Wednesday, May 2, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. ii GEORGE W. JETT. Hi Record u Successful Business Man and Good Citiwn. G. W. Jett, on his departure from Sumpter, has received testimonials of neighborly friendship which his good citi zenship deserves. He is a candidate for assessor, but no politics enters -Into these tributes to the friend and neighbor. His has been the always Interesting career of one who has attained success through merit alone, unaided by the influence of others or intrigue of his own planning. He was born in Missouri in 1854 and crossed the plains in 1871, in company with his brother, J. H. Jett. He has been a resident of Baker county ever since. His first labor was as a miner in the old Virtue mine, under the management of Superintendent D. Jackson. He married Mrs. Rhoda Shephard in 1882, embarked in a successful mercantile business in 188) and has been Identified with the upbuild ing of this Inland Empire in a prominent way since his arrival. Politically Mr. Jett has always been a consistent democrat, but never held office except as district clerk for school district No. 5 in Baker City, and as deputy as sessor under Assessor Peyton, in both of which positions he acquired especial fitness as an able and conscientious officer. It might well be said that George Jett will do his duty irrespective of party or per sonal feelings, and the citizens of Baker county may rest assured that if elected assessor, for which office he now aspires, he will do his duty and be a worthy suc cessor, Mr. Peyton. Fraternally Mr. Jett has been very prominent throughout the state, as grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias. His term was signalized as being one of the best during the years of this orders' life in the state. Socially he and his fam ily have stood high in the communities in which they lived. Working on Road to the Elkhorn. At Elkhorn mountain a number of men are employed blasting out the ice and rocks In the road leading to the Baisley-Elkhorn, mine so as to ex pedite and make it possible for wood and freight teams to get over it. The road has been a fright for the past month or more and hauling over it lias been the next thing to Impossible. A nevel sight at the mine is to see about 15 burros packing wood from where it is banked out to the mine, which consumes about seven cords per day. The faithful little fellows seem to be equal to the emer gency. Democrat No Log Rolling for Them. Tiwi m-m.-ierrs of the Sumnter Vallev railroad Thursday gave orders to the em- j ployes of the logging train to unload the logs in the pond upon arriving In South Baker, which they promptly declined to do as it was out of their line of bus iness. The whole crew, Conductor George Foster and Engineer Al Horton, Fireman Will Hammond and Brakeman A. L. Morris, ex-conductor on the S. V. R. R., resigned their positions. Another rew was immediately made up from old employes, which caused much hard feel ing among railroad men. Repububllcan. Orcgonian "Squarcr" In Town. H. E. Reed, for a number of years one of the trusted men on the Oregonian staff, has been In Sumpter and vicinity for sev eral days past. He announces that he will remain in this and adjoining districts for several weeks, in the interest of that paper. Mr. Reed is reputed to be the smooth diplomat of the Oregonian force and it Is said that he is here to "square" the Oregon Thunderer which the people of this region do not love. If he succeeds in his task, he will add materially to his laurels. Fenner & Worthington have special instruments for underground surveys. OrvIII-Bfown Wrestling Match. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to wrestle two best in three, catch-as-catch-can, no holds barred, two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) aside, winner to take everything. The match will take place in Ellis opera house on the evening of May 19, 1000. Both men shall be In the ring at 9 o'clock sharp. We hereby sign and agree that Joseph Schmidt shall be final stakeholder for this match. The last $150 to be put up the day of the match. JACK ORVILL, W. T BROWN. Sumpter, Or., April 18, 1000. NOTICE. Beginning May 1st, loco, the under signed wish to announce that a strict Cash System will be Inaugurated at our store. We will close our books and de sire that all accounts now open be closed at once and from the above date we will show our patrons the advantages of pay ing spot cash for all purchases. You can buy more goods for less money by this system, which Is now In vogue by nil first class houses. Try it and be con vinced, as .this will be our rule after May ist. THE SUMPTER GROCERY CO. Opera House Block. Keep your money In Sumpter and drink Columbia beer a home product. Go to Fenner & Worthington for all kinds of engineering. Ask for the Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter. O.R&N. TO THE EAST Gives the Choice of Two Transcontinent al Reutes: 1 GREAT THE NORTHERN OREGON SHORT 1 RAILWAY LINE jljijl ' j via via Spokane, Mlnneap- Salt Lake, Denver,, oils, St. Paul, Omaha, Kan Chicago, sas City. Lowest Rates to All Eastern Cities. Ocean steamers leave every 5 days for SAN FRANCISCO ! Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via the North ern Pacific Steamship Co. In connection with the O. R. & N. For full particulars Mil on O. R. & N. agent, Baker City, or address W. H. HURLBURT, General Passenger, Agt. Portland, Or. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMPTER-CANYON ROUTE. u:o p. m. Lv :o p. m. Ar 1'40 p in. Lv r.y p- m. Ar . Sumpter Ar CJIflorJ ....Lv .Clifford Ar . Austin Lv 10: o a. m. Boo . m. 7:10 a. m. -I22"' Connecting at Austin with stages (or Canyon City and ljrterlorjolnts. 140 p. m. I Lv." . ..Clifford Ar I 7:10 a. m. S 00 p. m. j Ar .Uonania, . LvJ :i.JJ; Connecting at Bonania with stages for Pyx. Roblnsonvllle, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan and Helcher mines. SUMPTER-URANITE ROUTE. 11: jo p. Jim p. ILv. lAr. ..Sumpter Ar I loooa. .(iranile. .. Lv 700 a. Livery at Granite to North Fork, Red Boy, Ban telle and adjacent mines. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. is:o p. m. 1 00 p. m. i:io p. m. Lv Simpler Ar Ar Bourne Lv Ar Columbia Lv e: 10 a. m. l.oa a. m. r. a. m. THE BEST APPOINTED. S & Pharmacy IN EASTERN OREGON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day w night.) A complete Hue of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. oe The Sumpter Drug Co L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. SUMPTER, OREGON. Including North Cole, E. a E.. Climax, Ohio and ad jacent mines. Capital Hotel THOS. KILPATRICK Proprietor Centrally Located. Headquarters for Electric Lights. Commercial and Newly Refurnished. Mining Men. Free 'Bus and Bag- Passengers Waybllled gage Service. T a" Folnts on Stages. SUMPTER, OREGON. Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL T(E ComPany Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office. H. J.JORY Northwestern Assay Office Assaying in all Its Branches.... prices; Gold and Silver ti 00 Copper 1 00 Lead 1 00 Other metals on application. Work ing tests of all kinds. Box 122 Sumpter, Or The Oregon Hot Springs. At HOT LAKE. UNION COUNTY, OREGON. Send Stamp lor circular.; COOK & MINTHOKN, Hot Lake, Oregon, T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OF SUMPTER OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors OP Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch Imported 18H1 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Wlnt-s and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service In Oregon. ...The Magnolia... T. 0. Illaftr I Ca., Mai. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.)