The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, February 28, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, February 28, 190"
The following is the record of official
business transacted at the county seat of
Maker county for the week ending Mon
day, February 26:
Warranty Jrrd-lrb. ij, I'. Drrno In I". R.
Wobellvin, lot, v and to bill "13" Drnm'i adn
Maker (.lly
Warranty drrd l'rb. ig, .Mr, Carrie Rhine In
A I:. A (,. J. Rrtt, Im, and hlk 1 6, At
wimiJ'i "a" aJn llakrr City
Warranty JrrJ I rli , (iro. Shrarrr rl u
to I. I. Hoffmin, lot, 4 anj 5 hlk. t llrllnrr'l
aJn llakrr City
Warranty JrrJ lrt, ig. Jot. I'almrr rt u, to
H. T llowrrt, lot, 1 anj Hk m I rtrnt aJn
llakrr Uly
Warranty JrrJ lire i'i.'vi, dairy I lolrr
loAlit. 1 M litklrr, , Inl In hit rahlk 'II
I'lacrt'adn llakrr Lily
Warranty JrrJ I rb. , 1 1m, Drltlanr rl al
ioUjM Wail, K. ', ol In) 14 1'jclhc aJn
llakrr Uly
Warranty JrrJ lire. -. 'w. W. W. Ilurgr In
KJwarJ Yuung, tract lying hrtwrrn ( n-
lumhla tl, and blk m Sumptrr
Warranty JrrJ Irh. i, Tlint. Dritlane rial
tiijohn Watrrman, lutt 1, a, 11. 11 Mk II,
I Ik 14 Pacific adn llakrr City
Warranty JrrJ Irb. a, Tim,. Dritlane In
lohn Schmlt, In!, r 1 In i Mk a, 1 In ? Hk
It, anj itliifu Mlk 11, I'acllic aJn llakrr
Warrant, JrrJ Dec. , 'w. 7 A. Tacgarl In
I. S. Taggaii, Jltch right ol way In Tp. B .S.
R. 4'l I.
Warranty JrrJ -Drc. a.i, 'gi, Samr rl al 1 1 M.
S. HonJ, Jlldi right ol ay In 1 1. 8 S. R, 40
Warranty JrrJ I rb. 11, Tim,, Diltlanr rial
tnjnlin Sdimlu, I11M1 tn 14 Mk 16 Pacific
aJn llakrr (.In
Warranty JrrJ Ian 11, Siiini'lrr Timntltr
(.;., I J , In Mailln Swyirr, all m Mk at S f
S t 1 aJn Sumftrr
Warranty JrrJ I rl-. 6. S I. (,n. m Unit ,
Ruhritt, Inlt 1 m 4 flk jg S. T S' 1 aJn
Warrant, JrrJ Drt. 16. gg.Jn'in Muliman In
lohn Amil 111, irr, Int n Mk 11 Sumptrr
Wairanit drrd leb. it, lohn Aimbrutter In
l.nluml la Hinting Mjltlllg Cii. Simr 1
Warranty JrrJ I rb. .,, L (). McUiv rt 11,
In A (. McUrllanJ, lot, 1 anj Mk ")"
I'lairtadn llakrr l.lty
Warranty JrrJ Irh. g. P. Drlfon 1.1 Atallnja
Kennedy, loll tin s Mk "I." IMWt adn
llakrr Ui
Warranty JrrJ Irh. . .Sumpirr Nun tltr
'-"I J. tl A Ingram, Im, 1 in , hlk 40 S,
T. .S . t aJn Sumpirr
Mi'."."ST :'" " Mobrrlvin rl lit In
'. llrWiHi, Int, g anj in hlk "I." l),HM, aJn
llakrr (.11,
Aliirlgage Irr. . I. W Wl.Jnm rl ut In
Stair I and llnarj. H. acrr. In Mi, all, 1, A
II. 4Tln 11 T R, 4or. .
""'lMf-lel. ,.. MallIJa Kennedy el vlr to
WT, 1
il'i I
"'ri v.11)-
Mmtjtaifr I eh. aft, (in.. W. ii,.r,nan. In I li,t
National Hank, a., inn, ha, anjnnr plmn
Miiilgage Irk , I . Hm, , ,;,.
