The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 11, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, April n, 1900
22 Vj
General Warren, Democrat for One Day
Only, Welcomes the VUlton Contest
on But One Office, That of Commis
sioner Sumpter Man Won Harmonious
F om Start to Finish.
The most Important thine accomplished
at the democratic mid populist conventions
held here Saturday, was the complete
union of the two parties, under the old,
honored name of democracy. It was not
fusion that con game was always a
transparent trade for political pelf but
the absorption of the people's party by the
It came about In this way. The demo
cratic convention was in session in Bills
opera house; the populists in Fraternal
hall, adjoining. On motion a committee
was appointed by the democrats to invite
the people's party delegates to seats in
their convention. This committee con
sisted of F. W. Saxton, C. W. James
and G. H. Foster. The Invitation was
accepted without a dissenting voice there
was no "middle of the roaders" there.
William Smith, I). S. I.ittletieid and A.
H. Combs constituted the populist com
mittee, the duty of which was to notify
the democrats that their invitation had
been accepted. This was done by reading
a set of resolutions adopted, the meat of
which, stripped of the usual convention
verbiage, was that they consider the love
of country and the wellfare of all classes
should I stronger than party ties; that
the new democracy Is nil right and that
they accept the good fellowship tendered
and unite with it.
A large crowd of citisens met the train
which brought in the delegates from Ha
her City and eastern portion of the county.
A procession was formed, headed by Cap
tain Mulr's Hough Riders and the baud,
which paraded around town a while and
proceeded to the opera house, where a re
ception was held, Hon. C. M. Donaldson
being master of ceremonies. General
Warren, in behalf of thecltlensof Sump
ter, welcomed the visitors. The gist of
Ills remarks was about as follews:
"Gentlemen of tills convention, for 164
d.iys In the year I am a republican, but to
day I am a l.iUe the Arab of
the sun baked desert, whoever is In my
tent is my filend, but when you strike the
trail you are my enemy and then I will
steal your horse If I can. You are now In
my tent and we are friends. The pleasant
duty been assigned me by the citizens
of Suinpter, not to deliver to you the keys
of tills city, but to inform you that the
gates of the city have been wrenched Irom
their fastenings and thrown Into Powder
liver tills camp is yours; II you don't
see what you want, ask for It. Around
the building here, somewhere, you will
tind about a carload of Gramhlnus' amber
liuld, home made and said by those who
care for such kindergarten beverages, to
excel the Milwaukee product. I don't
know just where It is, for I don't care for
the stuff myself would just as soon
stand with open mouth and let the moon
shine down my throat. Hut if there are
any old time Jetfersonl.ui democrats here,
let them follow me and I will produce
some of the most wonderful whisky that
ever drove a skeleton from a feast, or
painted landscapes on the brain of man.
It Is the mngled souls of wheat and corn.
In It you will find the sunshine and the
shower that chased each other over the
billowy' fields, the breath of June, the
carrol of the lark, the dews of night, the
wealth of summer and autuns' rich con
tent, all golden with imprisoned light.
Drink it and you will feel within your
blood the star-led dawns, the dreamy,
tasvny dusks of many perfect days.'
"I now wish to present to every mem
ber of this convention a little souviner of
this convention, a union of the palmetto
and the pine, suggestive of Fort Sumpter
in 1861 and the Johannesburg of America
in 1900. But remember, when the sun
sinks behind those hills of green and gold
today, I am a republican once more; so
put on your war paint and keep It there."
Then General Warren and Colonel
Hurk, the one a Union veteran, the other
an officer of the lost Confederate cause,
shook hands over the bloody chestnut,
called the scrap off once more and ad
journed to discuss the "mingled souls of
wheat and corn."
Senator William Smith, of Baker City,
responded for the visitors in an appropri
ate speech, paying Sumpter a neat com
pliment and thanking its citizens for their
There had been no time for caucussing
and combines and jobs, so when the con
vention was called to order by George H.
Foster, chairman of the county central
committee, at 10:30 every thing moved
along without a jar. J. E. McKlnnon. of
Huntington, was chosen temporary chair
man; J. H. Graham, of Baker City tem
porary secretary and G. F. Johnson, of
Baker City, assistant secretary. The
following committees were appeinted:
Credentials J. H. Robblns, of Sump
ter; William Green, Haines; J. G. Cana
day, White Swan; M. D. Fleming, Baker
No. 4; J. P. Hannon, Huntington.
Order of Business Sam White, Baker
No. 3; I. H. McCord, Baker No. 2; Jed
Ballentyne, South Baker; Asa Brown,
Rock Creek; George Hodkins, Wing
ville. Resolutions and Platform W. F.
Butcher, Baker City; C. M. Donaldson,
Sumpter; I. B. Bowen, Baker City; W.
G. Balrd, Huntington; J. H. Inghram,
Haines. This committee was instructed to
act In conjunction with the populist com
mittee appointed for the same purpose.
A recess was taken until one o'clock.
At tint time the committees reported.
There were no contests.
The committee on resolutions handed
In a hot document; reaffirmed the party's
allegiance to the Chicago platform, ex
pressed sympathy for the Boers, condem
ned the financial and the Puerto Rican
bills recently passed by congress, favored
an income tax and the initiative and re
ferendum; declared its belief that the con
stitution should follow the flag; opposed
the conquest of the Philippines and the
policy of the administration in seeking
entangling alliances with foreign powers;
denounced trusts and placed the stamp
of its approval on the managment of the
financial affairs of thlscounty by the pres
ent democratic treasurer.
At tills point of the proceedings, the in
teresting performance of wiping the popu
list patty olf the political slate was en
acted. The following county central committee
was appeinted: Alder, John Hansen;
Baker No. t, F. P. Bodlnson; Haker No.
2, I. It. McCord; Baker No. 3, W. A.
Weatherby; Baker No. 4, M. D. Fleming;
South Baker, J. E. Hyde; Depot, L. Cra
bill; Bridgeport, James Richardson; Vir
tue, H. R. Mead; Rye Valley, J. M.
Brown; Sumpter, J. F. Shelton; Unity,
James Payten: Willows, A. G. Gamp
bell; Wlngvllle, G.R. Hodkins; Weather
by, Thomas Roach; Virtue, E. J. Gan
non; Connor Creek, James Grant;
Cleary, Charles Fleetwood; Bourne, A.
C. Johnson; Express, C. V. McKinney;
Haines, W. A. Oretn; Huntington, J. P.
Hannon; Nortli Powder, W. B. Powers;
Pocahontas, M. Carpentr; Parker, D. C.
Prichaux; Rock Creek, Asa L. Brown.
I. H. McCord was elected chairman and
(ConllnutJ on rt y)
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San Francisco, Calif.
We handle only the best Liquors that money will buy-Green River.
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Next Door to Golden Eagle Hotel,
Sumpter, Oregon
For Cash Only!
OUR prices will not anticipate the
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and see us and bring CASH.
A gents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re--sort
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Warehouse and office, S. V. Track.