The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 25, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday. April 2. 1900.
ncl 3000 Feet Long.
to the east. It will consist of a mall-car
baggage-car, a library-composite car, a
first-class I'tillman sleeper, a dining-car,
two chair-cars and a tourist sleeper. Thcie
' I will be one change of cars to all eastern
. kit r -n points. The full time will he three days
bpokane Men Driving a Tun-, through to Chicago, or four days hud-two
1 hours to New York.
' 'I lie second train, known 'as No6, will.,
leave Portland at 6:20 p. in., connecting
at liast Portland with the Southern
Pacific's overland trafn from San l-'ran-Cisco,
and will carry through equipment ,
to Chicago via the Union Pacific and the '
Chicago & Northwestern, and also the
equipment for the Washington division of
the O. R. & N., In connection with the !
Great Northern for St Paul. This train
will reacli Spokane at 1,0 a. in. A dining-car
will be furnished for breakfast in
to Spokane, and for dinner on correspond
ing train leaving Spokane at 3:45 p. in.
The new schedule as arrangor, - III sup
ply the most complete -service ever fur-
, nished 011 the O. R. Si N., ns'provldes
increased servjee. in liastern Oregon,
where it Is greatly needed, Im
mediate connection with the Washington
division at Pendleton. At this point there
is a large Interchange of tratlic, on account ,
of the various mining districts of Maker
county, the Coeur d' Alene, the Republic
and Kooteini mining camps. Jtyrtland is
greatly benefited by this change, inns-
, much as increased service Is given from
eastern Oregon and Idaho.
' No. 2 will arrive in Chicago at 9:30.1. '
in.; No. 6 at 7:45 a. m., as at present.
The Westbound train out of Chicago,
corresponding wiih No. 2, is No. 1. This
, will arrive in Portland at 4:00 p. in. The
train corresponding with the eastbound
No. ( Is No. 3, out of Chicago. This will
. reacli Portland at 7:30 a. in. Westbound
1 train No. 1 will leave Chicago at 6:30 p.
111., and Omaha at 8:20 a. in. the follow
ing day. The time will be reduced two
hours and 45 minutes. No. 3 westbound
train will leave Chicago at 10:30 p. in.,
and Omaha at 5:25 p. in. the next d.iy.
'I he service on the Union Pacific on nil
these trains include buffet-smoking-library
cars, and dining cars. No. 6 will
carry a daily ordinary sleeper to Kansas
City, with change eu route to ordinary
cars to Chicago.
' Consult the nearest ticket agent for
detailed Information,
General Passenger Agent.
S I'reilJent.JNO. J. PENMALIi, Tieurer, OKiESE SITRRY Z
((ien. .Mr. Hunker IMI fioU Mlnlne Co.)
VICe-ITfilJitil, U.lll.K I IiLIM:K,
Secre-.irv. R. G I'ENTI.ANI)
I'rcilJtnt CliUons Hank, Maker City. Ore.
The Spokesman-Review of the lotl) in
stant gives much prominence to the follow
ing Interesting Information lurulshed by
.lis Granite correspendent:
It has remained for a Spokane syndicate
to undertake one of the largest mining en
terprises in eastern Oregon. Tills enter
prise contemplates the tunneling of Que
bec mountain, perhaps the tidiest in all
of eastern Olegon. The tunnel has al
rendy been stalled, and Is in 50 feet. It
is 7x7 feet in tlif clear, and when com
pleted will be 3000 feel long. There are
eight men employed, and considerable
trogiess Is being made.
The promoter pf this enterprise is the
Aldrln luiiueliouipaiiy, composed n( Spo
kane capitalists, and the work is in charge
of C. R. Aldrlu.
As the ledges in Quebec mountain,
upon wlikh are located such lamous prop
erties as tin Quebec, Alamo, Scandia and
Van Auda mines, an Irom 250 to 350 feet
apart, the company expects to cut perhaps
a doeu ledges with its tunnel, and at
tain a depth of at least 1200 feet.
C. R. Aldriu, who has operated exten
sively in the Okanogan and Colorado
mining districts in the past live years, as
a result of his investigation of the geolog
ical formation of eastern Oregon's vast
mineral one, has given some valuable in
formation regarding the character of the
ore that may be looked for in any given
Mr. Aldrln linds that the northern half
of this mineral belt, which Is about sixty
miles wide and runs from northeast to
southwest, carries tree milling gold, the
northern portion sulphurets carrying
the gold values and the western portion
the baser combinations with other metals.
He also makes the auuuoucement that
most of the porphyry dykes crossing the
country are of an older formation than the
ore bodies, and that in consequence these
dykes are of inestimable value to the pros
pector in locating ledges. Wherever the
dykes have been formed subsequent to
the ore bodies the veins Insatiably carry
from a foot to two feet of tree milling ore
along the hanging wall.
These dykes Mr. Aldtin takes as con
clusive evidence of the existence of a
granite foundation to all of this country.
Ore bodies, he contends, will retain their
milling properties down to the granite
substratum, which is from 1200 to
leet deep. The geological structure of the
country leads him to the conclusion that
there Is absolutely 110 Inundation for the '
theory advanced by some that the ores In
this section must give out or grow base
with depth. The ore bodies obtain their
values Irom the surrounding rock and not
from the interior of the earth; hence the
values cannot run out until the granite
Inundation is reached. What thrte may
be below the granite formation, Mr. Al
drln says only deep mining operations cm
Grizzly Gold Mining Co. 3
. A limited amount of Treasury Stock now on zi
r the market at Six Cents per share. For further zm
Z information and prospectus, address
I'. O. IIOX u
Grizzly Gold Mining Company,
0. C. McLeod
R. C. Pkntland
1 0. C. McLeod & Co.
Special attention to investments in Business
Property. We are placing considerable outside
capital and can: recommend the following preperties:
1 $3,000 Business property paying 40 per cent Income.
2,250 vacant zjxioo icci, mm micci.
2, 750 Vacant 25x100 feet, Mill street.
1,60080 feet frontage, Improved property, Sumpter street.
3 ;o Furnished house and lot.
325 Furniture, with lease, 10 room flat.
125 Choice residence lot near Mill street.
O. C. McLEOD & CO.,
Sumpter, Oregon
Drug Co.
Two Daily Tuliu on I be O. R. &
Beginning April 24.
The double train sei Ice to be estab
lished between Portland and Chicago,
April 22, in which the O. R. & N the
Union Pacific and the Oregon Short Line
aie interested, will shoiten the through
time 1 1 hours. Train No. 2 leaving Port
land at 0:1$ a. in., beginning on the date
named, will be known as the Chicago
Portland special. Its train equipment w ill
be new, making It fully the equal of any (
train now in service from the Pacific coast
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only
to merchants. Make
the best prices on min
ors' and assayers' sup
plies. Freight no higher
than from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wa&b. I
Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in
cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Rollers,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc.
Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut,
Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination,
or made up Complete
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde & Stinson)
Only the Beat Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
Finest Fitted
Bar Room
in East Oregon
Only the
Best Goods
1 n c
Board of Trade
Granite. Corner Cent, r Streets. Sumpter, Oregon
v:r "f