The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 28, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, February 28, 1900
UnlleJ Stalet UnJ Office,
I U GranJe, Oregon, January , ivo.
Notice l hereby given Dial In comtllance with Ihe
pnw tlont of Ihe act (if Congrett ol June i, 1878,
enillleJ "An act lor the nip ol timber lanjt In the
tlalet of CallNirnli, Oregon, Nevaja. an j Washing
Ion Territory, at ettenJeJ to all the Public UnJ
Stalet hy act of Augutt 4, B",
'', '-""' ifuntyof Union, Stale ol Oregon, hat
Ihlt Jay filej In thlt office hit twnrn ttatement No.
6u, for the purchase of the lolt 1, t anj 1 anJ tw 14
ne 1.4 iif tectlon No. 6 In lownthlp No. 8 touth,
range N. C. W. M.,anJ will ulfer proof In thow
thai the lanj touglil l more valuable for lit timber or
tlone than for agricultural purposes, anj to establish
disclaim 10 salJ lanj before the Replster anj Re
ceiver ol thlt office al l-a (itanje, Oregon, on I rlJay,
the itifi Jay of March, iv.
He names at witnesses Joteh N. Dllmart.ol
(iranlle. Ore., (Irani Thombutg, of (iianlle. Ore.,
William II, Sargenl, of U GranJe, Ore., Chailet I.
I'Ji, 11! U GranJe, Ore.
Anv anj all prrtnnt claiming ajvertely the aboe
JescilbeJ lanjs ale teijuesteJ lo Me Ihelr clalmt In
thlt ullice on or Ivluie talj 16H1 Jjy of March, rv.
I.. W. Hauiii tr, Register.
I UnlleJ Stale 1 UnJ Office,
I U GranJe. Oregon, January j, 1000.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the
prolslons of the act of Congrest of June , 1878,
enillleJ "An act for the tale of limber lanjt In the
Stalet of Calilornla, Oregon, Nevaja anj Wathlng
ton Territory." at ettenJeJ lo all the Public Lanj
1 Stalet by act of Augutt 4, i8o,
of I j (SranJe, county of Union, Slate of Oregon, hat
thlt Jay lileJ In thlt oflice hit tworn ttatement No.
611, lor the purchate of the 1 sw 1-4 of tectlon j
nnj n i-a nw 1-4 01 hection no. 6 In lownthlp no.
8 South, Range No. is E. W. M:, anj will offer proof
to thow that the lanj touglil It more valuable for Hi
timber or tlone than for agricultural purpotet. anj to
establish hit claim to talj lanj before the Regltter
anj Receiver of Ihlt office at l-a (iranje, Oregon, on
I rlJay, ihe 161I1 Jav ol March, lyn.
He namet at wltnetset: Joieph N. Dllmart.ol
Granite, Ore., Grant Thornburg, of Granite, Ore.,
Chailet L. I ox, of La (iranJe, Ore., John C I rench,
of l-a (iranje, Ore.
Any anj all pertont claiming ajvertely the above
JetcilbeJ lanjt are reiuetteJ lo file their clalmt in
Ihlt oflice on or before talj iGth Jay of March, iouo.
E. W. llAHTLUrT, Regltter.
To Thomas Rvav You are hereby noilfieJ that
Itaac Wllllamton. H. D. Nebergall anJ S. S. Horner,
your co-owners In Ihe quarli claim known at the
''Prle," tltuateJ on Fruit creek, near Ihe Columbia
mine, in Baker county, Oregon, have performeJ the
attettmenl work thereon at requlreJ by law, anj ou
are hereby requlreJ within go Jays from Jale hereol
lo ray your proportion of the expenJilure upon taiJ
'sig'neJ: liAtc Wiuiavihon,
II. D. NuifxIall.
S. S. Mormj.
Sumpler, Oregon, January ji, tguo.
j UnlleJ Slalrt UnJ Ollice,
I Ufiianje, Oregon, January i, lorn.
