THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, April u, 1900 LOOKS LIKE A FAKE. Iowa Paper Still Boosting the White Swan. ! A. C. SHAW 10 Lunnber Co Some weeks since Till: MlNliK tnen tioiic J the arrival in this camp of l.eston Halllet, representing the Mining News, of Des Moines, Iowa, and an all around min ing engineer and promoter, lie didn't remain long in Snmpter. One tliiiiK dead sure, tiie Mining News is endeavoriiiK to aid him in his scheme of promotion. In its issue for March that publication has a two column leading editorial on the wonderful Mr. Halllet and his gigantic I scheiiu no less than the rehabilitation of l the old White Swan mine, over cast of Raker City. Whatever may be the tin knowu merits of that abandoned property, i all this stuff in the News is transparent rot, a rank fake, carries internal evidence of Its entire lack of Reed faith. Read these extracts and decide for yourself in the light of local information regarding the White Swim: "Mr. l.eston Halllet, the inlying engineer, left for the mines about two weeks ago. On arrival at Denver he was met by a delegation of the directors of one of the biggest mines in Colorado, and was tendered the position as general manager of the entire mines and reduction works of the company, at a salary of f 1 5,000 a year, and all expenses. Mr. Halllet explained to them hi Vhlte Swim plans including the big reduction works, electric power works, and rail road, and they were startled by the magnitude of the plan. Mr. Ross, the president of the Colorado company, said: "My (iodl Halllet, that's a big enterprise, but you arc the only man in the United States that could do it. I want to, get in on that deal myself and I believe I'll go to Haker City with you, and I and my friends here will inise f 1 00,000 in money for it, and more if you need it." a k "Then he organized his company to be prepared to take it up the minute it was cleared, and you know the rest. Mow jealously Haker City people 'knocked, how they tried to defeat his purpose but the more they antagonized him the strong er his plans became, for 'if an enterprise lias no opposition It isn't worth much for nobody else cares for It.' We have written to our special correspondent at Haker City for 11 story of Mr. Halllet's light for this million dollar gold mine; a history of his first coming to Haker City up to his present position as Houana King of the state. Know lug Mr. Halllet's disposition so well, and that he would rattier go Into a fight than eat, we predict thai tills tight fir a million dollar mine, nod the historv of his other ventuies, will be a story of greatest Interest." "Ills holdings must f wot tli over i,ooo,oo3 loJ.w but this will be nothing when it becomes known just what he owns In Haker Citv, with the smelter, re ductlon works, electric power house, Mon tana, Oregon and Pacific lallroad and (lie White Swan mine, too. Indeed, the men who associated themselves with the young engineer In the White Swan, where he will not be handicapped by olVcers and directors, have done well. Their future Is made. When our correspondent has his story ready you can be expecting some thing as Interesting as a novel. The banks report that Mr. Halllet is one of their heaviest depositors, and we would not be surprised to learn tlmt he had half 11 million on deposit." And this alleged e is acting as correspondent for a mining paper pub lished In an community in the ridiculously jay Mate of Iowa, the tub- . mrrlption price of w hlch is two bits per annum." SPOKANE Drug Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug, house in the. state. We sell drily to merchants. Make the best prices on milt ers' and assayers' sup plies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write Ifor. quotations. i.V Spokane : Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. ADLER'S . Crystal Palace, 'SJ!15Y re!Ay for business ....WE CARRY.... Stationery, Books, Musical Instruments, Pianos, Organs, Etc. Photo Supplies and Peiodicarls. . I'. O. Hon 170. Telephone 173. (Jrauile St., SUMPTER, ORE. Mrs. Emma Potter, FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Opposite Cornwell o Sullivan's Stable, .on Cracker Street. SUITS FROM $5 UP. - i Tailor-Made Suits a Specialty. ,, ! A. B. BLOOMER, MANAGER. Ityugb iin'i "Qwssed Lumber always in stock or sawed to 'order o) short notice. Cedar shingles furnished 'wili) aUmlers.if desired. Orders can be left with D. Copping, corner SumpUr and Mill Street, or at the mill. SUMPTER, OR. lhcTpiumph Gigar IS THE World's Best v Havana Cigar. . FOR SALE EVERYWHERE CHAS. I. FLYNN & CO. - Manufacturers STAR SALOON . - t . -. , AI.I.EN & DEWEY Proprietors Handles the best of Liquors, Wines and Cigars. Draught beer a specialty by the pitcher, bottle or glass. Opposite Depot SUMPTER, OR. P. D. HEALY Smokers of Popular 'Brands of High Grade Cigars and Tobaccos will find anvt'u'ng desired in this line at inv old stand (formerly the shoe store.) Fresh Fruits, Nuts, Htc, received daily. HEALY BUILDING SUMPTER, OREGON Fraser & Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY-Rolls. Stamps, Crushers, Perforated Metals, Jigs, Erne Vauuers, Etc. MINING MACHINERY-Boilers, including Sederholm Boiler, Air Compressors, Reldler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chicago oftice for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, AKCft CITY, OREGON Mining Stocks and Min liJtrUcU.ilesior selling mining stocks of companies llh so'U tinancUl tuslt. welt oftkerej anjf " "i"' .",.. .n .una 1 imtjKn inveiiig.iiian. AJjrtst, un rrotpeclut nj relet- enves. L. W. Tulleys, Council Bluffs, Iowa. un piuce 1 1 in 111 1 jjiujnrrues 01 menu i ,j., i) in j.wiff m j ma 1 1