THE SUMPTER MINER. - X-. , VOL I. i -. SUMPTER, OREGON, MAY 9, 1900. NO. jv r AN ISOLATED EMPIRE. ' ,ate w approcch; a style on which he has I a patent, issued by Nature, that protects ' his brain work from all Infringements though the product of his. wonderful brain is often stolen. " In the'particular field of splendid descriptive work, 'all mixed up I win interesting racis ana startling tigures, ----- i he stands alone. Mr. Hulburt, of the O. R. & N., evidently recognizes this fact, Area of Two Hundred Miles Square Rich j and is fortunate In being able to command In Mineral, Farm, Fruit and Grazing ' such ,a,ent" Heretofore Sumpter has not Lanh-HllMJ. N c-,-i- ... "-" very promineiu position in . . r.uii. mi RICH COUNTRY LYIIvta SOUTH WEST OF SUMPTER. Points in a Contest to Acquire This Territory Heretofore Ignored. these, publication?, everything in the shape of a mine being "near Baker City." But after the Colonel has seen Sumpter .and Its surrounding mines, it can be relied i I upon that this camp will be given rep re Ben Campbell, general traffic manager . sen,:,llon of the O. R. & N., readied Sumpter Sun- SALE OF FIVE CLAIMS. day from a long drive of about 400 miles ' through the country west and southwest !,,. . n i t. "-. of this .-rntml .v.,n H. . .,., .... Uw Company Buys Property Three REGISTERING RAPIDLY.! 1 Nearly 800 Names Now On ' the Sumpter Books. at the time that we have doens article was written, and of letters sent in from During the past few days local politici ans have been working hard to get voters to register. Accompanied by notary pub lic or other official, they have gone out I n line of the Columbia Southern to its terminus, and then down south, taking In the John Day country, many miles be and a Half Miles From Town. The Ottawa Exploration and Develop- i mem luiuiMiiy nougui yesicruay irom there. He was on this very mine, and I will be in there again within a couple of .weeks, for he is now at Mountain Home, Idaho, on his way to Sumpter." I "We can prove by letters, hotel regis . ters and by your own friends in Sumpter I that our representatives was in Sumpter, ' and ranlte and other camps about there at the time this matter was arranged, and can show our options on these properties, to the highways and by-ways and talked ( which we hope to secure, so that the ah persuasively about the priceless privilege solute evidence on these three points you or the American system of elective fran- '"ike in that article should surely con chise, and the duty of all good citizens to vine? you that in simple justice you exercise the right incidentally, of course, should right this, frankly, fairly and ringing In a few remarks favorable to fully; and it should show you, too, that ,-i their favorltecaudldate. damage case can be won." Tills talk, or more probably this work, Till: MlNI-R wishes to do no one an In has had Its desired effect, as the regis-1 jury.cspeclall any one who is planning to tration list has increased amalngly in ( open a property in this district, but it does consequence. Up to last evening a few ""t tt its way too clear to give an un more than 770 had registered in the Nortli reserved endorsement ol this Minneapolis three and a half miles from Sumpter, on are engaged in this work say that the '"hies h the Similiter district, on which the Mammoth road. In future they will ' number will reach a figure somewhere be- Hie secretary claims that an option Is held, be known as the Ontario group. twetn 850 and 000 by noon of the fifteenth I which properties they "hope to secure." At prssent there Is .1 tunnel on one of 1 of this month, when the registration j So far as a retraction Is concerned, Tills the claims 100 feet In and a 54-foot cross cut,whlle all have been prospected with opeii cuts.' ' . A force of men will be put to work at an early date, the tunnel driven further in and other development prosecuted. The price paid for this property nnd the terms of sale have not been made public. Mining Activity in Mormon Basin. J. J. Kane, of Rye valley, is in town. He says that district is rapidly coming to the front. The Colts mine in Mormon basin is working fourteen men and has about 1 500 feet of work done. They have sent one s h foment m-tntlv to T.ti-nmn act es of the finest orchards in the world, and the concentrates ran from $15010 i75 tens of thousands of acres of unequalled to the sack of no pounds. Head & Voss, grazing lands, on which hundreds of thou-1 who have claims, just east of the Colts . sands of cattle and horses are feeding fat. , property, have been running a tunnel on I of the American Mines Development make this the mining center for all time. books close. Were It not for the fact . MINIiR refuses to make any, having that so many men have left town for the ' made no cli irges, but merely pointed out yond, and all the vast region between ' Hlnton Brothers five claims, situated onlv' and South Sumpter precincts. Those who company, that advertises to own rich gold nere anu rraine ity. Regarding the specific object of this trip, of course, Mr. Campbell would not talk for publication. It is very probable, however, that his purpose was to secure information that would aid his company and its allies to spar for points intelligent ly in the contest now being waged for this territory. Though he would say nothing about the purpose of his tour of inspection, he talked freely regarding the country; said it is today the richest In minerals, stock, grain and fruit of any equal area in the United States not traversed by a railroad. There are about 200 miles square of this inland, isolated empire, with no transpor tation facilities except horses and wagons. There are thousands of acres of land jn a high state of cultivation, hundreds of hills during the past few weeks, this number would easily reach 1000. Two years ago the vote in these two precincts amounted to only 212, when there was no registration law, and it was an" easy matter to swell the vote, by a some suspicious looking features. It is very probable that the two Minneapolis companies have became coufused. Illustrated Article on Sumpter District. K. R. Casper, representing the Mlnlim trick or two known to most political and Engineering Review, of Sail l-'rau- workers. Icisco, as Its traveling correspondent, The state election takes place the first 1 reached Sumpter today. I he paper w ill Monday in June, the fourth. 