The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 11, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, April n, 1900.
United Stale Mineral Survey No. i6. Appllctlon
No 900.
' I United States Land Office,
I La UranJe, Oregon, Jan. ao, 190a
Notice It hereby Riven that In pursuance with the
act ol Congress approved May 10, 187, the Colum
bia Gold Mining Company, a corporation duly orga
nised and existing under and by virtue ol the laws of
the state of Oregon, whose post office Is Sumpter,
Baker County, Oregon, has made application for a
patent for the Cyclone Consolidated quarts claim,
situated In no organized mining district,
lu Uaker County, State of Oregon, In
cluding the Cyclone and I'rotectlon quarts claims,
and described by the official plat herewith posted and
by the field notes on hie In the ofhce of the Register
of La Grande land district. State of Oregon, as fol
lows, with magnetic variation at ao degrees ja min
utes east, vis:
Description of the Cyclone Consolidated Quarts
Claim (consisting of the Cyclone and Protection
.quartx claims). Mineral survey No. j66. tewlt:
Beginning at a post marked "Cor. No 1 166,
which Is s ti degrees 4 minutes w 177 feet from U. S.
Mineral Monument No. 1, the same being corner No.
1 of the Protection quarts claim; thence s at degrees
9 Minutes w 1500 feet to a post marked "a.' 166," being
corner No. t of the Protection quarts claim; thence
a 51 degrees as minutes w iq feet to a post marked
'!,t6, being corner.No. 1 of the Protection quarts
claim; thence n 41 degrees 10 minutes e 64a feet to a
post marked "a. )66," being corner No. tot the Cy
clone quarts claim; thence n as degrees jo minutes w
jit (eel to a post marked."). 166," being corner No. 1
of the Cyclone quarts mine; thence n 41 degrees jo
minutes e )j8 feet to a post marked "a.66. being
comer No. 4 of Cyclone quarts claim; thence s 4 de
grees jo minutes e 5 jt feet to a post marked "..
srhlch is n 4 degrees 4j minutes w 446 feet from U. S.
Mln. Monument No. 1, being corner No. 1 of the Cy
clont quarts claim; thence s 41 degrees jo minutes w
in feet to a post marked "4066, being corner No. 4
of the Protection ..lalm: thence s si degrees aj min
utes c iqs feet to the place of beginning.
Which said Cyclone quarts claim Is ijjS feet In
length and extends list feet northeasterly along the
Cyclone lode, bearing gold, from the south center end
post of said Cyclone quarts claim, said post being
marked "S Center End Post Sur. No. )46, with sur;
lace ground sit feet In width, being 100 feet north
westerly and a ji feet southeasterly from said lode,
and the notice of location of which Is recorded on
page 161 of volume H, Records of Quarts Claims for
baker County, Oregon, In the office of the Recorder
of said county. . . .
The adjoining claims to said Cyclone quarts claim
being the Protection on the ioulh, the Eureka on (he
southeast, the Victory on the north and Ohio on the
west, said Protection claim being Included In this
notice of application for patent, all else being vacant,
unoccupied land. There being no conflicting claims.
Said Protection quarts claim Is 1500 feet fit length
and extends 1475 feel northeasterly and as feet south
westerly along tne Protection lode, bearing gold, f rpm
the discovery point thereon; with surface ground 10s
feet In width, being 16a feet on tht southeasterly side
and ti feet on the northwesterly side of said lode, the
notice of location of which Protection quarts claim Is
recorded on page ?? of volume J "of vie records of
quarts claims ol Baker county, Oregon, In the office
of the County Recorder of said county. The adjoin
ing claims to the Protection quarts claim being the
Cyclone on the northeast, and tht Columbia quarts
claim. Mineral Survey No 170. on tht south, and tht
Ohio on the north. All else being vacant, unoccu
pied land. There being no conflicting claims.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining
ground vein, lode, premises or any portion thereof so
described, surveyed, platted and .applied for art
hereby notified that unless their adverse claims havt
been hied according to law and the regulations there
under within the time prescribed by law, with the
Register of tht United Sutes Land Office at La
Grande, In the county of Union, State of Oregon,
they will be barred In virtue of the provisions of said
.unite. E. W. IIARTLETT. Register.
