Wednesday, May 16, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. K notice of application hor , PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE rnicnii Minimi Application No. 314. MlNEHAL SURVFV NO Q. United States LanJ OAlce. j La Grande, Oregon. April ao, iqoo. t Notice Is hereby given that A. w. Ellis. whose rostofhce address it sumpler. Baker countv. Ore- ton, has made application lor a patent lor i.94 acres I of placer mining ground and known as the Gold j Wedge placer mine, containing gold, situate In no urganited mining district. Baker countv, Oregon, 1 an J described In the official ptal an J tieM notes on ' tile In this office as lollows. vli- Beginning at corner No 1, whence the cor to sect sq-ii, IP 1 s, r it E. W. M., bears s n deg 45 mln east tiqa 6 It, thence n t Jeg 11 mln w ots-i II to corner No , thence n 1 dee l mln 656 It to corner No 1, thence n 89 Jeg 8 mln e 4 It to corner No 4. ' Ihence s 1 Jeg )o mln e 49') II to corner No ?. thence I Jeg 1; mln w iti.q It to corner No 6, thence s a dee r o).o4 It to corner No 7. thence s 7 Jeg w ?6$. II to comer No 1, the place ol beginning, containing J.594 acres and lotmlng a portion ol the w JS ol section 99 . In township q s, range it e. Willamette MerlJIan. The location ol this mine It recorded In the countv recorder's oftice ol Haker county, on page 6i, vol ume G, record ol placer locations. Adjoining claimants are J. U. Young & Co. placer mine on the east, Sumpter placer mine on the west, and Stlnton At (iranger placer mine on the north. All persons holding adverse claims thereto are re quired to present the same betore this office within sixty data from the lust day of publication hereof, or . Ihev will be barred by virtue ol the provisions ol the statute. I C. W. II mum, Register. C. II. McCOLLOCII. Attorney lor claimant, Dale of tirsl publlcailon, April a;, iguo. Date ol last publication, June it, 1900. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United States Land Office, I La tirande, Oregon, March at, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the , provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the I Slates ol California. Oregon, Nevada, and WasV Ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, t8o, 1 til ORCIIi Mc.Kru, of Prairie (iltv. County of Grant, State ol Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 6sT,lor the purchase ol the w'inei-aandnK se 1-4, of Section No. s In Township No. la s. Range No. MEW M.and will oiler proof lo show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Us timber or slone than lor agricultural purpose!, and to establish his claim tv sa. J land before the Register and Receiver ol this office at La tirande, Oregon, on Wednesday, the ith day ol June, iqoo. Me names as witnesses: Orney Steapheson, fieorge llrJ. Scott HyJe, II. II. Sleapheson, ol l-ralrle City. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to lilt their clalmt In this othce on or belore saldiith Jay ol June, 1000. I:. W. BAkTLETT. Register. To the Honorable Ccunty Court of ll.iker County, State ol Oregen: We. the undersigned, a majority ol the legal voters ol Bourne precinct. Baker County, State ol Oregon, respectlully present this our petition, and pray that a license be granted by this Honorable County Court to C. II. Barnard, permitting him to sell at retail, In quantities less than one gallon, spirituous, malt and vinous liquors, at his road house situated i4 miles Irom the town ol Bourne, on the Bourne and Sumpter wagon road, near the mouth ol Wind creek. In Baker County, Oregon. Dan Farrv. tieo Morrow, C I Kear, William linn, W II Ernes, tieo ti Hall tieo Kerns, ti li Horselord, A J Tulk, W W tireene. Jas CrawlorJ, ti C Sims, tiuv Harris, Wm Phillips, J L Williams, R J Rundle, I-11 Oakes, W H Spencer, Wm WelganJ, A Knapp, tius Anderson, J If Clark, I rank Murrav, Thomas Trembath.CtD l.jnch, I) l: Paine. L Ckatrom. C Lkstrom. lid Butte. Jr., E Butie, Sr, I ti King, J R CalJwell. E M Belt, M Stamnfer. John Thornton, W j Lons. Joseph Stampher. WH PaJdock, J J Flem ing, E M Alnsworth, T A Mctilvern, J C Burns, C II Stewart. Wm Ta lor, R N tiraves, R I: tioJIrev, I AnsteaJ, J C ClaMnn, T W Mers, John Reagan,1 Jas W AJams. John Manes, W J Howe. CW Rob erts, John Johnton, W H Nebergall. II llallender. M W Beckwlth, J A Murphy. Owen Harris, A loutien-i hlser. T P Chrlstensen, E A Wren. R II Wall, ti Nordke. I) E Butler. i NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that said C II. Barnard wilt apply to the said county court ol Baker county, Oregon, lor the granting ol said li cense, on the j ?th Jav ol May, A. D. iqoo, or as soon thereatler as his petition can he hearJ. Pelton Water Motor Is so superior to nil others as regards strenth, Jurabllltv and economy of water, In fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR, as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service and made of sires varying from the fraction of 1 up to too H. P. Recent scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev eral other motors claimed to be the best on the market showed 45 per cent higher efficiency In favor of favor of the PELTON, while the rela tive cost per II. P. to buy was only one-third to one-half that of others. Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should discriminate In favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York or San Francisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars free. One of these motors can be seen any time operating THE MINER presses. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO. 143 Liberty Street, New Yotk. 125-120 Main St. San Francisco, Calif. NOTICE FOR PUBLICHTION. Department of the Interior, Land Omce, at La tirande, Oregon, i April si tono. Notice Is hereby given that the following named I settler has tiled noilie ol his Intention lo make tinal I proof In support ol his c aim, and that said proof will be maJe belore county clerk ol Haker Countv at Baker City, Oregon, on June t, 1900, via: II. I. 68)8 of 1 LEVI R. STRATTON. ) ol Sumpter, Oregon, lor the sw "V se , sec J), e ! . ne and nw ' ne ', sec to, lp 10 s, r it. 1 lie names the lollowlng witnesses to prove his con-1 tlnuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, vli: George W, Jett, ol Sumpter, Oregen: Peter J. Canaran, William I). Lockhart, Samuel L. Shannon, . j of McLwen, uregon. Fritz s Dwyer n7 GRANITE STREET, We buy and sell all kinds of City Property. We handle Mining Properties, on commission or tor cash. We have made a great many sales of City Property and mining claims the past few weeks. C. W. BAWTIMT. Register. TIMBER UNI), ACT JUNE 1, 1878. FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE Notice of Appointment of Administrator. Notice Is hereby given that Phil V. Nebergall has teen dulv appointed administrator ol the estate ol Joseph II. PatnoJe, deceased, by the County Court ol Baker County, Oregon, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notllied to pre sent the same dulv verified, to the undersigned at the office ol Stott & Shellon, In Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, w Ithln six months Irom the date hereof. PHIL V. NtHCkOAlL. Administrator ol the Es'ate of Joseph H. Patnode, deceased. M Date J, Sumpter, Orrgon, May o, 1000. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. United States Und Oftice, ( La tirande, Oregon, May 1. iooo. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 8?8, entitled "An act lor the tale ol timber lanJs In the states ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," at extended to all the public land tlatet by act ol Augutt 4, i8o, JAMi TIBIIS, ol McLwen. County of Baker, Stale ol Oregon, hat thlt day Med In this omce her sworn statement No. 660, for the purchate ol the ne H se '( ol sec No. 5, In tp tot, range No. 8E W M, and will oiler prool to show that the land tough! Is more valuable lor Its lim ber or tlone than lor agricultural purr oses, and lo es tablish her claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver ol this office at La tirande, Oregon, on Wednesday, the th day ol July, iqoo. She namet at witnesses: Alexander S. watt, Sam uel Thompson, tieorge A. Scott, Mary A. Scon, all ol McEwen. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above 4c,.rlhJ ln.l ar r.iut,l In fill, their rlalltlt In , thlt office on or before said iBth day ol July, 1000. E W. DAKTLUTT, Register. Mimno Application No. an. MINI-HAL SURVEY NO. too. . United States Land Omce, I ' La tirande, Oregon, aVprll 19, iqoo. I Notice Is hereto' given, that A. J. Stlnton and J. A. Grainger, whose postolice addrttt It Sumpter, Ba iter county, uregon, nave maae application lor a patent lor 4.6q acret or placer mining ground, rear ing gold, situate in no organnej mining aisirici. Raker countv, Oregon, and described In the official plat and held notes on tile In thlt ofhee at lol Jewt.vli: Beginning at corner No. 1, whence the K cor to sees so-ao. tp q s, r it E.W.M., bears n 1 Jeg it mln w 656.4 II, thence 1 1 Jeg it mln e aajt It to cor No a, thence n 15 Jeg )o mln w 11 16.6 It to cor No 1, thence i 4 deg to mln w 584. 