Shjrairr lot, 4 anj , hlk 1 Hrllnrr't .J.l
llakrr (.11)
iJu)'.1'. ,!'''. " Wm' Ml Jnnmon In Jam,,
M ichrll. 4 hour, anj ihrlr harnett anj log.
glhg outlil, Dec. i,
14 V
. .'V. """: 1 k i(.,(! w. 111,
1 Hook
"v 11, .-.any rl Ul lelratr. Alii
I iiuii
rageiit'i inl. In AttCnM ft Sally
M; 1J'M '"A J a
lra,r, All, In llnnk "I.1
J, At, llrnJi, re-
lot 40 b) vi II In lot 6 hlk a Mimplrr
AtoilBage I ,h. a. II111, lli:m.n ,1 ,, ,
DrRmi.loi.i.nJ w Hk "L" DrMmr, ,
I'agr 01, intnlnie
tiakrr ( II,
Irk 1
..' ' S'r'V". ". '""'
1 ' iim t
,r.!'..,,, M " M,'n ' I'- D. Ural,. . Int In
"1'ilJr nl Oiegon" quti. CI.
UZ in..':? :.;.! ," !',v"".,.M-" '. .
Inl In the "1'ilJr nl Oirgon"qi. claim
'ini'ii'"-' W .,.:""u" ." "" '''". 1
Inl In "Congo" mgn. claim "
Dec fo, gg Wm, Sllntim to r. T. Glltan !,
Int In kiu Inch walrr tight ol Silver creek
,ih'."L.!iift.!!?," ,oii:J; S"- '"' '
1 1 r 1 , :' Chance mng. claim
tJull claim deed leb. ,, R. R. Etwln el 10
Wholesale and Retail
GAGEN & SLOAN, - . Proprleton
Gen I Agts. Celebrated Olympla Beer on draught or by bottle.
Rial EtUU, Um ni lisunnet. MirvirVf PatttU OMt'mid
Year of experience In Bker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon.
Janr Luckr,"Hop" qti. claim
Irh. 1;, John F. Crltmon to J, B. Chapprlirr,
M Inl In "Coneo," H Inl In "OolJ Klnt1'
"Orphan Bell & "Grand Crniral" mng.
claim ,
Arllclri ol Incorporation Fb. i. Geo. W.
Shrrk, H. W, Graham anj I'hocbr Shrrk In
corporator, "Shrrk & (iraham Co." to do a
Krnrral mJte butlncss, capital Hock of $,
000, with tharei valurj at ft each; place ol
bulnr. In Huntington,
Mlnlnx dreJ-July t, '99, W. C. Ruitell 10
I rrnch I laiitafl I10IJ M. Co., LJ., K Int, In
"(irrlruJr' & In "Empire" ili claim,.
AllnlnjjJfeJ-rrh. , N' C Imhau, to Same,
Simr Inl In "Gnrlrude" &" Empire" anj U
Inl In ,'Jertey" qliclalm .
Mining JreJ Jan. to, J. T. & A. Cartwell to F.
Mallcry, "nlue HlrJ qlt claim
Mlnlnif drr J-DrC. ? , 'og. Joe WaJjrl at al to
Marry I- I o,trr, yt im In "I'tlJe ol Oregon"
qif claim
AtlnlncJrrJ Apr. , g8. Dive Arthur to Al
Irlne La,r, H Int In the "Lucky Hoy" mng.
claim ,
.Mining Jrrd-Jan. 4, M. II. Knapp to Jam,
Dunphy, h Inl in "Elljwonh" mng. claim..
Mining JrrJ Irh, 14, luJore Tuclii et ux to
Same, !j Int In "Antgamle" mgn. claim ..
Mining JreJ Jan. it, J01 Divls 10 Geo, Cun
ningham, "Krokuk," "Waller ShrpharJ"
anj "Rainy Day" qti btalmt,
Mining JreJ-reb. ig, Warren Cable to C A.
0,0 ' John,, nlue Jay mng. claim
DrrJ I rh. , Ira C. Whitney to T. E, Wol
cult rl al, Inl In "ReJ Rock No. 1" qti. claim
Samr to Samr, Int In "Red Rock No. a" qtj.
i 1 claim
DrrJ Jan. 8, Mart nrckwlili to Clark SnyJr,
',' Int In the "War Eagle" qti. claim
1 DrrJ-Jan. 7), Clark SnyJe to F. T. Gllian, ,
1 Int In "War Eaule" V- claim
I DrrJ Jan. 4. A. II. Glltan to Same, Same
DrrJ Frb. I. W. T. WnodlorJ rl al to U l.
