Wednesday, May i6, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. H COUNTY RECORDS. 55" 1500 30? 8 451X) "5 75o ijjo 15 The following Is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, May 15: RUM b'STATK TRWMTRs. Warranty JeeJ .March so, Jos Woojs lo Prank AtJen )5 Int In 5 acres In Sec , Ip g s, r 17 e$ 100 Warranty JeeJ-Alay 7. Anna Hon en in J W Dickey, lol 5 anj 6, tlk tl, Uonen's aJti, Baker Cllv Warranty JeeJ I'eh so. '06, Clarissa A Howes toE Howes, !i Int In greater part Nelson's aJn; of I'orllanJaJn nnJ 160 acres In sec ) lpi)s,r 40 c DeeJ-Aprll lg, N C RlcharJs to A C Utile., lots 6, 7 anj 8, tlk J. South Sumpter ain L'lectrlc Light plant . . Dedication JeeJ Alay 8, 1.1111U Summer, N C Haskell anj Herman I'uchs In llaker Cllv, of Haskell's aJn, to llaker Clly, on so M ol sec 16, tpgs. r 4ov Warrants' JeeJ -Febio, A J Winrlrh to I. O Wcnrlch,lotg,blk4.n i ol lot 8, Hku, Sumpter Heights aJn . Warranty JeeJ-Aprll 1 1. 1. M O Wenrlch to A N Johnson, lot g, I' Ik 4, n ,4 of lot8,blk 11, Sumpter Heights ajn .... Warranty JeeJ- Mav 10, Marv J Janney to G II Neton,lol 5, blk 16, AtooJ'sseConJaJn, llaker City Warranty JeeJ April so, John Trov el ux lo C J Armstrong, small tract In ne ' 1 sec j), tp 10 s, r 41 f . Warranty JeeJ Miyg, 0 I: Whltnev to II Panning, 160 acres In sees 31 an J 8, tp 10 s, tjlc Warranty JeeJ -April 16, Oscar K HlnJman et ux toll A IllnJinan, 4oacrrs In sees at, J4 anJ a;, tp 11 s,r 4eanJ8uln sec 10, tp n,r 4e Warranty JeeJ.Mavo, Harry A Jjke Warsh hauer lo Albert (ielser, lots 4 anj 5, tlk , Fisher's aJn, llaker City 40,000 Warranty JeeJ-MimpterTOi, LJ, lo J Win Wilson, lot 1, blk 1, Warren Heights aJn, Sumpter 150 Warranty JeeJ -May 5, At F Dennett rt ux lo AC liar Jlng, Ints 1,3, 1, blk 55, AtcCrary's aJn, llaker City Warranty JeeJ -.May g, Sumpter T Co, JI)(ilbbs,lotsi6to3o,blki, S T C's 1st aJn ... Warranty JeeJ -Jan 34, II W Sloan to MauJ Mills, lot 7, tlk 4, Sumpter Warranty JeeJ April 16, Win Mackintosh, trustee, to II M LnmbarJy, foxion It on w IJe blk II, AUCrary's aJn, llaker City. . . . Warranty JeeJ- May g, W. J, I'atterson et ux In 0 W French, Inl In Nelson aJn, llaker City Warranty JeeJ - May g, F S lack ct ux In I) W French, Inl In Nelson's aJn, llaker City Warranty JeeJ Nny i, 08, John Waterman et al to S J Hall, lots 1 10 4, In llourne Warranty JeeJ -June j.gj, Rosa I: Rollnson et vl toT I: Dennett et al, lots 1 lo 4, blk 8, Wllovale a Jn. llaker City Tax JeeJ- May la.Sherlll to F S Ijick, greater pari Mix's ajn, llaker Clly Warranty JeeJ-SepI 31, '8g, Jos Calmer et ux In At F Dennett, lots -ii. y, blk 8, Wllovale aJn, llaker City Warranty JeeJ Atarch 18, Jos I'almer et ux lo At F Dennett, lol 33. blk 8, Wllovale aJn, Hi ker City Warranty JeeJ Sept 7. (ieo Small, J T Don nelly anj wives to Jennie Thompson, lot 7, blk 1. llaker City Warranty JeeJ -.May 15, Jennie Thompson et vlr to Jas D Rogers, lol 7, blk 1 llaker City . Warranty JeeJ July 1,'gr, Chas Rlmhol to I Williamson, 160 acres In tec 10, tp 10s, r we Warranty JeeJ -Nov 1 1, Isaac Williamson et ux In Oregon Lumber Co, o acres In sees g anJio, tp tos.r 7e Quit claim JeeJ-Jan 30, '08. Daisy A Nelson to At F Dennett el al, nwcor blk 1, HratlalnAt McCama's aJn, Daker City MIMNfl MATTLWS. Quitclaim JeeJ -.May 5,11 W Clark et ux to Security At & Inv Co, (ioojrlch Creek iti elm .... Quit claim JeeJ Atarch aS, At l (illberl el ux to E D LeClare, ' 1 Inl In Richmond No 1 anj 3 qti elms. Quitclaim JeeJ-Atay 3, Anna AtcCormlck to Security At & Inv Co the Valentine qli dm anJ 500 