Wednesday, May 2. 1900. 10 THE SUMPTER MINER. county from time to time presents new and unfailing proof of its mineral wealth. Until very recently the prospector gave I no attention to any other mineral in this district except gold. The discovery made i by Mr. Strock Is another proof that there J are large copper deposits in this district, j which in time are likely to develop into i properties little thought of in the past. At the adjourned meeting of the clty Mr. Strock has money to develop the new council last evening the street lighting or-! "d a"d w"' ntnl? " NEWS NOTES FROM GRANITE. TEN STREET LIGHTS. Council Enters Into Contract With Electric Company. diuance was amended and ordered en rolled and a contract entered lie to with the Sumpter Light and Power company, for two years. The piice to he paid by private parties has not The Quebec mine, about eight miles southwest of Granite, is being put in yet been fixed. For the present there will ' shape for development under the manage be ten arc lights of 2000 candle power ment of P. W. Campbell. It is one of I each, for which the city pays fit. 25 each ! the best properties in this district and is 1 per month. They will be placed at the I owned by eastern parties. Boulder. ' corners of Austin and Mill, Auburn and j Development work will soon be re Mill, Auburn and Bonanza, Granite and .SUmed on the Comstock property on Clear ' Columbia, Granite ami Mill, Granite and. creek, about half .1 mile below the Red 1 Center, Granite and Cracker, High and u0Vi Arrangements are being made to nut in new track and car and other inl and ! Cracker, High and Mill, Sumpter Center. THI:SUMI'TI-I MINI-N was again made the official paper of the town, the corlract running during the life of the present council, until next January. The con-1 tract price for publishing legal matter is ' five cents a nonpareil line. 1 'I he marshal was instructed to enforce the ordinance regulath g the construction of fines, and to notify householders to tills J euril. I ..,1,1,1. .....I ..ttfltir t.iliiMC frntn t In lli At the regular meeting Saturday even- Te ,n'j ,je)Ce Rroup ,m bee opeIlej log applications were received from A I llp ,,v al)0Ut ?50 feel of ,unilrfs ;u)d I00 iyciikii uiu 11. ... 11.1V.N 1 .1 ...c ,-.,,.. , fMl ()( hn(t As ,s propOM.j ,0 .,,,, 1 inepi.icew.isgiven ilcvdo() W)r( t,roUR, ,he summer' ' ii'ltli t$nrj III nrnvntw ;irtltrit llir In- lhe committee Instructed to prese nt an . drpelleMCe Rrm, wi"n bv rcady for ., Ini provements, and an additional force of, men will be put 011. It is a good mine , and Is owned by eastern capitalists. Moulder. , Henry Ueixr, one of the four owners of , the Independence group, near the Cougar, was in the city Monday purchasing sup plies. Mr. Kitcr reports a good showing at the property he Is at present develop ing, the veins being from 2-j to 14 feet In 1 of ulglit watchman to I.. R. Stratton. ordinance prohibiting street obstructions I was given another week hi which to re port. , The city attorney appeared and e.v ( plained why he had not submitted a dralt 1 lor an ordinance Imposing a property tax lor municipal purposes. There arc some legal technicalities to be overcome, rela tive to the nssrnieut, which cannot he adjusted until the assessment now being made Is completed, and the matter will probably be deterred. The town is in need ot a larger leveuue and some ready mouev, and In this loiiuection Seymour Hell explained how watrants can be sold at par, it they ate allowed to run two e.irs. Representatives of the Electric Light and Power comp.iuv agreed to furnish! twenty stteet lights at fio each per month, or a less number at f 11.25. The matter was deleiied to an adjourned meet-, iug to be held Monday evening. I'he committer mi tirr and watrr was j givm another week in which to rrport 011 water tales. ' Own Rich MinuiutheQuArtiburg District. .1. S, Hughes, who was the oiiglnal lo tatoi ot the Copper King, and other claims tompiioiug the Standard group in the l.iuartbuig disttict, and who is large ly intrtrsted thrielu with orth Houser and asMKiate. was down trom there Monday and will remain dm iug a portion ot the week. Mine i no