Wednesday, May 16. 1900. MC GRIZLET THE SUMPTER MINER. Grizzly Gold Mining Co CAPITAL. $500,000 in shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares. FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. efficers: President. JNO. J. PENHAl.E, Vice-Pres., ALBERT GEISER, (Gen. Mgr. Hunker Mill Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Oregon.) (President Citizens Rank, Raker City.) Treasurer, EUGENE SPERRY Secretary, R. C. PENTLAND the Grizzly group has disclosed a gold bear ing ledge of remarkably high value and there is every reason to expect the property will become one of the greatest mines in Oregon. The Grizzly group consists of the "Col orado" and the "Colorado Extension" quartz mineral claims, situated in the Sumpter Dis trict of Baker county, Oregon, six miles north weat of the town of Sumpter, forming part of the rich mineral zone wherein are located producing mines of fabulous wealth, such as the "North Pole," "Columbia," "Golconda," "Bonanza" etc., etc. Development work on For Prospectus and General Information address O. C. McLEOD 8c CO., Sumpter, Ore. A limited amount of Treasury Stock is offered for sale at SIX CENTS Per share. Subscriptions for stock may be sent to the First Bank of Sumpter, Sumpter, Ore. SUNDAY CLOSING OF MINES. Ai Much Work Can Be Done in Six as in Seven Days. There- is a decided agitation going on in various p.ttts o( the country over the question of si days lor a week's work in milling camps, and the iiiestian Is bring solved along these lines. Experience is teaching the lesson that the miners can accomplish as much work in six days as they did piev lously in seven. Many mine operators in Untie, Montana, and Utah and some In Colorado are realizing the ' truth ot tills and are extending the sl. day rule much more generally than here tofore; so that it begins to appear that the seven day a week, thirty a month, and three hundred and sKtytive a year plan will pass into the realm ot barbarism Iroin whkh it sprang. It Is strange that Jiuiue operators have been so tardy in conforming their plan of action to what is now demonstrated to be svieutilicly imperative. It is a milter of prool that the Trench ten-day a week system was destructive to all the best In terests ot working, whether physical or jnoral, and it is Incomprehensible that mining men should have clung so long to ithe system which allowed no day of rest .either tor man or animal. Cilpple CreeU is today run on the three (hundred sixty-live day a year plan, but 'what ate the results? While no provision lis made lor the men's Sunday, it Is found it hut they take their day of rest every thirty days or less, whenever pay day happens to come round. Mine managers have to take in account the loss of time occasioned by men going ott on a "drunk" and the loss ot time will be found to ' amount to close onto that which would be i caused by the si day a week plan. And again it will be tound a fact that the men ' will come back to work after days of riot ing and drunkenness unlit for good work. It will also be tound if the death rates of the Cripple Creek district are examined that the mortality is much greater in that camp than prevails in any similar camp w here the six day plan Is in operation. It lias been claimed by Cripple Creek mine owners that their men worked as well and lived as long under the present sys tem as if the six day plan was in vogue. Such statements are contrary to common sense and in direct opposition to the scientific investigator and it will take more than the word of a selfish mine superintendent to establish such a claim. Cripple Creek, so far ahead in all matters of mining in general, is most lamentably deficient In ihls one great principle of con servation of human energy. Mining Record. Presbyterian Choir Concert. The concert given last Thursday even ing by the Presbyterian church choir was what the managmeiit promised It would be, a real musical treat. Where every number was worthy of special