Inches water right Goodrich creek.. Quit claim JeeJ-April 7. A E Hetties et al to W II Spelman et al, Lolti anj WlnifreJ qti elms .. Warranty JeeJ -Oct 31, "gg.H N NcKlnneycl ux to Wm H I'oppy, i-io Int In Basche water ditch on Lower I'owJtr river Mining Jtvd-Decn.'o). James Dunphy Id' Chloride Con (i M Co, While Falls' anj Gates Fills qti elms Quit claim JeeJ-Arril io, Thoi A Klstler to F F Johnson, ! Infln Mldat qticlm... Quit claim JeeJ-Aprll jo, fc I McCurrey lo J J llennessv, Five Johns qti elm. . , 500 Agreement-I'eb 38, A W Ellis etuxtoJT Parkinson, Jehnlng boundaries of J D Young placer claim near Sumpter; isl pirtles quit claiming lo nj parties lanj outslJe anJ anJ paitlesto 1st parties all lanJ IndJe present ngreeJ upon Quit claim JjeJ Alav 11, .Max Schulplns et ux to Willis Kramer, Sj Int In Juniper qti elm ton Quitclaim Jet J-.May 11, Wm Finn lo .Marv Finn, !i int In Ellenor anj Danner qti elms 1 .Mining JeeJ April 17, S Ulcharjson et ux to RlcharJon ( At Co, the TreaJuell and Texas qti dins .....''. 1 MORI JACils. Release-rl'eb 4, L J llatelnonj to S .1 Hlckuk, u !i lol , blk 4, Sumpter ... Release Jan it, W J Caesir el al to Wm S , Evans et u, on sua acres In sees j, 30, tj, I lpi3s,r4oe i Chalk I -.May 7, lewis Stelner & Co lo C J Johns, all chattels In Vienna cafe, Sumpter, on JemanJ ita I.Mortf.ige- .May g. Chas Fresh to (lertittJe Henry, lots 1, 1,8, g, blk , McCrnn's aJn, ll.iker City ., m .Mortgage .May B, W D RceJ to L R Slratton, I lot 7, tlk 1, AtillaJn, Sumpter go .Mortgage April 16, R II Schwab et ux to R C . I'entl.mJ, lot 4, tlk 1, Sumpter . . .. ur Assignment April 30, R C I'enllanJ toLQ SwetlanJ.lot 4. tlk 1, Sumpter 1 Assignment. April n, AC Little to N C Rich I arJs, mtg from E F Warner, nn im acres In sec ag, tpgs r 17 e 1 . .Mortgage .Mav g, W S Chlpp el ux to C J I J Johns, s I, lots 1, 3, blk 18. Warren Height. 1 nJn, Sumpter I Chattel .May 11, 1. SekmlllanJ Ieo Dureell lo C J Johns, Int In all liirnllure, fixtures, etc, I In Vlenni cafe, Sumpter Atnrtgage -May 8, AtauJ Mills lo C Sn Je.lot, ' lol 7, blk 4, Sumpter Atortgage .May a.OswalJ Dreclitel loCSnJe I w i lot 8, blk G, Sumpter ... I Mortgage .May 8, A A Houston el ux A W A Houston lo First National bnk of Daker CI I) , 40x15 fi in seuir blk 1, 50x15(1 In sw cor lot , 4, blk 3, Fisher's a Jn.lots 8, g, blk 30 AlwooJ's I aJn. Daker Clly Chattel -.May 8, MauJ Atllls to C SnyJe, chat tels on lot 7, blk 4, Sumpter Chattel-May ,C II Laytnn In Irwin (VSiaJe, seven horses, etc. ... Chattel-Atay 8, W l Davis to James Hulllck, 4 cows, etc ..... Chattel-Atay 14, II J CalJweJI to Annie Mat lory, saloon chattels In blj'g No 311 Mill si, Sumpter 500 Chattel-Atay 14, II J Caljwell In Abble CalJ well, chattels In tIJg No 331 Mill st, Sumpter 1000 AtorlgaEe-Arrll o, II W Shurtllff et ux to R T Hennlge r. Ints 3, , blk 3, Places anJ ajn, Daker City : hm Jeelease-Atarch ), Levi Ankeny to J II Parker el ux, nw K of se i sec it, tpgs, r 40 e 45m The Sumpter Miner T.D. Bellinger & Co. Is the recognized exponent j of the mining and industrial! interests of the EASTERN! OREGON GOLD FIELDS. I In the ..OI: SUMPTl-K. Olvlit.ON Sumpter District iJispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 It is not only without an equal, but has no rival in quality and quantity of re liable information published every week. Its circulation is already the largest of any paper published in the dis trict, both locally and in other communities and states, and is growing rap idly. As an advertising medium Till: Minkk stands1 ' at the head of the list, as its I columns demonstrate. Ad-i 4Vi vertising, like everything II(J else, is worth little or noth ing if it costs little or noth ing. 1 Hi: miner s rates are reasonable. )!' 