The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, May 02, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, May 2. 1900.
No Other District On Earth Ha Such a
Record aa This,
E. P. Cowan, Is registered at the Im
perial. He Is one of the original owners
of the Eureka and Excelsior mine, In Ba
ker county, and flatters himself on being
one of the very first to Interest eastern
capital in the rich ledges of eastern Ore
gon. Twelve years ago his company)
took hold of the I:. & E., and instead of ,
pending money on the development of,
the ledge, put up a f 160,000 mill. This,
honey-comb. Chief Engineer Anderson,
of the Columbia Southern, procured all of
these samples of 'ores in the John Day
country. Each one Is from surface out
croppings. Very few people have an ade
quate idea of the mineral' richness of the
John Daydistrlct. When Portland erects
a smelter, actual tests wHI soon verify
Oregon's claim as a state rich In mineral
resources and one with a great variety.
Bridge Acrou Powder River.
The bridge across Powder river, on
Granite street, Isnearly completed. The
he now acknowledges, was a mistake, as , a)k of Gra,)te flt t j ,s fmisheJ(
the mill was a series of amalgamating Only about fifty or sixty feet of roadwV
.""" 7."'"""1 "'V '.- "" between the bridge approach and the
I:. & h. was rich enough, however, to ..,., ,,,, ,.,, , ,,. ,.,,, ,,,.
pay dividends In spile of such mistakes, ,, w be ; contnU()lls p,a),eJ strt
and is now one of the most valuable gold
mines on the Pacific Coast.
Mr. Cowan has always had faith in the
mines of what is now known as the Sump
ter district, and he points to the locality
as being of unequalled richness, both as
regards the number of Its ledges and the
fcl PreslJeni, JNO. J. PENHALE. Treurer. EUGENE SPERRY -3
(Uen. Mer. Bunker Hill GoU Mlnlne Co.) Secretary. R. C I'ENTLAND
- Vlce-PreIJenl. ALBERT GEISEH. PrcilJcnt Cliliens Bank, Biktr City, Or.
p Grizzly Gold Mining Co.
A limited amount of Treasury Stock now on
gr the market at Six Cents per share. For further
Z information and prospectus, address -
Grizzly Gold Mining Company,
V. O. BOX 111
to Vinson's addition. This will be an
outlet, a safety valve, as it were, to the
congested business district, preventing !
prices of property and rents from reaching
the sky line, as they did for a while last
winter, resulting in a possible Injury to ,
Ihi iviittiv I hl hflilfTi r.-illlf itnntl
..... ..I.. ..... ..1 1. 1.... 1,. I.. ii. 1 11.. "- 1 ..-- ,-........ ..-
null .nnfiin 111 11 in in uic lull); MM i,s
01 prospects now 111 111c various stages ot '
development. ""Every prospect hole sunk
on a ledge thus far," he says, "has re
warded its discoverers with rich ore, a
thing that can be said of no other mining
region of the known world."
lie would like very much to see a smel-
O. C. McLeod
R. C. Pentland
Iness property of lots along its side,
and even at Its western endyan. "accessi
ble, convenient extension of the principle
business street and immediately contig
uous to one of the best Corners in town.
Surveying Alamo Towntite.
Civil h'nelneer Wnrthlnetou left Moo
ter siarieu in rornami, as it wouu prove jay wt, (orps of assistants to survey
of Rreat convenience to the mlneowners of ,,e townslte of Alamo. The new owners
eastern Oregon, a source of great profit wi p, tle matter of securing a patent
to Its projectors, and of untold benefit to to the land and other preliminaries pre-
the people nf the entire city, lie has paid p.,ratory to springing a full fledged town-
as lilgh as f 10 a ton railroad freight on sjte boom on the waiting public. The
concentrates from the E. & E. mine to t0wnslte Is said to be advantageously lo-
uenver, in addition to f 5 wagon trelght catrj. surrounded by good mines and a
from dump to railroad station, and he can
thus see the advantage of a smelter where
the trelght on ore would not be over i.;o
or t2 per ton. lie has heard much of the
proposed smelter in Portland and sincerely
hopes it will soon materialize.. Mr. Cow- ru for supremacy.
an win speuu several weexs 111 tile vicin
ity of Sumpter before returning to St.
