Wednesday, May 2, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. SUM PTER OREGON i i "ST- a; The Johannesburg of America .... 'i. a ''There is a Tide in the Affairs of Men, Which, Taken at the Flood, Leads on to Fortune;" That Time has now Arrived at .. Sumpter, Oregon .. The Mining, Commecial and Financial Center of Eastern Oregon. Population, Feb. 1, 1899, Population, Jan. 1, 1900, Population, July 1, 1900, 171 j S j.ioo 10,000 J C The Brightest Star in the Mining Firmament Sumpter, Golden Sumpter, is surrounded by dividend paying mines. There are ten quartz mills running day and night, turning out thousands of dollars in dividends. The district stands today, for development made, second to none on earth. Sumpter has a Railway Hour Saw Mills Three Jewelry stores. Three livery anil Irelghtlng stables. Electric light plant, with 60 arc lights and 2000 Two drug stores. Three Mage, transfer and freighting companies. incandescents. Three cigar and confectionery stores and news Six stage lines. A most modern $50,000 water system with 30 stands, with 12 newspapers on sale from the Three blacksmith shops. tire hydrants. mining centers of the UniteJ States. Two h.-miess shops. Public school buildings and church buildings. Two furniture stores. About 300 dwelling houses. One steam laundry. Two tailoring establishments. F.leven business houses under construction, two Two savings and one safety deposit bank. Two millinery emporiums. ,,f w lifeli are brick. Two newspapers. One fish market. t.kaj t.v-Ury brick b ill.llui onpletf I. One opera house. Four meat markets Seven assay nllices, numerous real estate, nilu- Four hotels. Five barber shops. IIK brokers ami law unices, besides physicians, Ten restaurants. Two bakeries. dentists and civil engineers. About 15 lodging houses. Sixteen saloons. Number of secret societies. Six general merchandise and grocery stores. The Sumpter Club. No city taxis. Two hardware stores and plumbing shops. One brewery. City out of debt. Four dry goods and haberdashery stores. Two hay and grain stores. Splendid lire department. The place for up-to-date, conservative, practical men to invest. Seeing is believing. Come and see Sumptci and compare us with Republic, Rossland, Dawson and Cape Nome. The Sumpter Townsite Company, Limited, Capital stock 100,000 paid up, are now placing on sale a limited number of lots upon terms to suit purchasers. TITLE GUARANTEED PERFECT. United States patents over six years old. Warranty deeds given. Corres pondence solicited. Call on or address Sumpter Townsite Company, Limited, CHARLES S. WARREN, President. TOM C. GRAY, Auditor. W. C. CALDER, Secretary.