,,', ir.r.-iTiM 1 m F I v rj,-.tcc.jf.Cr,;i, vM' 'r. BUTTE HEADQUARTERS j t C. B. & M. Co.'s Beer Best in Town C B. SCHMIDT SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS .Manufacturers .ill Kin U ul Carl'im ili'J Drinks nnj C'l.ler. Ol'iTalcJ In connection with the Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL. GAGEN & SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. A. C. SHAW Lumber Co. mmm- A. B. BLOOMER, Manager. 'Qtutgb and Dressed Lumber atom hi stock or sawed to order on short notice. Cedar shingles furnished '' all orders if desired. Orders can be left with I). Copping, comer Similiter and .Will Street, or at the mill 4 mile east of town, honaiira road SUMPTER, OR. Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. I.. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHS 'N l