The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 09, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, May 9, 1900
Interesting Facts Regarding
the Yellow God.
plant and will work over the tailings, and
the output is expected to nearly double In
consequence. The ore body is about 600
feet wide and over a mile long. The man
ager told me recently that working at
their present capacity it will take twenty-
five years to exhaust the ore already!
j blocked out down to the 8oo-foot level.
( Below that the ore becomes'inore refrac-
j tory, but there is an incalculable quantity.
, The Homestake employs about 1500 men, 1
Until 1898 the United States had been ' " about as many more are employed In j
the largest producer of gold In the world, I the other mines. The Homestake Is one ,
but in that year It was surpassed both by f the l mines of the country, and one
Africa and Australia. ! of the largest. It was discovered in 1875,1
The bearing that the Soith African gold d has been working since the following ,
production will have on international af-. year. Spokesman-Review. j
fairs Is one of the questions of the near SUfttd , Tufjne, dmd , M I
future. 1 he industry has developed in I .. , , . . , ,,,,,, , '
that region with marvelous rapidity. Pro- J l,ls ls " country and full of mineral,
duc.lon began in 1887. In the ,weve t ' lery lit le prospected as yet, but the,
years that have elapsed the total (nilpu, , bys arc waking up to heir opportunl es ,
has amounted to f 325,000,000. Practically and u"le ? ba? ve ' si? mll i
the entire yield is from quart.. The fact , .""" lle r:'ds '"J1" l" ISum' er ,e wi"
that the dark continent has become ,0 , hnd bla.ed trees staring him In the face on '
suddenly such an enormous producer of ve'V hand. I he ore Is low grade in this
the metal, without passing through ,hc , ll'", running from $12 to J.6, and from
usual preliminary stage of placer and ' " to 80 percent is saved on the platband
stream mining, indicates the concentrates are then cyanlded. I he
II.-.I II k 1...I..1. I.. rrm:,lii :i slr.ulv nml '''" 'K " l'" J '
large one.
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
1 easily worked that ore of this grade ls
bonanza. As soon as the ore is struck
1 the owners commence to figure on a mill
for they know It is a sure tiling. I know
of one property where a little superficial
work was done on the cropping, showing
good values. The owners went down the 1
hill, started a 7oo-foot tunnel and ordered
1.. .. ,1.1.1. 1.. .. .1... 1
...... ,.f ...,l.l .,.,! v,lm... ,.f kll. ...l ",C "'...I, WMH.II UN IIIC KIUIIIU
the demonetization of silver among the
nations having taken place (1871-7)), the
In the year 1872 the production was
173.1; tons of gold and 106.0 tuns of silver;
and between the years 1700 and 1870 the
coinage ratio ami the commodity valua
tion was as one of gold to 15.20 to 15.51
of silver.
In the year 1800 the production was 520
Fills Prescriptions
Popular Prices
Keeps a Full Line of
Assayers' Supplies,
Sumpter, Ore. phone 7i
' (. !. ....! a . .ltd. ....I..
I Not good mining, perhaps, but It shows
the confidence the people have in the per
mauency of the ore bodies. There Is
wood and water in abundance and every ,
convenience necessary to cheapen the cost 1
of mining and milling of ore. Granite !
Correspondent In Salt Lake Mining Re-'
view. I
ommodity ratio began to change In 1874,
and at the close of 1800 stood at 35.2.
The legal value of gold is 1 20.67 per
ounce. At this rate a troy ton of the
metal is wortli f4X,i 23.20, and an avoir
dupois ton is wortli 6o2,o2i.o).
The director of the United States mint
estimates that s. 000, 000 worth of gold is j Mining Industry Open to All.
annually used in this country in dentistry I Mining Is the most profitable business !
and 2,ooo,ooo worth in sign painting. , peii ( ,f ,, f money and brains. So I
For the last ten years the manufacture K as prospectors bv the hundreds are
of gold bars and coins by the various na- the r,eJ constantly making new dis-!
lions of the world for use as money has coverles; so long as a steady Increasing,
consumed on an average about 375 avoir- frCe of miners are constantly developing '
dupois tons of metal annually, and is at j mlles from prospects and increasing the 1
Parlor, Dining and Red Room Furniture in sets or separate pieces.
Reautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come In and let
us explain why you can save money by buying at home.
We can positively do so.
Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon
present calling for about 450 tons. The
recoiuage is not included In this figure.
hilling i8i)-)7-o8 and 'i) the move
ments ol coined gold among the nations
may be approximately stated about as
output of the mines already developed; so Jt
! long as the best brains of the country are 1
1 busy In developing new appllancles by
I which it is made possible to treat lower
I grade ores at a profit, just so long the
mining business will continue to grow in
France lias lost about 2 per cent of her public favor. Mining Is no longer consid
stock. I ered a gamble by well Informed people.
Russia has lost about 3 per cent of her t has come to be acknowledged as a le
stock. gltimate and reasonably certain road to
Germany lias lost about 4)i per cent of 1 wealth. The field is open to all and when
her stock. ' intelligence and capital are united, it is a
Italy has lost about 10 per cent of her ' field full of golden promise. Mining
stock. ' Reporter.
England has lost about 15 per cent of . , - .. , .ti.
her stock. hio Groop Sold for 39'000'
Austria has gained to the extent of ; J"Ph Basler went today to Maker ,
about 16 per cent. City to meet some Salt Lake capitalists, I
Spain has gained to the extent of about who have made an offer for the Ohio j
10 Per cent. group of mining claims. The sale has 1
United States has gained to the e.Ment len consummated through the agency of
of about 50 per cent. Cleaver Brothers at Raker City. It is
India. China and the Orient generally , understood the price Is lobe Jjo.oooforthe
claims, near ine cowers group ana ine cc
A. P. GOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
& Bank of Sumpter 3
Tnniicti Ginml nkln luilnttt
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
have been gainers of the metal to the ex
tent of about f 150,000,000 altogether.
According to the United States mint
olVicials the European banks and treas
urers held on Jauyary i about $1,505,
000,000 In gold, as agairst 1,50 1,000,000
on January 1, 1806. At the same dates
the United Mates banks and treasury
held respectively 1 554,000,000 as against
3 18,000,000. T. F. Van Wagenen, E.
M., in American Metal Mining.
Output of $370,000 a Month on $3 Ok.
The great Homestake mlr.e, near Dead
wood, South Dakota, is turning out $185,
000 every fifteen days. The ore is free
milling, and runs about J to the ton.
Much of the values have been lost, but
centric owned by Portland parties. Three
tunnels have been driven on the claims
and a shaft sunk, one of the tunnels be- j
lug 600 feet deep. Jacob Sheuerman and
August Standler are with Mr. Hasler in
the ownership. East Oregoulan.
W. H. GUason the Next Commiuiontr. I
Sumpter's mayor, W. M. Gleason, will
I be elected commissioner of Baker county. ,
' He Is a practical business man and in ev
ery way competent to be a valuable otticer
on the county board. The people appre
ciate the Importance of Sumpter and its
right to have .1 commissioner to look after
road and other matters in that rapidly de
veloping mining center. Mr. Gleason
means a continuance of good management
We are fully equipped to make reports on mines, and can handle prospects or
developed mines. Main office, Sumpter, Oregon. Branch Offices,
Spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon.
Cor. Center and North Streets, Sumpter, Oregon. Telephone No. 1 ji.
First and Always
Newly Furnished
Only White Labor
All Outside Rooms.
Only Half Block
North of Depot.
j THE j j
Golden Eagle Hotel
Mill Street,
Sumpter, Oregon
the company Is now putting in a cyanide of county financial affairs. Democrat. ,