1 publish next month an illustrated article THAT MlNNPAPm i! rrmPAiuv " ,he SUkU Mr-Ciw will remain THAT MINNEAPOLIS COMPANY. . hcrc for ;1 wer( or e, d;,VS( vls)K ; Say. "The Miner" Ha. It Mlaed Up With ' I'" Th1?1! T ',','. '."f ,,I,C r fact that all roads in this district lead to Another Concern. Sumpter, and that In order to go from one THK MlNliK is in receipt of a voluminous ! camp to another, one must always return letter from l;rauk K. Plummer, secretary 'his town. And that Is what will All this in the John Day country and be- j the ledge, and at 100 feet struck an ore yond. Between Sumpter and Prairie City is the richest of the eastern Oregon mineral belt. But In this territory there are enough producing mines to prove its wealth. All the hills are peopled with prospectors, who dally report rich strikes. The district is on the eve or the greatest era of activity recorded in the Pacific coast history. Railroads now building into the country will hasten development, and that means the rapid increase of wealth and population. No section of the globe offers such rich promise for the farmer, stockman and miner also railroads, and that Is why the companies are so active in their operations to build into and corral this rich territory. Mr. Campbell left Sunday afternoon for Portland. ' Colonel Donan Coming to Sumpter. In a personal letter received yesterday by THE MINER from Colonel P. Donan, that gentleman 'states that he will be here today or tomorrow. He comes to person ally gather information regarding this dis trict. The O. R. & N. wijl soon Issue re vised editions of all the Colonel's enter taining booklets on eastern Oregon mines and mining regions, and to secure such data as he needs for this purpose is what brings him here. His writings have un doubtedly attracted more attention and In duced more men and money to come Into this country than any other dozen in fluences combined. As all the civilized world knows, Colonel Donan has a genius for word-Weaving that no other writer in the English language can i.-ni-, chute that ran from 7o to $125 to the ton free milling ore.' The'placer diggings in the Basin are not doing much on account of the scarcity of water, although the ground is very rich. Three miles east'of Mormon basin, to the foot of Humphrey gulch, is the H. B. Frans quartz lode, which shows ore running from io to tjoo a ton in gold. Mr. Humphrey is running one giant on his placer up the gulch, with seven men at work, and expects to make the biggest cl.'an-up this season of any in his past thirty years experience. Granite Boulder. Big Orders for Mining Machinery. Mr. A. M. Grant, traveling representa tive of the Denver Smelter Supply com pany," Is In the city. Mr. Grant has just returned from the mining sections of Sunnier and Granite and reports the mining prospects in these sections most promising. "The outlook for big orders in mill and mine machinery," said Mr. Grant yesterday, "Is very encouraging. I am now figuring estimates on four or five mills that are to go into Granite, and one for the copper mines north of Baker City. There are many properties In need of mills and these will be supplied before the year Is out." Baker Democrat. company, limited, of Minneapolis, regard ing some remarks made In these columns some weeks since about that company. , He insists that it is not his company that the Republic Miner exposed several months ago. He says that company Is known as the American Mining and De velopment company, and that botli papers got the two companies confused. Tllli Colorado Man Locates Here. A. II. Strele, an old Colorado miner, more recently from the Colville country, where he spent a year, has been in this district for four weeks past. All of this lime lie has been In the hills examining the country for himself. He Is well pleas ed witli it; says it is good enough for him ......... 1 .1 ..I .. ... 1 1 1 1 , . miNUK ouiy meiiuuiieu me itepumic ex-, "iu win remain nere, maxing aumpier ills pose, Incidentally. It criticised the Meth-1 He has sent for his wile ods of the American Mines Development 1 and she will join him here In a few das company, limited, and quoted some 1 and a home will soon he established. matter from the Mining Herald and In- ve-tors Guide, a paper taken up very Jub'I Singers and Rough Riders. Don't forget to register. The City Green house, at Baker City, furnishes choice cut flowers. "The Portland," conducted by Wood ward & Hammond on Mill street, Is a representation of its name. A visit will convince any skeptics. largely with affairs of this particular com pany, to justify this critirism. Speaking of the property claimed to be owned In tills district, the writer says: "When a mining company sent the writer up In there .several years ago to buy 'I he Sumpter Rough riders, ollicially known as troop B, Oregon National guards, have arranged with the l:M; Jubilee Singers to give a grand concert next Tuesday at Ellis Opera house. This concert is for the benefit of the Rough Riders armory, and every itieti the Red Chief group of mines, lor which 1 of Sumpter should chip in and help the I paid $6500 cish, and spent several linn-1 boys along ltll.ull.A.1; ri il.tll .r. ........ t.. .I......I...... 1 ' IIWIUKU1 Ul UWII.II.S IIIIIIC III UCVrilllICIII work, dually losing the whole group, I secured the Angelo property that is over the range on Big Umber creek, owned, when last I heard of it, by Geo. Deems. But better than this property was the ledge I picked out at that time and have been watching ever since, and while, as you say in your paper, that many do not know about these claims, they will short ly, for if this option which we have can be closed, this company proposes to de velop them with the money from the sale of our stocks, and the income from our copper and zinc properties, to dividend payers, which we believe they will be. "Now, our representative was up there Two Jobs of Fine Printing. Till: MlNliK has finished within the past week a prospectus for the Diadem company and one for the Grizzly, both of which are as handsome specimens of print ing as can be dune anywhere. They have received more favorable comment than any jobs ever done in the county, l-'or tine printing THE MlNliK office is the place to come In this camp. Potatoes for Sale. Lew Bros,, of Baker City, have a car load of line h'arly Rose and White Star potatoes for sale. Enquire at Sumpter Forwarding company.