So Ice It hrlrby given Ihal In cnmp'lance with the
piovltlnnt nf the act of Congtett ol , 1U7B,
enillleJ "An acl lor ihe tale ol Umber UnJt In Ihe
Stalet of (Jill oinla, Oregon, NrvaJa.anJ Wathlng
Inn lerrllurt,' at ettenJeJ lo all Ihe PulllcUnJ
Stalet by aft of Augutt 4, iKo,
111 own (.. Ill I MICK',
ol Sumpler, cnunlyol llikrr, tlale nl Oregon, hat
Ihlt Jat lileJ In Ihlt nllice lilt two 11 ttalemtnl Nn.
b4, lin ihe puichate ol Ihe n'. te'( nnj t)j ne! nl
ftrcUnn No. ar In tnnthlp No. 10 t, range No. it E.
W M., an I will olfri prnnl lo thow the lanj
touglil It more tal Mile lor lit tinier or tlone than
lor pumitet. anj lo rtlillitli lilt claim
In s.ilj 1.1 11 J Iwloie the Register anj Receiver of Ihit
other al U (itanje, Oregon, nn I iljay, Ihe rJ Jay
nl .March, Mr.i.
He namet at wlinrttev RlcharJ I. Cabman, ol
Hiker (.llv. Ore., Ihiiiiat I. lanmrri, in Sunpler,
('e..liahkS. Hilllle, nl Sumpiei, Ore., Wilier II.
van Ilin 11, nl Sumpiei, Ore.
Ant anj all prrtnnt ilalrnl.ig aJverselv Ihe above
JetcilleJ I.111 Jt aie feiiettej Indie Ihelr clalmt In
lull nllice nn nr belnre tIJ i.l Jai nl March, luiai.
I!. W. lUulll II, Regltter.
UnlleJ Slalet Lanj OJice.
I I U (iranJe, Oregon, January 17, ia.
1 Nollce It hrrtbv given that 1 1 compliance with the
prosit lint ol II, e acl ol Congrett ol June I, 1878,
entitle! "An act lor t"e tileol limber lanJt In the
1 Slue, of (oil ornlj, Oregon, Neva Ja, anj Washlng
Inn reirllory," at ettenJeJ 10 all Ihe Public UnJ
, Slalet ly a. I of Augutt 4, 18, ,
I of Sumpler, county ol Hiker, tlale of Oregon, hat
Ihlt Jay li.ej In Ihlt nilife hit tworn tla rmnl No.
6r. dtr Ihe purchate ol trie tw t-4 of Section No. 16,
In lownthlp No. lu t, Range No. it E. W. M , anj
! will nller prnol 10 shn that the tan J touglil It more
valua le for lit limber or tlone Ihan for
, puipotet.anj lo etlal Nth lilt claim to talj lanj be
fore the Register anj Receiver nl thlt nllice at U
I GranJe, on Ttiursjay, the jlh Jav of Apilt, ivu
He nimet at wimesses: If. R. MeaJ, D. T. McCoy,
I liaac Wllllamt, George W, Jell, all of Sumplrr.Ore
(!" I Anv anj all prrtnnt claiming ajvertely Ihe above
JetcilleJ lanj. ate leguetleJ to file their clalmt In
j thlt nllice nn nr leln.v tU "III Jay ol April. igoJ.
I., w. iiawiluit, Kegitirr.
IIMHIR IAND, Af.l lUNIi 1, i88.
Department of the Interior.
UnJ Office at U GranJe, Oregon,
January 16, 19 .
Nollce It hereby given thai the follolng-nameJ
telller hat fileJ notice of hit Intention to make hnal
proof in tupporl ol hit claim, anj thai sal J proof will
be maJe belore county clerk of Maker County, al
llaker CI IV, on March 8, 1000, viz: II. L. 8016 ol
of Sumpler, Oregon, for Ihe n! tw 1-4 anj tw 1-4 of
w 1-4 anj lot 1 ol tec jolpgt.rirn.vV, M.
He namet the Inllowlng wlmettet 10 prove hit con
tlnuout retlJence upon anJ cultivation of talj lanj,
Peler I). Cttet, J. P. Shellon, C I). Gost, Isaac
Wllllamton, all of Sumpter, Orego I.