1 It lo cor No 4, thence n 1 1 Jeg m'neB.8ft tocor No 5, thence n ti deg w 191.4 vtijocor N06, thence n iieg jomlnw Tiq.illtocor Not. thence t t deg jo mln th ' u r no 8. Ihence t lo deg 8 mln w iti-6 II to cor No 9, thence n 1 deg 16 lain w 1 111.6 It to cor No to, thence n 89 deg 4 mln 010.; II to cor No 1, the place of beginning, contain ing ta.rjq acres and forming a portion ol the ejiolw Ji of section so. in township 9 1 ol range jt e Will atselte Meridian. , The location of thlt mine It recorded in the re corder's office of Baker county, Oregon, on page 59. volume ti, record ol placer locations. Adjoining claimant! are J. T, Parkinson home stead, J. D. Young & Co. placer mine. Gold Wedge placer mine, Sumpter placer mine and Sumpter Deep Gravel placer mine. All persons holding adverse clalmt thereto are re quired to present the tame belore thlt office within sixty davs Irom the first day of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. E. W. Baruktt. Register. Chas. E. Rorlin, Attorney for claimant. Date of Ant publication, April s, 1000. Date ol last publication, June st, iqoo. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 1. 187S.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statet Und Office. I ! La Grande. Oreeon. Mav 10. iqoo. I Notice It hereby given thai in compliance with the provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1. 1818, entitled "An acl lor the tale ol timber lands In the statet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory." at extended lo all the public land tlatet by act ol Augutl a, 189a, imtviN OATBWOOI), of McEwen, County ol Baker, State ol Oregon, hat thlt day filed In thlt oftice his tworn ttatement No. tro, lor the purchate olthe iKnrff tec ,a, a ! ne.'iolsec No. 11, In township No. 10 south, range No. it E W M, and will offer prool to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor lit timber or ttone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to said land belore the Reglttrr and Receiver ol thlt office al La Grande, Oregon, on Tuetday, the Tlh day ol August, 1900. He namet at wltnettet: Ansel Cook, Waller Cook, R. V. Mead. David McCoy, all ol Mcbwen, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore said Tlh day of August, 1900. E. W. Baktlutt, Register. jtjt ON AND AFTER FEBRUARY 1. 1000 JlJ j j j THIS WILL HE OUR MOTTO: j jl jl For Cash Only! OUR prices will not anticipate the probable losses of the credit sys tem, as was heretofore necessary, but these losses will be Riven to our cus tomers in REDUCED PRICES. Come and see us and bring CASH. KAHLER & HAWLEY, SUMPTER, OREGON FOREST RESERVE SELECTION- NOTCIE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. ) Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, April ao, 1900. ) Notice Is hereby given thai the following-named settler hat filed notice of hit intention 10 make final wool In support of hit claim, and that tald prool will to made before county clerk ol Baker County, at Baker City, Oregon, on June 6, iqoo, via: H.E.68S9 ol - CHARLEY H. GARDNER, of Mcfwen, Oregon, lor the teUne 1-4 and w J," of se i-.(c a8, tp 10 1. r 8 E. W. M. He names the following wltnestet to prove hit con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of tald land, via: Jasper Worley. Henry Stoddard, John Bo-arth, Jeater Hogensen. all ol McEwen, Oregon. E. W. Uauett. Register. United States Und Oftice. La Grande, Oregon, May 11, iqoo. ( Notice Is hereby given that Frank S. Balllle, whose postoftice addrett It Sumpter. Oregon, hat made ap plication to telect under the Act of June 4, i8q?(r Suit., to), the following described tract: Beginning at a post on the west tide of Fruit creek, from which the tw corner of tec. 10. tp 8 1. r it E. w. M., bears due south ti-i feet, Ihence t as deg e mils feet, thence 1 8 deg it mln e arat.8 feet, Ihence (a deg is mln e tat feel to a point on a quarter teclion line when surveyed, thence lollowlng tald quarter tec lion line due south jio feet lo a quarter section post at located when surveyed, ihence due west on a quar ter section line when surveyed 460 feet, thence due north 1980 feet, thence due eatt 660 feet to tectlon line, Ihence due north to-s feel lo a point ol begin ning, comprlting iso acret more or less, and at will more fully appear by the plat on hie at thlt omce and tald landt being unsurveyeJ. All In Baker county, state of Oregon. Within the next thirty days from date hereof pro tests or contests against the selection on the ground thai the land detcrloeJ, or any part thereof, it more valuable for lit minerals than for agricultural pur poses, will be received and noted for report lo the Commissioner olthe General Land Office. E. W. BARTLirrr, Reziste-. first publication May 16, iuoo. wsiwww''''' OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPJERBEJR ON DRAUGHT 'BILLIARD" AND POOL TABLES Agents for MattliiR ly and Moore Whis key a 20-year-old whiskey as good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPT12R, OREGON l''' THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. ' General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON. f r 0 t