THE SUMPTER MINER. VOL I. SUMPTER, OREGON, MAY 16, 1900. NO. j6- SUMPTER IS ON A FIRM FONDATION. J. HO3S0N GIVES THE TELEGRAN A SENSIBLE INTERVIEW. Growth of the Town Is Solid and Substan tial Every Business House Is Making Monty Contiguous Mines are Being Worked Srientlfically and Successfully Small Producers Can Sell Their Ore to the Smelter Here. While In Portland a few dsys since, J. Hobson, of the Mercantile company here bearing his name, in an interview with a Telegram representative, gave such a sensible, correct statement of the situa tion in Sumpter, that Till: MlNI-K feels justified in reproducing a portion of it and giving it this prominence in these columns. The Telegram says: "The prospects for Sumpter," con tinued Mr. Hobson, "were never brighter than at the present time. The mushroom growth characeristic of all boom towns has, in the case of Sumpter, settled Into solid, substantial progress. Like other boom places the collapse which, always follows would have paralyzed Sumpter':. industrial life, but for the fact that the re sources of the surrounding districts justi fy its growth. The town has shed its boom covering, and Is now working up ward from solid hardpan. Every business house is doing well. There are no empty buildings. At the present time the town is large enough for the development of the trade district tributary to it, but as further development work is done on prospects, and more producing mines are added to the list, there will be a demand for more business iblocks. And the, determined, manner in which large investors are in stalling heavy machinery and sinking on the ledges is evidence to justify the pre diction of shrewd mining men that that is a rich mineral belt. "In the Golconda, Bourne, Cracker Creek and Cable Cove districts mines are being worked scientifically. The promoters are not merely scratching the surface and then floating stock, but are spending fortunes in drilling to great depths, where they know lie quantities enough of ore to pay them a hundred fold on the Investment. All these districts are tributary to Sumpter. Some of them have enough ore in sight to last 50 years. It is only a question of blocking it out by tunnels, shafts and crosscuts, so that it can be easily knocked down for the mills. "But there are any number'of small In-' vestors with first-class prospects who have not the money to spare for such ex tensive development work. In the dis trict are men who have been slowly de veloping their claims for the last is years. They knew that the gold was there, and that some day they would receive a reward for their labor. Some of these men have enough ore on the dump to pay them for the development work and fur nish enough capital for further develop ment. They sacrificed everything to their faith in the country, and are now in a position to reap the reward, for a smelter has been established at Sumpter with a capacity of 40 tons per day, and they can turn their ore Into money as soon as they desire. "In connection with this smelter, I may state that Portland people are not alive to ' their Interests. The same thing lias been i said often enough, but 4t should be ding-1 donged Into the ears of your people until they begin to realize the world of wealth ' tliere is in the hills of e.irtern Oregon. 1 Sumpter people held back, thinking that , a smelter was to be located here. Hut the , time came when the mining interests de-1 manded something to treat its ores, and in 1 answer to that demand a smelter was built, j ' It Is the-pyritic process, such as was pro posed to be established In Portland, and there is enough copper in the ores which It 1 will smelt to pay the cost of smelting. ; "However, there is still plenty of room ' for a smelter in Portland in fact, for sev eral. The Sumpter smelter will be kept , busy handling the ore of the Immediate 1 surrounulng districts. It Is hard for min ing men and business men who know the value of the mines of Oregon to under stand the apathy of Portlaiulers in this direction." EFFORT TO PARDON MINERS The Held-up Gamblers Who Had Fleeced Them. 1 An effort Is being made to secure the re I lease from the penitentiary of W. P. I Mulligan, William Murphey and h'd. I Kelly, sent up from Baker county, in February, 1808, to serve live-years sen- t tnic ltttflr fliirftM t( rMatrt Kultti 1 I vmvvj mmvi .itnii- m iwiatji initia I ' armed with dangerous weapons. Sheriff ; JA. II. Huntington, Senator William: Smith and Charles P. Hyde, of Maker I City, have written letters favoring their ' pardon, and petitions have been for ! warded to the executive oflice, signed by I ten of the jurors and a long list of the citizens of Baker county. The jurors signing the petition are: B. R. Angell, foreman; John Rehner: J. M. Burnside, A. Case, William Defreese, T. B. Mascher, Alex. McQuowen, W. A. Owen, H. I.ocken, D. C. Perkins. The jurors state that a verdict of guilty was returned reluctantly and that, under the evidence submitted in the case, such a verdict should not have been rendered, but under the court's Instructions, they felt constrained to do so and, therefore, recommend that a full pardon be granted to the defendants. The circumstances under which the crime was committed, as set out by the petition, show that the defendants were miners, and at the same time the trouble occurred were taking a layoff In the town of Bourne. It was immediately after pay day, and they fell in with some crap gamblers, their grievance was talked over and they decided to return and demand their money. The gamblers were over taken between Bourne and Sumpter, when a'row ensued, which resulted In one, Estes, being shot. Estes, who was the com plaining witness, also signs the petition for their pardon. Press dispatch from Salem. Masonic DckgatiM to Baker City. A large delegation of Masons went to Baker City yesterday afternoon to attend some sort of a jollification there last even ing. The fun must have been rather furious, for they were expected home this forenoon, but failed to show up. Thase who have hearthstone angel alliances here have a job on their hands to explain why they couldn't get up to catch the early train. Willis Kramer, of Douglass Co., ar rived Tuesday. He is interested with Miller & Aiken in mining properties here. He recently