The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, May 2, 1900
Suinpter's Plant Completed,
Will Soon Be Blown In.
Last week 'I Ml: MlNhK published a
statement from I:. 'I . hradfnrd, nf Den
ver, Milling lie had made a thorough
test of Hie pyritlc treatment of eastern
1 iccount of lack of water. In the great
deserts of the south and southwest there
are vast expinses of rich sands that tnleht
be made to give up millions of dollars'
worth of gold if the necessary writer
could be obtained. A friend of Edison's,
a scientist of no mean repute, says:
"To mining men this has been one of
the greatest problems and the fact that
a man like Edison was engaged in trying
to solve it has been a matter nf the great-1
est interest to them. In fact, they have
unbounded faith in the ability of the
wizard of electricity to make good his
t .
The Sumpter Lumber Company
ores at the smelter using that system in promises, and there are few people now
l.eadvllle, and that the experiment had who will dare to assert that the secret
been eminently satisfactory. He declard process will not prove a success,
that the ores are peculiarly adopted for "While ore concentrators are not a new
this improved smelter process. 'I he chief tiling, Mr. Edison's machine Is unique In
difference between this and the old method every respect. The only man, however,
of smelting, is that it does away with the who knows the secret of Its construction
expensive roasting of ores, the chief pur- is the Inventor himself, and even when it
pose ol which is to get rid of the sulpher. Is put In operation no other person will
All this is of especial interest to Sump- share the secret, with the exception of a
ter and the mining men of this district, for trusted employe who will be taken from
the reason that a smelter of this kind Is his New Jersey laboratory to assist Mr.
about completed and ready for operation Edison In Its operation. The only thing
here. Charles I aughiin, who has been which the outsiders, or even the workers
constructing the machinery and erecting at tlie mines, will sec of its workings will
smelters lor the Union Smelter Manufac- be the gravel being dumped into the hop
hiring companv, of St. I.ouls, for lifteen per at one end and coming out at the other
years, is m charge ol the work here. He end, separated from its precious burden of
says tlie company satislied itself that the gold, which will be delivered at another
plant would be a success here before it part of tlie machine ready for the work of
made a move to put It In: that lie, after the reliner. 'I hose who construct the
examining the various otes produced in machine will have no idea of how It Is
the district, hasn't the slightest doubt on operated. 'I hey will le given certain
the subject, lie says he can treat ores parts of tlie machine to make according to
carrjing as high as is percent sulphur, designs furnished them, and they will
I he institution is practically completed, have no knowledge as to the purposes for
but will not be blow n In torses eral weeks which the parts are Intended. Some Idea
vet, lor the reason that it will require that o( the secrecv with which the concentra
length of time to collect a sulliclent quail' tor has been built may be gathered from
tlly mid variety ol ores. Considerable has tlie fact that although it lias been In pro
already been contracted for, but none has Cess ol construction for more than a year,
yet been delieied. I lie mads are now hi tlie fact that the strange machine was to
condition in most pines to begin hauling be used (or that purpose was not known (
and It will not be long before this obstacle by any employe at the laboratory until a .
will be out of the way. A shipment of few weeks ago. I
ore Is now eu loute from Moutaii i, on "As soon as the Inventor was per
which a tt inn will be made. If It suaded that he had accomplished his ob-'
piove-. successlul, a smelter of this make ject, he proceeded to organize a company
will be elected at the mine. to operate tlie machine. Mr. Edison then
Ah. I .iiighllu deslies I Ml .MlM.U to purcha.scd the abandoned Orte (irant, in
s.iv that the statement made in a Maker New Mexico, paying about f 3,000,000 for
Clly paper, that his muipauv had untitled the 51,000 acres, and it Is there that tlie
the mine ow nets of Cable Coe district it machinery is now being Installed. 'I he I
will not buv or attempt to treat ores from lust plant Is to be located at Dolores, and section is eiitlielveironeous; that the others will be set up at diflerent parts of.
sineltu will have no dilliculty whatever tlie teiiltorv. I
la lediulug their product, and is now "Doloies lies in the very heart of the
leadv to buv all that thev have to sell. Ortc grant, but no one would imagine to
In lad, It Is already hi the maiket .in an look at the suiroundlug country that I
oie buver Iroin eveiv district in eastern
Oregon. He that wheie there is a
small pet cent ot lead In copper rock, he
c.iii not pay lor tlie lead, lor the reason
that it goes into the matte and reliueties
will mil pav lot it.
ll suituient quantities of ote M be se
emed, the plant here will be increased to
.1 t.ip.ulh ol ux. tons a dav bv next tail.
I his can be done without suspending
iveiatlons. Sampling works will be built
and opeiated beloie tlie end ol tlie
millions of dollars' wortli of gold was con
cealed in the sun-baked sand. Metallurgy
Isls have estimated that there Is between j
5oo,ooo,coo and in gold bur
led in tlie rovks and gravel of these 54,000
acres of barren New Mexican ground."
Cow Killed by a tear.
Ernest Stansel brought down wind last
Aloud ij that they had missed one of their
tat milch cows from the ranch the other
dav. Upon investigation the remains of
the cow were found near the Crawford
. c. nun, in a uiuiiiaieu condition, runner
Will Work Drt Sands Without the Aid Investigation revealed the tracks of some
of VTulcr.
It was announced some lime ago that
'I limn. is A. l-.disou had invented a secret
process bv whUi the sands ol the desert
4.011M be relieved ot the gold which lies in
Hut the scheme, while, very commend
able, seemed too ambitious tor success.
I.atelv It his developed that the "Wiz
ard" lias not only completed his inven-
Immense animal, which at lust they sup
posed to be a cougar. A more careful in
vestigatlon, however, led the boys to be
lieve that It was either a grizzly or silver
tip bear that had done the work. It is
very seldom that this species of bear Is
found In this country. A few, however,
have been killed, one by Walter Hrown.of
tills city, w ho still has the skin in his pos
session. '1 he boys are keeping a lookout
for him and will give him a dose of lead
lion. im is Kecui.K .e..u, w I'm .1 it. jf , a clalKc.Grailt County
wmk' News.
The Import nice of tills Invention may
1-f e.-itlirrrd Iroin tlie tact that such a tun- Voters Attention.
cess, working successtullv, would inultl- The voters of the North and South 1
ply uiaiiv times the production of gold 1ft Sumpter precinct can now register at the
this couutiv. i'hete are thousands ol city hall, E. 1.. .Manning, city recorder,
square miles of gold bearing lands in the having received the registration books
United States that cannot be worked on from the county clerk for that purpose.
can sell doors and sash five
per cent cheaper than any
other concern in Eastern
Oregon. Full stock of dry
lumber now ready for the
J. B. STODDARD, Manager
D. M. FERRY & CO., Props.
Only the best of everything, including first-class
music, day and night.
Family rooms up stairs. Sumpter, Ore.
Handles the best of Liquors,
Wines and Cigars. Draught
beer a specialty by the
pitcher, bottle or glass.
Opposite Depot - SUMPTER, OR.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience in Raker Countv Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Haker City"; Oregon.
rwin & Co.
and Mines....
..... Opera House Block
Mining Stocks and Min
llurlaclllilckfor telllnc mining kkI ol comr-antes with olU financial lul.ell ofticereJ anj
cll nunaseJ. Compan) mu.l MnJ Ihoiojgli Investigation. AJJress, with rirtu ana rfer-
L. W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Can place mining properties of merit.