The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, April 4, 1900
Eastern Oregon To Be Grid
ironed This Season.
I.on Cleaver, who Is largely Interested
In and around Prairie City, and Christian
Anderson, of Portland, one of the locating
engineers for the Columbia Southern rail
road, left Sumpter Saturday to explore the
country west of and continuous to this
camp. They would not tell their purpose
or destination. 'I he object of this trip,
however, Is known to he connected with
the extension of the above named rail
road. In this connection, the following
from the Portland Telegram, is of special
"Strong Indications of a light between
(lie railroads of central Oregon, which
will rival the famous Clearwater struggle,
are in evidence. A large surveying p.irly
is working southward through that
country from the Dalles, establishing com
plete surveys. On whose Instructions
tlir party Is working is not known.
" I he Coh'iubla Southern has already
entered this held by building a line south
from Urlggs, which will be completed to
Miatilku by April t,a distance of seventy
miles. The Columbia Southern has also
run surveys smith from The Dalles and surveyors out In other parts of east
ern Oregon. Hut the latest surveying
party evidently intends In steal a march
and get control of the territory for the com
pany hi whose interest it is working.
"Oiiv- who claims to be ,-iciiu.iiiiteil with
the plans savs the party's purpose is to
r tin lines to Prineville, thence east through
(.rook and (irant counties to Canyon
City, thence from I'rlneville again south
to l.nkevlew in Lake county. In fact it
Is intended to secure right of way cover
ing the lie.ut of central Oregon. It is
proposed to get an outlet trom Prineville
bv going west and connecting with the
Coivallls and h.isteiu.
"When it Is lealledtliat central Oregon
oilers ,1 virgin licld larger than the state
01 New York to the lust railroad to block
out the territory, It will be seen there is
something there worth lighting (or. Peo
ple have expressed surprise that no tail
road until the advent ol the Columbia
Southern ever saw lit to get in on the
ground Hour in this great railroad terti
torv, wlilchomprises nearly 80,000 sipt.ire
miles. Iloweser, tlie stovkmen of the In
terior have always been etremely bitter
against anv so called Invasion bv a rail
10. id, as it would be the means of opening
large tracts to settlers, thereby cutting
big slices oil ol their ranges. Hut since
one lallroad has taken the initiative and
shown what vast opportunities of tiade
there are within those boundaries, others
ate showing. 1 fervent anielv to get In
and get a percentage.
" I. C. Young, a prominent mining man
who has Inteiests near Canyon City, re
marked to a 1 1 lend while In tills city, that
there would be enough ore in that section
to pay lor extending a railroad there and
keep the biggest kind of a smelter plant
In Portland running full blast. Resides
mineral, each one of the counties has di
versified products enough to pay big div
idends to any railroad tortunate enough
to tap the district."
O. K. a Fin Fr Gold Proposition.
Sam Wilson, the discoverer of the O.
K. mine, near Law ton, Oregon, Is n Roise
visitor. Mr. Wilson is in partnership In
the mining business with I:. W. Johnson,
of the Overland. He says the O. K. Is
being systematically developed and that
it Is one of the best free milling gold prop
erties he ever saw. The vein Is about
thlrtv feet wide and the ore runs from f 17
to J78 a ton. He has driven a tunnel, on
which he commenced work four months
.ago, too feet, doing the work unaided.
The tunnel penetrates the base of the
mountain, the apex of which is 200 feet
above. Lawton, one of the very newest
of Oregon's mining camps, is seventeen
miles west of Sumpter and two and a half
miles from Granite. It Is an enterprising
place, as is evidenced by the appearance
of the Lawton Standard, even in advance
of the establishment of a postoffice in the
place. Mr. Wilson says the future of the
camp Is very bright. With the present
showing he prefers it to Cape Nome. Mr.
Wilson Is an old Wood river miner. He
located the Top Top mine on the Hailey
gold belt and sold it for a song. Last
year the owners of the property refused
5 1,000,000 for It. Idaho Statesman.
Wanti Information About Ortgon Mines.
Senators Simon and McHrlde and Con
gressmen Tongue and Moody have writ
ten to the board of trade of this city, urg
ing the necessity of reliable Information,
showing the importance of the mining In
dustry of Oregon. The representatives
say there is little hope of securing a mint
or assay office for this city during the
present session, but they desire to have
the additional data ready to present to the
next session. Tile board of trade and the
chamber of commerce will begin immedi
ately the collection of detailed information
regarding the mines of eastern and south
ern Oregon, which are now paying divi
dends and those that have been developed
so far as to leave no doubt as to their
future value. Priss dispatch from Port-laud.
Will Improve Sumpler-Granlte Road. '
'I he entciprlsliig citizens of Granite met
in the school house Wednesday evening
to discuss the advisability of taking tip :
subscriptions with which to Improve the
Suiiipter-Grnnile road, which is "nigh ,
onto" impassible. Within a few min
utes over 5200 was subscribed, and as all '
of the mine owners in tills section have (
promised to assist in the good work, It is
thought that J500c.u1 he raised here within
a few days. The Sumpter people have
offered to double the amount raised at 1
I iranite, so that it is safe to assume that
ft 500 will soon be on hand, to be used for
tills much needed Improvement. Mr. O.
A. 'Iliornburg, with three men, began
work yesterday between hero and the
summit. A list of the road fund sub
scribers will be published later on. Gran
ite Gem.
s voters rviicuuuii. 1
The voters of the North and South
Sumpter precincts can now register at the
city hall, I:. L. Abnnlng, city recorder,
having teceived the registration books
trom the county clerk for that purpose.
Wfe '
Pelton Water Motor
Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability and economy of
water, In fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR,
as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service 1 and
made of sizes varying from the fraction of 1 tip to 100 H. P. Recent
scientific tests made at the Michigan University In connection with sev
eral other motors claimed to be the best on the market showed I 45 1 per
cent higher efficiency in favor of favor of the PELTON, while the rela
tive cost per H. P. to buy was only one-third to one-half that of others.
Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should
discriminate in favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York
or San Francisco, as may afford the best freight "es. Circulars free.
One of these motors can be seen any time operating THE MINER presses.
143 Liberty Street,
New Yoik.
125-129 Main St.
San Francisco, Calif.
T. Montana
We handle only the best Liquors that money will buy Green River,
Jesse Moore AA, Monogram, Old Hermitage, Watson's Scotch and
Canadian CltiD. COLUMBIA uecr on gi.mnuc " w"
Next Door to Golden Eagle Hotel,
Sumpter, Oregon
j j ON AND AFTER R-HRUARY 1. iooo J -
For Cash Only!
OUR prices will not anticipate the
probable losses of the credit sys
tem, as was heretofore necessary, but
these losses will be given to our cus
tomers in REDUCED PRICES. Come
and see us and bring CASH.
Orpinllr Mct'urn & Sdun'k I ly lUin.
Ctiitrr Mirft.
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
S'5 J
The Oregon Hot
ScnJ Sump lor clrculir.
Hot Ukf , Oregon,
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track.