Date of first publication Feb. 7, 1000, Dale of last
publication April 18, 1000
United States Mineral Survey No. jot A. 8t B. Ap
plication No. ao8.
t United Sutes Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, Jan ea. 1900.
Notice Is herebj liven that In pursuance ,wlth the
act of congress approved May 10, 187a, the Columbia
Uold M'nlng company, a corporation duly organised
and existing under and by virtue of the laws of Ore
eon, whose post office Is Sumpter, Baker county,
Oregon, has made application for a patent for the
Old WUJIeman and the Tin Horn quarts claims, and
for the Tin Horn mill site and for the Cyclone mill
site, situated In no organised mining district. In Baker
county, state of Oregon, and described by the official
plat herewith posted and by the fisld notes on file in
the office ol the Register of La UranJe Land District,
State of Oregon, as follows, vli: with magnetic varia
tions at ao degrees aj minutes to ao degrees )o min
utes east.
Description of exterior boundaries of the Old Mid
dleman and Tin Horn quarts claims Mineral Sur
vey No, 167 A., to wit:
Beginning at a post marked "Cor. No. 1-167 A
that bears a 10 degrees e jio feet from U. S. Mineral
Monument No. 1, the same being corner No. 1 of the
Tin Horn quarts claim; thence s 46 degrees to minutes
e 400 feet 10 a post marked "4-167 A, ' being comer
No, 4 of the Tin Horn quarts claim; thence s 4) de
grees o minutes w 690 feel to a post marked "7-167
A," being corner No. 7 ol the Old Middleman quarts
claim; thence n 16 degrees 17 minutes e 6s feet to a
Gist marked "f)67 A," being cornrr No. 1 ol the
Id Middleman, Irom which corner No. 1, U.S.
Mineral Monument No. t bears n 1 degree 07 minutes
w 1146 feel distant; thence s 11 decrees as minutes e
600 feet to a post marked "a-167 A, being corner No.
of the Old Middleman; thence s 56 degrees e7 min
utes w 1500 feet to a post marked "1-367 A," being
comer No. j ol the Old Middleman quarts claim;
thence n 11 degrees as minutes w 600 fret to a post
narked "4-167 A," being corner No. 40I the Old
Middleman quarts claim; thence n 56 degrees ar min
utes e 604 feet to a post marked "5- 67 A," being cor
ner No. s of the Old Middleman quarts claim; thence
n 46 degrees u minutes w ji).j feet to a post marked
"a-167 A," being comer No. a of the Tin Horn quarts
claim; thenct n 41 degrees jo minutes t ijoo leet to
Nace ol beginning.
Description ol Tin Horn mill site Mineral Survey
No 167 B, to wit:
Beginning at comer No. a ol the Tin Horn quarts
dale), a post marked "1-167 B," being comer No. 1
ol Tin Horn mill site; thenct 1 46 degrees 10 minutes
tit-s feet to comer No. 5 of tht Old Middleman, a'
post marked "a-jot B;" thence 1 6 degrees a? min
utes w 604 feet to comer No. 4 of tht Old Middleman
.quarts mine, a post marked "1-167 A;" thenct n 11
degrees as minutes w so feet to Intersection with east
' lint ol Appomattox quarts claim M. S. No. aoa. a post
marked 'V 167 B;" thence 40, degrees y minutes e
519 leet to place of bciata.
Description of the Cyclone ailll site Mineral Survey
. No. 167 B. to wit; ,.