367 lo , Including OIJ Ovcrltolt, Can adian Club, Ushers ami James Watson Scotch Imported 18.S1 Urandv, Three Star Hennessey, ami all the Leading Hr.tiuU of Wines and Guars. New and lilenant l:l.tnres. Cointort able iii.trters for geiitlriiien. No better service In OieKon. ,.The Magnolia... T, 0, Billlnitr I Co., Propi. (formerly Hotel Van Ouyn Hid.) 4J o The Job in i I94J 13,, f3 ISO 600 5 JOO MISCLLLAM.OUS. Aellon- May t. .Ml) Wells Co. vs II ti S TraJIng Co, for goojs solj . . .... Action Atav n, .1 Waterman, J Sehmlt vs Harry PnllanJer, attachment for ami Jue on gooji solj Action-April 36, II W Sloan vsT ( Harrison anJ W II CaJe; Tims Ateliwen et ux, lor ami Jue on purchase price of lanj anj chattels solj Jells,. ... Suit Alay 4, At J Janney vs l: T Cillsam.aml .Jue nn note 1 leln-April io, T II Cheeley vs Sumpter Vine I G At Co, lien nn the llnmestake U elm for I work as cook j Hill of ssle Atav ?. Anna StaJman to John A Duckworth, heaj of cattle. Agreement -April 17, Wm Hat Jock to N C Haskell et al, giving seennj parlies right 10 I esu HalJock Jltcli water for Haskell's aJn to ,' HakerClty 1 Action-May ix, II W littes vs (ieo W Uea, to I secure amount Jue on note Action-May 1 j. II W llstes vs T I- Rea. to se cure amount Jue on note. . . . .. Notice to the Public. All consumers of city water must make application to the office of the Sumpter Water company before the mains are tapped or any residence or business house supplied with water. SUMPTER WATER COMPANV. Department is equipped with the best material known to the trade, lis presses are modern, its type is artistic, varied and up to date, and only the' best workmen are employed i Mining Supplies GOOD THINGS TO 1 EAT II -AT- E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Itiilldlu".. Sumpter Bottling Works j j j U.iRen Si Sloan, Proprietors. jm Jm Jm Jm Jm Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped oil short notice. Jm Jm if Jm tow SUMPTER, OREGON LINKS OP Till: ucauoii uumhN 1 """!- sumpter Transportation Co. lithographed stock certili- ' ' cates, corporation seals, stock records and journals, ffice stationery, all of the best workmanship, furnish ed on short notice. Ex- CAKKYINU U. S. MAILS. SUMI'IT.U-CANYON ItOUTi:. 1 a: p p. ).o p. MO p :iu p. ir lv Ar , Sumpter. CllllorJ (JilfnrJ . Austin Ar ..Lv . .Ar Lv 10; pi a 8 ui a. Public Notice. All citizens of Sumpter are hereby noti fied to have the taps made and connected m . , with their premises by June i, as after, jl O rT j ti that dale the privilege of. more than one ' "-l "HI consumer to take water from the same tap will not be permitted. SUMPTER WATER CO. May 1. 1000. I v:pi a. m, fui a. m. (.minef tint' at Austin ullli sljL'es for (.anvim Cllv elusive agent for the world's 4nJ ,nlr""r i;"!n,ii , 1 ." i'4o 11, in. I Lv CllllorJ .Ar 7:10 a. m. j ii p. in. I Ar .llonana, l.v li:iu a. m. Connecting at llonania ulth stages for I'yxi NoMnsonvllle, Wmley, Virginia, Don Juan anj I Melclier mines. ' SUMI'TLH-UHANITI: KOUTL. I 13. u p. m. I Lv Suinl'lrr. Ar I 10.011 a. m. j 4:10 p. m. I Ar tlrantle. l.v ''"' a. m. Livery al (iranlle to North Fork, ReJ Hoy, Han 1 telle anj a4acenl mines. I SUMI'TKR-HOURNU HOUTU. standard Hall- Safe 1 a: to p. ,oo p. Lv Ar I Ar. Sumpter, llourne ..Columbia. 1 IncluJInic North Pole, I:. I:., Climax, Ohio and aj , Jacrnl mines.