L. W. llAktlCTr, Register.
S duett Lieu Selection No.
UnlleJ Slalet UnJ Oflice,
I a GranJe, Oregon, l"eb. 11, igm.
Nollce Is hereby given Hut C. W. Clatke. who.e
poll oflice aJJrest it Sin I raniitro, Cil., hat maJe '
application lo select unJer Ihe acl ol June 4, 18 it,
(in Stales, 6) the follmvlng JetcrlbeJ Ir.icl: se'4
se'i tec 4 tp '; , r n I:. W. AL Within the next 1
Ihirly Jays Worn Jate hereol proteilt nr contest,
against Ihe selection on Ihe grounj that Ihe UnJ
JeiCrlbeJ.or any portion therein, It more valuable 1
lor In minerals man lor agri.ultnral purpotcs.wlll be
reCrlveJ anj nnleJ lor report In Ihe Commissioner ol
the General UnJ Oltice
I:. W. HAMTLliTT. Register.
Notice to the Public. '
All consumer! of city water must make ,
application to the ollice of the Sumpter j
Water company before the mains are i
tapped or any residence or business house i
supplied with water. j
To the County Court of Baker County. Okrom
We the unertlgneJ. a majority of the lel voters
In North Sumpter Precinct. County of Bfker nj
Slate ol Oregon, respectfully present this, our pell
Ion. anJ pray that a license be granteJ by this Hon
oratle Court to J. H. Tomllnson permitting him to
tell at retail, in quantlllei less than one gallon, splri
"ousni.ll anjlnout liquors .1 his fioad House,
tlluale on Section i . Tp 0 s. R a6 E. W. M.. near the
roaJ leaJIng Irom Ihe town of Sumpler to (he town of
(iranlle. onJ a short Jlttance east of the line between
llaker anJ Grant counties.
J CuplJ, Clark SnyJe. John Rlggs, I C Looney.
TM Brlt'en. HS Abbott. I'D Esles, W A Jones.
Henry Momts, Thos McEwen. FreJerlck Glbbs, John
Armbruster. CHCook. D W Cunhm.n J F G.n
cher. O S Ferris. John F LelanJ. RP Jones. EE
Hauser, J II Chappeleas.J II WarJ, Geo B TeJrowe
Sam R Stotf. ChasL Ferry. OeBler. H Braunlne.
Phil V Nebergall. Jack lirauncell. W L Youne. John
Austin. T I) lielllnger. L 1. Manning, J F Shelton, E
K ReeJ. II W Sloan. Geo union, i-ranx " niiams, 11
11 Grltnn, John liearJsley. Henry Mory, Archie Mc
DonalJ. J J Hlnlon. Sam Cornewell. W M Dean,
Harry Nicholson. John I. Sullivan. J T Yeareer. J E
Reel, M W Sullivan. W W McCalley, JohnStolberg,
II (i W00J. P J lieimerj C S McCprJ, Michael BalT
mes, John Arthur. L R Stratia, J W Cox, W II I West
fall. M T Kane. Wm Wylle, P D Healy, Anjrew
Dewar, E K ReeJ, Geo Gllson, Ike Williamson, SW
Froit.TABrown, LJ Billings. Louis Ekstrom. HS
Durgin.WmLlnJsay. DA Wallham. F R Grenn, E
A Case, W W Looney, M C Foreman, AT Wright,
LJ RanJ, Cale Rosweli, P J Jackson, E W Jackson,
A J SHnson. A W Ellis. Crist Young. Wm Sljnton. R
I. Newlln, W B Truller, Geo V Hamilton, S C Beet.
W W Hlnlon. L G Silver. J W Scott. W W Felix. I
F Totrev. Geo Day, D H StewarJ, C H Clark, A J
Tailo.k. CJ Johns. Sieve Lev Jen J A BranJen
berg. J Jorgensen. C Y Burr. P W Breon. J H Fol
tom, Martin Gibbons, James CornfielJ. FreJ Slolts.