O.tlunJ, ft Inl "VjuIi" ft ".Secret" qti.
1 ilalm ,
it O. (.. DrrJ-reh. i.Wm. J. Uchnrr et u to
W. S. Mown,, lot it to 14 hlk anJ other
1 In Sirwart a in Ihkrr City
liy tan JrrJ-lrK. ig, Marthal ol Sumptrr to
Claik SnyJr, tott 1, a, anj blk 1 Sumptrr
Q. C JrrJ Irb. 16, (i. W. Illggru rt ux to
O. I- l4in,oilh,J, Intln McCorJ & Sally
Q. C JrrJ-l eb. 16, Samr to Same E.M ol N.
I:. ', ol Sec. wT.iS. R. 40 E. Encepl blk
l i- Jiiys ajn
Hill ill ali- Drc. 11, "gg. II. D. Angel to R. C
(nlmm, nt. In "Midway qti. claim
Suit-Irh. ti, A. ft J. (iattman vi Sumptrr
Slagr Co. lor lot, nl gooj, In trantporla
tlon I rln I rb. n, Gro. SlnJJarJ vt Mr,. I. Tur
nrr, Irln on Inl Mk 6 South Sumpirr aJn
inalrrlal lurnltlirj
I Arllclri ol Inciitpu'allnn -Vt to. Lrln Mining
Co. L. Vrrhaag, Cha. II. Chance, J. r.
1 Harry, I'. U SnUrranJ I). U Wlllard Incoi-
, pnrator,, capital ttuck fiitwu, JlvlJeJ Into
,y. tharr, at par value ol )C racli;
place ol buvlnr,, In Sumpirr
1 Hill nt Sale-Jan. a,, I rrJ Link loG. W. Welg-
ni, narrei furniture in weigan pug Bourne
Sull-I eb. ig, Wm. D. Hale, receiver, vi Chit,
i.iiur ei ai, rorrcioture or mortgage to
Amrrl an Hljg. A Loan A'n, on lot blk to
tukrr i:lly ,
Action I'eb.tT, J. li Grnlry v llakrr County
lor Injurlet cau.rj while rlJIng over bridge
in 104J Irom Maker In HrlJgeport and mrJI-
AgrremrntanJ Iratrt-Ttb. 16. F. T. Gllun
et al 10 John W. HollanJ, to Mil ini Inchr, In
walrr nl Silver Creek lor,
Jan. 10, -L. Q. Swe ilandio L. Swam, Irate ol
tlotr room t,u.on lot , blk 11 Sumptrr,
lor it month, ... ,
Bottling Works
j jt jt
Gagen cc Sloan, Proprietors.
Manufacturers of all kinds of car
bonated drinks and ciders. Or
ders filled and shipped on short
ji jt jt jt jt
With my famous DK. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT and Supporting
Suspensory I cured 6000 this last year, and give In "Health World" (sent
sealed, free) over 400 voluntary testimonials new every month. Soothing
currents applied through weakened parts at night. It cures you while you
sleep. Drop in and consult me free of charge, or write tor book today.
My little books, "Three Classes of Men," sent free upon request. It
tells of my 30 years practice and success in treating all results of youthful in
discretions and later excesses by nature's own gift to man electricity
All our Belts are stamped with Dr . Sanden's name and date of patent.
Take no others.
Address Dr.A.T.SandenCo.
Russell Building, Portland, Oregon.
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
High Grade Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Parlor, Dining and Bed Room Furniture In sets or separate pieces.
Beautiful line nf Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in and let
us explain why you can save money by buying at home.
We can positively do so.
Opera House Block - Sumpter, Oregon
A. P. GOSS, President
& Bank of Sumpter 3
TrtMMta t SimmI Inking lialMM
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladles and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
- Shoes. Hats and Clothln.
The Olympus
H. FINGER, Proprietor.
Sumpter, Or.
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
I .
jjfggtvfjtar w ffvu m uwtm