12 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, May 2, 1900. SAMPLING WORKS. Oi Great Benefit to the Small Producer. O. M. Rnxendalc, a milling engineer, has written for the Portland 'J detrain an interesting and instructive article on sampling works. He states the well known fact that thry are much bcnelit to small producers, who cannot afford to pay the shipment rate charged for less than carload lots. 'I his destroys (lie main ob ject of the article, whkh is to show why such an institution should tie established at Portland; as the very first thing the small shipper would encounter would be the prohibitive transportation charges i development, Irnm his mine to sampling works located entered upon at I'oitlaud, some hundreds of miles away. Sampling works should he, and siursstul ones are located in convenient proximity to mines. ' he following, are rxlraits of general Inteiest taken from the .irllilc: "I'uhlic samplers, outside of smelters, have piuven themselves the greatest bene factors in the d-velonuienl of the minim' industry. In Colorado, Montana, Utah, Jugate the expansion of the mining in nens of a picked character do very well lor a preliminary assay, yet a man who puts his money, his energy and his time underground should be reasonably as sured that the stuff he takes from the mine, developed or undeveloped prospects, is a marketable product. "'I he ore supply;situatlon of the state 1 1 will thus brleliy describe: According to i the report of the director of the United I States mint, Oregon, In iHoo, produced in j precious metals, chietly gold, in the neigh borhood' of $2,500,600. The Tiumber of I producing mines throughout the state were 52, and the number of mines and prospects in all stages of development 280. A care ful canvass.hows jne that there are at J present not less than 24 producing mines , in Baker county district alone, and togeth-1 er throughout the state 400 mines, pros pects and uillie properties in all stages of .PtW'.un, at present, has in area of mining activity only paralleled by the oldest mining states of the Union. With all due allowance of over enthusiasm, by the latter portion of the present year, Oregon will have many new producing mines added to the ones THE WONDER GEO. W. WEIGAND, PROPRIETOR. GENERAL MERCHANDISE A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots, THE WONDER, Shoes, Hats and Clothing. BOURNE, OREGON now figuring as producers. "All ores and concentrates go at pres ent to ths center and cistern smelters, with some very slight exceptions. 1 0 II- Fills Prescriptions at Popular Prices and Keeps a 1 -till Line of Patent Medicines Assayers' Supplies, Etc. M. B. MERCER Reliable Druggist... Sumpter, Ore. -phone ?7i Idaho and California, these works act as middlemen between ote sellers (prospect ors, miners and promoters) and oie buy ers smellers and reduction works, I hey receive ores hi any quantity and of dif ferent and widely apart analytical com positions, mixed into suitable beds, and dispose of these mixtures to highest bid der. It is true that ore buyers ol different smelters visit, from time to time, the min ing distil, Is nt Oregon, buy up the pro duds ot large mines or contract lor their output, yet tliee men do not dhectly hen flit or encourage mining, because they are not after sin. ill ipiautltles, too small to be of any consideration and ol .111 unknown analytical tpnlllv, and even II these small parcels should be of a desirable analytical character they would not stand the trans poll. itlou charges, because below the en load limit and its beuelits. "With .1 sampler at Portland, Oregon, either outilght hulug or disposing to the best advantage, any and every parcel or ipiautlty of metal healing ores, a groat impetus would be given to the mining In dustry of the state. At the present time, with one small exception, the ore seller Is at the entile mercy ol the oie buyer. I he latter does not canvass the held, hecaue the miner has no sampler to which he could ship or consign his output; lie, the ore sellet, has to accept any terms, any pike, any penalty the oie buyer sees nt to put or and Impose upon his, the ore sell er's, product. Ore ol a given grade, ie gatdless o the precious metals It may con tain, may be ot a ery undesirable charac ter, because it may contain analytical pio poi lions, such as too high or too low a peiceutage ot Iron, lime, sllka, barium, sulphut or Inc. that it is practically use less for redu-tla 1 purposes and, if bought at ill, so-called penalties, at so much per cent, are extracted. These penalties di minish Hit value ol the ore consideiably aud ate a source of annoyance and loss to the miner. "A public simpler seeks to eliminate these objectionable features. It keeps hi store all ores which are subject to a pen alty, and mixes these ores with such pro ducts as contain tar less per cent of these objectionable elementary proportions. "It is of utmost importance to the man who has a promising prospect or an un developed mine to find out the exact na ture of the ore of the same. He must and should know what his ore contains. He must find out the analytical featuies of his product. And the only way to gain this knowledge Is to send to a sampler a few hundred pounds of his ore. A few chunks of his ore will not suffice. Sped- dustiy, we may be permitted to marshal before you some Interesting statistics. Concentrates shipped from haker City and Sumpter during March, 1899, 700 tons; during December, i.Sog, 1400 tons, or 100 per cent more than In .March. With a sampler at Portland, necessarily followed, by a smelting plant, every pound of this steadily Increasing ore output would be suppled at Portland. 1 "I will not go fully Into the ore supply , situation, simply e.xpressing my belief that eastern Oregon alone could easily and amply supply a sampler at Portland with a full tonnage every day of the year, pro vided tile sampler treats the nihieowner and his oie with courtesy, fairness and honesty." Big Land Office Business. The phenomenal rush of business at the United Slates land office in tills city keeps up, and at the present rate there will be tour times as much business transacted during the present year as was done last year. As a sample, sl.x homestead tilings were recorded on .Monday last. Theie can be no doubt that a strong tide of im migration has set in to eastern Oregon, on account of .'igricultur.il, timber and min eral resources. La Grande CluonUe. Blue Ribbon Mints Sold for $70,00). The Mile Ribbon group of mines, lo cated near Granite, were sold a few days ago to P. .1. Douohue, repieseutlng the DeLumar interests, a mining man of Idaho, lor 570,000. Hie owners ot the proptitv were Pendleton parties. I'lie terms of the sale aie ?7,ooo in thirty days, 57.000 in sixty das and 5j5,cco in ninety d.ivs. The property embraces 1 several claims, some ol which are largely developed. Haker Cltv Democrat. I Miners Should Do More Cross-Cutting. Cross-cutting should be indulged in ' more by miners. The more cross-cutting that is done, the more ore bodies are de- eloped. Take notlili g for granted; the walls of crevasses may be back walls of still other crevasses and not In sight and W'voud which walla high grade ore might , He, that otherwise would be passed by In ignorance. New Mexico Mining Record. Notice to the Public. All consumers of city water must make application to the ollico of the Sumpter Water company belore the mains are 1 tapped or any residence or business house I supplied with water. SU.WITIiR WVll-K COMPANY , CASE FURNITURE COMPANY THE HOME FURNISHERS ' Parlor, Dining and Red Room Furniture In sets or separate pieces. Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let us explain why you can save money by buying nt home. We can positively Jo so. Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon ''' -''Vi A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier S Bank of Sumpter 3 Trinsicts 1 Central Banking Bullous Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. SUMPTER, OREGON l'aV.''a'tafa-? 1 STARR & ODELL MINES BOUGHT AND SOLD 7,SS- We are fully equipped to make reports on mines, and can handle prospects or developed mines. .Main ollice, Sumpter, Oregon. Branch Oilices, Spokane, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. Cor. Center and North Streets, Sumpter, Oregon. Telephone No. 131. First and Always a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. Newly Furnished Throughout. Only White Labor Employed. All Outside Rooms. Only Half Block North of Depot. 4 j THE Golden Eagle Hotel BRUCE & FOWLER. Mill Street, Sumpter, Oregon Have you registered yet?