The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 28, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, February 28, 1900
I R. R. Krwln returned home Monday i
I nfter an absence of a month or six weeks,
Miss Lulu Jett is ill at her home w itl J spent In Portland and vicinity. He says
some 01 ine rusty money irom tnai town
' ' , ,, ,, 1 Is slowly finding its way to Sumpter.
Mrs W. L. Vinson returned home some ... ., , ,, , ,
das since from Portland. W' M' S,crll"K' ,he1 SMumPter or"
,. ., .. ,, 1 warding company, returned Monday from
I. P. O'Neal is seriously sick with '., very SUCCe,sfu, bll!jne!lS trp 0f lwo
pneumonia at Hotel (jrlttin. j weeks to Huntington and other points.
Dr. I'earce lias moved his office to the m., partner, R. W. Frame, left for a few
second floor of the Basche block. j.,ys trip Immediately after Mr. Sterling j
Dr. Greenlee, dentist, Is located over j returned,
the Sumpter Drug company store, i Mrs. Robblns, wife of J. H. Robbins
"Uncle" Hill lurner came In yesterday president of the First bank of Sumpter,
Irom Haker City on his way to the mines. 1 lias been in Sumpter during the past
I he wife and daughters of Arthur week for the first time. As soon as a
Plillbrlck arc here visiting him tills week. suitable residence can be secured or built, I
L. L. Foster, accountant at the ho- j " P'blc Mrs. Robbins will return to'
nana, was in town esterday, o ,, Inhere permanently, as Mr. Robbins
way home Irom Haker. K,M, " :,,uJ , m " " il,,ere!,tS l,ere a"d
. ., ,,, .1 near by, reiiuire Ills continuous presence
(lenrral and Mrs. Warren returned ' j
yesterday from Haker City, wlieie tliey
spent trtu or three days. ' Notice.
Miss Uirrk- Spalding returned Monday Our Mr. Henry M. Knhn will be in
li a four d os visit with friends in Ha-.Sumpter on or about 4th .-Hid will
ker Cll and Huntington. ' S'P "t ",c Capital Hotel with a full line '
Gage.. A Sloan have added two large , of17,1m,e0 ""', " sour mash
wnsitirs, 1 runs) iv. mi. 1 lyes, iniiuiicci
iie.v syphons to tile bottling works, which
ate now kept running to their tulUapacity,
Andrew L Stiusnn's babv boy has
and domestic wines, lienors and cigars.
He will also be prepared to take orders for
Ivir.tivtiirf. hilli.'iril rnwl nnnUt.'ihlis
been se.iouslyskk will, hroi.c. I'Meiiiiiii. nnd J( ,)ds ,,, ,ur .nJ warj ,ks
iila but Is now better. Dr. HioJ Is In , ... . K, .,,
.11 ICI-MMIill'lc ,rICCS.
I'fol. Samuels will entertain the people
tonight at 1:111s opera house, with a leger
deriuaiu perioral uue, winding up with a
grand dame.
W. lillurd, ul the lempest group nl
mine., came up I10111 I'nrllaud Saturday
on business connected with his
Interests heir,
(ieofgf W. ledruwr was In Haker
(.llv last night, being initiated into the Ynu can lit baby's led, and get the
I.Ik's lodge. I'hil Nebergall acted as worth of 011r money Irom our shoe
guide, philosopher and trieud. stock. Hobson Mercantile Co.
James A. I low aid, ol Pendleton, one ot
Imporlers and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, I
Distillers Agents, Salt Lake City, Utah, j
H. J. Sawyer, manufacturing optician
ol Haker City, will be at 'I he Star hotel 1
. , fur :i fmc il.ic'v. Itii i:llllln:ilhlll nf rves.
several ' -..-..., . - -- ,
and those wishing glasses can have them
made to order w hile thev wait
ij. r Urn
the piline movers in the Law Ion scheme, I., ,,,,.,,,,., !, u,,,, n.w..
"" .. ...... j . ..., w,-.
Sumpter souvenir spoons.
1 house block.
1 New arrivals in ladies' line shoes are 1
among the attractions at the Hobson
Mercantile Go's, store this week.
Standard or tancy table wines, chain-
passed tluough Sumpter Monday oil his
way to srpeiliitend the townsite survey.
Fred S. Stlne, a popular voting Pendle
ton!. in, arrived in Sump'.erlasi week and
will engage In the practice ol dentistry,
lie has taken ullices in the Helview
building. pagues and after dinner liquors at the
W. At. Cirpeuler arrived yesterday ! Mint saloon, corner Center and Sumpter
Irom Des Moines, Iowa, and will remain a streets.
lew diystolnokallerlheinteirstsolsev ' ,e price doesn't tell the value. We
eral Iowa patties who h.ue nil.ilng prop- Ucr a UIUV Vicl kid shoe, worth more
erties In the district. than our price, f4. Hobson Mercantile
Deputy United States Maishal I louver 1.0.
was In town Alnud.iv, bound lor his Dixie.-
Itutte copper mines, w lieie a lorce ol men
euiplnved by a recently incorporated com-
r. . .... l..ii.. i .i. l.. . .. t....Ii.
panv ol Pendleton people are lgorously jcomivmc, hmiirj. Noiice i iireh gin. iii t
iii.i.t-.'iilliiir .Ihc Ilir ffKUlur nuinthlv mrellnt! ol lh illrrctoii ot llir
prosecuting development. su)npi,rTo.nll.GMvin.l,lnill4.r.eUltli.- ol-
Ifiuil.. f'nl.. -i 11 ..iii'it. ..I 1I1-l,.ii -r ,,.! 1 licrul llir 0min) In Ihr monlti ol I rtv uary A.I).
Jenille Uule, a woman Ol tile lower ellil ,,, Jivljrniul Ihrr rr crnt upon Ih pr c.lur
ol town, died MoilJ IV evening from of l Oplul loci ol thr cnmpn w ircUrcJ.
. ,.,,,, ., . .1 . .1 Sjl4JlvlJrnJwllltsplJ tu ll prrwink holJIni;
glossitis, or lllll. Illl. Itioil Ol tile tOllglle, .Hid 1 n,Kk In thrcompjn), upon Ih piritnUlion to the
1 iiiiiitilL"itiiin nl nlbrr lIIsi-isi-s iri ,1 'ltMuirritlpnir couchfi liom th trfrrMry,
.1 complication 01 diner Ulseasts. nun. Il chiming llul lhron prrrnllnK lh mr l rn
III tlie cemelery here was made esterday 1 '' iuniciri in wlJ jmjmij. Mnj,
. . , , , ' W. v.. I.UM.K.
by her friends. srcrcut.
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
lor their new homes. Wc are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
luruiture for hundreds of new homes; we can do
as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is always
plenty here for every room in the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and It w ill
pay you to give us a call.
Bed Room Suits, f 15.00
Hed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (umritt tr), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co.p.ueo..&EppinKer
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in-
cludlne Crushers. Stamp Mills. Hoists, Boilers,
Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc.
Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut,
Punched and Rolled for Riveting at Destination,
or made up Complete
Free Gold
Mining Co.
TS developing the Storm King group of 6 claims.
situated ) miles northwest of Sumpter.
There are live distinct ledges. The tunnel now
being driven will tap three of them at about the fol
low ing depths: The first one at about too feet, the
second at about i?o feet, and the third at 250 feet..
Assays from the surface as good as the average
assays of the district. WE' INVITE INSPEC
TION. A block of stock is now on the market at
2) cents per share. We recommend it as a good
Sumpter Free Gold
Mining Company.