I mils. Oregonian.
rich mining country, with unlimited future
railroad possibilities. The proposition
will be intelligently and energetically
handled and Alamo's friends declare it
will give its near D y neigiioor rivals a last
Condition! at Shanlko.
.1. T. Stewart returned the first ot the
week from a trip to Shauiko, Wasco
county, and is armed with some inform
ation that may be ol interest to the public.
Mr. Stewart says it Is a mistake that (lie
bottom has dropped out of the Shaniko
boom. A Luge force of working men are
now on the ground grading the streets,
building a reservoir, and erecting build-
Gold Ledge One Mile in Length.
Thos. Smyer, John Rapp and John
Haskell have located a gold bearing
quart, ledge In the Summervllle camp,
that can be traced from Quartz gulch to
Deep creek, distance over a mile. On
the two claims on the south end of the
ledge, the ledge matte frops nut through
out the entire length of the claims. The
assays of ore taken from the property
show up well, and it is the general opin
ion that the locators have valuable prop
erty. Hlue Mountain Eagle.
Inus. Well situated town lots are beitm
held at from f )oo to JKoo each, but they , DM After Her Long Sleep,
are not going rapidly at these rates. A Mrs. 1). M. Nichols, of Bridgeport,
number of 'I he Dalles and Antelope bus!- Haker county, who fell asleep April I, and
ness men have established brandies there, who only awakened twice hi three weeks,
and hold
forth In tents. I'hev, and
the saloons, are doing a
slashing good business. The railroad is
now within seven miles of Shauiko, and
will be completed to that point about May
i. A newspaper under the title of the
Shaniko Leader lias been established
there, and the place is beginning to
assume some importance. Everybody
over there seems to be in doubt as to
w hether or not the terminus of the Colum
bia Southern will remain there long
enough to make of it a good-sized town.
Heppner Times.
Rich Ore Specimens From John Day.
E. !:. I.ytle, president of the Columbia
Southern, has received a number of speci
mens of ore that are extremely rich in
mineral. One piece assays $217 per ton
In copper and fio per ton in gold. Anoth
died In Portland last week. An autopsy
held at the sanitarium in that city showed
that she was suffering from diabetes foi
the past two years, causing the walls ot
the blood vessels to become weakened and
finally to burst.
Farewell Reception and Dance.
A farewell party and dance was ten
dered Miss l.ulu Jett and parents on
Thursday evening of last week by some
seventy-live of their Sumpter friends, at
Ellis opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Jett and
family will move to their new home In
Haker City during this week, if Mr. Jett's
work as deputy assessor is finished in tills
1 Potatoes for Sale.
Lew Bros., of Maker City, have a car
load of fine Early Rose and White Star
1 ............ ... 0.1. l:......i. ... c. .....
er specimen of gold ore assays m per, J". ,, "" "'""" " 3U,"W'
ton. The most valuable specimen In the '-"warding company.
lot, however, is one of chrome iron. The
commercial value of this product is fjoo
per pound. Mr. Lytle's sample runs
about one pound to the ton. Chrome Iron
Is used in the tempering of steel. One of
the most Interesting specimens In his as
sortment is a bit of bituminous coal, of a
peculiar structure, not unlike to that of
Quartz and placer location blanks ol
the most approved form for sale at THE
MINUR office. ,
The City Green house, at Baker City,
furnishes choice cut flowers.
0. C. McLeod & Co. 1
Special attention to investments in Business
Property. We are placing considerable outside
capital and can recommend the following preperties:
3,000 Business property paying 40 per cent income.
2,250 Vacant 25x100 feet, Mill street.
2,750 Vacant 25x100 feet, Mill street.
1,60080 feet frontage, improved property, Sumpter street.
350 Furnished house and lot.
325 Furniture, with lease, to room flat.
125 Choice residence lot near Mill street.
O. C. McLEOD & CO.,
Sumpter, Oregon
Don't forget to register.
Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, In
eluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Rollers,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc.
Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut,
Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination,
or made up Complete
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Finest Fitted
Bar Room
in East Oregon
Only the
Best Goods
1 n Et
Board of Trade
Granite. Comer Cenli r Streets. Sumpter, Ortton