Wall Crnnln. Ben Cunningham, E A Murray, Wm II
Notice It hereby given that talj J. H. Tomllnson,
will apply 10 salJ court for saU' license on the 15th
Jay ol March, 1900, or as soon thereafter us salj pe
titioner can be hearJ by salJ court.
To Trank WhelJIe: You are hereby notified that
Samuel MavanJ C. R. Konkle, )our co-owners in
those certain mineral claims known as Ihe King Bee
group, consisting of Ihe Queen Bee, King Bee anj
Blue BlrJ quam claims, sltuateJ In Grant anj Baker
counties, near the (iranlle roaj.have performeJ the
assessment work as requlreJ by law, and you are
hereby requlreJ within 00 Jays from Jale hereof lo
pay ,our proportion of the expenJilure upon salJ
SlgneJ: SAMUEL May.
Sumpter, Oregon, January 1 7, 1000.
j UnlleJ Stalet lanj O'lice,
i lafiran.le, Orrgnn,,laniiiry i, ne".
Notice It brieby given Hi 11 In ininplLince with the
piii'lslii'it nl the ail nl Coniriettnl lune 1,1878, en
IllieJ "An acl In the tile nl limber LinJt In Die
Slalrt nl Calilnrnlt, Oregnn, Nevaja, anj Wathlng
Ion lenllorv," at ettenJeJ In all the Put He UnJ
Sutrt In ad of Aujus1 4. 18.14,
UlCllskli J. I KVits,
nl llaker (.III, ciiunly nl llikrr, tlilenl Oregon, hat
Ihlt Jay lileJ in thit nllice hit twnin statement No.
bu, lor the purihatenl Ihe s'isw'J section i) anj
rls hwif ol tectlmi No 9i, In lownthlp No. lot,
lange No. r L. W. M., anj will nller pinnl In show
thai Ihe lanj touglil It mine saluable for lit llmhe or
tune than tin agricultural puipniet, anj to eitabllth
hit claim to talj lanj tvlme the Regitlrr an.l Re
Cel er ol Ihlt nllice al la GranJe, Orego.i,n.1 I rlJay,
the J Jivnl Maicli, iv.i.
He namet at witnesses: Thomas U Uinmert. nl
Siitiplrr, Ore., I rank S. Ilalllle, nl Sumpler, Ore.,
Waller II, Van Pin n, nl Sumpler, Or., George C
Hrlmkk, nf Sumpler, Ore.
Anv anJ all peltont claiming ajvertely Ihe ahtt'e
JescilbeJ lanjs aie lequetlej In hie llieli clalnisln
lliis nllice nn nr leloie salJ tA Jay ol Ataicfi. Ii.s
i: W. Hsum It, Register.
1 I UnlleJ Slalet lanj Ollice,
I I U GranJe, Oiegnn, I eh 8, io.
I Notice Is hereby given Ihal In co npllance wllh the
1 pni.ltliint nl Hie a 1 111 Ouirdi 111 lune I, 1818,
I enillleJ "An acl Inr the s-lr nl limber laitJs In Ihe
I stales nl OH ornl 1, Oregon, NevaJa, anj Wathlng-
lo leriliiiory," at ettenJeJ to all the public lanj
1 stales by acl nl August 4, i8i.
11I Granite, Cnunty ol Grant, Stale nl Oregon, has
I this Jay lileJ in this nllice hit tworn ttatement No.
047, lot Hie puichate nl llie sw ',' ol nw'4, n!) nl sw ','
lanjte'inl sw'inl section No. i in township No.
I V touth, range No. u L W M, anj will nller proof
I In thoa Ihal the lanj sought It more valuable lor Its
Umbel or stone than lor agricultural purpotet, anj
l.iestJtllth his claim lo salJ lanj belore Ihe Regis
ter anj Receiver nl this n.ti.'e at U GranJe, Ore
I gun, nn WeJneiJav, Ihe )lh Jav ol April. ism.
Ile names at wlmetse.: Chailet I., lot, Joteph
N. Dilmar, Grant Tuotnburg. Aujutl Huckman, allot
(iranlle, Oregon..
