The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 16, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, May 16. 1900.
Special Meeting of the Council
on Fire Matters.
hut they are In small gulches of not more
than an acre or so In extent. Much of it
will pay well without piping and by
smply shoveling into the sluices. Mr.
The town council held a spcrinl meeting
Saturday forenoon. Mayor (ilenson an
nounced that it was called for the pur
pose of protecting the town from what
seemed to he :iii eflort to hum it.
I he council approved of the mayor's
.'iction In appointing si etr.i watchmen
Mayor (ileason, Aldermen Stinson and
McKee has located the ledge from which
this gold came and of course thinks his
gunrtz claims a very valuable property.
Granite Moulder.
Mining Conditions Have Improved.
James Hutchinson, general manager of
the Trade Dollar company, Is in the city,
en route to his home from a week's trip to
Maker City and vicinity. He visited the
mining camp at Sumptcr. He says there
are a number of paying properties being
worked there with ore being shipped every
day. lively thing appeared to be prosper
ous. Taking It all In all, Mr. Hutchinson
Parkinson me appointed a committee to S.(M )t. n1K s,lualon , caern Qre
employ detectives to run down the lire
hug and keep cases on suspicions char
acters. 'I he inarslril was Instructed to round
up the vags and run them out of tow n. It
was further oidered to have the reservoir ,
ami the conduit patrolled.
A. V. Ellis offered the front peak of
Hie opera house for a lire alarm bell
tower, loin Mi I: wen offrted to mm id
teams to the saw mills and get lumber for i
the belfry. Uoth propositions were ac-
cepted. I
I he council extended formal thanks to
the Sumpter lire department, glslng A.
A. Hammond especial mention, to the Ha-1
her City dep.iitmeut and to the Sumpter i
Valley tailiead: the latter two lor assist-,
.'line offered. I
A. A. Hammond was appointed citv
attorney. i
Eastern Oregon' Mining Activity Remit of
Newspaper Publicity.
I he general interest in the mining dis
gon was very much better now than It
was two months ago. Mr. Hutchinson
said there was great activity in mining In
the vicinity of Maker City. Many mines
were ''eing discovered and bonded. On
a previous trip two months ago Mr.
Hutchinson had noticed large numbers of
miners and laborers standing around the
streets. He stated that he was agreeably
surprised to Imd all this had been changed.
A larger number of mines were being
worked, the output was Increasing and
the miners are all evidently at work.
Moise Statesman.
The States' Write Up of Sumpter
'I he State for March, containing the ar
ticle on Si'mpttr, reached here only last
week. 'I he story Is well written, by I..
Mush Livermore. It deals almost e.xclu
shely with the mines of this district, fol
low lug one of the writer's characteristic
sketches of the rapid growth of this
camp. The Illustrations are good but few
in number. The cover is truly artistic,
ind was designed by Francis S. Ctirllss,
tikis about Sumpter and Maker City, 'of lacoma, an artist of ability, who has
Oregon, as indkated by the dally and ' had excellent training under the best
weekly papeis cannot but attect all Indus- masters. It pictures a trail through a
tries gathered within the boundaries of mountain forest. Printed on the yellow
these two distrLts. , cover in red are the words "Golden Sump-
We note in the papers great strikes of tei in the Mine .Mountains."
ore, valuable not only in o.uali(y, but In Orvlll-Brown Wrestllm Match.
quantity also, l-uitlier, their seems to bei ... ,. , . . . , ,
' , .... I We, the undersgned, do hereby agree
any a noun HI i.ipita pun ng no these , ' . , , . . .. . ,
,.,., II., . 1 .lit" wrestle two best hi three, catch-as-
wrillil1 tlllU IIIH.'IIIIHM.' till VIIIIMIIVIIU
day by day ot thousands, tens of thous
ands, even huudieds ol thousands of
dollars, the last named being an iu est
uient that makes It a gala day.
It is also veiv plain to the observer that
these stnkes and inseslments are bring
ing gieat uumbeis ol people Into tlicdis
tilits. Towns a ie being laid out and
plats ol land sold to these newcomers.