mention It is dltlicult, and perhaps seemingly in vidious, to single out any one for com mendation, without mentioning all. The two vocal solos, one by Mrs. E. Sadie SCIENTIFIC PROSPECTING. Applied in the Granite D'strlct With Rich Result. C. C. Higgins and H. F. Anderson, of Salt Lake, ran across a stray copy of the Granite Boulder last February and .concluded to come out here Instead of going to Cape Nome. They got a camp outfit in Granite, struck out on the short cut towards the Bonanza, going about four miles before they got into country that hadn't all been located. There they commenced panning a little gulch and followed it up until they couldn't get any more colors. Then they , prospected around and found where the 1 pay dirt ran up the side of the mountain, j . After following it up the side of the I hill until it showed no more colors, they , began trenching and soon uncovered the ledge which gave a string of gol . an inch and a half long in the pan. This en couraged them and they began sinking on f the lode and now have several tons of , milling oie on the dump. ! The strike of the ledge is nearly north and south and the dip nearly perpeudicu-1 lar. It lies between porphyry on the hang 0. R. & N. CO. Helmut Chicago I'ortlanJ Special io'4j pm Atlantic Express 11:15 pm '4S m I p m White and the other by S.N. Steele, were , wa anJ a sa,e foot wa, show,nR highly appreciated by the audience, and ; about fVe fee, wide far ,he surf,ce wh 11 . i , 1 indications of widening as they go down, ly cultivated. The vei. js a (rue contact an j the sa))e 'a ciiarmhig I '""' a ProPos'"on as made many a poor , while Miss prospector rich in the early days of quartz hum incivcu 'inure. i" " vc . injcat0s 0f widening as they go down, uiiuMiaiiy voc, ...K.. - tumvaicu. The vel, ,s a Uue Cotact, and the same I Ua.i IT. .... In ..!.. I h .. I. a ' mia. ow.iii, xiiu 1.1111CU a iu in i uuci and also In a uuartet. has voice, under perfect control Carrie Spaulding sings as sweetly as a bird. The mandolin and guitar duet by Misses Anna and btella Brooks was by some considered the instrumental hit of the evening. Pouted Coal Oil In the Well. Some miscreant poured coal oil In a well on North Cracker street, which Is used by all the. neighborhood, Monday night. It Is said that this will render the water unfit for drinking purposes for some time, possibly permanently. There is no neigh borhood row In progress there and it is not known what motive prompted such a desplsable, senseless act. mining here, where a ledge had to pay from the grass roots or the prospector could not fol'ow It. The property is called the Golden Fleece Consolidated, and we hear it rumored that Mr. Higgins will leave for Salt Lake next week to make arrangements for pushing dsvelopment work on this valuable pros pect. Granite Boulder. FURNISHED ROOMS-Over Post Of fice, neat and comfortably furnished rooms, single and en suite, with use of piano, four dollars per week and up. Mrs. J. Johnson. Dally - Ex. MinJa 8pm SaiurJi) in p m 6am Ex. SunJay 7 a m Tin's. Thur. anJ Sat 6a m Tues. Thur. anj Sat. Lratr Rlparla . m Daily TIME SCHEDULES Horn Haker Oly Sail Lake. Denver. Ft, Worih, Omaha, Kan sas Clly, SI. Louis Chicago anj East. Salt Lake. Dentcr, Pi. Worth. Omaha. Kan sas Cltv, St. Louis, l.hlcagn anJ bast. Walla Walla. Levlstnn Spokane, Minneapolis Si. Paul, Dututh. Mil waukee, Chicago anj U.I. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing dales sublecl 10 change. Tor San l-ranuscn Sail every x Jas. COLUMBIA RIVER SIErt.MtK.s To Astoria anj Wa Landing. WILAMETTE RIVER Oregon City, Newl-erg, .saiem, independence anj way-unjings AkRIVU j:j a m SUj pm 0:45 p m WILLAMETTE YAM- HILL KIVLKS Oregon City, Dton anj way-LanJings. WILLAMETTE RIVER Portland to Conallls anj WayUnJIngs SNAKE RIVER Rlrarla to Lewlston 4 pm 4pm x. Sun, Ex. SunJav auopm Ex. SunJay i: o p m Mon. WeJ. anj Nrl. 4.opm Mon. WeJ. anj Frl. Leave Lewlston Dally om H. C. BOWF.RS, Agent, Baker City, Oregon N. f y