The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, April 04, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, April 4. 1900.
Strength for Weak Men !
Say the word. Let me show
to you what I have been
showing men for over a quar
ter of a century the true
road to health. The remedy
I offer will serve you faith
fully without danger.
Don't Use Drugs
During my early years of
practice 1 gave prescriptions
to weak men. For 30 years
I have been treating those
peculiar nervous symptoms
which result from youthful
error and later excesses, such
as Drains, Impoiency, Lame
Back, Varicocele, etc. From
so vast an experience 1 can
usually offer men, single or
married, valuable advice.
Reader, I wish it was within
my power to show every
weak man what wonderful
results I am getting from my
famous appliance, the
Dr. Sanden Electric Belt
and suspensory attachment.
It is a never failing restorer of
strength if used properly.
You must believe when I
show you 6,000 unsolicited
testimonials of absolute cures
names and addresses re
ceived during 1899. This
belt is the result of years of
patient study.
It developed from a portable chain bat
tery I Invented twenty-five years ago. It
has undertone many changes, until today
It embodies the best features of nil elec
trical appliances, and constitutes what I
consider a perfect home self treatment for
men. It Is really a portable battery of j6
elements. Weight, 6 ounces. Currents
Instantly felt, though regulated to any
degree of strength while on the body by
using regular thumb screw. Worn all
night. Soothes, strengthens, cures while
you sleep.
-Write for little
of Men." which
explains nil, and Is sent in plain sealed
envelope, free, or If in or near this city
drop in and consult me free of charge.
I give nil correspondence personal atten
tion. Write or call today.
Free Book
Dept. 19. Russell Building, Portland, Oregon
Another and Interesting Version of the
Local Myth.
The Denver Times quotes a Spokane
man with giving this version of the Blue
Bucket mine myth:
"It was some time In 1850, 1 believe,
that a party of homeseekers struck off in
the foothills of the Rockies on the Oregon
trail for the northwest, Intending to work
down into northern California. They
were farmers, pure and simple, and the
news of the discovery of gold In Califor
nia had never reached them. They had
left the bend of the Snake river some
days unfortunately the story Is not
definite as to the number of days behind
them and they camped one evening on the
banks of a stream, where they rested
their oxen and horses for a couple of days.
While the men of the party hunted the
surrounding country for fresh meat and
the women spent the time in washing
clothes, the children wandered about In
the vicinity of camp, picking berries, car
rying with them, as the story has it, 'one
of the old fashioned blue buckets.'
"One day at noon the children hurried
Into camp, two of them struggling with
the weight of their bucket, the bottom
covered with a number of pieces of yellow
metal. They said they had tried to dig
out of the ground some deep-rooted bush
bearing a flower that pleased them, in
tmdinff to Dlant it in -the bucket and take
it along, and they had found the pieces of
metal in the ground. Everybody gath
ered about the find, and nobody could
make anything of it. The metal couldn't
be brass, of course, they knew, but it
night be some kind of native copper, as
it could be beaten out with ease. The
pieces varied from the size of a pumpkin
seed to an egg.
"The Argonauts had no use for a sin
gle pound of useless weight, and when
the party started off all the metal was
thrown away but a few pieces," which the
children were allowed to keep for jack
stones, and heavy jackstones they were,
too. Of course when Yreka was reached
the playthings were recognized as gold.
Then there was a stampede over the Ore
gon lava beds for the Blue Bucket mine,
but snow had fallen east of the Cascade
range and the track was lost. Two or
three of the party spent their lives look
ing for the lost placer ground and died in
poverty; the others settled down to farm
ing and succeeded at it. Every few years
some prospector takes a notion to make
his fortune by finding the Blue Bucket
mine, but as yet no one has succeeded."
Newspaper Extend S. V. Road 100 Miles.
It is stated on good authority that
David Eccles, president of the Sumpter
Valley railroad, is about to let the con
tract for a loo-mile extension beyond lhe
present terminus at Sumpter. It is said
that for the past two months he has been
figurelng on the cost of constructing the
line to the newly opened mining section
that extends west of Sumpter for up
wards of 100 miles, with the object In
view, it seems, of opening up what
promises to be a gold belt that Swill
eventually rival Cripple Creek. A large
amount of prospecting has been going on
in this section for some time, but actual
work has been retarded on account of the
absence of railroad facilities. Tills min
ing district Is pronounced remarkably
rich in milling ores. Republican.
Potatoes for Safe.
Lew Bro's, of Baker Gity, have a car
load of fine Early Rose and White Star
potatoes for sale. Enquire at Sumpter
Forwarding company. .
"The Portland" is second to no resort
in Baker county, in point of elegant fix
tures, and leads all others In many con
veniences. Location blanks at the MINER office.
Stable &
McEwen & Slogan, Props.
First Class
livery Rigs and
Saddle Horses
Experienced Guides to all the Mining
Camps. Your patronage solicited.
Good Values Found In the White Elephant.
J. J. Penhale reports that yesterday lie
got some very satisfactory assays from
the White Elephant, a property near the
Bonanza, owned by Canadian Capital
ists whom he represents. These assays
average about 928 to the ton and that Is
the kind of ore deposits he Is looking for,
large bodies of easily mined rock carrying
fair values. There Is a $oo-foot tunnel in
the White Elephant, reaching a depth of
125 feet, and from this point the ore as
sayed was taken. Speaking of his ex
tensive mining Interests In this district,
Mr. Penhale said: "I and the people
whom I represent are well satisfied with
the showing which has thus far been
made by the work done. We have made
no phenominally rich strikes, but have
encountered good ore, that which can be
mined and milled at a profit, and plenty
of it. In the Bunker Hill, as THE MINER
stated some weeks since, we finally got
satisfactory values, after doing much de
velopment work. There we are now
blocking out ore as fast as possible. We
are In no especial hurry about putting In a
mill, but are desirous of proving the
property to be a mine. After working a
year, uncovering a sufficient quantity of
ore, the mill will De installed.
O. R & N.
Gives the Choice of Two Transcoutineut
nl Reutes:
Spokane. Minneap
olis, St. Paul,
Salt Lake, Denver,
Omaha, Kan
sas City.
Lowest Rates to All Eastern Cities.
Ocean steamers leave every 5 days for
Steamers monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong via the North
ern Pacific Steamship Co. In connection
with the O. R. & N. For full particulars
sail on O. R. & N. agent, Baker City, or
General Passenger, Agt. Portland, Or.