Now, all ol these things aie in evidence in
every issue ol the papeis lepresented in
these disttlits.
I here is no qurstion but gieat mining
uilivity exists and the mining resources
ol Oregon ate enough to arouse highest
enthusiasm; but it the papers had been
dead or ludille rent to progress, If (hry had
been sellish hi their expiession, and
"damned with taint praise," the eltoits of
owners and managers of mines, Sumpter
and Maker City would not be in the edge
ol the boom as Ihev arr now.
The press should be substantly re
warded by the prosperity as it now e.xlsts
In those pLues. Seattle Mining Review.
Black Pine Placer Yield Rich Returns.
J. M. McKre was In this morning trom ,
(lis Pine placers about two miles
-ind it half from Granite and showed us a
small tl.isK containing the result of three j
days clean-up from the sluice boxes. It
was a very coarse grade of gold dust,
lather Inclined to be flaky, and had evi
dently not moved far from where it
originally lay In the quartz ledges. There
was 5:$o worth of it, and It Is a demon
titration ol the lact that the placer miner
need not go to Nome for gold when he
can find It right here in the midst of
clvilliation. There are thousands of acres
of plaier ground orly a little farther away
from Granite that will pay big wages,
l catch-can, no holds barred, two hundred
and lifty dollars IJ250) aside, winner to
take everything. I he matih will take
place In bills opera house on the evening
' of May ii), ii)oo. Moth men shall be In
the ring at i) o lock sharp. We hereby
sign and agree that Joseph Schmidt shall
be iiual stakehold:r for this match. The
1 last 150 to be put up the day of the
I Jack oiu'ii.i.,
I Sumpter, Or., April 18, 1000.
The Literary
IsturJ Weekly
)i Paget IllutliateJ
"til Hit Pulodlcsli In Oni"
Til" lllimwv DMIsr hat taken Ihe lilctifst
rank at a eekl ml ol I'unrnl llioiieht at
home aiU at-roaj. In the tealmt nl literature, an,
tileiue. irllclon, )slllltt,OtloloKy, travel, Jit
tuteiv business, etc. llstruttlon an J Informa
Hon 4i all tUet ol Important o,uettlont ate given.
Ihe toulrnt rath rrs mtrra tirlj mi JUertitie J
,i to make 1 lir till IMKY 1)101 st InJItpentable
In llir bus nun whu Jetlrrt to keep up with Hit
thought ot the lime, but who lacks the leisure lor
tucli a latk.
t. P. Pcwill, D. 0., In I'nlty. Chicage: "Till!
llttlMut, ioi sr l an absolute necessity lo
ihose ho uoulj keep In line with Ihe progtett
ot thought anj achievement. I Jo nnl w Inn
anv llilnklnK man can gel along ulilmut It."
Main Miikksm, Author ot " The Man Willi
thr Hoe"! " I HI. till tV 1)1(11 T It one nl the
two or thtee most valuable, journals thai lometo
in) table."
Stastti Jak . Infills: "Tin tinutuv enlarges (lie bou.tJatie ol intelligence."
Siattir Wllliim P. Tres: "It lll altorJ Im
mense assistance In tlir scholars o( Ihr lounlrs,"
Co. Joki P. allpH. ol Illineis: "Till! Liuu
AU IlKllNT It onr ot thr veiy brtt publications
In Amctlca. To a stuJrnt ol currrnl literature It
It Invaluable.
10 Cuts M' Cstr. 11.00 t Till
t4 lr OsscrltlUt Clrealsr.
I TUNK I WaCNU, Pisllsktis. Nl TOM.
Manutaciurers of all classes of Machinery, In
cluding Crushers,.Stamp Mills, Hoists, Rollers,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc.
Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut,
Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination,
or made up Complete
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
"The Olympus"
H. EINGER, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde & Stlnson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Finest Fitted
Bar Room
in East Oregon
Only the
Best Goods
i n &!
Board of Trade
(iranltr. Corner Centi r Streets. Sumpter, Oregon
Reserved for