J-Begianlag a4-araW HV-ffl -Old Middleman
quarts claim, thence s 11 degrees as minutes e 166
feet, a post marked "a-167 B," being corner No. a ol
the Cyclone mill site; thence s to degrees Jo minutes
w 660 leet to a post marked "1-167 B," being corner
No. 1 ol the Cyclone mill site; thence n it degrees as
minutes w 3 jo feet to a post marked "4-167 B, ' being
corner No. 4, Cyclone milt site: thence n ti degrees
30 minutes e 660 leet, a post marked "1-367 B," being
comer No. 1, Cyclone mill site: thence s degrees
4$ minutes e 164 leet to place ol beginning.
Which said Tin Horn quarts claim Is fifteen hun
dred (1500) leet In length and extends seven hundred
and fifty (750) feet northeasterly and ?ja feet south
westerly along the Tin Horn loie, bearing gold, from
the discovery point thereof, with surface ground four
hundred (400) feet In width, being looleet northwest
erly and 100 feet southeasterly trom said lede: and
the notice of location of which Is recorded on page
t8s of Volume E of Records of Quarts Claims for
Baker County, Oregon, In the office of the recorder
of said county. The adjoining claims to said Tin
Horn quarts claim being the Columbia quarts claim,
Mineral Survey No. 176, on the northwest; the llrlt
tanla quarts claim the said Old Middleman quarts claim
adjoining partially on the east, south and west; and Is
also adjoined bv Tin Horn mill site; the Appomatox
quarts claim, Mineral Survey No. aoa, the northeast
crley comer of which Is Identical with the south
westerly corner of said Tin Horn quarts claim, all
else being vacant, unoccupied land. There being no
conflicting claims.
Said Old Middleman quarts claim Is fifteen hundred
(ijoo) feet In lengih.and extends 683 feel southwest
erly and Hit feet northeasterly along the Old Middle
man lode, bearing gold, from the discovery shaft
thereon, wtth saMace ground six hundred (600) feet In
width, being three hundred feet on each side of said
lode, except that portion thereof covered by the Tin
Horn quarts claim a above described, the notice of
location of which Old Middleman quarts claim Is re
corded on page 71 Vol F of the records nf quarts
claims of Baker county, Oregon, In the office of the
Recorder of said county. The adjoining claims to
said Old Middleman quarts claim being the Tin Horn
In a northerly direction, the Tin Horn mill site, and
the Cyclone mill site, and Telephone quarts claim,
and the Afterthought quarts claim being the nearest
claim to the east, there being no adjoining claims to
the south except at above stated, and all else being
vacant, unoccupied land. There being no conflicting
claims except the said Tin Horn quarts claim as
above stated, application for patent of which Is hereby
.Sail Cyclone mill site adjoins the Old Middleman
quarts claim on the northwest corner thereof and
Telephone quarts claim and adjoins no other quarts
claims; all else being vacant, unoccupied land, and
has an area of four and 4Viooo (4.04s) acres: the no
tice of location of which la recorded on page too ol
Volume I ol Records ol Quarts Locations lor Baker
County, Oiegon, in the office ol the Recorder ol Con
veyances thereof, and a more particular description ol
which Is hereinbefore set forth. ,
Said Tin Horn mill site adjoins the Appomattox
quarts claim, Mineral Survey No. aoa, the Columbia
auarti claim. Mineral Survey No. 176, the above men
onedTin Horn and Old Middleman 'quarts claims
and Telephone quarts claim, and contains an area
ol one and 746-1000 (1.746) acres, all else being va
cant, unoccupied land, the notice ol location ol which
Is recorded on page aoa ol Volume M ol the Records
ol Quarts Locations lor Baker County, Oregon, In
the. office of tht Recorder thereof; and a particular
description of which Is hereinabove set forth.
.Any and all persons claiming adversely the mining
ground, vein, lode, premises or any portion thereof so
described, surveyed, platted and applied for, art
hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are
duly tiled according to law, and the regulations
thereunder, within tht tlmt prescribed by law, with
tht Register of the United Sutes Land Office at La
Grande, County of Union. Stale of Oregon, they
will be barred by virtue ol the provisions ot said stat
ute. . E W. BARTLETT, Register.
