The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, April n, 1900
Action Taken on Sewerage
and Street Improvements.
The city council met Saturday evening,
the roll was called and adjournment taken
until Monday evening-
At that time the monthly reports of of
ficers were filed. That of the city engineer
was of considerable interest, lie reported
that the cost to the city for planking
Granite street will amount to H150.
That includes the three street intersex
lions only, Cracker, Center and Mill, the
property owners paying for the other
planking. The city's cost for grading and
graveling Mill street, according to bids,
submitted, the contract not then having
been let, will lt from $125 to fi$o. The1
engineer recommended Hint a sewer be
laid on Cracker street, from its Intcrsec-
tlon with (Jraulte, before the planking Is
put down 011 the latter.
The committee on streets and alleys
was Instructed to carry out this recom-1
meudatlmi. I
The committee 011 tire and water was
Instructed to confer with the chief of the
fire department and order what goods are
needed. '
Health Officer Hiller was Instructed to I
look into the matter of the burial of pan-'
pers. An undertaker in Maker City has
the contract for burying all the county
poor. I'or some time past the Case cow
pany has been doing this work and pre
senting thr bill to the city. The council
proposes Hint the county shall bear this
hills amounting to s).o) were al-1
lowed. I
Recorder Manning's report of the nuan
ces for the month shows that during that
time there was collected f 2774.30; from!
liquor licenses, 236).)o; other licenses,)
XiH; lines, There are now out
standing warrants amounting to f))Hs-c7
and interest thereon, with fjtoi in the!
treasury. j
Excunlont Will Ik Run From Baker City
to SumpUr Dally. 1
At the regular meeting of the board of
directors of the Chamber of Commerce 1
some Important steps were taken relating
to the pioposed mining convention. The
committee, Messrs. Imhaus, Carter and
Sage, presented a report outlining the
work and the best methods of procedure.
The repot t was approved and a letter was
forwarded to Industrial Agent Judson, of
the O. H. iV N., embodviug the main
teatures of the tepoit.
It lias been decided by the committee to
have tilieen speakers during the conven
tion. These will be brought Horn difler
ent p.itts of the Northwest, who will
speak on ditfeient subjects dining the con
vention, the pi iucipal topi, being that ot
mining, l:cursions will be given to j
Sumpter every day to the speakers, who 1
will be afforded every opportunity to in-'
vestigate the camp. . ,
It is estimated by the committee that
this feat 111 e of the convention would entail
.1 cost of Mooo, but it Is believed no trou
ble will be met witli in raising that
amount. The O. R. N. and Industrial
Agent Judson ate in heartv co-operation
with the movement and have offered
every assistance possible to make the
convention a success. Baker Democrat. '
Cam Furniture Company.
The Case l:urniture company is mov
ing into its new building, on Mill street,
between (.iranltr and North. No Institu
tion in Sumpter has grown more rapidly
than has this business. Six months since -It
had plenty of room In the little ij by i
100 foot store in the opera house block for
the small stock then carried. Business
has expanded and the necessity for carry
ing more goods increased; until for some
months past it has been used only as a
convenient place to show samples, the
stock being stored in vacant houses any
where storeroom could be secured. The
new building Is 25 by too feet in size, two
stories high. A gallery runs around
three sides of the first floor, and the entire
building will be occupied by thecompany's
more than stock. The old
quarters will be occupied by a chophouse.
Rich Pocket in the Virtue.
A well founded rumor was in circula
tion this afternoon to the effect that a
very rich strike had been made in the
Virtue mine, which is located about eight
miles east of this city. The mine has not
been worked for some time. The strike
was made this morning, but the exact
nature of the ore is not known. It is
asserted, however, that It is very rich. It
was found In pocket form. This mine is
one of the oldest producers of the Eastern
Oregon district, and It Is well known to
all the mining world. Baker Republican.
Rich Strike Eight Mile From Sumpter.
C. W. Canfleld made a rich strike re
cently of free gold. He declines to give
Its location, more definite than that it Is
about eight miles from Sumpter. A
MlNUK man watched him pound the rock
and pan it out. There were hundreds of
very fine gold colors hi the pan, from a
piece of quart, the size of a man's double
fist. He looked at the result admiringly
and remarked: "No assay is needed for
for that kind of rock."
The Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter,
Is today as good as any made.
The Literary
lued Weekly
l Cicrk lltuslialed
"All III Pirlodlcils In Out"
TIM' IlllMAWV 1)1(11 st ha Ukrn thr highest
rank a weekly review nl current thought al
home and abroad, In lit realm ot literature, ait,
M'lriH'r, religion, rlltk. icIiiIib'. travel, dis
covery bulnes, rlf. llciilon nj Inform
lion en all IJe nl Important o,uetlonare given.
The iiinlrn each rrk cntrra lulj sodlverlhed
a to make Till I.IHWAm Dull st Indispensable
lo Ihr buv man who desires 10 keep up mIUi Ihr
thought ol thr Ihnr, hut who luck ihr Irlturr (or
tilth a t.iki
E. P. Powlll. 0. 0., In Unlly. Chicago' "Till'
lltiUAitY 1)1(1111' I an Absolute ii.elty lu
Ihotr who would krrp In line with thr progress
ot thought and achievement. I Jo not see how
any thinking man can get jIhhr without ll."
Edwin Nliihim, Aulhor ot " The M.111 Willi
Ihr Hoe" "I in: LllliMUV DliiLt I nneot thr
two or thirr tno.t valuable journal that come to
niv table.'
Ei-Sinitor Jihn J. In, .Mi: "Tin I.itiimwv
1)1(11 M enlarge thr lounj4ilr ot Inlelllgence.'
Sinittr William V. Fiyi: "It will allorj Irn
mriue jlttanfr to Hie (hol.u ot thr countr. '
Co. John P. Altftld. of Illineis: "Inr I.I 1 1 P
H jllill M I one ol the etybel publication
In Amend. To J student nl cutlrnt lilruluir It
I invaluable.
10 Cmls pit Ccpy. i) 00 per Yur
Stnd for Diictlpllii Clieiilir.
rUNK I WACNAUS, Publishers,
E. P. Bergman &
Mill Street, Wood's Building.
Sweet Spring
a Comes Gently Up This Way
And with it a host of Fancy Fixings
for Fashionable People.
Skirt Wiltti
HanJiontc thing In wash good ol all
kinds and shades. New tucking an J In
tccllon eftrcl. ic to l o
Mnilln Undarwiir
The Empire line of Muslin Underwear Is
maJe the best. I towns, chlmese, drawers,
skirts anJ corset cavers, plain muslin,
and nicer ones In fin cambric, elaborately
tilmmed with lace and embroidery. All
Mercerlied salteen In plain black and fancy
stripes, Si to
Tor men, women and children. Heavy
floods for prospectors, and fine ones fnr
adles and children.
With Ooodt
For neat, dressy garments, (or warm days
wear. Reversible Duck Suiting needs no
lining, plaid back, per yard $ so
Tor service, it and 16 Inches wide, new
patterns and colors, iijic and ij
Flair Fiirlei
Dimities, cords, lawns, vvlss. crash and
piques, from 7J1C to $
lldiii Wrippin
A beautiful array of patterns In stylish
cuts, made of prints and percales, with
titled waist linings, neatly trimmed with
wash braids, full measures and will tit.
Prices from $1 lo a ja
Min'i ClolMni
Made to order and III guaranteed. Best
line ever shown at the price
Our stock of Miners' Supplies, Clothing
and Shoes, is a lot of merchandise worthy
your attention. And those in need of dressy
things can find what they want among our
new golf shirts, neekwear, E. & W. collars
and cuffs, and everthing that goes to clothe
the well dressed man.
Manufacturers of alt classes of Machinery, In
cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Boilers,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc.
Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut,
Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination,
or made up Complete
rwin & Co.
Real Estate
and Mines....
..u. Opera House Block
Finest Fitted
Bar Room
in East Oregon
Only the
Best Goods
I & I d t
Board of Trade
Granite, Corner Centt r Streets. Simpler. Onto"