bought into the Juniper, near the North Pole, and is negotiating for other Interests. The Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter, is today as good as any made. CITY WATER SYSTEM. Best In the State For Both Owner and the Public. Pew people realized the value of the Sumpter Water company's plant until after Friday night's lire. The buildings were fairly drowned with water trom four hydrants. At the tap of the tire bell the super intendent of the Water company turned the small creek, which is about one sixth of the company's water supply, into the large million-gallon reservoir, which gives a vertlcle pressure over the city of 220 feet, or about ninety pounds picsiire to the square inch. After the four hydrants had been pour ing voiunis of water on the lire lor one hour, the water had risen three leet in the reservoir. It will be readily seen that If every hydrant In the city, of which there are twenty-eight, were turned on at once and at the same time, they could not con sume the water. The Sumpter Water works is not only one of the best water plants In the North west, but is also one of the best paying Investments In tills state, it being a grav ity system, costs practically nothing to operate, which leaves almost its entire revenue as net profits. W. I.. Vincent, who built, owns and operates the plant, served this town well and wisely when he carted to a success ful issue this semi-public enterprise. His friends are glad, too, that he owns so valuable a property. The system has been thoroughly tested and proven its value. LATEST FIRE NOTES. Adjusters at Work on the Losses New Locations. W. W.' Alversson, special agent and adjuster for the Atlas Insurance company, and C. R. Thompson, of the German American, reached Sumpter Monday, to adjust the losses for all the companies. They are at work on this job, but have only finished with the First Bank of Sumpter and the Robblns & Scriber buildings. The loss on the former was fixed at something over 6oo, the principal damage being to plate glass windows and the metal cornlce.from heat; the latter Is a total loss, Insurance 2500. The Hobson Meicantlle company has rented the large store room in the Jones & Gagen brick block, next to the Sumpter Townsite company's office, and is moving its remnant stock In today. Carl Adler has taken temporarily one of the store rooms in the Transporta tion company's block, on Center Street; but has not decided yet where he will re open business permanently. J. W. Cox & Co. are also In this build ing for the time being. They will doubt less rebuild on their own property; as will Robblns & Scriber probably also. The committeemen appointed by the firemen to solicit contributions for a bell, collected tztf yesterday. They met with such llatterlng success that they decided to secure enough money, if possible, to buy a ladder truck also. About $700 will be required for both the bell and truck. An effort is being made to have the hos pital funds turned over to the lire depart ment. Killed the Dog That Bit Him. Yesterday afternoon a man.whose name Is not known, led a dog into the "Mon tana Headquarters" saloon. While there the dog bit .1. Schmidt on the leg. Schmidt tollowed the man and dug to the depot and killed the latter, shooting It twice. This wa just betore the train ar rived and the platform was crowded. Considerable excitement was occasioned among bystanders by the shooting. A traveling man, who declared one of the balls went between his legs, was flight ened out of his sellassuuiue. I he owner of the dog left 011 1 lie train and no com plaint or arrest has been made. Colonel Damn Will Write of This District. Colonel P. Ilonnn was in town last Thursday securing data for .1 revision of Ills booklet on the " iold Fields ot Fast em Oregon." lie says the O. K. N. can trace so mtuh benelit directly to the advertising It has done dining the past year or two, that it has divided to do more, on a much larger scale In the near future. With this object in view, the matchless services of Colonel iJonanhave again been engaged, and he will inform the whole civilied woild about the un equalled resources of the territory through which the road runs; especially of the ritli goldlields of the Sumpter district. And he will write the story, too, in such a way that all the world will read It; be Interested, startled perhaps at lirst, but finally convinced. Sumpter's Registration 938. On .mother page of Till: MINI-R todav the qualified statement Is made that the total registration for Sumpter amounted to U27. This was written yesterday and the returns were not complete. At noon today ail are are in, which increases the number to 0)8. Of these E. I.. Manning securred 486, Stntt & Sheltou 210, F. C. Steffen 148, C. H. Chance 55, C. W. James 31. 1:. I.. Manning advertised In these columns that he was doing this kind of business mid as a consequence took more than half of the entire number, with live other hustlers as competitors. The moral to be drawn from these facts is that It pays to advertise In Till: MINI-U. Unexpected Death' of a Child. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow, of McFwen, brought their baby here today for medical attendance. They had scarcely reached Dr. Brock's office when the child died there. The parents evidently did not know how sick it was, and were grieved beyond measure wlien death came. Mrs. J. H. Robbinsaud Mrs. Brock dressed the little body for burial and it was taken back to McFwen for interment on the evening train. Mrs. Tedrowe in Charge of the Capital. Several days since some trouble oc curred with the Capital hotel help, while Thomas Kllpatrlck, the lesse, was absent from town. Mrs. Tedrowe, the owner, is temporarily in charge again. Mr. Kll patrlck is dally expected back from the coast, when the whole matter will doubt less be satisfactorily adjusted. Go or send to the City Green house. Baker City, for choice pausey and daisey plants. Sumpter souvenir spoons. F. C. Bro die, watchmaker and jeweler, Opera house block. Go to Fenner & Worthliigtou for all kinds of engineering. Ask for the Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter. Keep your money In Sumpter and drink Columbia beer a home product. The City Green house, at Baker City, furnishes choice cut (lowers.