Datt of first publication, February 7, 19U0. Date of
last publication, April il, 1900.
(United Sutes Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, Jan. as, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 3, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the
sutes ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
sutes by act of August 4, i8a,
ol Baker City, County ol Baker, State ol Oregon,
hat this day hied in this office his sworn statement
No. 6)8, for the purchase of the wtf neX and w)j
se i-a of sec No. ao. In township No. 10 south, range
No. 6 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Register and Receiver
of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Friday, the
t)th day ol April. 1000.
He names as witnesses: Marshall K. Young, James
fl. Young. Roy Chittenden, Joseph Walker, all of
Clifford, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims in
this office on or before said nth day ol April,
1900. E. W. Bahtlctt, Register.
I United Sutes Land office,
) La Grande, Oiegon, Feb. 8, iooo.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the act of Congress ol June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale ot timber lands In the
sutes ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Terrltltory," as extended to all the public land
sutes by act of August a, iaja,
ol Granite, County ol Grant, Sute ol Oregon, has
this day tiled In this office his sworn sUtement No.
647, lor the purchase ol the sw ( ol nwjf, nj$ ol swK
and setf ol swW ol section No. 6 In township No.
8 south, rangt No. 3s E W M, and will offer proof
to show Nut the land sought Is more valuable lor Its
timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and
to esubllth his claim to said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Ore
gon, on Wednesday, tht asth day ol April, 1900.
He names as witnesses: Charles L. Fox, Joseph
N. Ditmar, Grant Thomburg, August Buckman, allot
Granite, Oregon.'
Any and alfpersons claiming adversely the above
described Unds are requested to hit their claims In
this office on or before said asth day of April, 1000.
E. W. Barubtt, Register.
(United Sutes Land Office,
1 La Grande, Oregon, Jan. is, iooo.
Notict It hereby given that la compliance with tht
provisions ol tht act ol Contrast ol June 3, 1878,
tntitltd "An act for tht salt of Umber Undi la the
tumaLSJOUonii. Orasjoa. Nevada, and Watting-
ton Territory," as extended to all the public land
states by act ol August 4, 184a.
ol Baker City, County of Baker, State of Oregon, has
this dav filed In this office his sworn statement No.
039, for the purchase of the netf nti( of sec No. to
sa t-4 ne 1-4 anj e; se 1-4 sec to, in townsnip no,
10 south, range No. 36 E W M, and will nfier proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Frl
dav, the 1 3th day of April, igoo-
She names as witnesses: Marshall K. Young, James
G. Young. Roy Chittenden, Joseph Walker, all ot
Clifford, Orrtron.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above,
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
his office on or before said nth day of April,
1900. E W. IIARTLBTT, Register.
( United Slates Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, March at, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands in the
Sutes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Sutes by act of August 4, t8).
of Prairie Gltv, County ol Grant, State ol Oregon, has
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
6s7, for the purchase nf the! nei-aandn) se 1-4,
of Section No. at In Township No. it s, Range No.
14 I: W M, and will offer prooi to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to saTd land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Wednesday, the
1 1th day ol June, 1000.
He names as witnesses; Ornev Stearheson,
George Urdi. Scott Hyde, II. If, Sleaphcson, ot
Prairie City, Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to hit their claims in
this office on or before said 13th day ol June, 1900.
E. W. BAKTLETT. Register.
I United Slates Land Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, January 17, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ol the act ol Congress ol June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale ol timber lands In the
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Sutes by act of August 4, 189a,
ol Sumpter, county ol Baker, state ol Oregon, has
this day filed In this office his sworn statement No.
67,for the purchase of the tw 1-4 of Section No. 16,
In Township No. 10 1, Range No. 17 E. W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural
Jiurposes, and to establish his claim to said land he
ore the Register and Receiver of this office at La
Grande, on Thursday, the tfi day ol April, igno.
He names at witnesses: II. R. Mead, D. T, McCoy,
Isaac Williams. George W. Jett, all ol Sumpter, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested to file their claims In
this office on or before said jlfi day ol April, 1901.
E. W. BakUHTT. Register.
To THOMAS Ryan: You are hereby notified that
Isaac Williamson. W. H.Nebergall and S. S. Horner,
your co-owners in the quarts claim known as the
"Prise," situated on Fruit creek, near the Columbia
mine. In Baker county, Oregon, have performed the
assessment work thereon as required by law, and you
are hereby required within 90 days from date hereol
to pay your proportion ol the expenditure upon said
Signed: Isaac Williamson,
Sumpter, Oregon, January i, 1900.
To the Honorable County Court of Baker County,
State ot Oregen:
We, the undersigned, a majority of the legal voters
ol Bourne precinct, Baker County, Slate ol Oregon,
respectfully present this our petition, apd.pray that a
license be granted by this Honorable County Court
lansen. pen
to J, L. Williams and lu J. Hansen, permuting them
to sell at retail. In quantities less than one gallon.
spirituous, mall and vinous liquors, at their place of
business In the town ot Bourne In said Baker Ceunty:
Fred Knuth. Dan larry, W II hpencer. I- c II
Spencer, Jas Crawford. II L Turner, R I) Warnnck,
J FMahoney, Bert Rusk, V C Johnson, (ieoG Hall,
G O Harris, W M Francis. J C Pott, I rank Murray,
W II Hawkins. Wm Williams, John Matlock. C F
Kear. J T Rusk, J P I ox, J T Sampler, John Mur
phy, P Harklns, J Venning, (i W Kerns, C U Hunt
ington, G P Balrd, Geo Sewed. J G While, J O Ja
robson, A M Hamilton, R II Wall, Waller Garrison,
W C Ray. R J Rumdle. C D Lynch. Roht Gralf, Jens
Jensen, Ben Klnser, J H Anstead, W II Jackson. I!
A Wren, (i W Wlegand, W J Bolln, L Rusk, I- A
Davis, G C Sims, J C Clayton, J McDonald. Geo W
Connor, J Collins, W J Rowt, Ed Smith, J J Van
Noy, David Eveland, James E Sewcll, A M Brady,
John Flndley, M W Beckwlth, E Hammel, J II Clark,
Ed Hyde, II R Bradlsh. A J lulk, I G Griffith, W II
Paddock, Joe Grlffm, W Pierce, Michael Ballmer.
J. G. Williams. M. Davis, A. J. Garretton, Jack
Watampler, E. S. Garretton, Sid Adams, E. S. Akin.
Notice Is hereby given that said J. L. Williams and
E J Hansen will apply to the said county court ot
Baker county, Oregon, lor the granting ol said li
cense, qp the 6th day ol April, A. D. iooo, or as soon
thereatter as their petition can be heard.
Sumpter "
Bottling Works a
' Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors.
Manufacturers of all kinds of car
r bonated drinks and ciders. Or
ders filled and shipped on short
notice; '
The Walla Walla
Feed Yard
Wm. Kitchen, Prop.
Good Peed Yard and Stables
Por Prelghters.
Warehouses and Offices, Sumpter
Valley Railroad Track.
Milk-Dairy in Connection
It you desire
Order Irom one who
knows how.
as It should be done.
I only know only one kind ol work, and
Opp. Basche's on Mill Street
Assay Office
Assaying in all
Its Branches....
Gold and Silver i 00
Copper 1 00
Lead I 00
Other metals on application. Work
ing tests ol all kinds.
Box 1 22 Sumpthr, Or
Capital Stock..
J. II. Robblns President
J. W. Scrlber Vice-President
James Ncwlands Cashier
lilkgCTOWS. , .
J. W. Scrlber R.H.Miller
J. W. Mead
Clark Snyda J. II. Robblns
Transacts a General Banking and Ex
change Business.
No Interest Paid on Deposits.