Any anj allperxint claiming ajvertely Ihe above
JescilbeJ lanJ. aie ieueitel lo hie Ihelr claims In I
nut ollice on or Penile tau a). 11 any 01 Apni, iu.i.
I:. W, lUuiim, Regltter.
Stable s
First Class
very Rigs and
Saddle Horses
Experienced Guides to all the Mining
M-Ciw.s jb. ct.. d.. ' cxpenenceu uuiaes 10 an me n
MCtWen 6l Sloan, Props. Camps. Your patronage solicited.
iiMiiiR UND. Acr JUNi- 1. .8,8. notice jKt II MUNI-UK LigUUKLIUtDSt
MIX runt K.AI HI.N
I UnlleJ Slalet UnJOttue,
)U (iianJe, Oiegnn, Jan, J, tym.
Nollie It heieb) glsen thai In compliance wllh llie
piiivlslnns nl Ihe acl "I dingiest nl June . 1818,
rnlitleJ"An acl lor the sale nl Umbel lanjs In Ihe
stairs of CallloinU, Oregon, Nevaja, anj Washing
Ion Irilllol), at etienJeJ In all Ihe public lanj
tlalet b acl of Augutt 4, tlkjt.
All win II, llllstlMHos,
nl Hakei Cllv, Counlv nt llaker. Slate ul Oitgnn,
liatlhit Jay fileJ In this oltiie his swoin statement
No. ci8, lor Ihe purchase ut Ihe wS ne'f anJ w'j
te 1-4 nl sec No. , In township No. 10 souih, lange
Nn. h I. W M, anj will oltel piool to show ihal the
lanj sought Is mole valuable lot Us llmlyr or slone
Ihan loi agilculluial puintet, anj In establish lilt
claim In salJ lanj beloie Ihe Register anj Receive!
if this mine al tadianje, Oregon, on lilJa,tlie
ilti Jay ol Apill, !.
He names at witnesses. Marshall K Young, James
(".. Young. Roy ChllltnJrn, Joseph Walker, all ol
Cllllor J, Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming ajtelsely Ihe abuse
JetcilleJ lanjt ale lequetlej Inlile Ihelr clalmt In
Ihlt oniir nil 01 befnie talj 1 lh Ja ol Apnl,
iv. l W, Html 1 11, Register
(UnlleJ Slalet UnJ Oltice,
I U (iianJe, Oregon, Jan. j, iv.
Notice It hrlrby giten lhat In compliance with Ihe
piniltlont of Ihe act of Congiets ol June I. 1818,
enillleJ "An acl lot Ihe sale of timber lanjs In Ihe
slalet of California. Oregon, NeeaJa, anj Wathlng
Ion lellltory," atetlenJeJ lo all the public lanj
tlalet by act ol Augutt 4, li,
ol Hiker Cily, County ul Baker, Slate of Oregon, hat
thlt Jay lileJ In litis, uNic hit tworn ttatement No.
I4, lor the purchase ol Ihe ne ne ol tec No. tj
te t-t ne 1-4 anJ e! te 1-4 tec tu, in lownthlp No,
iu south, lange No. fE W M, anJ will oher pioot to
thow that the lanj toughl It more valuable lor lit ilm
lri 111 tlone than lor agilculluial purposes, anj lu et
lablish his claim tu salJ lanj beloie Ihe Regltter anj
Recelier ul ihlt office al U GranJe, Oregon, on I rl
Jav, Ihe 1 lli Jay ut April, lyou.
She namet at wlmettet: Marshall K, Young, James
(1. Young, Roy ChlttenJen, Joseph Walker, all ol
CllfluiJ, Dregon, '
Any anj all peltont claiming ajvertely the abate
JetcilbeJ UnJt aieteiuestej tu hit their clalmt In
thlt oltice on or belore talj nth Jay of April,
isu L W. llAmitlt, Rrglstrr.
To the Honuiable Cnunty Com I ul Biker County,
State ol Oiegnn.
We, Ihe unJeislgneJ.cltlrent anj legal vmns nf
P.ilkrl precln.t, llikei County, Slate ol Oregon,
most lespecllully petition tour Honorable Counlv
(.null 10 giant a license tu Jo'in Baillell lo sell spill
I juus, s Inou 1 an J mall II uors in quantities lest Ihan
un gallon at lilt place of butlnett at Gelter, In
llaker Cojniy, Oregon, for a peiioJ ol one year from
Hie Jaleol granting the tame anj jour peliiio.ieis
will ever prat.elc
DaleJ at (ieiser, Baker Cojnty, Oregon, February
T, ivu,
Ropeit SaunJert, Joe Atler, John Orwell. E W
llriberl. Anion Klauter, Win Ji.rjan, J R Waker,
V. (irantetpacrier, James DrummonJ, Samuel Lew,
R 1. 1 annei, I) I. Chuale. W G llallnn. Chat Hunner.
I'l'Gilmei, John UngJtJorl, J M Gillhn. August
llomecker, E R, Wm Pelersot, Sain Heiry, I:
JKelh, II UJehoff, H I) Chumlev. James (iahan,
I lej llnil, John II Crajlebaugh, A I: Starr, Chailet
Paiker. John Duquetl, W Parker, t II Petlenglll.CC
lluiwell, John Ralleiiy, Jl Draly, CJ Kuemi, Ein
e.l Wol II, C H Cointluck, John O'Donnell, Math
K'lenn, Nil .on Cutilghl, A JSuiley, P J M.lilnnrll,
AnJiu Gill, Chat Caiiel.Tnot llatrell.M A Simpson,
Finest Ruol, Ruy ClmienJrn, C C Griffin, Axel Stal
Ivig. E C Allen, A P Watsun, U 1 J C Bowen,
I I: Marshall, I G DavUsun, T K lawcett.G S Kellv.
I: S (Sine tun, I J Sullltan, I rancet Casiery. D Mc
Cay, F McCay, EJ Hullingt, C L Gaiiell, S Ja.kson
1 NSleiens, CtiasAinolJ, John W Marshall, WS
Giawel, Albeit Weiss, II J Hill, Geo II lorchre, J D
Pinkie, CH Pinkie, K C llephen. MlJosce, Wm
AnJeison, A II McMonto. A J BonJe. W C Ray, J II
l.ijlow.j.cklloare, II P While, J Wll.tllng. I' K
MiCann.J J Mullen, J M Clark, S t)
RUJei.CFI'aiker, J A IllaJen, ME Gamer. MM
RarJin, Jamet Gurall, N R Simmons, W ESanJers,
Hell Roberts, Frank Roberts. Anjrew O Hara. Geo
Cook. W II llurchlorl, W II W Hamilton, Malt Wash
blsh, W W Mclaughlin, Join McLaughlin. FreJ
lluoll, I) t) McLeoJ. J I: Klmbeillng, Perry S Hulk
lei J, J D Houghann, (ieo P Junes, Henry Hanbie,
RDMcCrimmon, R L Vincent. AJ Mitchell, WC
Cutilghl, J McMurJo. W Patker, Chat Schaelei, J
W KenneJy. Gerry lowery, A F Garrlsun.N Gienler,
M K Young, IVnk Youne. W II Davit, L Limbeck, (J
E Whitney. J II Chappellar. A Heltler, I J McCain,
I- W Cusmon, R C Grimm, C C Gilmm.
Notice It hereby glirn thai I, John tiaitlelt. will
apply tu Ihe Honorable County Court ol llaker
Cuunly, Oregon, on Ihe tith Jay ol Match, ivu, lur
license lo sell tp4iltuout mall an J tlnuout lluort
In lets quanlltlet Ihan one gallon at Geiser, Oregon,
1-illa I'rescriptioiiN
Popular Prices
Keeps a Pull Line of
Assjiyers' Supplies,
Sumpter, Ore. 'Phone i7i
....The Leaders
In Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Kubber Wear, Etc.
New arrival of Neckwear
and E it W Collars.
Neill Mercantile Co.
Cor. Granite and Mill Streets