The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 11, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, April u, 1900
ores for twenty-five years, know very
well from the disappointing returns of
many a shipment to the smelter that there
are several minerals closely resembling
tellurides which are not rich in gold, and
therefore that a rough test, by roasting, is
occasionally necessary. The mineral may
Eastern Capitalist Turn Their Attention
to Oregon Properties.
The Incorporation of the Oregon Mining
Stock Exchange recently, and the exten
sive .'iilvrrtisliii' which the mineral re
sources of the state have gained by the-' K" "A ' '"' wlle lleatedt leaving no
enormous yields of various properties, I R1"" "' sliver Deiiuiu, as nauve iciiunum
having resulted In numerous inquiries re-1 u"es- !
Harding quart, and placer Interests and the "Consequently, the Houlder miners are!
output of each. A score of letters wcrei-ipt C"11 everything native tellurium
received by Secretary Hard, of the ex-' which In the process of roasting disap
change, yesterday, all from mining men Prs entirely or leaves a resiJue in which '
and mining brokers of Colorado and the ' tlie precious metals are recognizable. Hut
east, and the whole tenor of their remarks I '"'K the latter would be Included the
was mines-gold, silver, copper and every ! tellurides of lead, bismuth and nickel;
other metal. The brokers letters were ' J ' f" belongs not native tel
interesting, two of them prirtlrulnrly mi. , lnriiiin alone, but also the teliurlde of
Thelirst, from a well known broker ol , mercury, because mercury also readily,
Denver, who Is thinking of coming to , volatilies under the conditions of the
Cortland Is as follews: ' roasting test. This mistake was made at
"We believe that legitimate mining is i Kalgoorlie, where the telluriJe of mercury
a business that Is attracting attention all ! was labeled "black tellurium," for the
over this country. I lie time was, not long reason Just referred to. The mineral coin
ago, that anybody who was interested in bination of tellurium and mercury is rare;
mining opentions, wanted In keep it , It was lirst found at the Mountain Lion
quiet, because it had a soil of gambling I ine '" Magnolia, in Houlder county, and
tlin: to it that People did not like. Tills , ' Minpie test lor n is to roasi a particle in
has changed. We, in Colorado, have just
toiiimeuced to mine gold. Cripple Creek
tills year will undoubtedly turn out t jo,
000,000, and the state generally is increas
ing Its productions. Indeed, as a slate,
Colorado has never had so prosperous an
outlook as It has today. Probably tluee
quarters of the expenses of mining stocks
and mining property in Colorado Is paid
by local people, and as a result the profits
are staying in the state.
"In relation to mining exchanges, we
believe that If the exchange is conducted
along the proper lines it Is an advantage
to any state or city. The great thing
needed to attract the attention and sup
port of the public Is that they get value
lev rived. You nerd the public support to
develop the mining properties."
The second letter was from a prominent
broker ot Colorado Springs, Colorado,
rollowlug Is an extract:
"Our experience here Is that a good
mining stock exchange, with the light
men back of it, conducted on honest bus!-
1 glass tube. The mercurv is volatilized
at the lower end of the tube and is con
densed at the cool upper cud in the form ,
of minute metallic globules, which un
readily recognizable as quicksilver. Ex-'
Price Paid by the Blewttts Said to Have ,
Been $40,000.
A big mining deal was closed yesterday
by the deposit in the bank here of about
f4o,ooo, pendhigthe perfecting of title of I
half a dozen rich claims known as the,
Aturphy mine and the Pleasant Valley,
situated on the O. It. cv N., sixteen miles
south of the city,uear the station of Pleas
ant Valley.
The group includes the Hrazos, the,
Pleasant Valley and the home Producer.
James Haisley, original discoverer of the
Raisley-Elkhoru mine, put the deal
through. Ralph I:. Hlewett, of l-'remoiit,
Nebraska, and one of the owners of the j
V'ni AihIm mini mi Dlli'i C.Trc. k thr
I, t .... it. .... i . " " ... v...,
iinsiqiiiuim.i.iucui ..... "". pIIK,a!ier. The sellers of the property
.1 lino ... iiiiiiihk .ii:Miir,:. Mil) wiiuti VU..I,-
kind of an exchange Is a detiiment to the I
town In whlJi It is located and gives a
black eye to the mining camp or camps
which they endeavor to boom. Portland ,
ire Walter Perncll, J. Haisley, J. W.
Ileisuer, George Sclilndler, John Monu
han and Peter McAvoy.
Considerable development work lias
been done on. these various properties,
exposing large bodies of free gold ore, ,
which averages in the different claims
from $ 10 to 16.50 per ton by mill tests. I
Miner's Time Honored 1 The veins are from live to 1 50 feet wide. I
Surer Than the
Method of "Sweating."
Certain telluride materials very much
resemble the common ores of sliver; the
sulphide of silver (called argeullte), for
example is ditlicult to distinguish Irom
hesslte, the tulluride ot die same metal,
silver. I he instance is quoted in order
to reler to a simple test applicable to any
doubtlul cases. Remove a small bit ot
the suspected mineral with the point ol
a Unite, and put it In a porceleau dish or
white saucer. Add tluee or lour drops ol
sulphuric add and heat over a lamp.
Should telluiiiim enter into the composition
ot the suspected mineral a be.iutitul purple
will sutluse the colorless acid.
The miner's time honmed test is to
put the ore in the tire of a blacksmith's
torge and roast it. Tellurium fuses at a
loiuparalively low temperature and be
comes volatilized, passing ott in white
tumes ot telluric oxide. If the telluride
mineral contains gold the latter will re
main in the toriu of globules. liven the
piecious telhulde hidden In the seams of
the piece ol oie will be exuded as a yellow
ish prespiratlou. The miner calls this
piocess "sweating" and the reason lor it
becomes ob ious when the results are ob
served. Experienced miners, such as those of
the Houlder district ot Colorado, who
have been working amid these particular
Quite a story is connected witli the .
Hrazos. 'Tills Is the mine In which S. I-'. '
Murphy, then city treasurer of Haker
City, eight years ago, sunk f 4.000 ol the
city's money when he defaulted. Ills
friends did the best that they could at that
time to save him, but the pioperty was
not then saleable. Today it promises to
be one of the big producers of this district.
Mr. Hlewett already has ten men at
work developing the property ready for a
large mill, which will be erected this sea-
son. Maker Citv Democrat. I
Red Bay Hill Tunnel Contract Let. I
This morning there was a meeting of
the Red Hoy Hill Cold Mining company's
directors. They let a contract to run a
tunnel two hundred feet, which will cross
cut the sixty-loot ledge at a considerable
depth. This ledge is very large In some
places, cropping out to a height of fifteen
teet. I lie company has every reason to
expect much for tills property, as sample
assays taken from the surface go very
high. The vein shows plainly for a dis
tance ot 4500 feet. Prom the depth at
which the tunnel will strike the ledge the
company expects to get a very gooJ thing
and work will be pushed with all possible
speed. It is intended to run both a night
and day shift. Haker City Republican.
Superior job printing at tills office.
The Sumpter Lumber Company
The Only Place..,
To get bills filled promptly
and completely. Kiln-dried
and finished lumber. Sash
and doors wholesale and re
tail. Jobbers' prices on
wholesale orders.
J. B. STODDARD, Manager
Fritz & Dwyer
We buy and sell all kinds of City
We handle Mining Properties, on
commission or for cash.
We have made a great many sales
of City Property and mining
claims tile past few weeks.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. I.. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
A. J. STINSON, Prop.
(Successor to Snyde 4 Stluson)
Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar
"Just around the Corner"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.