better posted man In that diMtkl than Mr. Hughes, who Is now on the way to wealth through 1 his holdings In the best ptopeities of thr camp. Rich Coprr Strike on Salmon Creek, What Is said to be one ot the most promising copper luuls yet discovered in eastern Oregon, was discoveted by J. S. Shock, an old prospector and mining mac. The lind was made Sunday on the west slope of Salmon cteek.near thr Tom Paine ( mine, about nine miles west of Raker City. The lode Is about 20 feet wide and cariles copper bearing jo per cent. It is' in a district that has heretofore been prac tically overlooked for that valuable miner al. Should the values stay at par throughout the limit of the lode, the find will prove to be of Immense value. Baker ' by fall. John Edgar and Mr.'s brothers, George and Will, are the other owners of the property. (Jem. There are several projects on foot for giving Granite and Sumpter better wagon ' road communication. One of these is to build a wagon road from the Ibex mine, near the summit of the Blue mountain range, into Granite, there being a fairly good wagon road from (lie Ibex east Into Sumpter already. The Ibex route, it is' believed, would be a good one the year round. The other proposition is to im prove the present wagon road between Granite and Sumpter. li. J. Godtrey, of , the Red Hoy mine, will endeavor to inter est the people of Sumpter In the import ance of improving this road and will doubt-, less succeed. Matetial Improvements in the road between Granite and the Red hoy mine have already been made. Gem. Don't forget to register. The Literary Digest ItturJ Wrrkli ) INiRrt IllutlralrJ "All th Ptilodicili In Out" Til" I 111 mm 1)101 sT rut tikrn thr lilghrtt Link .it a wrrklv rrlr ot (utrrnt thought at iiomr am J at-roiJ, In thr rralmt ul lltrraturr, ail, iclrncc irlliilon, sjlltlot,oirliloi;y, travrl. Jit cinrrv t-utlnrti.'Mf. Dlttfuttlon nj Inloinu lion 111 all slJrt 01 Important qurtllontarr gltrn. 1 hr f ontrnt nth K cut rr a lirM to JU rrtltirJ tin nuke lint ttTkUMtt PtOI sT InJitprntaNr lo thr t-uiy man ho Jrtlrrt lo krrp up ullh thr thought pt thr linir, hut who lackt the Irlturr lor tiktia tatk. OPINIONS FROM aUTHORITUS C. P. PomiII. D. 0., In Unllv. Chicago; "Till' llIIKMn Dull st It an ahtolulr nrfrtttty to lliovr Mho woulj krrp In line wllti thr rroKrrst ol lhou!hl anj aclilrrmrnt. I Jo not rr ho any ihlnklne man can et alone ultlmul II." Main MiiiKim, Author ol "llir Man With Ihr llor" "I III' LlllHMO Dulls It onr ol thr to or thirr mol aluaMr journal that comr to my tarlr." ti-StiiaUr Ji J. IIU: "Tin: l.m hws Dltll st rnlarKO Ihr PounJailrt ol Inttllinrncr." SlMUr Wtlllia P. flft: "It .oTallorJ Ira mrntr attlttance to thr tchotart ol thr countr).' Qo. Jakn P. IttftU. ol llllnelt: "Till' LltlK AWY 1)1(11 st It onr ol Ihr trry tsrtt publlcallont In Amrrlk'a. To a tluJrnl ol curtrnl llir ralurr II It IntaluaMr. 10 CtMl ! C'py. 11.00 M' ' t4 lr 0crlti Circular. NMK WaBRtUI, PitlUkail. Nl TOOK. The Triumph Cigar IS THE World's Best Havana Cigar. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE CHAS. I. FLYNN & CO. - Manufacturers Fritz b Dwyer "5$sF GRANITB STREET. We buy and sell all kinds of City Property. We handle Mining Properties, on commission or for cash. We have made a great many sales of City Property and mining claims the past few weeks. til "" KZZZ&m Fraser & Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers, Perforated Metals, Jigs, Frue vanners, Etc. MINING MACHINERY-Boilers, including Sederholm Boiler, Air Compressors, Reidler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chicago office for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON BUTTE HEADQUARTERS 4R t j C. B. & M. Co.'s Beer Best in Town C. B. SCHMIDT k)0000000000000 E.vclusive Agent tor the Celebrated SEATTLE BOHEMIA BEER On draught or by bottle. ;o oooooooooooool "The Olympus tt H. FINGER, Proprietor. High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Ma-iufacturrrt ol all klnJi ol CarfonitrJ Drinks anJ (X'er. Opria'ei In connrciion with the Kentucky Liquor Hou WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN 4. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE.